D. Burns


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Symplectic geometry through polytopes 2019 Colby Kelln
D. Burns
+ PDF Chat Left-invariant grauert tubes on SU(2) 2018 Vaqaas Aslam
D. Burns
Daniel Irvine
+ Left-invariant Grauert tubes on SU(2) 2017 Vaqaas Aslam
D. Burns
Daniel Irvine
+ PDF Chat The complex Monge–Ampùre equation, Zoll metrics and algebraization 2017 D. Burns
Kin Kwan Leung
+ The Complex Monge-Amp\`ere Equation, Zoll Metrics and Algebraization 2015 D. Burns
Kin Kwan Leung
+ PDF Chat Extremal functions for real convex bodies 2015 D. Burns
Norman Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
+ The exponential map of the complexification of {\em Ham} in the real-analytic case 2013 D. Burns
Ernesto Lupercio
Alejandro Uribe
+ PDF Chat Limit currents and value distribution of holomorphic maps 2012 D. Burns
Nessim Sibony
+ The Tian–Yau–Zelditch Theorem and Toeplitz Operators 2011 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
+ PDF Chat Monge-AmpĂšre measures for convex bodies and Bernstein-Markov type inequalities 2010 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
Sz. Gy. Révész
+ Limit currents and value distribution of holomorphic maps 2010 D. Burns
Nessim Sibony
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Density Function of a Toric Variety 2010 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
+ PDF Chat Stability Functions 2009 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ Stability Functions 2008 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ The spectral density function of a toric variety 2007 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
+ Monge-AmpĂšre Measures for Convex Bodies and Bernstein-Markov Type Inequalities 2007 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
Sz. Gy. Révész
+ Exterior Monge-Ampere Solutions 2006 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
+ PDF Chat Toric symplectic singular spaces I: isolated singularities 2005 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
+ Toric symplectic singular spaces I: isolated singularities 2005 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
+ Kaehler metrics on singular toric varieties 2005 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
+ PDF Chat Pluripotential theory for convex bodies in RN 2004 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
+ PDF Chat Potential Functions and Actions of Tori on KĂ€hler Manifolds 2004 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
+ PDF Chat The geometry of Grauert tubes and complexification of symmetric spaces 2003 D. Burns
S. Halverscheid
Richard Hind
+ Potential functions and actions of tori on Kaehler manifolds 2003 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
+ Kaehler cuts 2002 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
+ Kaehler cuts 2002 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
+ PDF Chat Symplectic geometry and the uniqueness of Grauert tubes 2001 D. Burns
Richard Hind
+ The Geometry of Grauert Tubes and Complexification of Symmetric Spaces 2001 D. Burns
S. Halverscheid
Richard Hind
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: A global invariant for three-dimensional CR-manifolds 2000 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ On the algebraicization of certain Stein manifolds 2000 RaĂșl M. Aguilar
D. Burns
+ Symplectic geometry and the uniqueness of Grauert tubes 2000 D. Burns
Richard Hind
+ Singular Levi-flat real analytic hypersurfaces 1999 D. Burns
Xianghong Gong
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of Holomorphic Mappings and a New Schwarz Lemma at the Boundary 1994 D. Burns
Steven G. Krantz
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of holomorphic mappings and a new Schwarz lemma at the boundary 1994 D. Burns
Steven G. Krantz
+ PDF Chat Embeddability for Three-Dimensional CR-Manifolds 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Embeddability for three-dimensional CR-manifolds 1990 D. Burns
Charles L. Epstein
+ Stability of harmonic maps of KĂ€hler manifolds 1989 D. Burns
Francis E. Burstall
Paolo de Bartolomeis
John Rawnsley
+ PDF Chat Applications harmoniques stables dans $P^n$ 1988 D. Burns
Paolo de Bartolomeis
+ Some Examples of the Twistor Construction 1986 D. Burns
+ Les équations de Monge-AmpÚre homogÚnes, et des exhaustions spéciales de variétés affines 1984 D. Burns
+ Deformations of strictly pseudoconvex domains 1978 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
Raymond O. Wells
+ Spherical hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1976 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
+ Differential operators on varieties 1972 D. Burns
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Complex structures on tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds 1991 Róbert SzƑke
+ Global solutions of the homogeneous complex Monge-AmpĂšre equation and complex structures on the tangent bundle of Riemannian manifolds 1991 LĂĄszlĂł Lempert
Róbert SzƑke
+ Automorphisms of certain Stein manifolds 1995 Róbert SzƑke
+ PDF Chat Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-AmpĂšre equation 1991 Victor Guillemin
Matthew B. Stenzel
+ PDF Chat Kaehler structures on toric varieties 1994 Victor Guillemin
+ Stein manifolds with compact symmetric center 1991 Giorgio Patrizio
Pit-Mann Wong
+ Symmetries and other transformations of the complex Monge-AmpĂšre equation 1985 LĂĄszlĂł Lempert
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic mappings from the ball and polydisc 1974 H. Alexander
+ On the characterization of Grauert tubes covered by the ball 1997 Su-Jen Kan
+ PDF Chat Nevanlinna theory and holomorphic mappings between algebraic varieties 1973 Phillip Griffiths
James R. King
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
JĂŒrgen Moser
+ On rigidity of Grauert tubes over locally symmetric spaces 2000 Su-Jen Kan
Dengke Ma
+ On the rigidity of non-positively curved Grauert tubes 1998 Su-Jen Kan
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Legendrian distributions with applications to relative Poincarïżœ series 1995 David Borthwick
Tanmoy Paul
Alejandro Uribe
+ Geometric quantization and multiplicities of group representations 1982 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ PDF Chat The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains 1974 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Grauert tubes and the homogeneous Monge-AmpĂšre equation. II 1992 Victor Guillemin
Matthew B. Stenzel
+ PDF Chat Adapted complex structures and Riemannian homogeneous spaces 1998 Róbert SzƑke
+ PDF Chat The extremal PSH for the complement of convex, symmetric subsets of ${\bf R}^N$. 1985 M. Lundin
+ PDF Chat Riemann sums over polytopes 2007 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg
+ An extremal plurisubharmonic function associated to a convex pluricomplex Green function with pole at infinity. 1996 Siegfried Momm
+ Convexity and Commuting Hamiltonians 1982 Michael Atiyah
+ PDF Chat Distribution laws for integrable eigenfunctions 2004 Bernard Shiffman
Tatsuya Tate
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF Chat Pluripotential theory for convex bodies in RN 2004 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u
+ The spectral theory of Toeplitz operators 1981 L. Boutet de Monvel
Victor Guillemin
+ On rigidity of Grauert tubes over Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature 2002 Su-Jen Kan
Daowei Ma
+ Plurisubharmonic extremal functions and complex foliations for the complement of convex sets in ${\bf R}^n$. 1992 MirosƂaw Baran
+ Foliations and complex monge‐ampùre equations 1977 Eric Bedford
And Morris Kalka
+ Smooth Compactification of Locally Symmetric Varieties 1975 Avner Ash
+ KĂ€hlerian potentials and convexity properties of the moment map 1996 Peter Heinzner
Alan Huckleberry
+ PDF Chat Real forms of hermitian symmetric spaces 1975 Harris A. Jaffee
+ PDF Chat Non-abelian convexity by symplectic cuts 1998 Eugene Lerman
Eckhard Meinrenken
Sue Tolman
Chris Woodward
+ Calculus on Heisenberg manifolds 1988 Richard Beals
Peter Greiner
+ PDF Chat Contact Toric Manifolds 2001 Eugene Lerman
+ PDF Chat Existence of relative periodic orbits near relative equilibria 2004 Viktor L. Ginzburg
Eugene Lerman
+ Self-duality in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry 1978 Michael Atiyah
Nigel Hitchin
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat On generalized graded Lie algebras and geometric structures I 1967 Noboru Tanaka
+ Deformations of strictly pseudoconvex domains 1978 D. Burns
Steven Shnider
Raymond O. Wells
+ PDF Chat On the pseudo-conformal geometry of hypersurfaces of the space of $n$ complex variables 1962 Noboru Tanaka
+ Symplectic toric orbifolds 1994 Eugene Lerman
Susan Tolman
+ Gromov’s Schwarz lemma as an estimate of the gradient for holomorphic curves 1994 Marie-Paule Muller
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ PDF Chat Symplectic geometry and the uniqueness of Grauert tubes 2001 D. Burns
Richard Hind
+ Geometry of submanifolds and its applications 1981 Bang‐Yen Chen
+ Entire Holomorphic Mappings in One and Several Complex Variables. 1976 Phillip Griffiths
+ Curvatures of Monge-Ampere Foliations and Parabolic Manifolds 1982 D. Burns
+ PDF Chat Anti-holomorphic automorphisms of the exceptional symmetric domains 1978 Harris A. Jaffee
+ Holomorphic retracts and intrinsic metrics in convex domains 1982 Lïżœszlïżœ Lempert
+ Exterior Monge–Ampùre solutions 2009 D. Burns
N. Levenberg
Sione Ma`u