Hengbin Cheng


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-protected topological photonic crystal in three dimensions 2016 Ling LĂŒ
Chen Fang
Liang Fu
Steven G. Johnson
John D. Joannopoulos
Marin Soljačić
+ PDF Chat Realization of a three-dimensional photonic topological insulator 2019 Yihao Yang
Zhen Gao
Haoran Xue
Li Zhang
Mengjia He
Zhaoju Yang
Ranjan Singh
Y. D. Chong
Baile Zhang
Hongsheng Chen
+ PDF Chat Discovering Topological Surface States of Dirac Points 2020 Hengbin Cheng
Yi-Xin Sha
Rongjuan Liu
Chen Fang
Ling LĂŒ
+ PDF Chat WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials 2017 Quansheng Wu
ShengNan Zhang
Haifeng Song
Matthias Troyer
Alexey A. Soluyanov
+ PDF Chat Surface states and topological invariants in three-dimensional topological insulators: Application to<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>Bi</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>Sb</mml:mtext></mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2008 Jeffrey C. Y. Teo
Liang Fu
C. L. Kane
+ PDF Chat Weyl points and line nodes in gyroid photonic crystals 2013 Ling LĂŒ
Liang Fu
John D. Joannopoulos
Marin Soljačić
+ PDF Chat Axial-field-induced chiral channels in an acoustic Weyl system 2019 Valerio Peri
Marc Serra-GarcĂ­a
Roni Ilan
Sebastian D. Huber
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-enforced chiral hinge states and surface quantum anomalous Hall effect in the magnetic axion insulator Bi2–xSmxSe3 2019 Changming Yue
Yuanfeng Xu
Zhida Song
Hongming Weng
Yuan-Ming Lu
Chen Fang
Xi Dai
+ PDF Chat Symmetry-based indicators of band topology in the 230 space groups 2017 Hoi Chun Po
Ashvin Vishwanath
Haruki Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Equivalent expression of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>topological invariant for band insulators using the non-Abelian Berry connection 2011 Rui Yu
Xiao Qi
B. Andrei Bernevig
Zhong Fang
Xi Dai
+ PDF Chat Higher-order topological insulators 2018 Frank Schindler
Ashley M. Cook
Maia G. Vergniory
Zhijun Wang
S. Parkin
B. Andrei Bernevig
Titus Neupert
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum chemistry 2017 Barry Bradlyn
Luis Elcoro
Jennifer Cano
Maia G. Vergniory
Zhijun Wang
Claudia Felser
M. I. Aroyo
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat New classes of three-dimensional topological crystalline insulators: Nonsymmorphic and magnetic 2015 Chen Fang
Liang Fu
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>Topological Order and the Quantum Spin Hall Effect 2005 C. L. Kane
E. J. Melé
+ PDF Chat Topological semimetals with helicoid surface states 2016 Chen Fang
Ling LĂŒ
Junwei Liu
Liang Fu
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>topology in nonsymmorphic crystalline insulators: Möbius twist in surface states 2015 Ken Shiozaki
Masatoshi Sato
Kiyonori Gomi
+ Weyl and Dirac semimetals in three-dimensional solids 2018 N. P. Armitage
E. J. Melé
Ashvin Vishwanath
+ PDF Chat Band Topology and Linking Structure of Nodal Line Semimetals with <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> Monopole Charges 2018 Junyeong Ahn
Dongwook Kim
Youngkuk Kim
Bohm‐Jung Yang
+ PDF Chat Experimental discovery of nodal chains 2018 Qinghui Yan
Rongjuan Liu
Zhongbo Yan
Boyuan Liu
Hongsheng Chen
Zhong Wang
Ling LĂŒ
+ Quantized electric multipole insulators 2017 Wladimir A. Benalcazar
B. Andrei Bernevig
Taylor L. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional all-dielectric photonic topological insulator 2016 Alexey Slobozhanyuk
S. Hossein Mousavi
Xiang Ni
Daria A. Smirnova
Yuri S. Kivshar
Alexander B. Khanikaev
+ PDF Chat Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Graphene 2005 C. L. Kane
E. J. Melé
+ PDF Chat Glide-symmetric magnetic topological crystalline insulators with inversion symmetry 2019 Heejae Kim
Ken Shiozaki
Shuichi Murakami
+ PDF Chat Phase transition between the quantum spin Hall and insulator phases in 3D: emergence of a topological gapless phase 2007 Shuichi Murakami
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> -Dimensional Edge States of Rotation Symmetry Protected Topological States 2017 Zhida Song
Zhong Fang
Chen Fang
+ PDF Chat A topological Dirac insulator in a quantum spin Hall phase 2008 David Hsieh
Dong Qian
L. Andrew Wray
Y. Xia
Y. S. Hor
R. J. Cava
M. Zahid Hasan
+ PDF Chat The impossibility of exactly flat non-trivial Chern bands in strictly local periodic tight binding models 2014 Li Chen
Tahereh Mazaheri
Alexander Seidel
Xiang Tang
+ PDF Chat Possible Realization of Directional Optical Waveguides in Photonic Crystals with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry 2008 F. D. M. Haldane
S. Raghu
+ PDF Chat Time-reversal invariant realization of the Weyl semimetal phase 2012 GĂĄbor B. HalĂĄsz
Leon Balents
+ PDF Chat Topological crystalline insulators in the SnTe material class 2012 Timothy H. Hsieh
Hsin Lin
Junwei Liu
Wenhui Duan
Arun Bansil
Liang Fu
+ PDF Chat Classification of topological crystalline insulators based on representation theory 2016 Xiao Dong
Chao Liu
+ PDF Chat Spin-Orbit-Free Topological Insulators without Time-Reversal Symmetry 2014 A. Alexandradinata
Chen Fang
Matthew J. Gilbert
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Computing topological invariants without inversion symmetry 2011 Alexey A. Soluyanov
David Vanderbilt
+ PDF Chat Light propagation in finite and infinite photonic crystals: The recursive Green’s function technique 2005 A. I. Rahachou
Igor Zozoulenko
+ PDF Chat Topological charges of three-dimensional Dirac semimetals with rotation symmetry 2015 Bohm‐Jung Yang
Takahiro Morimoto
Akira Furusaki
+ PDF Chat Topological Insulators in Three Dimensions 2007 Liang Fu
C. L. Kane
E. J. Melé
+ PDF Chat Topological order and absence of band insulators at integer filling in non-symmorphic crystals 2013 S. A. Parameswaran
Ari M. Turner
Daniel P. Arovas
Ashvin Vishwanath
+ PDF Chat Model Characterization of Gapless Edge Modes of Topological Insulators Using Intermediate Brillouin-Zone Functions 2011 Lukasz Fidkowski
Thomas Jackson
Israel Klich
+ PDF Chat Monomiale Darstellung Endlicher Gruppen 1953 Bertram Huppert
+ PDF Chat Topological phases and the quantum spin Hall effect in three dimensions 2009 Rahul Roy
+ Classification of “Real” Bloch-bundles: Topological quantum systems of type AI 2014 Giuseppe De Nittis
Kiyonori Gomi
+ PDF Chat Gapless surface states in a lattice of coupled cavities: A photonic analog of topological crystalline insulators 2011 Vassilios Yannopapas
+ PDF Chat Inversion-symmetric topological insulators 2011 Taylor L. Hughes
Emil Prodan
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Bulk Dirac Points in Distorted Spinels 2014 Julia Steinberg
Steve M. Young
Saad Zaheer
C. L. Kane
E. J. Melé
Andrew M. Rappe
+ The Threefold Way. Algebraic Structure of Symmetry Groups and Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics 1962 Freeman J. Dyson
+ Connectivity of energy bands in crystals 1999 Louis Michel
J. ĆœĂĄk
+ Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang-Mills equations 1975 A. A. Belavin
A. M. Polyakov
Arthur S. Schwartz
Yu. S. Tyupkin
+ PDF Chat Observation of a three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetal phase in high-mobility Cd3As2 2014 Madhab Neupane
Su-Yang Xu
R. Sankar
Nasser Alidoust
Guang Bian
Chang Liu
Ilya Belopolski
Tay‐Rong Chang
Horng‐Tay Jeng
Hsin Lin
+ PDF Chat Smooth gauge for topological insulators 2012 Alexey A. Soluyanov
David Vanderbilt
+ PDF Chat Fractional and Majorana fermions: the physics of zero-energy modes 2012 R. Jackiw