Marco Caroccia


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the emergence of almost-honeycomb structures in low-energy planar clusters 2025 Marco Caroccia
Kenneth DeMason
Francesco Maggi
+ On the singular planar Plateau problem 2024 Marco Caroccia
Riccardo Scala
+ PDF Chat On the singular planar Plateau problem 2024 Marco Caroccia
Riccardo Scala
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of the Dirichlet Energy on Poisson Point Clouds 2023 Andrea Braides
Marco Caroccia
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric Sets and p-Cheeger Sets are in Bijection 2023 Marco Caroccia
Giorgio Saracco
+ PDF Chat A compactness Theorem for functions on Poisson point clouds 2022 Marco Caroccia
+ Asymptotic behavior of the Dirichlet energy on Poisson point clouds 2022 Andrea Braides
Marco Caroccia
+ A Compactness Theorem for functions on Poisson point clouds 2022 Marco Caroccia
+ Isoperimetric sets and $p$-Cheeger sets are in bijection 2022 Marco Caroccia
Giorgio Saracco
+ PDF Chat Dimensional lower bounds for contact surfaces of Cheeger sets 2021 Marco Caroccia
Simone Ciani
+ Dimensional lower bounds for contact surfaces of Cheeger sets. 2021 Marco Caroccia
Simone Ciani
+ PDF Chat Mumford–Shah functionals on graphs and their asymptotics 2020 Marco Caroccia
Antonin Chambolle
Dejan Slepčev
+ Contact surface of Cheeger sets 2020 Marco Caroccia
Simone Ciani
+ PDF Chat On the Gamma Convergence of Functionals Defined Over Pairs of Measures and Energy-Measures 2020 Marco Caroccia
Riccardo Cristoferi
+ PDF Chat On the Integral Representation of Variational Functionals on $BD$ 2020 Marco Caroccia
Matteo Focardi
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ Dimensional lower bounds for contact surfaces of Cheeger sets 2020 Marco Caroccia
Simone Ciani
+ On the integral representation of variational functionals on $BD$ 2019 Marco Caroccia
Matteo Focardi
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ PDF Chat Damage-driven fracture with low-order potentials: asymptotic behavior, existence and applications 2019 Marco Caroccia
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ On the integral representation of variational functionals on $BD$ 2019 Marco Caroccia
Mauro Focardi
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ PDF Chat Equilibria Configurations for Epitaxial Crystal Growth with Adatoms 2018 Marco Caroccia
Riccardo Cristoferi
Laurent Dietrich
+ Damage-driven fracture with low-order potentials: asymptotic behavior and applications 2017 Marco Caroccia
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ PDF Chat Cheeger N-clusters 2017 Marco Caroccia
+ The Cheeger N-problem in terms of BV functions 2017 Marco Caroccia
Samuel Littig
+ Damage-driven fracture with low-order potentials: asymptotic behavior, existence and applications 2017 Marco Caroccia
Nicolas Van Goethem
+ A sharp quantitative version of Hales' isoperimetric honeycomb theorem 2016 Marco Caroccia
Francesco Maggi
+ On the isoperimetric properties of Planar N-clusters 2016 Marco Caroccia
+ On the isoperimetric properties of Planar N-clusters 2016 Marco Caroccia
+ The optimal partition problem for $p$-Laplacian eigenvalues as $p$ goes to one 2015 Marco Caroccia
+ A note on the stability of the cheeger constant of N-gons 2015 Marco Caroccia
Robin Neumayer
+ A note on the stability of the Cheeger constant of $N$-gons 2014 Marco Caroccia
Robin Neumayer
+ A sharp quantitative version of Hales' isoperimetric honeycomb theorem 2014 Marco Caroccia
Francesco Maggi
+ A sharp quantitative version of Hales' isoperimetric honeycomb theorem 2014 Marco Caroccia
Francesco Maggi
+ A note on the stability of the Cheeger constant of $N$-gons 2014 Marco Caroccia
Robin Neumayer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Cheeger sets in strips and non-convex domains 2016 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Aldo Pratelli
+ Sets of Finite Perimeter and Geometric Variational Problems 2012 Francesco Maggi
+ A Lower Bound for the Smallest Eigenvalue of the Laplacian 2015 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on Uniqueness and Regularity of Cheeger Sets 2010 Vicent Caselles
Antonin Chambolle
Matteo Novaga
+ An Optimal Partition Problem for Eigenvalues 2006 L. A. Cafferelli
Fang Lin
+ PDF Chat Cheeger N-clusters 2017 Marco Caroccia
+ The p-Laplace eigenvalue problem as p goes to 1 and Cheeger sets in a Finsler metric 2008 Bernd Kawohl
Matteo Novaga
+ PDF Chat The Second Eigenvalue of the <i>p</i>‐Laplacian as <i>p</i> Goes to 1 2009 Enea Parini
+ PDF Chat The Cheeger constant of a Jordan domain without necks 2017 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Robin Neumayer
Giorgio Saracco
+ PDF Chat Su una teoria generale della misura (r − 1)-dimensionale in uno spazio adr dimensioni 1954 Ennio De Giorgi
+ Improved convergence theorems for bubble clusters. I. The planar case 2014 Marco Cicalese
Gian Paolo Leonardi
Francesco Maggi
+ The relation between the laplacian and the diameter for manifolds of non-negative curvature 1968 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Cheeger Sets for Rotationally Symmetric Planar Convex Bodies 2021 Antonio Cañete
+ Sets of Finite Perimeter and Geometric Variational Problems: An Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory 2012 Francesco Maggi
+ PDF Chat On the selection of maximal Cheeger sets 2007 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Guillaume Carlier
Myriam Comte
+ PDF Chat The Honeycomb Conjecture 2001 Thomas Hales
+ PDF Chat Mumford–Shah functionals on graphs and their asymptotics 2020 Marco Caroccia
Antonin Chambolle
Dejan Slepčev
+ Existence and Regularity Almost Everywhere of Solutions to Elliptic Variational Problems With Constraints 1976 Almgren
+ PDF Chat Analysis of $p$-Laplacian Regularization in Semisupervised Learning 2019 Dejan Slepčev
Matthew Thorpe
+ Frontiere minimali con ostacoli 1971 Michele Miranda
+ A variational approach to the consistency of spectral clustering 2016 Nicolás García Trillos
Dejan Slepčev
+ Fine Properties of Functions with Bounded Deformation 1997 Luigi Ambrosio
Alessandra Coscia
Gianni Dal Maso
+ Removable Singularities of p-Harmonic Functions 2005 A. V. Pokrovskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Characterization of Cheeger sets for convex subsets of the plane 2006 Bernd Kawohl
Thomas Lachand-Robert
+ PDF Chat Minimizers of the prescribed curvature functional in a Jordan domain with no necks 2020 Gian Paolo Leonardi
Giorgio Saracco
+ Extremum Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators 2006 Antoine Henrot
+ PDF Chat On the Rate of Convergence of Empirical Measures in ∞-transportation Distance 2014 Nicolás García Trillos
Dejan Slepčev
+ PDF Chat The sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality 2008 Nicola Fusco
Francesco Maggi
Aldo Pratelli
+ A mass transportation approach to quantitative isoperimetric inequalities 2010 Alessio Figalli
Francesco Maggi
Aldo Pratelli
+ PDF Chat Optimal interior and boundary regularity for almost minimizers to elliptic variational integrals 2002 Frank Duzaar
Klaus Steffen
+ Optimal Partitions for Eigenvalues 2009 Blaise Bourdain
Dorin Bucur
Èdouard Oudet
+ A characteristic property of spheres 1962 A. D. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat A Selection Principle for the Sharp Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequality 2012 Marco Cicalese
Gian Paolo Leonardi
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. 1990 K. J. Falconer
+ A note on Cheeger sets 2009 Alessio Figalli
Francesco Maggi
Aldo Pratelli
+ Removable singularities of solutions of second-order divergence-form elliptic equations 2005 A. V. Pokrovskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Spectral optimization problems 2011 Giuseppe Buttazzo
+ The Gauss–Green theorem and removable sets for PDEs in divergence form 2003 Thierry De Pauw
Washek F. Pfeffer
+ Remarks on the regularity of weak solutions to some variational inequalities 1981 Mariano Giaquinta
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Analysis of Ambrosio--Tortorelli Energies in Linearized Elasticity 2014 Matteo Focardi
Flaviana Iurlano
+ Minimal boundaries enclosing a given volume 1981 Eduardo González
Umberto Massari
Italo Tamanini
+ PDF Chat Regularity of Free Boundaries in Anisotropic Capillarity Problems and the Validity of Young’s Law 2014 Guido De Philippis
Francesco Maggi
+ On the honeycomb conjecture for a class of minimal convex partitions 2017 Dorin Bucur
Ilaria Fragalà
Bozhidar Velichkov
Gianmaria Verzini
+ A Faber–Krahn Inequality for the Cheeger Constant of $$N$$ N -gons 2014 Dorin Bucur
Ilaria Fragalà
+ PDF Chat Alexandrov’s theorem revisited 2019 Matías G. Delgadino
Francesco Maggi
+ PDF Chat An Overview on the Cheeger Problem 2015 Gian Paolo Leonardi
+ Techniques in fractal geometry 1997 K. J. Falconer
+ Lower semicontinuity of a class of integral functionals on the space of functions of bounded deformation 2016 Gianni Dal Maso
Gianluca Orlando
Rodica Toader
+ PDF Chat Functionals defined on measures and applications to non equi-uniformly elliptic problems 1991 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Lorenzo Freddi