Eike Neumann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Semantics, Specification Logic, and Hoare Logic of Exact Real Computation 2024 Sewon Park
Franz Brauße
Pieter Collins
SunYoung Kim
M Konĕcný
Gyesik Lee
Norbert Müller
Eike Neumann
Norbert Preining
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat The equational theory of the Weihrauch lattice with multiplication 2024 Eike Neumann
Arno Pauly
Cécilia Pradic
+ On the Complexity of Robust Eventual Inequality Testing for C-Finite Functions 2023 Eike Neumann
+ PDF Chat Uniform Envelopes 2022 Eike Neumann
+ Bounding the Escape Time of a Linear Dynamical System over a Compact Semialgebraic Set 2022 Julian D'Costa
Engel Lefaucheux
Eike Neumann
Joël Ouaknine
James Worrell
+ On the computability of the set of automorphisms of the unit square 2021 Eike Neumann
+ PDF Chat Decision problems for linear recurrences involving arbitrary real numbers 2021 Eike Neumann
+ Uniform Envelopes 2021 Eike Neumann
+ On the Complexity of the Escape Problem for Linear Dynamical Systems over Compact Semialgebraic Sets 2021 Julian D'Costa
Engel Lefaucheux
Eike Neumann
Joël Ouaknine
James Worrell
+ On the complexity of the Escape Problem for linear dynamical systems over compact semialgebraic sets 2021 Julian D'Costa
Engel Lefaucheux
Eike Neumann
Joël Ouaknine
James Worrell
+ Uniform Envelopes 2021 Eike Neumann
+ PDF Chat Representations and evaluation strategies for feasibly approximable functions 2020 Michal Konečný
Eike Neumann
+ Parametrised second-order complexity theory with applications to the study of interval computation 2019 Eike Neumann
Florian Steinberg
+ Implementing evaluation strategies for continuous real functions 2019 Michal Konečný
Eike Neumann
+ The Fréchet distance of surfaces is computable. 2017 Eike Neumann
+ On the computability of the Fréchet distance of surfaces in the bit-model of real computation 2017 Eike Neumann
+ Representations and evaluation strategies for feasibly approximable functions 2017 Michal Konečný
Eike Neumann
+ A topological view on algebraic computation models 2017 Eike Neumann
Arno Pauly
+ On the computability of the Fréchet distance of surfaces in the bit-model of real computation 2017 Eike Neumann
+ Parametrised second-order complexity theory with applications to the study of interval computation 2017 Eike Neumann
Florian Steinberg
+ Representations and evaluation strategies for feasibly approximable functions 2017 M Konĕcný
Eike Neumann
+ Computability in Basic Quantum Mechanics 2016 Eike Neumann
Martin Pape
Thomas Streicher
+ Semantics, Logic, and Verification of "Exact Real Computation" 2016 Franz Brauße
Pieter Collins
Johannes Kanig
SunYoung Kim
Michal Konečný
Gyesik Lee
Norbert Müller
Eike Neumann
S. Park
Norbert Preining
+ Foundation of Computer (Algebra) ANALYSIS Systems: Semantics, Logic, Programming, Verification 2016 Sewon Park
Franz Brauße
Pieter Collins
SunYoung Kim
Michal Konečný
Gyesik Lee
Norbert Müller
Eike Neumann
Norbert Preining
Martin Ziegler
+ A topological view on algebraic computation models 2016 Eike Neumann
Arno Pauly
+ Computability in Basic Quantum Mechanics 2016 Eike Neumann
Martin Pape
Thomas Streicher
+ A topological view on algebraic computation models 2016 Eike Neumann
Arno Pauly
+ Semantics, Specification Logic, and Hoare Logic of Exact Real Computation 2016 S. Park
Franz Brauße
Pieter Collins
SunYoung Kim
M Konĕcný
Gyesik Lee
Norbert Müller
Eike Neumann
Norbert Preining
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees 2015 Eike Neumann
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the topological aspects of the theory of represented spaces 2016 Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Complexity Theory for Operators in Analysis 2012 Akitoshi Kawamura
Stephen Cook
+ Computational complexity of real functions 1982 Ker‐I Ko
Harvey M. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Computability of Julia Sets 2008 Mark Braverman
Michael Yampolsky
+ Computational benefit of smoothness: Parameterized bit-complexity of numerical operators on analytic functions and Gevrey’s hierarchy 2015 Akitoshi Kawamura
Norbert Müller
Carsten Rösnick
Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees 2015 Eike Neumann
+ Is the Mandelbrot set computable? 2004 Peter Hertling
+ PDF Chat Rational approximation to $| x| $. 1964 Donald J. Newman
+ Properly injective spaces and function spaces 1998 Martı́n Hötzel Escardó
+ Fast polynomial multiplication and convolutions related to the discrete cosine transform 1997 Günter Baszeński
Manfred Tasche
+ Espaces métriques rationnellement présentés et complexité, le cas de l'espace des fonctions réelles uniformément continues sur un intervalle compact 2001 Salah Labhalla
Henri Lombardi
El Madkour Moutai
+ Der Satz vom Maximum in der Rekursiven Analysis 1990 Bonny Specker
+ PDF Chat Weihrauch Complexity in Computable Analysis 2021 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Effective Choice and Boundedness Principles in Computable Analysis 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
+ PDF Chat The Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem is the jump of Weak Kőnig’s Lemma 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
Alberto Marcone
+ PDF Chat Weihrauch degrees, omniscience principles and weak computability 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
+ Equality is a jump 1999 Paolo Boldi
Sebastiano Vigna
+ Computing with Sequences, Weak Topologies and the Axiom of Choice 2005 Vasco Brattka
Matthias Schröder
+ Introduction to Approximation Theory 1969 T. J. Rivlin
E. W. Cheney
+ PDF Chat On a theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers: 𝑁𝑃- completeness, recursive functions and universal machines 1989 Lenore Blum
M. Shub
Steve Smale
+ Computability on subsets of metric spaces 2003 Vasco Brattka
Gero Presser
+ Quasi-Polish spaces 2012 Matthew de Brecht
+ Levels of discontinuity, limit-computability, and jump operators 2013 Matthew de Brecht
+ PDF Chat Real Analytic Machines and Degrees 2011 Tobias Gärtner
Martin Ziegler
+ Weihrauch-completeness for layerwise computability 2015 Arno Pauly
Willem L. Fouché
George Davie
+ PDF Chat Comparing Representations for Function Spaces in Computable Analysis 2017 Arno Pauly
Florian Steinberg
+ Computability of Analytic Functions with Analytic Machines 2009 Tobias Gärtner
Günter Hotz
+ PDF Chat Turing machines on represented sets, a model of computation for Analysis 2011 N. R. Tavana
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Connected choice and the Brouwer fixed point theorem 2018 Vasco Brattka
Stéphane Le Roux
Joseph S. Miller
Arno Pauly
+ Noetherian quasi-polish spaces 2017 Matthew de Brecht
Arno Pauly
+ On the algebraic structure of Weihrauch degrees 2016 Vasco Brattka
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Computability of Julia Sets 2009 Mark Braverman
Michael Yampolsky
+ PDF Chat On the (semi)lattices induced by continuous reducibilities 2010 Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Effective Borel measurability and reducibility of functions 2004 Vasco Brattka
+ PDF Chat The degree structure of Weihrauch-reducibility 2013 Kojiro Higuchi
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat On the order-theoretical foundation of a theory of quasicompactly generated spaces without separation axiom 1984 Karl H. Hofmann
Jimmie Lawson
+ Revising Type-2 Computation and Degrees of Discontinuity 2007 Martin Ziegler
+ Computational complexity on computable metric spaces 2003 Klaus Weirauch
+ Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals 1988 Patrizia Gianni
Barry Trager
Gail Zacharias
+ PDF Chat Real Hypercomputation and Continuity 2007 Martin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Abstract versus concrete computation on metric partial algebras 2004 John V. Tucker
J. I. Zucker
+ Quantifier elimination for the reals with a predicate for the powers of two 2006 Jeremy Avigad
Yimu Yin
+ PDF Chat Computation with Advice 2010 Vasco Brattka
Arno Pauly
+ PDF Chat Closed choice and a Uniform Low Basis Theorem 2012 Vasco Brattka
Matthew de Brecht
Arno Pauly
+ On the Solvability Complexity Index, the 𝑛-pseudospectrum and approximations of spectra of operators 2010 Anders C. Hansen
+ A fundamental effect in computations on real numbers 1977 Horst Luckhardt
+ Infinite Oracle Queries in Type-2 Machines (Extended Abstract) 2009 Arno Pauly
+ The field of reals with a predicate for the powers of two 1985 Lou van den Dries
+ Algorithmic Properties of Polynomial Rings 1998 Michael Kalkbrener