R Brak


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Weyl chambers for short step Quarter-plane Lattice Paths 2020 R Brak
+ Bi-orthogonal Polynomials and the Five parameter Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 2019 R Brak
W. Frank Moore
+ Fibonacci, Motzkin, Schroder, Fuss-Catalan and other Combinatorial Structures: Universal and Embedded Bijections 2019 R Brak
N. Mahony
+ A Universal Bijection for Catalan Structures 2018 R Brak
+ A Universal Bijection for Catalan Structures 2018 R Brak
+ PDF Chat Bi-orthogonal polynomial sequences and the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2015 R Brak
W. Frank Moore
+ PDF Chat Constant Term Solution for an Arbitrary Number of Osculating Lattice Paths 2013 R Brak
W. Galléas
+ PDF Chat Simple asymmetric exclusion model and lattice paths: bijections and involutions 2012 R Brak
J W Essam
+ PDF Chat An Infinite Family of Adsorption Models and Restricted Lukasiewicz Paths 2011 R Brak
G K Iliev
Thomas Prellberg
+ The exact solution of a three-dimensional lattice polymer confined in a slab with sticky walls 2010 R Brak
G K Iliev
A L Owczarek
S G Whittington
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev type lattice path weight polynomials by a constant term method 2009 R Brak
Judy-anne H. Osborn
+ PDF Chat On directed compact percolation near a damp wall 2009 H Lonsdale
R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ PDF Chat A self-interacting partially directed walk subject to a force 2009 R Brak
Patrick Dyke
J Lee
A L Owczarek
Thomas Prellberg
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ Exactly Solved Models 2009 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
R Brak
+ PDF Chat Exactly solved models of polyominoes and polygons 2009 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
R Brak
+ PDF Chat Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes 2009 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
R Brak
+ Exact solutions of lattice polymer models 2008 R Brak
A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ A self-interacting partially directed walk subject to a force 2008 R Brak
Patrick Dyke
J. Lee
A L Owczarek
Thomas Prellberg
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ Motzkin path models of long chain polymers in slits 2007 R Brak
G K Iliev
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Derivation of the PASEP Stationary State 2006 R Brak
Sylvie Corteel
J W Essam
Robert Parviainen
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ PDF Chat Lattice Paths and the Constant Term 2006 R Brak
J W Essam
Judy-anne H. Osborn
A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ PDF Chat A directed walk model of a long chain polymer in a slit with attractive walls 2005 R Brak
A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium stationary states and equilibrium models with long range interactions 2004 R Brak
Jan de Gier
V. Rittenberg
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric exclusion model and weighted lattice paths 2004 R Brak
J W Essam
+ PDF Chat Bicoloured Dyck Paths and the Contact Polynomial for $n$ Non-Intersecting Paths in a Half-Plane Lattice 2003 R Brak
J W Essam
R Brak
A L Owczarek
+ Anisotropic step, mutual contact and area weighted festoons and parallelogram polyominoes on the triangular lattice 2002 Amotz Oppenheim
R Brak
A L Owczarek
+ Return polynomials for non-intersecting paths above a surface on the directed square lattice 2001 R Brak
J W Essam
+ From the Bethe Ansatz to the Gessel-Viennot Theorem 2000 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ PDF Chat From the Bethe Ansatz to the Gessel-Viennot theorem 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ PDF Chat Partial difference equation method for lattice path problems 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ PDF Chat Directed compact percolation near a wall: III. Exact results for the mean length and number of contacts 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
+ Exact solution of<i>N</i>directed non-intersecting walks interacting with one or two boundaries 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial interpretation of the free-fermion condition of the six-vertex model 1999 R Brak
A L Owczarek
+ New Results for Directed Vesicles and Chains near an Attractive Wall 1998 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ On anisotropic spiral self-avoiding walks 1998 R Brak
A L Owczarek
C E Soteros
+ PDF Chat On the hulls of directed percolation clusters 1997 A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
R Brak
A J Guttmann
+ Series expansion analysis of the backbone properties of two-dimensional percolation clusters 1997 F M Bhatti
R Brak
J W Essam
Turab Lookman
+ New Monte Carlo algorithms for interacting self-avoiding walks 1997 Polidoros Paul Nidras
R Brak
+ Low-temperature 2D polymer partition function scaling: series analysis results 1994 D Bennett-Wood
R Brak
A J Guttmann
A L Owczarek
Thomas Prellberg
+ Finite-length scaling of collapsing directed walks 1993 Thomas Prellberg
A L Owczarek
R Brak
A J Guttmann
+ Directed animals on two-dimensional lattices 1993 Andrew Conway
R Brak
A J Guttmann
+ Exact solution of the staircase and row-convex polygon perimeter and area generating function 1990 R Brak
A J Guttmann
+ Reciprocal relations for the weight factors arising in the series expansion of backbone percolation functions 1989 R Brak
J W Essam
M F Sykes
+ Absorption probability distribution for rough surfaces 1987 Michael Wilkinson
R Brak
+ An exact solution for a spiral self-avoiding walk model on the triangular lattice 1985 G S Joyce
R Brak
+ On the percolation threshold for a d-dimensional simple hypercubic lattice 1984 D S Gaunt
R Brak
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Binomial determinants, paths, and hook length formulae 1985 Ira M. Gessel
GĂ©rard Viennot
+ New Results for Directed Vesicles and Chains near an Attractive Wall 1998 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric exclusion model and weighted lattice paths 2004 R Brak
J W Essam
+ PDF Chat From the Bethe Ansatz to the Gessel-Viennot theorem 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ Vicious walkers and Young tableaux I: without walls 1998 A J Guttmann
A L Owczarek
Xavier GĂ©rard Viennot
+ Return polynomials for non-intersecting paths above a surface on the directed square lattice 2001 R Brak
J W Essam
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of a 1D asymmetric exclusion model using a matrix formulation 1993 Bernard Derrida
M. R. Evans
Vincent Hakim
Vincent Pasquier
+ Exact solution of<i>N</i>directed non-intersecting walks interacting with one or two boundaries 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ Probability of survival for vicious walkers near a cliff 1989 Peter J. Forrester
+ Combinatorial aspects of continued fractions 1980 Philippe Flajolet
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Combinatorial Problems Suggested by the Statistical Mechanics of Domains and of Rubber-Like Molecules 1956 H. N. V. Temperley
+ The Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Walks, Polygons, Animals and Vesicles 2015 E J Janse van Rensburg
+ PDF Chat Relations between hypersurface cross ratios, and a combinatorial formula for partitions of a polygon, for permanent preponderance, and for non-associative products 1948 Th. Motzkin
+ Algebraic languages and polyominoes enumeration 1984 M. Delest
GĂ©rard Viennot
+ On the number of certain lattice polygons 1969 Georg PĂłlya
+ Residual Entropy of Square Ice 1967 Élliott H. Lieb
+ Exact solution of the staircase and row-convex polygon perimeter and area generating function 1990 R Brak
A J Guttmann
+ PDF Chat A directed walk model of a long chain polymer in a slit with attractive walls 2005 R Brak
A L Owczarek
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ Lattice animals and heaps of dimers 2002 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ PDF Chat Partial difference equation method for lattice path problems 1999 R Brak
J W Essam
A L Owczarek
+ A combinatorial theory for general orthogonal polynomials with extensions and applications 1985 GĂ©rard Viennot
+ Random self-avoiding walks on one-dimensional lattices 1990 ALM Sven Erick
Svante Janson
+ A method for the enumeration of various classes of column-convex polygons 1996 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
+ Self-avoiding walks subject to boundary constraints 1977 Frederick T. Wall
W. A. Seitz
John C. Chin
Frederic Mandel
+ Self-avoiding walks in wedges 1985 J. M. Hammersley
S G Whittington
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 3
+ Heaps of pieces, I : Basic definitions and combinatorial lemmas 1986 GĂ©rard Viennot
+ Exact solution of the discrete (1+1)-dimensional SOS model with field and surface interactions 1993 A L Owczarek
Thomas Prellberg
+ An exact solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries 1992 Bernard Derrida
Eytan Domany
David Mukamel
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of a partially asymmetric exclusion model using a deformed oscillator algebra 2000 Richard A. Blythe
M. R. Evans
Francesca Colaiori
Fabian H. L. Eßler
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional partially asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries: orthogonal polynomials approach 1999 Tomohiro Sasamoto
+ Equivalence of Cellular Automata to Ising Models and Directed Percolation 1984 Eytan Domany
Wolfgang Kinzel
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries and Askey–Wilson polynomials 2004 Masaru Uchiyama
Tomohiro Sasamoto
Miki Wadati
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in an exactly soluble one-dimensional exclusion process 1993 G. Schïżœtz
Eytan Domany
+ Some q-analogues of the Schröder numbers arising from combinatorial statistics on lattice paths 1993 Joseph E. Bonin
Louis W. Shapiro
Rodica Simion
+ Exact solution of the lock step model of vicious walkers 1990 Peter J. Forrester
+ PDF Chat The Asymmetric Exclusion Process and Brownian Excursions 2004 Bernard Derrida
C. Enaud
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium steady states of matrix-product form: a solver's guide 2007 Richard A. Blythe
M. R. Evans
+ Motzkin path models of long chain polymers in slits 2007 R Brak
G K Iliev
Andrew Rechnitzer
S G Whittington
+ Asymptotic bounds for the number of convex n-ominoes 1974 David A. Klarner
Ronald L. Rivest
+ PDF Chat Walks in the quarter plane: Kreweras’ algebraic model 2005 Mireille Bousquet‐MĂ©lou
+ PDF Chat Directed Animals and Gas Models Revisited 2007 Yvan Le Borgne
Jean‐François Marckert
+ Exact generating function for fully directed compact lattice animals 1988 Vladimir Privman
N. M. Ơvrakić
+ Dyck path enumeration 1999 Emeric Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Statistics of lattice animals (polyominoes) and polygons 2000 Iwan Jensen
A J Guttmann
+ Generating functions for column-convex polyominoes 1988 M. Delest
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium stationary states and equilibrium models with long range interactions 2004 R Brak
Jan de Gier
V. Rittenberg
+ Surface free energy of the critical six-vertex model with free boundaries 1989 A L Owczarek
R. J. Baxter
+ Cluster structure near the percolation threshold 1982 Antonio Coniglio