Zejun Hu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On non‐Hopf Ricci‐pseudosymmetric hypersurfaces in CP2$\mathbb {C}P^{2}$ and CH2$\mathbb {C}H^{2}$ 2024 Qianshun Cui
Zejun Hu
+ On curvature-adapted hypersurfaces of 𝕊2 × 𝕊2 and ℍ2 × ℍ2 2024 Zejun Hu
Xiaoge Lu
Zeke Yao
Xi Zhang
+ On Conformally Flat Manifolds with Semi-parallel Ricci Tensor and Applications to the Study of Affine Hyperspheres 2024 Weilin Duan
Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On Real Hypersurfaces in $${\mathbb {S}}^2\times {\mathbb {S}}^2$$ and $${\mathbb {H}}^2\times {\mathbb {H}}^2$$ with Parallel Normal Jacobi Operator 2024 Zejun Hu
Xiaoge Lu
+ On some hypersurfaces of $${\mathbb {S}}^2\times {\mathbb {S}}^2$$ and $${\mathbb {H}}^2\times {\mathbb {H}}^2$$ 2024 Zejun Hu
Xi Zhang
+ On flat elliptic centroaffine Tchebychev hypersurfaces 2024 Qian Zhao
Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
+ On 2-Hopf Hypersurfaces in Nonflat Complex Planes 2023 Qianshun Cui
Zejun Hu
+ Submanifolds with Semi-parallel Möbius Second Fundamental Form in the Unit Sphere 2023 Zejun Hu
Bingxin Xie
Shujie Zhai
+ Real hypersurfaces of nonflat complex space forms with weakly transversal Killing operators 2023 Zejun Hu
Xi Zhang
+ On Hopf hypersurfaces of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si2.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi … 2023 Xi Zhang
Dong Gao
Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
+ Nonexistence of non-Hopf Ricci-semisymmetric real hypersurfaces in and 2023 Qianshun Cui
Zejun Hu
+ Locally conformally flat affine hyperspheres with parallel Ricci tensor 2023 Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On $C$-totally real submanifolds of $\mathbb{S}^{2n+1}(1)$ with non-negative sectional curvature 2023 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
+ On the existence of solutions to the Orlicz Aleksandrov problem 2023 Zejun Hu
Hai Li
+ On the existence of solutions to the Orlicz–Minkowski problem for torsional rigidity 2023 Zejun Hu
Hai Li
+ PDF Chat A rigidity theorem for hypersurfaces of the odd-dimensional unit sphere $\mathbb S^{2n+1}(1)$ 2023 Mingzhu Gao
Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On the polar Orlicz Minkowski type problem for the general mixed<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">p</mml:mi></mml:math>-capacity 2022 Hai Li
Zejun Hu
+ On C-totally real minimal submanifolds of the Sasakian space forms with parallel Ricci tensor 2022 Zejun Hu
Meng Li
Cheng Xing
+ On Centroaffine Tchebychev Hypersurfaces with Constant Sectional Curvature 2022 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On Lorentzian Einstein affine hyperspheres 2022 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Cheng Xing
+ Hypersurfaces of the Homogeneous Nearly Kähler $$\mathbf {S}^3 \times \mathbf {S}^3$$ with P-Invariant Holomorphic Distributions 2022 Zeke Yao
Xi Zhang
Zejun Hu
+ On real hypersurfaces of 𝕊²×𝕊² 2022 Dong Gao
Zejun Hu
Hui Ma
Zeke Yao
+ PDF Chat New Characterizations of the Whitney Spheres and the Contact Whitney Spheres 2022 Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On the Orlicz Minkowski problem for logarithmic capacity 2022 Zejun Hu
Hai Li
+ PDF Chat Inequalities on the (p,q)-mixed volume involving Lp centroid bodies and Lp intersection bodies 2022 Zejun Hu
Hai Li
+ PDF Chat Every centroaffine Tchebychev hyperovaloid is ellipsoid 2021 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Luc Vrancken
+ Surfaces of the nearly Kähler S3×S3${\bf \mathbb {S}^3\times \mathbb {S}^3}$ preserved by the almost product structure 2021 Miroslava Antić
Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
Luc Vrancken
+ On Hopf hypersurfaces of the complex quadric with recurrent Ricci tensor 2021 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
Xi Zhang
+ C-Totally Real Submanifolds with Constant Sectional Curvature in the Sasakian Space Forms 2021 Xiuxiu Cheng
Huili He
Zejun Hu
+ On Hopf hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler $${\mathbf {S}}^3\times {\mathbf {S}}^3$$, II 2021 Zeke Yao
Zejun Hu
+ A new centroaffine characterization of the ellipsoids 2021 Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ Non-existence of conformally flat real hypersurfaces in both the complex quadric and the complex hyperbolic quadric 2021 Zeke Yao
Bangchao Yin
Zejun Hu
+ On the nonexistence and rigidity for hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2021 Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
Luc Vrancken
Zeke Yao
+ New characterizations of the Whitney spheres and the contact Whitney spheres 2021 Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ New characterizations of real hypersurfaces with isometric Reeb flow in the complex quadric 2020 Zejun Hu
Jiabin Yin
+ On the Ricci curvature of 3-submanifolds in the unit sphere 2020 Zejun Hu
Cheng Xing
+ On Ricci Curvature Pinching of Lagrangian Submanifolds in the Homogeneous Nearly Kähler $$\pmb {\mathbb {S}}^6(1)$$ 2020 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
Jiabin Yin
+ PDF Chat On Product Minimal Lagrangian Submanifolds in Complex Space Forms 2019 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
Luc Vrancken
+ Every centroaffine Tchebychev hyperovaloid is ellipsoid 2019 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat Hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler $\mathbb{S}^6$ and $\mathbb{S}^3\times\mathbb{S}^3$ with anticommutative structure tensors 2019 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
Xi Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Hopf hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler $${\mathbf {S}}^3\times {\mathbf {S}}^3$$ 2019 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
+ PDF Chat On product affine hyperspheres in ℝn+1 2019 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
Luc Vrancken
+ Equivariant Minimal Immersions from S3 into ℂP3 2019 Zejun Hu
Jiabin Yin
+ Rigidity theorems of Lagrangian submanifolds in the homogeneous nearly Kähler <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e33" altimg="si5.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2019 Zejun Hu
Jiabin Yin
Bangchao Yin
+ An Optimal Inequality Related to Characterizations of the Contact Whitney Spheres in Sasakian Space Forms 2019 Zejun Hu
Jiabin Yin
+ Classification of locally strongly convex isotropic centroaffine hypersurfaces 2019 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
+ Submanifolds with Parallel Möbius Second Fundamental Form in the Unit Sphere 2018 Zejun Hu
Shujie Zhai
+ On the isolation phenomena of locally conformally flat manifolds with constant scalar curvature – Submanifolds versions 2018 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
+ PDF Chat Equivariant CR minimal immersions from $$S^3$$S3 into $$\mathbb CP^n$$CPn 2017 Zejun Hu
Jiabin Yin
Zhenqi Li
+ PDF Chat On the isolation phenomena of Einstein manifolds—submanifolds versions 2017 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
An-Min Li
Haizhong Li
+ On some hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler 2017 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
Yinshan Zhang
+ PDF Chat An Optimal Inequality on Locally Strongly Convex Centroaffine Hypersurfaces 2017 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
+ PDF Chat Classification of the Locally Strongly Convex Centroaffine Hypersurfaces with Parallel Cubic Form 2017 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
+ PDF Chat Isotropic Lagrangian submanifolds in the homogeneous nearly Kähler S3 × S3 2016 Zejun Hu
Yinshan Zhang
+ On four-dimensional Einstein affine hyperspheres 2016 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ On generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds with constant Ricci curvatures 2016 Zejun Hu
Dehe Li
Shujie Zhai
+ Lagrangian submanifolds in the 6-dimensional nearly Kähler manifolds with parallel second fundamental form 2016 Y Zhang
Bart Dioos
Zejun Hu
Luc Vrancken
Xianfeng Wang
+ Rigidity of the almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kähler <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2015 Zejun Hu
Yinshan Zhang
+ Global Affine Differential Geometry of Hypersurfaces 2015 An-Min Li
Udo Simon
Guosong Zhao
Zejun Hu
+ On generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds with constant scalar curvature 2015 Zejun Hu
Dehe Li
Jing Xu
+ PDF Chat On rigidity phenomena of compact surfaces in homogeneous $3$-manifolds 2015 Zejun Hu
Dongliang Lyu
Jing Wang
+ On submanifolds with parallel Möbius second fundamental form in the unit sphere 2014 Shujie Zhai
Zejun Hu
Changping Wang
+ On quasi-umbilical locally strongly convex homogeneous affine hypersurfaces 2014 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Chuanjing Zhang
Zejun Hu
+ On Otsuki tori and their Willmore energy 2012 Zejun Hu
Haifen Song
+ On the Blaschke isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit sphere with three distinct Blaschke eigenvalues 2011 Zejun Hu
Xingxiao Li
Shujie Zhai
+ The classification of 4-dimensional non-degenerate affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form 2011 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ The classification of 3-dimensional Lorentzian affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form 2011 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
+ Lorentzian Affine Hypersurfaces with Parallel Cubic Form 2011 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat A differential geometric characterization of the Cayley hypersurface 2011 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Dong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Locally strongly convex affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form 2011 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat Möbius isoparametric hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures, II 2011 Zejun Hu
Shujie Zhai
+ Critical metrics of the Schouten functional 2010 Zejun Hu
Seiki Nishikawa
Udo Simon
+ On locally strongly convex affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form. Part I 2008 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Udo Simon
Luc Vrancken
+ An L p -estimate for surfaces of constant mean curvature in $${\mathbb{S}}^3$$ 2008 Feng Pinghua
Zejun Hu
+ Characterizations of the Calabi Product of Hyperbolic Affine Hyperspheres 2008 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ A New Variational Characterization of Four-Dimensional Manifolds with Constant Scalar Curvature 2008 Zejun Hu
Fan Yang
+ Schouten curvature functions on locally conformally flat Riemannian manifolds 2008 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Udo Simon
+ An L p -estimate for surfaces of constant mean curvature in S 3 2008 Feng Pinghua
Zejun Hu
+ PDF Chat Classification of Möbius isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit six-sphere 2008 Zejun Hu
Shujie Zhai
+ PDF Chat Möbius isoparametric hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures 2007 Zejun Hu
D. L. Li
+ On spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space 2007 Zejun Hu
Mike Scherfner
Shujie Zhai
+ A characterisation of the Calabi product of hyperbolic affine spheres 2007 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ Classification of Möbius Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in ${\Bbb S}^5$ 2006 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Changping Wang
+ Hypersurfaces of the hyperbolic space with constant scalar curvature 2005 Zejun Hu
Shujie Zhai
+ PDF Chat A rigidity theorem for hypersurfaces with positive Möbius Ricci curvature in $S^{n+1}$ 2005 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
+ PDF Chat Classification of Möbius Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in <sup>4</sup> 2005 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
+ Some remarks on the Kozlowski-Simon conjecture for affine ovaloids 2005 Zejun Hu
Guosong Zhao
Haizhong Li
H. Li
+ Willmore Lagrangian Spheres in the Complex Euclidean Space C<sup>n</sup> 2004 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
+ Classification of hypersurfaces with parallel M�bius second fundamental form in Sn+1 2004 Zejun Hu
Li Haizhong
+ A new variational characterization of 𝑛-dimensional space forms 2003 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
+ PDF Chat On the nonexistence of stable minimal submanifolds and the Lawson–Simons conjecture 2003 Zejun Hu
Guoxin Wei
+ PDF Chat Isometric immersions of the hyperbolic space $H^n(-1)$ into $H^{n+1}(-1)$ 1999 Zejun Hu
+ Conformal deformations of prescribing scalar curvature on Riemannian manifolds with negative curvature 1998 Zejun Hu
+ Differential geometry and its applications 1998 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Chuanjing Zhang
+ PDF Chat Isometric immersions from the hyperbolic space $H^2(-1)$ into $H^3(-1)$ 1997 Zejun Hu
Guosong Zhao
+ None 1997 Zejun Hu
Guosong Zhao
+ A global pinching theorem for compact surfaces inS 3 with constant mean curvature 1996 Zejun Hu
Li Haizhong
+ Complete Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature and Non-Negative Sectional Curvatures 1995 Zejun Hu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Locally strongly convex affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form 2011 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ Global Affine Differential Geometry of Hypersurfaces 2015 An-Min Li
Udo Simon
Guosong Zhao
Zejun Hu
+ Affine differential geometry 1994 Katsumi Nomizu
+ Affine spheres with constant affine sectional curvature 1991 Luc Vrancken
An-Min Li
Udo Simon
+ PDF Chat The Magid-Ryan conjecture for equiaffine hyperspheres with constant sectional curvature 2000 Luc Vrancken
+ Almost complex curves and Hopf hypersurfaces in the nearly K�hler 6-sphere 1995 J�rgen Berndt
John Bolton
L. M. Woodward
+ On locally strongly convex affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form. Part I 2008 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Udo Simon
Luc Vrancken
+ Calabi-type composition of affine spheres 1994 Franki Dillen
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces of a complex hyperbolic space 1985 Sebastián Montiel
+ Moebius geometry of submanifolds in 𝕊 n 1998 Changping Wang
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian submanifolds in complex projective space with parallel second fundamental form 2012 Frank Dillen
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
Xianfeng Wang
+ PDF Chat Affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic form 1994 Franki Dillen
Luc Vrancken
Şahnur Yaprak
+ Characterizations of the Calabi Product of Hyperbolic Affine Hyperspheres 2008 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ Geometry of Hypersurfaces 2015 Thomas E. Cecil
Patrick J. Ryan
+ M�bius geometry of hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature and scalar curvature 2003 Haizhong Li
Changping Wang
+ PDF Chat 3-dimensional affine hypersurfaces in ℝ<sup>4</sup> with parallel cubic form 1991 Franki Dillen
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat Möbius isotropic submanifolds in {$S\sp n$} 2001 Huili Liu
Changping Wang
Guosong Zhao
+ Introduction to the affine differential geometry of hypersurfaces 1991 Udo Simon
Angela Schwenk-Schellschmidt
Helmut Viesel
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces and complex submanifolds in complex projective space 1986 Makoto Kimura
+ PDF Chat Almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kähler $S^3\times S^3$ 2015 John Bolton
Franki Dillen
Bart Dioos
Luc Vrancken
+ Classification of hypersurfaces with parallel M�bius second fundamental form in Sn+1 2004 Zejun Hu
Li Haizhong
+ PDF Chat New $\mathrm{G}_2$-holonomy cones and exotic nearly Kähler structures on $S^6$ and $S^3 \times S^3$ 2016 Lorenzo Foscolo
Mark Haskins
+ Sur des familles remarquables d'hypersurfaces isoparamétriques dans les espaces sphériques 1939 Élie Cartan
+ Möbius Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in S n +1 with Two Distinct Principal Curvatures 2002 Hai Zhong Li
Huili Liu
Chang Ping Wang
Guo Song Zhao
+ Complete affine hypersurfaces. Part I. The completeness of affine metrics 1986 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
Shing‐Tung Yau
Young Jin Suh
+ Centroaffine minimal hypersurfaces in ? n+1 1994 Changping Wang
+ PDF Chat On product affine hyperspheres in ℝn+1 2019 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
Marilena Moruz
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat A conformal differential invariant and the conformal rigidity of hypersurfaces 1997 Maks A. Akivis
Vladislav V. Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Affine hypersurfaces with parallel cubic forms 1990 Neda Bokan
Katsumi Nomizu
Udo Simon
+ The Centroaffine Tchebychev Operator 1995 Huili Liu
Changping Wang
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian submanifolds in the homogeneous nearly Kähler $${\mathbb {S}}^3 \times {\mathbb {S}}^3$$ S 3 × S 3 2017 Bart Dioos
Luc Vrancken
Xianfeng Wang
+ On some hypersurfaces of the homogeneous nearly Kähler 2017 Zejun Hu
Zeke Yao
Yinshan Zhang
+ Canonical Centroaffine Hypersurfaces in Rn+1 1991 An-Min Li
Changping Wang
+ None 1997 A.-M. LI
Angela Schwenk-Schellschmidt
Udo Simon
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces with constant principal curvatures in complex hyperbolic space. 1989 Jürgen Berndt
+ PDF Chat Totally Real Parallel Submanifolds in $P^n(c)$ 1981 Hiroo Naitoh
+ SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY With Applications to Relativity 1984 M. A. H. MacCallum
+ PDF Chat On the isolation phenomena of Einstein manifolds—submanifolds versions 2017 Xiuxiu Cheng
Zejun Hu
An-Min Li
Haizhong Li
+ PDF Chat Totally real submanifolds in a 6-sphere 1981 Norio Ejiri
+ Isotropic affine spheres 2012 Olivier Birembaux
Mirjana Djorić
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic affine hyperspheres 1980 Takeshi Sasaki
+ Lagrangian submanifolds in the 6-dimensional nearly Kähler manifolds with parallel second fundamental form 2016 Y Zhang
Bart Dioos
Zejun Hu
Luc Vrancken
Xianfeng Wang
+ PDF Chat Parallel submanifolds of complex space forms II 1983 Hiroo Naitoh
+ PDF Chat Six-dimensional nearly Kähler manifolds of cohomogeneity one 2009 Fabio Podestà
Andrea Spiro
+ A Moebius characterization of Veronese surfaces in $S^n$ 2001 Haizhong Li
Changping Wang
Faen Wu
+ Lorentzian Affine Hypersurfaces with Parallel Cubic Form 2011 Zejun Hu
Cece Li
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ Minimal Submanifolds of a Sphere with Second Fundamental Form of Constant Length 2012 Shiing-Shen Chern
Manfredo do Carmo
Shimpei Kobayashi
+ On four-dimensional Einstein affine hyperspheres 2016 Zejun Hu
Haizhong Li
Luc Vrancken
+ PDF Chat Lorentzian affine hyperspheres with constant affine sectional curvature 1999 Marcus Kriele
Luc Vrancken