Wolfgang Schmid


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The geometry of intersecting codes and applications to additive combinatorics and factorization theory 2024 Martino Borello
Wolfgang Ch. Schmid
Martin Scotti
+ PDF Chat Spatial and spatiotemporal volatility models: A review 2024 Philipp Otto
Osman Doğan
Süleyman Taşpınar
Wolfgang Schmid
Anil K. Bera
+ PDF Chat Control charts for high-dimensional time series with estimated in-control parameters 2024 Rostyslav Bodnar
Taras Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Spatial and Spatiotemporal Volatility Models: A Review 2023 Philipp Otto
Osman Doğan
Süleyman Taşpınar
Wolfgang Schmid
Anil K. Bera
+ PDF Chat Control charts for measurement error models 2022 Vasyl Golosnoy
Benno Hildebrandt
Steffen Köhler
Wolfgang Schmid
Miriam Isabel Seifert
+ PDF Chat A general framework for spatial GARCH models 2022 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Sequential monitoring of high‐dimensional time series 2022 Rostyslav Bodnar
Taras Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Generalized Spatial and Spatiotemporal ARCH Models 2021 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A Test on Correlation Based on Gini’s Mean Difference 2021 Wolfgang Schmid
Ivan Semeniuk
+ Monitoring Image Processes: Overview and Comparison Study 2021 Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
Ivan Semeniuk
+ Generalized Spatial and Spatiotemporal ARCH Models 2021 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat New Approaches for Monitoring Image Data 2020 Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
Ivan Semeniuk
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference for the Expected Utility Portfolio in High Dimensions 2020 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Yarema Okhrin
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat A characterization of Krull monoids for which sets of lengths are (almost) arithmetical progressions 2020 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Mean-variance efficiency of optimal power and logarithmic utility portfolios 2020 Taras Bodnar
Dmytro Ivasiuk
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Bayesian mean–variance analysis: optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty 2020 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical inference for the EU portfolio in high dimensions 2020 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Yarema Okhrin
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Misleading signals in joint schemes for the mean vector and covariance matrix 2020 Manuel Cabral Morais
Wolfgang Schmid
Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
Taras Lazariv
António Pacheco
+ Statistical inference for the EU portfolio in high dimensions 2020 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Yarema Okhrin
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical inference for the EU portfolio in high dimensions 2020 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Yarema Okhrin
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On congruence half-factorial Krull monoids with cyclic class group 2019 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Bayesian inference of the multi-period optimal portfolio for an exponential utility 2019 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Inverse zero-sum problems for certain groups of rank three 2019 Benoı̂t Girard
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Spatial and Spatiotemporal GARCH Models -- A Unified Approach 2019 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Tests for the Weights of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in a High-Dimensional Setting 2019 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Stochastic properties of spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH models 2019 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
Robert Garthoff
+ PDF Chat Which sets are sets of lengths in all numerical monoids? 2019 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Spatial and Spatiotemporal GARCH Models -- A Unified Approach 2019 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A characterization of Krull monoids for which sets of lengths are (almost) arithmetical progressions 2019 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Generalised spatial and spatiotemporal autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity 2018 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
Robert Garthoff
+ Comparison of joint control schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output 2018 Manuel Cabral Morais
Wolfgang Schmid
Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
Taras Lazariv
António Pacheco
+ Surveillance of non-stationary processes 2018 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Bayesian mean-variance analysis: Optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty 2018 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Which sets are sets of lengths in all numerical monoids 2018 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat A realization theorem for sets of lengths in numerical monoids 2018 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Challenges in Monitoring Non-stationary Time Series 2018 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the Harborth constant of $C_3 \oplus C_{3n}$ 2018 Philippe Guillot
Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Wolfgang Schmid
Hanane Zerdoum
+ On the Harborth constant of $C_3 \oplus C_{3n}$ 2018 Philippe Guillot
Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Wolfgang Schmid
Hanane Zerdoum
+ Which sets are sets of lengths in all numerical monoids ? 2018 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Evaluating Active Learning Heuristics for Sequential Diagnosis 2018 Patrick Rodler
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Bayesian mean-variance analysis: Optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty 2018 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio in a high-dimensional setting 2017 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the global minimum variance portfolio in high dimensions 2017 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Monitoring means and covariances of multivariate non linear time series with heavy tails 2017 Robert Garthoff
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat A new high-dimensional time series approach for wind speed, wind direction and air pressure forecasting 2017 Daniel Ambach
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Bayesian Inference of the Multi-Period Optimal Portfolio for an Exponential Utility 2017 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A realization theorem for sets of distances 2017 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On congruence half-factorial Krull monoids with cyclic class group 2017 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio in a high-dimensional setting 2017 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A Generally Applicable, Highly Scalable Measurement Computation and Optimization Approach to Sequential Model-Based Diagnosis 2017 Patrick Rodler
Wolfgang Schmid
Konstantin Schekotihin
+ Bayesian Inference of the Multi-Period Optimal Portfolio for an Exponential Utility 2017 David Bauder
Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Systems of Sets of Lengths: Transfer Krull Monoids Versus Weakly Krull Monoids 2017 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
Qinghai Zhong
+ Inexpensive Cost-Optimized Measurement Proposal for Sequential Model-Based Diagnosis 2017 Patrick Rodler
Wolfgang Schmid
Konstantin Schekotihin
+ Tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio in a high-dimensional setting 2017 Taras Bodnar
Solomiia Dmytriv
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ CUSUM control schemes for monitoring the covariance matrix of multivariate time series 2016 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A realization theorem for sets of distances 2016 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Detection of spatial change points in the mean and covariances of multivariate simultaneous autoregressive models 2016 Philipp Otto
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat The system of sets of lengths in Krull monoids under set addition 2016 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Some Recent Results and Open Problems on Sets of Lengths of Krull Monoids with Finite Class Group 2016 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Systems of sets of lengths: Transfer Krull monoids versus weakly Krull monoids 2016 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
Qinghai Zhong
+ Scalable Computation of Optimized Queries for Sequential Diagnosis 2016 Patrick Rodler
Wolfgang Schmid
Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin
+ A realization theorem for sets of distances 2016 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Inverse results for weighted Harborth constants 2015 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Dennys Ramos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWMA control charts for detecting changes in the mean of a long-memory process 2015 Liubov Rabyk
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Control Charts for Multivariate Nonlinear Time Series 2015 Robert Garthoff
Iryna Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the exact solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for an exponential utility under return predictability 2015 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat The system of sets of lengths in Krull monoids under set addition 2015 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the misleading signals in simultaneous schemes for the mean vector and covariance matrix of multivariate i.i.d. output 2015 Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
Manuel Cabral Morais
António Pacheco
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat A closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function 2015 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths 2015 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Variance Charts for Time Series: A Comparison Study 2015 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Discussion on “Recent Advances in Process Monitoring: Nonparametric and Variable-Selection Methods for Phase I and Phase II” 2014 Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Impact of Falsely Assuming I.I.D. Output on the Probability of Misleading Signals 2014 António Pacheco
Manuel Cabral Morais
Wolfgang Schmid
Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
+ PDF Chat Quality surveillance with EWMA control charts based on exact control limits 2014 Manuel Cabral Morais
Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ The system of sets of lengths in Krull monoids under set addition 2014 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Estimation of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in High Dimensions 2014 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the plus–minus weighted Davenport constant 2014 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ The system of sets of lengths in Krull monoids under set addition 2014 Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Multi-wise and constrained fully weighted Davenport constants and interactions with coding theory 2014 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Irene Santos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Estimation of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in High Dimensions 2014 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Some exact values of the Harborth constant and its plus-minus weighted analogue 2013 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Dennys Ramos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical surveillance of the mean vector and the covariance matrix of nonlinear time series 2013 Robert Garthoff
Iryna Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Some exact values of the Harborth constant and its plus-minus weighted analogue 2013 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Dennys Ramos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Some remarks on barycentric-sum problems over cyclic groups 2013 Óscar Ordaz
Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Local and global tameness in Krull monoids 2013 W. D. Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Monitoring the mean of multivariate financial time series 2013 Robert Garthoff
Vasyl Golosnoy
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On control charts for monitoring the variance of a time series 2013 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
Svitlana Zabolotska
+ Stochastic Ordering in the Qualitative Assessment of the Performance of Simultaneous Schemes for Bivariate Processes 2013 Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
Manuel Cabral Morais
António Pacheco
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of quadratic optimization problems commonly used in portfolio theory 2013 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas 2013 Ostap Okhrin
Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Local and global tameness in Krull monoids 2013 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Remarks on the plus-minus weighted Davenport constant 2013 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Some exact values of the Harborth constant and its plus-minus weighted analogue 2013 Luz Elimar Marchan
Óscar Ordaz
Dennys Ramos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On Control Charts for Monitoring the Variance of a Time Series 2012 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
Svitlana Zabolotska
+ Misleading Signals in Simultaneous Schemes for the Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix of a Bivariate Process 2012 Patrícia Ferreira Ramos
Manuel Cabral Morais
António Pacheco
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Exact Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for an Exponential Utility under Return Predictability 2012 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Some remarks on barycentric-sum problems over cyclic groups 2012 Óscar Ordaz
Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On Control Charts for Monitoring the Variance of a Time Series 2012 Taras Lazariv
Wolfgang Schmid
Svitlana Zabolotska
+ On the Exact Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for an Exponential Utility under Return Predictability 2012 Taras Bodnar
Nestor Parolya
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Some remarks on barycentric-sum problems over cyclic groups 2012 Óscar Ordaz
Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Towards a more precise understanding of sets of lengths 2011 Wolfgang Schmid
+ CUSUM control charts for monitoring optimal portfolio weights 2011 Vasyl Golosnoy
Sergiy Ragulin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Zero-sum problems with congruence conditions 2011 Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat The Inverse Problem Associated to the Davenport Constant for $C_2\oplus C_2 \oplus C_{2n}$, and Applications to the Arithmetical Characterization of Class Groups 2011 Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the Olson and the Strong Davenport constants 2011 Óscar Ordaz
Andreas Philipp
Irene Santos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat The catenary degree of Krull monoids I 2011 Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat An application of coding theory to estimating Davenport constants 2010 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a generalization of the Davenport constant 2010 Michael Freeze
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Olson and the Strong Davenport constants 2010 Óscar Ordaz
Andreas Philipp
Irene Santos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Restricted inverse zero-sum problems in groups of rank two 2010 Wolfgang Schmid
+ An application of coding theory to estimating Davenport constants 2010 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Zero-sum problems with congruence conditions 2010 Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with infinite cyclic class group 2010 A. Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
George J. Schaeffer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Application of SPC in Finance 2010 Vasyl Golosnoy
Iryna Okhrin
Sergiy Ragulin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On short zero-sum subsequences over p-groups 2010 Wolfgang Schmid
Jiafu Zhuang
+ PDF Chat Inverse zero-sum problems II 2010 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Zero-sum problems with congruence conditions 2010 Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Olson and the Strong Davenport constants 2010 Óscar Ordaz
Andreas Philipp
Irene Santos
Wolfgang Schmid
+ An application of coding theory to estimating Davenport constants 2010 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Nonlinear locally weighted kriging prediction for spatio‐temporal environmental processes 2009 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ New characteristics for portfolio surveillance 2009 Vasyl Golosnoy
Iryna Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Remarks on a generalization of the Davenport constant 2009 Michael Freeze
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Multivariate CUSUM chart: properties and enhancements 2009 Vasyl Golosnoy
Sergiy Ragulin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ A realization theorem for sets of lengths 2009 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Arithmetical characterization of class groups of the form ℤ/nℤ⊕ℤ/nℤ via the system of sets of lengths 2009 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Quasi-half-factorial subsets of abelian torsion groups 2009 Scott T. Chapman
Wolfgang Schmid
William W. Smith
+ Characterization of Class Groups of Krull Monoids Via Their Systems of Sets of Lengths: A Status Report 2009 Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with infinite cyclic class group 2009 Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
George J. Schaeffer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Remarks on a generalization of the Davenport constant 2009 Michael Freeze
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical Process Control in Asset Management 2008 Vasyl Golosnoy
Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWMA Charts for Multivariate Output: Some Stochastic Ordering Results 2008 Manuel Cabral Morais
Yarema Okhrin
António Pacheco
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On minimal distances in Krull monoids with infinite class group 2008 Scott T. Chapman
Wolfgang Schmid
William W. Smith
+ Inverse zero-sum problems II 2008 Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Periods of sets of lengths: a quantitative result and an associated inverse problem 2008 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Inverse zero-sum problems II 2008 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Surveillance of Univariate and Multivariate Linear Time Series 2007 Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Surveillance of Univariate and Multivariate Nonlinear Time Series 2007 Yarema Okhrin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Surveillance of the mean behavior of multivariate time series 2007 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On Short Zero-Sum Subsequences II 2007 Weidong Gao
Qing-Hu Hou
Wolfgang Schmid
R. Thangadurai
+ Guest Editorial: Eighty Years of Control Charts 2007 Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWMA Control Charts for Monitoring Optimal Portfolio Weights 2007 Vasyl Golosnoy
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Discussion on “Sequential Design and Estimation in Heteroscedastic Nonparametric Regression” by Sam Efromovich 2007 Wolfgang Schmid
Yarema Okhrin
+ PDF Chat Inverse zero-sum problems 2007 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Weakly half-factorial sets in finite abelian groups 2007 Maciej Radziejewski
Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWNA charts for monitoring the mean and the autocovariances of stationary processes 2006 Maciej Rosołowski
Wolfgang Schmid
+ CUSUM Control Schemes for Multivariate Time Series 2006 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the set of integral solutions of the Pell equation in number fields 2006 Wolfgang Schmid
+ On large half-factorial sets in elementaryp-groups: Maximal cardinality and structural characterization 2005 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the maximal cardinality of half-factorial sets in cyclic groups 2005 Alain Plagne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Surveillance of the covariance matrix of multivariate nonlinear time series 2005 Przemysław śliwa
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On zero-sum subsequences of restricted size. IV 2005 Chi Rui
Shuyan Ding
Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Monitoring the cross-covariances of a multivariate time series 2005 Przemysław śliwa
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Multivariate control charts based on a projection approach 2005 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Differences in sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group 2005 Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic behavior of some counting functions 2005 Maciej Radziejewski
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On invariants related to non-unique factorizations in block monoids and rings of algebraic integers 2005 Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic behavior of some counting functions, II 2005 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Discussion on “Likelihood Ratio Identities and Their Applications to Sequential Analysis” by Tze L. Lai 2004 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical Surveillance of the Parameters of a One-Factor Cox–Ingersoll–Ross Model 2004 Wolfgang Schmid
Dobromir Tzotchev
+ Arithmetic of block monoids 2004 Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWMA Charts for Monitoring the Mean and the Autocovariances of Stationary Gaussian Processes 2003 Maciej Rosołowski
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the dual of an ideal and ideal Transforms 2003 Andreas Foroutan
Franz Halter‐Koch
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Tail behaviour of a general family of control charts 2003 Wolfgang Schmid
Yarema Okhrin
+ Monitoring the mean and the variance of a stationary process 2002 Sven Knoth
Wolfgang Schmid
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Sequential Control of Non-Stationary Processes by Nonparametric Kernel Control Charts 2001 Wolfgang Schmid
Ansgar Steland
+ Simultaneous Shewhart-Type Charts for the Mean and the Variance of a Time Series 2001 Sven Knoth
Wolfgang Schmid
Alexander Schöne
+ The influence of parameter estimation on the ARL of Shewhart type charts for time series 2000 Holger Kramer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Joint Distribution of a Quadratic and a Linear Form in Normal Variables 2000 Alexander Schöne
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Comments on Zhang( 1998 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Statistical Process Control and its Application in Finance 1998 Thomas Severin
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On the Average Delay of Control Schemes 1998 Holger Kramer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Control charts for time series 1997 Holger Kramer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ On EWMA Charts for Time Series 1997 Wolfgang Schmid
+ An outlier test for linear processes — II. Large contamination 1996 Thomas Flak
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Robustness of the Standard Deviation and Other Measures of Dispersion 1994 Josef Högel
Wolfgang Schmid
Wilhelm Gaus
+ An outlier test for linear processes 1993 Thomas Flak
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Identification of Multiple Outliers in Time Series 1993 Thomas Flak
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Characters, fixed points, and Osborne's conjecture: Contemporary Mathematics 143 1993 Wolfgang Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Characters, fixed points and Osborne’s conjecture 1993 Wolfgang Schmid
Kari Vilonen
+ Classification of type I and II outliers 1992 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Über das Verhalten Einiger Ausreissertests bei Zeitreihen für Endliches Messdesign 1990 Wolfgang Schmid
+ The Multiple Outlier Problem in Time Series Analysis 1986 Wolfgang Schmid
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Non-unique factorizations 2006 Alfred Geroldinger
+ A Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart 1992 Cynthia A. Lowry
William H. Woodall
Charles W. Champ
Steven E. Rigdon
+ Non-Unique Factorizations 2006 Alfred Geroldinger
Franz Halter‐Koch
+ PDF Chat Time Series: Theory and Methods 1992 Eric R. Ziegel
Peter J. Brockwell
Richard A. Davis
+ On EWMA Charts for Time Series 1997 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Time-Series Modeling for Statistical Process Control 1988 Layth C. Alwan
Harry V. Roberts
+ Ewma charts for multivariate time series 1997 Holger Kramer
Ludwig Schmid
+ Comparisons of Multivariate<i>CUSUM</i>Charts 1990 Joseph J. Pignatiello
George C. Runger
+ Zero-sum problems in finite abelian groups: A survey 2006 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
+ PDF Chat Finite abelian groups and factorization problems 1979 Władysław Narkiewicz
J. Śliwa
+ A realization theorem for sets of lengths 2009 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Multivariate Quality Control-illustrated by the air testing of sample bombsights 1947 Harold Hotelling
+ Multivariate Generalizations of Cumulative Sum Quality-Control Schemes 1988 Ronald B. Crosier
+ Performance of CUSUM Control Schemes for Serially Correlated Observations 1993 Emmanuel Yashchin
+ Surveillance of the mean behavior of multivariate time series 2007 Olha Bodnar
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat A characterization of algebraic number fields with class number two. 1960 L. Carlitz
+ PDF Chat Zero-sumfree sequences in cyclic groups and some arithmetical application 2002 Alfred Geroldinger
Yahya Ould Hamidoune
Jian Zhang
+ Ideal Systems: An Introduction to Multiplicative Ideal Theory 1998 Franz Halter‐Koch
+ PDF Chat Half factorial domains 1976 Abraham Zaks
+ PDF Chat Factorization in Krull monoids with infinite class group 1999 Florian Kainrath
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1982 Robb J. Muirhead
+ None 1999 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1984 Leon Jay Gleser
Robb J. Muirhead
+ PDF Chat Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1991 Peter Shiu
Władysław Narkiewicz
+ The Multivariate Normal Distribution 1991 Alan Julian Izenman
Y. L. Tong
+ PDF Chat Inverse zero-sum problems 2007 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
Wolfgang Schmid
Christian Elsholtz
Alfred Geroldinger
Silke Kubertin
Laurence Rackham
+ Run-Length Distributions of Special-Cause Control Charts for Correlated Processes 1994 Don G. Wardell
Herbert Moskowitz
Robert Plante
+ PDF Chat Differences in sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group 2005 Wolfgang Schmid
+ Sets of lengths in maximal orders in central simple algebras 2013 Daniel Smertnig
+ PDF Chat The set of distances in Krull monoids 2012 Alfred Geroldinger
Pingzhi Yuan
+ The Multivariate Normal Distribution 1990 Y. L. Tong
+ The influence of parameter estimation on the ARL of Shewhart type charts for time series 2000 Holger Kramer
Wolfgang Schmid
+ EWMA Control Charts for Monitoring the Mean of Autocorrelated Processes 1999 Chao-Wen Lu
Marion R. Reynolds
+ PDF Chat On Kemnitz’ conjecture concerning lattice-points in the plane 2006 Christian Reiher
+ Combinatorial Number Theory and Additive Group Theory 2009 Alfred Geroldinger
Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ Factorization in integral domains 1990 D. D. Anderson
David F. Anderson
Muhammad Zafrullah
+ Monitoring the cross-covariances of a multivariate time series 2005 Przemysław śliwa
Wolfgang Schmid
+ PDF Chat Inverse zero-sum problems III 2010 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
David J. Grynkiewicz
+ PDF Chat Analytic and arithmetic theory of semigroups with divisor theory 1992 Alfred Geroldinger
Jerzy Kaczorowski
+ The Cross Number of Finite Abelian Groups 1994 Alfred Geroldinger
+ PDF Chat Remarks on factorizations in algebraic number fields 1982 Jan Śliwa
+ PDF Chat Statistical Surveillance. Optimality and Methods 2003 Marianne Frisén
Scott T. Chapman
Nathan O. Kaplan
Daniel Reiser
+ On Davenport's constant 1992 Alfred Geroldinger
Rudolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths II 2017 Alfred Geroldinger
Qinghai Zhong
+ Factorization in dedekind domains with finite class group 1990 Scott T. Chapman
William W. Smith
+ A Note on Multivariate CUSUM Procedures 1987 John Healy