Senya Shlosman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The major index (maj) and its Sch\"utzenberger dual 2025 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Miracle of Integer Eigenvalues 2024 Richard Kenyon
Maxim Kontsevich
Олег Викторович Огиевецкий
Cosmin Pohoata
Will Sawin
Senya Shlosman
+ The miracle of integer eigenvalues Dedicated to Professor A.M.Vershik, on the occasion of his 90-th birthday 2024 Richard Kenyon
Maxim Kontsevich
O. Ogievetsky
Cosmin Pohoata
Will Sawin
Senya Shlosman
+ The miracle of integer eigenvalues 2024 RICHARD L. KENYON
Maxim Kontsevich
O. Ogievetsky
Cosmin Pohoata
Will Sawin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The miracle of integer eigenvalues 2024 Richard Kenyon
Maxim Kontsevich
Олег Викторович Огиевецкий
Cosmin Pohoata
Will Sawin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Airy<sub>2</sub> process and the 3D Ising model 2023 Patrik L. Ferrari
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Critical prewetting in the 2d Ising model 2022 Dmitry Ioffe
Sébastien Ott
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ The Airy$_2$ process and the 3D Ising model 2022 Patrik L. Ferrari
Senya Shlosman
+ Art of Unlocking 2022 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Igor’ Moiseevich Krichever 2021 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Alexander Varchenko
А. П. Веселов
P. G. Grinevich
Samuel Grushevsky
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
A. Zabrodin
A. Marshakov
Андрей Евгеньевич Миронов
Nikita Nekrasov
+ Integrability, Quantization, and Geometry: II. Quantum Theories and Algebraic Geometry 2021 S. P. Novikov
I. M. Krichever
O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Integrability, Quantization, and Geometry 2021 I. Krichever
S. Novikov
O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ The Schonmann projection as a g-measure-, how Gibbsian is it? 2021 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Platonic Compounds of Cylinders 2021 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ The Schonmann projection as a g-measure-, how Gibbsian is it? 2021 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Critical prewetting in the 2d Ising model 2020 Dmitry Ioffe
Sébastien Ott
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ PDF Chat Extremal Cylinder Configurations I: Configuration $$C_{\mathfrak {m}}$$ 2020 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Brownian flights over a circle 2020 Alexander Vladimirov
Senya Shlosman
Sergei Nechaev
+ PDF Chat Classical and Quantum Dynamics of a Particle in a Narrow Angle 2019 Sergei Yu Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
А. И. Нейштадт
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Glassy States: The Free Ising Model on a Tree 2019 Daniel Gandolfo
Christian Maes
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Critical configurations of solid bodies and the Morse theory of MIN functions 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Extremal Cylinder Configurations II: Configuration <i>O</i><sub>6</sub> 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Критические конфигурации трехмерных тел и теория Морса для MIN-функций 2019 Олег Викторович Огиевецкий
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Six Cylinders Problem: $$\mathbb {D}_{3}$$-Symmetry Approach 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Extremal Cylinder Configurations II: Configuration $O_6$ 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Anomalous one-dimensional fluctuations of a simple two-dimensional random walk in a large-deviation regime 2019 Sergei Nechaev
Kirill Polovnikov
Senya Shlosman
Alexander Valov
Alexander Vladimirov
+ Extremal Cylinder Configurations II: Configuration $O_6$ 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Formation of Facets for an Effective Model of Crystal Growth 2019 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
+ Platonic Compounds of Cylinders 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Extremal Cylinder Configurations I: Configuration $C_{\mathfrak{m}}$ 2018 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Asymptotics of Wave Functions of the Stationary Schrödinger Equation in the Weyl Chamber 2018 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Chaos and Poisson Hypothesis 2018 A. A. Vladimirov
С. А. Пирогов
Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Plane Partitions and Their Pedestal Polynomials 2018 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Metastability of Queuing Networks with Mobile Servers 2018 François Baccelli
Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexander Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Topological Tverberg Theorem: the proofs and the counterexamples 2018 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Configuration Spaces of Equal Spheres Touching a Given Sphere: The Twelve Spheres Problem 2018 Rob Kusner
Wöden Kusner
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Chaos and Poisson Hypothesis 2018 С. А. Пирогов
Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexey Vladimirov
+ Extremal Cylinder Configurations I: Configuration $C_{\mathfrak{m}}$ 2018 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat A Continuum of Pure States in the Ising Model on a Halfplane 2017 Douglas Abraham
Charles M. Newman
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Crystals in the Void 2017 Senya Shlosman
+ Glassy states: the free Ising model on a tree 2017 Daniel Gandolfo
Christian Maes
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Poisson Hypothesis for Open Networks at Low Load 2017 Alexandre Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexandre Vladimirov
+ Glassy states: the free Ising model on a tree 2017 Daniel Gandolfo
Christian Maes
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ The twelve spheres problem 2016 Rob Kusner
Wöden Kusner
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Senya Shlosman
+ Queueing networks with mobile servers: The mean-field approach 2016 François Baccelli
Aleksandr N. Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ Propagation of Chaos and Poisson Hypothesis 2016 Serge Pirogov
Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
A. A. Vladimirov
+ Configuration Spaces of Equal Spheres Touching a Given Sphere: The Twelve Spheres Problem 2016 Rob Kusner
Wöden Kusner
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat An Invariance Principle to Ferrari–Spohn Diffusions 2015 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ Plane partitions and their pedestal polynomials 2014 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Interaction Versus Entropic Repulsion for Low Temperature Ising Polymers 2014 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
Fabio Lucio Toninelli
+ PDF Chat A Manifold of Pure Gibbs States of the Ising Model on the Lobachevsky Plane 2014 Daniel Gandolfo
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ Plane partitions and their pedestal polynomials 2014 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Queuing Networks with Varying Topology -- A Mean-Field Approach 2013 François Baccelli
Alexandre Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ Stationary States of the Generalized Jackson Networks 2013 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ A Manifold of Pure Gibbs States of the Ising Model on a Cayley Tree 2012 Daniel Gandolfo
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ From the seminar on Mathematical Statistical Physics in Moscow State University, 1962–1994. Constructive criteria 2012 Senya Shlosman
+ From the seminar on Mathematical Statistical Physics in Moscow State University, 1962–1994. Gibbs random fields on the lattice. Definitions, existence, uniqueness 2012 R. A. Minlos
E. Pechersky
С. А. Пирогов
Senya Shlosman
Yu. M. Suhov
+ PDF Chat Rotating States in Driven Clock- and XY-Models 2011 Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The characterization of ground states 2010 Jean Bellissard
Charles Radin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Gibbs Ensembles of Nonintersecting Paths 2009 Alexei Borodin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks 2008 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexander Vladimirov
+ Ising Model Fog Drip: The First Two Droplets 2008 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
+ Absence of Breakdown of the Poisson Hypothesis I. Closed Networks at Low Load 2008 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexander Vladimirov
+ Ising model fog drip: the first two droplets 2007 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Dobrushin Interfaces via Reflection Positivity 2007 Senya Shlosman
Yvon Vignaud
+ PDF Chat Self-averaging property of queuing systems 2006 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
А. А. Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat 3D crystal: how flat its flat facets are? 2006 T. Bodineau
R.H. Schonman
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat 3D crystal: how flat its flat facets are? 2006 T. Bodineau
R.H. Schonman
Senya Shlosman
+ Large Deviations in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics 2006 Senya Shlosman
+ Poisson Hypothesis: Combinatorial Aspect 2005 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Applications of the Wulff construction to the number theory 2005 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat 3D Crystal: How Flat its Flat Facets Are? 2005 Thierry Bodineau
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Provable First-Order Transitions for Nonlinear Vector and Gauge Models with Continuous Symmetries 2005 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Senya Shlosman
+ First-order transitions for very nonlinear sigma models 2005 Senya Shlosman
+ Self-averaging property of queuing systems 2005 Alexandre Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexandre Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Magnetostriction Transition 2004 Senya Shlosman
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks II. Cases of Violations and Phase Transitions 2004 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Magnetostriction Transition 2004 Senya Shlosman
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks (A study in non-linear Markov processes) I. Domain of Validity 2004 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ Poisson Hypothesis for information networks (A study in non-linear Markov processes) 2003 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On the Euler-Poincaré Characteristic of the Random Cluster Model 2003 Philippe Blanchard
Daniel Gandolfo
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat First-Order Transitions for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>-Vector Models in Two and More Dimensions: Rigorous Proof 2002 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat 2D Models of Statistical Physics with Continuous Symmetry: The Case of Singular Interactions 2002 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ PDF Chat The Wulff construction in statistical mechanics and combinatorics 2001 Senya Shlosman
+ Random Lattices and Random Sphere Packings: Typical Properties 2001 Senya Shlosman
M. A. Tsfasman
+ PDF Chat Конструкция Вульфа в статистической механике и комбинаторике 2001 Senya Shlosman
Senya Shlosman
Senya Shlosman
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Фридрих Израилевич Карпелевич (некролог) 2001 É. B. Vinberg
É. B. Vinberg
I. M. Gel'fand
I. M. Gel'fand
Семен Григорьевич Гиндикин
Семен Григорьевич Гиндикин
E. B. Dynkin
E. B. Dynkin
V. A. Malyshev
V. A. Malyshev
+ Rigidity of the Critical Phases on a Cayley Tree 2001 Pavel Bleher
J. Stephany
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Wulff construction in statistical mechanics and in combinatorics 2001 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Griffiths singularity random field 2000 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Dobrushin’s program on Gibbsianity restoration: Weakly Gibbs and almost Gibbs random fields 2000 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Geometric variational problems of statistical mechanics and of combinatorics 2000 Senya Shlosman
+ The Griffiths Singularity Random Field 2000 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Freezing transition in the Ising model without internal contours 1999 Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ "Non-Gibbsian" States and their Gibbs Description 1999 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ Dobrushin's program on Gibbsianity restoration: weakly Gibbsian and almost Gibbsian random fields 1999 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ Wulff Droplets and the Metastable Relaxation of Kinetic Ising Models 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ None 1998 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Senya Shlosman
+ Complete Analyticity of the 2D Potts Model above the Critical Temperature 1997 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Roberto Fernández
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Staggered Phases in Diluted Systems with Continuous Spins 1997 Lincoln Chayes
Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ Constrained variational problem with applications to the Ising model 1996 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Complete analyticity for 2D Ising completed 1995 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ Droplet Condensation in the Ising Model: Moderate Deviations Point of View 1994 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ Simple Random Walks: New Developments 1994 Senya Shlosman
+ Loop Condensation Effects in the Behavior of Random Walks 1994 Konstantin Khanin
A. Mazel
Senya Shlosman
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat When is an interacting particle system ergodic? 1993 Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ Constructive Criteria for the Ergodicity of Interacting Particle Systems 1993 Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ Limit theorems 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
R. Koteckà ⁄
Senya Shlosman
+ Large contours 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
R. Koteckà ⁄
Senya Shlosman
+ Extremal properties of the Wulff functional 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Wulff Construction: A Global Shape from Local Interaction 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ Large Deviation Behavior of Statistical Mechanics Models in the Multiphase Regime 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Interfaces in the Potts model I: Pirogov-Sinai theory of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation 1991 Lahoussine Laanait
Alain Messager
Salvador Miracle-Solé
Jean Ruiz
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Ergodicity of probabilistic cellular automata: A constructive criterion 1991 Christian Maes
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The droplet in the tube: A case of phase transition in the canonical ensemble 1989 Senya Shlosman
+ Gaussian behavior of a critical Ising field at a dimensionality d > 4 1988 Senya Shlosman
+ Estimates of the Ursell functions for attractive fields 1987 Senya Shlosman
+ Completely analytical interactions: Constructive description 1987 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Signs of the Ising model Ursell functions 1986 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of the two-dimensional Ising antiferromagnet (computer-assisted proof) 1985 R. L. Dobrushin
Jiřı́ Kolafa
Senya Shlosman
+ Constructive Criterion for the Uniqueness of Gibbs Field 1985 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The influence of non-commutativity on limit theorems 1984 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat First-order phase transitions in large entropy lattice models 1982 Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On a Topological Generalization of a Theorem of Tverberg 1981 Imre Bárány
Senya Shlosman
A. Szűcs
+ Correlation inequalities and their applications 1981 Senya Shlosman
+ Limit Theorems of Probability Theory for Compact Topological Groups 1981 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions for two-dimensional models with isotropic short-range interactions and continuous symmetries 1980 Senya Shlosman
+ Correlation inequalities for antiferromagnets 1980 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat A local limit theorem for the convolution of probability measures on a compact connected group 1979 Péter Major
Senya Shlosman
+ Absence of continuous symmetry breaking in two-dimensional models of statistical physics 1977 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Absence of breakdown of continuous symmetry in two-dimensional models of statistical physics 1975 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ Subvarieties of codimensionality one and of simple homotopic type 1972 Senya Shlosman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Wulff Construction: A Global Shape from Local Interaction 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Constrained variational problem with applications to the Ising model 1996 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Absence of breakdown of continuous symmetry in two-dimensional models of statistical physics 1975 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks 2008 Alexander Rybko
Senya Shlosman
Alexander Vladimirov
+ On the Wulff crystal in the Ising model 2000 Raphaël Cerf
Ágoston Pisztora
+ The Wulff Construction in Three and More Dimensions 1999 T. Bodineau
+ PDF Chat The Six Cylinders Problem: $$\mathbb {D}_{3}$$-Symmetry Approach 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat An Invariance Principle to Ferrari–Spohn Diffusions 2015 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ Completely analytical interactions: Constructive description 1987 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ Large deviations for the 2D ising model: A lower bound without cluster expansions 1994 Dmitry Ioffe
+ PDF Chat Configuration Spaces of Equal Spheres Touching a Given Sphere: The Twelve Spheres Problem 2018 Rob Kusner
Wöden Kusner
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The droplet in the tube: A case of phase transition in the canonical ensemble 1989 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Regularity properties and pathologies of position-space renormalization-group transformations: Scope and limitations of Gibbsian theory 1993 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Roberto Fernández
Alan D. Sokal
+ PDF Chat Constrained Brownian motion: Fluctuations away from circular and parabolic barriers 2005 Patrik L. Ferrari
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Rigorous probabilistic analysis of equilibrium crystal shapes 2000 T. Bodineau
Dmitry Ioffe
Yvan Velenik
+ Dobrushin-Kotecký-Shlosman Theorem up to the Critical Temperature 1998 Dmitry Ioffe
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat First-order phase transitions in large entropy lattice models 1982 Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Exact large deviation bounds up toT c for the Ising model in two dimensions 1995 Dmitry Ioffe
+ PDF Chat The Low-Temperature Expansion of the Wulff Crystal in the 3D Ising Model 2001 Rapha x EB l Cerf
Richard Kenyon
+ Extremal Cylinder Configurations I: Configuration $C_{\mathfrak{m}}$ 2018 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Complete analyticity for 2D Ising completed 1995 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Extremal Cylinder Configurations II: Configuration <i>O</i><sub>6</sub> 2019 O. Ogievetsky
Senya Shlosman
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Cluster expansion for abstract polymer models 1986 Roman Kotecký
David Preiss
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions and reflection positivity. I. General theory and long range lattice models 1978 Jürg Fröhlich
Robert B. Israel
Elliot H. Lieb
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat The Wulff construction and asymptotics of the finite cluster distribution for two-dimensional Bernoulli percolation 1990 Kenneth Alexander
Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
+ Constructive Criterion for the Uniqueness of Gibbs Field 1985 R. L. Dobrushin
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Wulff construction in statistical mechanics and combinatorics 2001 Senya Shlosman
+ A variational principle for domino tilings 2000 Henry Cohn
Richard Kenyon
James Propp
+ Prescribing a System of Random Variables by Conditional Distributions 1970 R. L. Dobrushin
+ PDF Chat 2D Models of Statistical Physics with Continuous Symmetry: The Case of Singular Interactions 2002 Dmitry Ioffe
Senya Shlosman
Yvan Velenik
+ PDF Chat Dyson Ferrari–Spohn diffusions and ordered walks under area tilts 2017 Dmitry Ioffe
Yvan Velenik
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat Scaling limit and cube-root fluctuations in SOS surfaces above a wall 2016 Pietro Caputo
Eyal Lubetzky
Fabio Martinelli
Allan Sly
Fabio Lucio Toninelli
+ Wulff Droplets and the Metastable Relaxation of Kinetic Ising Models 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ On the purity of the limiting gibbs state for the Ising model on the Bethe lattice 1995 Pavel Bleher
J. Stephany
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Optimization Methods in Discrete Geometry 2016 Moritz Firsching
+ PDF Chat Infrared bounds, phase transitions and continuous symmetry breaking 1976 Jürg Fröhlich
Barry Simon
Thomas Spencer
+ Asymptotic of the largest and the typical dimensions of irreducible representations of a symmetric group 1985 A. M. Vershik
S. V. Kerov
+ Large and moderate deviations in the Ising model 1994 Roland L. Dobrushin and Senya B. Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of the equilibrium state for Ising spin systems 1972 Joel L. Lebowitz
Anders Martin‐Löf
+ PDF Chat Geometric variational problems of statistical mechanics and of combinatorics 2000 Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Slow droplet-driven relaxation of stochastic Ising models in the vicinity of the phase coexistence region 1994 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Second order large deviation estimates for ferromagnetic systems in the phase coexistence region 1987 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ None 2003 Patrik L. Ferrari
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Ornstein-Zernike theory for finite range Ising models above T c 2003 Massimo Campanino
Dmitry Ioffe
Yvan Velenik
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ Renormalization Group Pathologies and the Definition of Gibbs States 1998 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
R. Lefevere
+ Large deviations and phase separation in the two-dimensional Ising model 1991 Charles‐Edouard Pfister