Oded Yacobi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Relations between generalised Gelfand-Tsetlin and Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of $S_n$ 2024 Ali Haidar
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Lie algebra actions on module categories for truncated shifted yangians 2024 Joel Kamnitzer
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Categorical braid group actions and cactus groups 2023 Iva Halacheva
Anthony Licata
Ivan Losev
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat On Schützenberger modules of the cactus group 2023 Jongmin Lim
Oded Yacobi
+ On the action of the Weyl group on canonical bases 2023 Fern Gossow
Oded Yacobi
+ 4-Strand Burau is Unfaithful Modulo 5 2023 Joel Gibson
Geordie Williamson
Oded Yacobi
+ Lie algebra actions on module categories for truncated shifted Yangians 2022 Joel Kamnitzer
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ On the action of the long cycle on the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis 2021 Martin Gossow
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat On the action of the long cycle on the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis 2021 Martin Gossow
Oded Yacobi
+ Categorical braid group actions and cactus groups 2021 Iva Halacheva
Anthony Licata
Ivan Losev
Oded Yacobi
+ On the action of the long cycle on the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis 2021 Fern Gossow
Oded Yacobi
+ On Schützenberger modules of the cactus group 2021 Jongmin Lim
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport about the standard local model for GL_<sub> <i>d</i> </sub> 2020 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat The Equations Defining Affine Grassmannians in Type A and a Conjecture of Kreiman, Lakshmibai, Magyar, and Weyman 2020 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat A quantum Mirković-Vybornov isomorphism 2020 Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ On a conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport about the standard local model for $GL_d$ 2019 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals 2019 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ On category O for affine Grassmannian slices and categorified tensor products 2019 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ A Note on Categorification and Spherical Harmonics 2019 Suntharan Arunasalam
Joshua Ciappara
Diana M. H. Nguyen
Suo Jun Tan
Oded Yacobi
+ On a conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport about the standard local model for $GL_d$ 2019 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat On category $\mathcal{O}$ for affine Grassmannian slices and categorified tensor products 2018 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat An equivalence between truncations of categorified quantum groups and Heisenberg categories 2017 Hoel Queffélec
Alistair Savage
Oded Yacobi
+ The equations defining affine Grassmannians in type A and a conjecture of Kreiman, Lakshmibai, Magyar, and Weyman 2017 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Reducedness of affine Grassmannian slices in type A 2017 Joel Kamnitzer
Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat A quantum Mirkovi\'c-Vybornov isomorphism 2017 Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Quantum polynomial functors 2017 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ A quantum Mirković-Vybornov isomorphism 2017 Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Quantum polynomial functors 2017 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ The equations defining affine Grassmannians in type A and a conjecture of Kreiman, Lakshmibai, Magyar, and Weyman 2017 Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Reducedness of affine Grassmannian slices in type A 2016 Joel Kamnitzer
Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Reducedness of affine Grassmannian slices in type A 2016 Joel Kamnitzer
Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals 2015 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Quantum Polynomial Functors 2015 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals 2015 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Quantum Polynomial Functors 2015 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Categorification and Heisenberg doubles arising from towers of algebras 2014 Alistair Savage
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian 2014 Joel Kamnitzer
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space 2014 Jiuzu Hong
Antoine Touzé
Oded Yacobi
+ Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space II 2013 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Representations and Categorifications of Fock Space 2012 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space II: Schur-Weyl duality 2011 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ A quantum analogue of Kostantʼs theorem for the general linear group 2011 Avraham Aizenbud
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat A basis for the symplectic group branching algebra 2011 Sangjib Kim
Oded Yacobi
Oded Yacobi
+ Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space 2011 Jiuzu Hong
Antoine Touzé
Oded Yacobi
+ Polynomial representations and categorifications of Fock Space 2011 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space II 2011 Jiuzu Hong
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat An analysis of the multiplicity spaces in branching of symplectic groups 2010 Oded Yacobi
+ A quantum analogue of Kostant's theorem for the general linear group 2010 Avraham Aizenbud
Oded Yacobi
+ A Basis for the Symplectic Group Branching Algebra 2010 Sangjib Kim
Oded Yacobi
+ A quantum analogue of Kostant's theorem for the general linear group 2010 Avraham Aizenbud
Oded Yacobi
+ An Analysis of the Multiplicity Spaces in Branching of Symplectic Groups 2009 Oded Yacobi
+ An analysis of the multiplicity spaces in classical symplectic branching 2009 Oded Yacobi
+ A multiplicity formula for tensor products of 𝑆𝐿₂ modules and an explicit 𝑆𝑝_{2𝑛} to 𝑆𝑝_{2𝑛-2}×𝑆𝑝₂ branching formula 2009 Nolan R. Wallach
Oded Yacobi
+ An Analysis of the Multiplicity Spaces in Branching of Symplectic Groups 2009 Oded Yacobi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Derived equivalences for symmetric groups and 𝔰𝔩<sub>2</sub>-categorification 2008 Joseph Chuang
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat Geometric Langlands duality and representations of algebraic groups over commutative rings 2007 Ivan Mirković
Kari Vilonen
+ 2-Kac-Moody algebras 2008 Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Representations of the Yangian and Moduli Space of Monopoles 2005 A. Gerasimov
S. Kharchev
D. V. Lebedev
Sergey Oblezin
+ A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups I 2009 Mikhail Khovanov
Aaron D. Lauda
+ PDF Chat Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian 2014 Joel Kamnitzer
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ Rational cohomology and cohomological stability in generic representation theory 1998 Nicholas J. Kuhn
+ Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups 2005 Alexander Kleshchev
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ Representations of Algebraic Groups 2007 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Hecke algebras at roots of unity and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras 1996 Alain Lascoux
Bernard Leclerc
Jean‐Yves Thibon
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of finite group schemes over a field 1997 Eric M. Friedlander
Andrei Suslin
+ The equations of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices 1989 Jerzy Weyman
+ Comultiplication for shifted Yangians and quantum open Toda lattice 2017 Michael Finkelberg
Joel Kamnitzer
Khoa Pham
Leonid Rybnikov
Alex Weekes
+ Representations of Shifted Yangians and Finite W-algebras 2008 Jonathan Brundan
Alexander Kleshchev
+ PDF Chat An Algebro-Geometric Realization of the Cohomology Ring of Hilbert Scheme of Points in the Affine Plane 2016 Tatsuyuki Hikita
Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
+ Coulomb branches of $3d$ $\mathcal N=4$ quiver gauge theories and slices in the affine Grassmannian (with appendices by Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Joel Kamnitzer, Ryosuke Kodera, Hiraku Nakajima, Ben Webster, and Alex Weekes) 2016 Alexander Braverman
Michael Finkelberg
Hiraku Nakajima
+ A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups II 2010 Mikhail Khovanov
Aaron D. Lauda
+ Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals 2015 Joel Kamnitzer
Peter Tingley
Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat A categorification of quantum $\mathrm{sl}(n)$ 2010 Mikhail Khovanov
Aaron D. Lauda
+ PDF Chat Conformal blocks and generalized theta functions 1994 Arnaud Beauville
Yves Laszlo
+ PDF Chat General Linear and Functor Cohomology Over Finite Fields 1999 Vincent Franjou
Eric M. Friedlander
Alexander Scorichenko
Andrei Suslin
+ Reducedness of affine Grassmannian slices in type A 2017 Joel Kamnitzer
Dinakar Muthiah
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ PDF Chat Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions II: category $\mathcal {O}$ and symplectic duality 2018 Tom Braden
Anthony Licata
Nicholas Proudfoot
Ben Webster
+ Quiver varieties and Kac-Moody algebras 1998 Hiraku Nakajima
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Spaltenstein varieties 2011 Jonathan Brundan
Victor Ostrik
+ PDF Chat Bifunctor cohomology and cohomological finite generation for reductive groups 2010 Antoine Touzé
Wilberd van der Kallen
+ Local models in the ramified case. I: The EL-case 2002 G. Pappas
Michael Rapoport
+ PDF Chat Algebraic loop groups and moduli spaces of bundles 2003 Герд Фалтингс
+ PDF Chat Filtrations of $G$-modules 1990 Olivier Mathieu
+ SCHUR ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 112) 1996 J. A. Green
+ PDF Chat Parabolic Presentations of the Yangian 2004 Jonathan Brundan
Alexander Kleshchev
+ An introduction to affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake equivalence 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Schur Algebras and Representation Theory 1994 Stuart Martin
+ A quantum Mirković-Vybornov isomorphism 2017 Ben Webster
Alex Weekes
Oded Yacobi
+ On Schur algebras and related algebras, II 1987 Stephen Donkin
+ A categorification of the Temperley-Lieb algebra and Schur quotients of $ U({\frak sl}_2) $ via projective and Zuckerman functors 1999 Joseph Bernstein
Igor Frenkel
Mikhail Khovanov
+ Cyclic sieving, promotion, and representation theory 2009 Brendon Rhoades
+ Isomorphisms of quantizations via quantization of resolutions 2012 Ivan Losev
+ Crystalizing theq-analogue of universal enveloping algebras 1990 Masaki Kashiwara
+ Quiver varieties and Beilinson-Drinfeld Grassmannians of type A 2007 Ivan Mirković
Maxim Vybornov
+ Sheaves on a loop group and langlands duality 1991 Viktor Ginzburg
+ Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves, I: The sl(2)-case 2008 Sabin Cautis
Joel Kamnitzer
+ PDF Chat A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups III 2008 Mikhail Khovanov
Aaron D. Lauda
+ PDF Chat Hecke algebras, finite general linear groups, and Heisenberg categorification 2013 Anthony Licata
Alistair Savage
+ On Translation Functors for General Linear and Symmetric Groups 2000 Jonathan Brundan
Alexander Kleshchev
+ PDF Chat On uniqueness of tensor products of irreducible categorifications 2014 Ivan Losev
Ben Webster
+ PDF Chat Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space 2014 Jiuzu Hong
Antoine Touzé
Oded Yacobi
+ Quiver Schur algebras and q-Fock space 2011 Catharina Stroppel
Ben Webster