Emmanuel Kowalski


Emmanuel Kowalski is a French mathematician specializing in analytic number theory. He is a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zürich) in Switzerland. Kowalski's research focuses on areas such as:

  • Algebraic Number Theory: Studying the properties of numbers through algebraic methods.

  • Analytic Number Theory: Applying analysis to solve problems about integers and prime numbers.

  • Automorphic Forms and L-functions: Investigating complex functions that are significant in number theory and have applications in understanding prime numbers and solving equations over integers.

  • Sieve Methods: Techniques used to count or estimate the number of integers that satisfy certain conditions, often related to prime numbers.

  • Expander Graphs: In combinatorics and computer science, these are sparse graphs that have strong connectivity properties, with applications in network theory and computer science.

He has made significant contributions to our understanding of how algebraic and geometric methods can be applied to problems in number theory. Kowalski is also known for his work on the monodromy of families of exponential sums and their applications.

In addition to his research, Emmanuel Kowalski is an author of several mathematical texts, including:

  • "The Large Sieve and its Applications": A book that delves into sieve methods and their role in analytic number theory.

  • "An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups" (co-authored with Martin W. Liebeck): This book serves as a resource on group theory and its applications in mathematics.

Kowalski is highly regarded in the mathematical community for his deep insights and contributions to number theory.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Mind the (multiplicative) gaps 2024 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Exponential sums over small subgroups, revisited 2024 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Toroidal families and averages of L-functions, I 2024 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Group Actions and Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory 2023 Valentin Blomer
Manfred Einsiedler
Emmanuel Kowalski
Maryna Viazovska
+ PDF Fixed-point statistics from spectral measures on tensor envelope categories 2023 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Sidon Sets in Algebraic Geometry 2023 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Rankin-Selberg coefficients in large arithmetic progressions 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Exposé Bourbaki 1193 : Binary additive problems for polynomials over finite fields (after W. Sawin and M. Shusterman) 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Second Moment Theory of Families of 𝐿-Functions–The Case of Twisted Hecke 𝐿-Functions 2023 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
Will Sawin
+ Sidon sets in algebraic geometry 2023 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Ultra-short sums of trace functions 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
Théo Untrau
+ Toroidal families and averages of L-functions, I 2023 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Fixed-point statistics from spectral measures on tensor envelope categories 2023 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Rankin-Selberg coefficients in large arithmetic progressions 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Ultra-short sums of trace functions 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
Théo Untrau
+ Unmotivated ergodic averages 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Rational approximation with chosen numerators 2023 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Quantitative sheaf theory 2022 Will Sawin
Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Exponential Sums, Twisted Multiplicativity, and Moments 2022 Emmanuel Kowalski
K. Soundararajan
+ Arithmetic Fourier transforms over finite fields: generic vanishing, convolution, and equidistribution. 2021 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Generic vanishing and equidistribution on algebraic groups over finite fields 2021 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic 2021 Valentin Blomer
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Maryna Viazovska
+ PDF On the conductor of cohomological transforms 2021 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Equidistribution from the Chinese Remainder Theorem 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
K. Soundararajan
+ An Introduction to Probabilistic Number Theory 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Shape of Exponential Sums 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Classical Probabilistic Number Theory 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Distribution of Values of the Riemann Zeta Function, I 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Distribution of Values of the Riemann Zeta Function, II 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Algebraic curves in their Jacobian are Sidon sets 2021 Arthur Forey
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Arithmetic Fourier transforms over finite fields: generic vanishing, convolution, and equidistribution 2021 Arthur Forey
Javier Fresán
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Exponential sums, twisted multiplicativity and moments 2021 Emmanuel Kowalski
K. Soundararajan
+ Algebraic curves in their Jacobian are Sidon sets 2021 Arthur Forey
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Equidistribution from the Chinese Remainder Theorem 2020 Emmanuel Kowalski
K. Soundararajan
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ Equidistribution from the Chinese Remainder Theorem 2020 Emmanuel Kowalski
K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Chat Some effective estimates for André–Oort in <i>Y</i>(1)<sup> <i>n</i> </sup> 2019 Gal Binyamini
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Stratification and averaging for exponential sums: bilinear forms with generalized Kloosterman sums 2019 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ Periodic twists of $GL_3$-modular forms 2019 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ Periodic twists of $GL_3$-automorphic forms 2019 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ PDF Chat Lectures on applied ℓ-adic cohomology 2019 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ The distribution of arithmetic functions of general random integers 2019 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Periodic twists of $GL_3$-automorphic forms 2019 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yongxiao Lin
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ Exposé Bourbaki 1084 : Gaps between prime numbers and primes in arithmetic progressions 2018 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Good cyclic codes and the uncertainty principle 2018 Shai Evra
Emmanuel Kowalski
Alexander Lubotzky
+ Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic 2018 Valentin Blomer
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ The second moment theory of families of L-functions 2018 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
Will Sawin
+ Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums, II 2018 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
Will Sawin
+ Bilinear forms with generalized Kloosterman sums 2018 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
Will Sawin
+ Stratification and averaging for exponential sums: bilinear forms with generalized Kloosterman sums 2018 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
Will Sawin
+ The second moment theory of families of L-functions 2018 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
Will Sawin
+ PDF Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums and applications 2017 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ Good cyclic codes and the uncertainty principle 2017 Shai Evra
Emmanuel Kowalski
Alexander Lubotzky
+ PDF Chat On short sums of trace functions 2017 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
Chandrasekhar Raju
Joël Rivat
K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Chat Some applications of smooth bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums 2017 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
+ Bagchi’s Theorem for Families of Automorphic Forms 2017 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ On the support of the Kloosterman paths 2017 Emmanuel Kowalski
Will Sawin
+ PDF On short sums of trace functions 2017 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Chandra Sekhar Raju
Joël Rivat
K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Chat On moments of twisted L-functions 2017 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
+ Good cyclic codes and the uncertainty principle 2017 Shai Evra
Emmanuel Kowalski
Alexander Lubotzky
+ Large Sieve Inequalities for Algebraic Trace Functions 2016 Ping Xi
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Chat Kloosterman paths and the shape of exponential sums 2016 Emmanuel Kowalski
William F. Sawin
+ PDF Non-vanishing and sign changes of Hecke eigenvalues for Siegel cusp forms of genus two (with an appendix) 2016 Emmanuel Kowalski
Abhishek Saha
Emmanuel Royer
Jyoti Sengupta
Jie Wu
+ PDF A study in sums of products 2015 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits 2015 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Non-vanishing and sign changes of Hecke eigenvalues for Siegel cusp forms of genus two 2015 Emmanuel Kowalski
Abhishek Saha
Emmanuel Royer
Jyoti Sengupta
Jie Wu
+ PDF A characterization of limiting functions arising in Mod-* convergence 2015 Emmanuel Kowalski
Joseph Najnudel
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums and applications 2015 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
Will Sawin
+ PDF Trace functions over finite fields and their applications 2015 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type 2014 Wouter Castryck
Étienne Fouvry
Gergely Harcos
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Paul D. Nelson
E. Paldi
J. Pintz
Andrew V. Sutherland
Terence Tao
+ PDF Gaussian distribution for the divisor function and Hecke eigenvalues in arithmetic progressions 2014 Étienne Fouvry
Satadal Ganguly
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Applications of representations of compact groups 2014 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Abstract representation theory of compact groups 2014 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups 2014 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Fourier coefficients of GL(N) automorphic forms in arithmetic progressions 2014 Emmanuel Kowalski
Guillaume Ricotta
+ PDF Chat Algebraic trace functions over the primes 2014 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Mod- Convergence 2014 Freddy Delbaen
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ On the conductor of cohomological transforms 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Book Review: Convolution and equidistribution: Sato-Tate theorems for finite fields Mellin transforms 2013 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF An inverse theorem for Gowers norms of trace functions over F<sub><i>p</i></sub> 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Mod-discrete expansions 2013 Andrew D. Barbour
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ A characterization of limiting functions arising in mod-* convergence 2013 Emmanuel Kowalski
Joseph Najnudel
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ Gaussian distribution for the divisor function and Hecke eigenvalues in arithmetic progressions 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Satadal Ganguly
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ The sliding-sum method for short exponential sums 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ph. Michel
+ PDF Counting sheaves using spherical codes 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Families of cusp forms 2013 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Gaussian distribution for the divisor function and Hecke eigenvalues in arithmetic progressions 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Satadal Ganguly
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Fourier coefficients of GL(N) automorphic forms in arithmetic progressions 2013 Emmanuel Kowalski
Guillaume Ricotta
+ On the conductor of cohomological transforms 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ A characterization of limiting functions arising in mod-* convergence 2013 Emmanuel Kowalski
Joseph Najnudel
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF Explicit Growth and Expansion for SL2 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Counting sheaves using spherical codes 2012 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Chat Splitting fields of characteristic polynomials of random elements in arithmetic groups 2012 Florent Jouve
Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits 2012 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Chat Expander graphs, gonality, and variation of Galois representations 2012 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Chris Hall
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Mod‐Gaussian convergence and the value distribution of ζ(½ + <i>it</i> ) and related quantities 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF The Chebotarev Invariant of a Finite Group 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ PDF Local spectral equidistribution for Siegel modular forms and applications 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
Abhishek Saha
Jacob Tsimerman
+ Explicit growth and expansion for SL_2 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ An inverse theorem for Gowers norms of trace functions over prime fields 2012 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Sieve in discrete groups, especially sparse 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Counting sheaves using spherical codes 2012 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits 2012 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Explicit growth and expansion for SL_2 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF A survey of algebraic exponential sums and some applications 2011 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Mod-$\phi$ convergence 2011 Freddy Delbaen
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ Recent applications of expanders in number theory: romance and screwball comedy 2011 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Averages of Euler products, distribution of singular series and the ubiquity of Poisson distribution 2011 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Mod-$ϕ$ convergence 2011 Freddy Delbaen
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
Abhishek Saha
Jacob Tsimerman
+ Sieve in expansion 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Chebotarev invariant of a finite group 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ PDF Chat On modular signs 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
Yuk-Kam Lau
K. Soundararajan
Jie Wu
+ PDF Amplification arguments for large sieve inequalities 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Mod-Gaussian convergence: new limit theorems in probability and number theory 2010 Jean Jacod
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF Some Aspects and Applications of the Riemann Hypothesis over Finite Fields 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Splitting fields of characteristic polynomials of random elements in arithmetic groups 2010 Florent Jouve
Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ PDF Mod-Poisson Convergence in Probability and Number Theory 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ The Chebotarev invariant of a finite group 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ Sieve in expansion 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Amplification arguments for large sieve inequalities 2009 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Non-simple abelian varieties in a family: geometric and analytic approaches 2009 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Christian Elsholtz
Chris Hall
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Mod-Poisson convergence in probability and number theory 2009 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ Mod-discrete expansions 2009 A. D. Barbour
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ Amplification arguments for large sieve inequalities 2009 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Large Sieve, Monodromy, and Zeta Functions of Algebraic Curves, 2: Independence of the Zeros 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Averages of Euler products, distribution of singular series and the ubiquity of Poisson distribution 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The principle of the large sieve 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Probability theory and random walks 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Degrees of representations of finite groups 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Sieving in discrete groups 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Local density computations over finite fields 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Sums of multiplicative functions 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Linear algebraic groups 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Sieving for Frobenius over finite fields 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Large Sieve and its Applications 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF An explicit integral polynomial whose splitting field has Galois group W(\mathbf{E}_8) 2008 Florent Jouve
Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ Mod-Gaussian convergence: new limit theorems in probability and number theory 2008 Jean Jacod
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ An explicit integral polynomial whose splitting field has Galois group W(E_8) 2008 Florent Jouve
Emmanuel Kowalski
David Zywina
+ The large sieve, monodromy and zeta functions of algebraic curves, II: independence of the zeros 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Non-simple abelian varieties in a family: geometric and analytic approaches 2008 Jordan S. Ellenberg
Christian Elsholtz
Chris Hall
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Averages of Euler products, distribution of singular series and the ubiquity of Poisson distribution 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Large Sieve and its Applications: Arithmetic Geometry, Random Walks and Discrete Groups 2008 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Exponential sums over definable subsets of finite fields 2007 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Small gaps in coefficients of $L$-functions and $\mathfrak{B}$-free numbers in short intervals 2007 Emmanuel Kowalski
Olivier Robert
Jie Wu
+ Équirépartition adélique de mesures algébriques dans un groupe résoluble et sommes de Kloosterman 2007 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Bernstein Polynomials and Brownian Motion 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Bernstein Polynomials and Brownian Motion 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Small gaps in coefficients of L-functions and B-free numbers in short intervals 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
Olivier Robert
Jie Wu
+ PDF Chat The large sieve, monodromy and zeta functions of curves 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Poincaré et la théorie analytique des nombres 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The principle of the large sieve 2006 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Analytic problems for elliptic curves 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Small gaps in coefficients of L-functions and B-free numbers in small intervals 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
Olivier Robert
Jie Wu
+ On the rank of quadratic twists of elliptic curvers over function fields 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Exponential sums over definable subsets of finite fields 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Weil numbers generated by other Weil numbers and torsion fields of abelian varieties 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The large sieve, monodromy and zeta functions of curves 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Un cours de théorie analytique des nombres 2005 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Variants of recognition problems for modular forms 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Zero-density estimates 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Central values of 𝐿-functions 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Spectral theory of automorphic forms 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Elementary theory of prime numbers 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Sums over primes 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The spacing of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat The least prime in an arithmetic progression 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF The critical zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Bilinear forms and the large sieve 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Holomorphic modular forms 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Goldbach problem 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Imaginary quadratic fields 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Sums of Kloosterman sums 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Effective bounds for the class number 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Exponential sums 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The Dirichlet polynomials 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Summation formulas 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Primes in arithmetic progressions 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ On the “Reducibility” of Arctangents of Integers 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Classical Automorphic Forms 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Elementary Theory of L-Functions I 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ An Introduction to the Langlands Program 2004 Daniel Bump
James Cogdell
Ehud de Shalit
Dennis Gaitsgory
Emmanuel Kowalski
Stephen S. Kudla
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Some local-global applications of Kummer theory 2003 Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Zeros of families of automorphic L-functions close to 1 2002 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Rankin-Selberg L-functions in the level aspect 2002 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ Deux théorèmes de non-annulation de valeurs spéciales de fonctions L 2001 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Appendice de "Sur la nature non-cyclotomique des points d"ordre fini des courbes elliptiques" par L. Merel 2001 Philippe Michel
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Explicit upper bound for the (analytic) rank of J0(q) 2000 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Mollification of the fourth moment of automorphic L-functions and arithmetic applications 2000 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ PDF Non-vanishing of high derivatives of automorphic L-functions at the center of the critical strip 2000 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ PDF A lower bound for the rank of $J_0(q)$ 2000 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ A problem of Linnik for elliptic curves and mean-value estimates for automorphic representations 2000 William Duke
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ The analytic rank of J0(q) and zeros of automorphic L-functions 1999 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Explicit upper bound for the rank of J_0(q) 1998 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Sur le rang de J_0(q) 1997 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Sur les zeros des fonctions L automorphes 1997 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Sur le rang de J_0(q) 1997 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Emmanuel Kowalski
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Gauss sums, Kloosterman sums, and monodromy groups 1987 Nicholas M. Katz
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms 1997 Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits 2015 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic trace functions over the primes 2014 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ La Conjecture de Weil. II 1980 Pierre Deligne
+ PDF Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 1998 Nicholas M. Katz
Peter Sarnak
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Incomplete Kloosterman Sums and a Divisor Problem 1985 John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Random Matrix Theory and ζ(1/2+ it) 2000 Jonathan P. Keating
N. C. Snaith
+ Sums of Betti Numbers in Arbitrary Characteristic 2001 Nicholas M. Katz
+ Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups. (AM-116) 1988 Nicholas M. Katz
+ Kloosterman sums and Fourier coefficients of cusp forms 1982 Jean-Marc Deshouillérs
Henryk Iwaniec
+ The analytic rank of J0(q) and zeros of automorphic L-functions 1999 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ Bounds for automorphicL-functions 1993 William Duke
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ PDF Sur certaines sommes d'exponentielles sur les nombres premiers 1998 Étienne Fouvry
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Counting sheaves using spherical codes 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF An inverse theorem for Gowers norms of trace functions over F<sub><i>p</i></sub> 2013 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums and applications 2017 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Will Sawin
+ PDF Transformation De Fourier Constantes D’Équations Fonctionnelles Et Conjecture De Weil 1987 Gérard Laumon
+ PDF Chat Mod‐Gaussian convergence and the value distribution of ζ(½ + <i>it</i> ) and related quantities 2012 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF Rankin-Selberg L-functions in the level aspect 2002 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ PDF The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat The Cubic Moment of Central Values of Automorphic L-Functions 2000 J. Brian Conrey
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF A study in sums of products 2015 Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry 1999 Nicholas Michael Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory 2015 Gérald Tenenbaum
+ A problem of Linnik for elliptic curves and mean-value estimates for automorphic representations 2000 William Duke
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Mod-Poisson Convergence in Probability and Number Theory 2010 Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF The fourth moment of Dirichlet $L$-functions 2010 Matthew P. Young
+ PDF The divisor function $d_3(n)$ in arithmetic progressions 1986 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of 𝐺𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of 𝐺𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim
+ PDF Mod-Gaussian convergence: new limit theorems in probability and number theory 2010 Jean Jacod
Emmanuel Kowalski
Ashkan Nikeghbali
+ PDF Chat Low lying zeros of families of L-functions 2000 Henryk Iwaniec
Wenzhi Luo
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli 1986 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Equidistribution of Roots of a Quadratic Congruence to Prime Moduli 1995 William Duke
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Chat On moments of twisted L-functions 2017 Valentin Blomer
Étienne Fouvry
Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
Djordje Milićević
+ On Character Sums and <i>L</i> -Series. II 1963 D. A. Burgess
+ PDF Répartition asymptotique des valeurs propres de l’opérateur de Hecke 𝑇_𝑝 1997 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Zeros of principal L-functions and random matrix theory 1996 Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak
+ The non-vanishing of central values of automorphic L-functions and Landau-Siegel zeros 2000 Henryk Iwaniec
Peter Sarnak
+ Twisted L-functions and monodromy 2001 Nicholas M. Katz
+ Convolution and Equidistribution: Sato-Tate Theorems for Finite-Field Mellin Transforms 2012 Nicholas M. Katz