Vladimir Blinovsky


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Proof of Brouwer's Conjecture 2019 Vladimir Blinovsky
Llohann D. Sperança
+ Proof of Aharoni Berger Conjecture 2019 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ A Proof of Brouwer's Conjecture 2019 Vladimir Blinovsky
Llohann D. Sperança
+ Proof of Aharoni Berger Conjecture 2019 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Riemann hypothesis 2017 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Riemann hypothesis and Ramanujan tau- Dirichlet series hypothesis 2017 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Riemann hypothesis, Generalized Riemann hypothesis and Ramanujan tau- Dirichlet series hypothesis 2017 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Riemann hypothesis 2017 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Enumeration of Sparse Uniform Linear Hypergraphs with Given Degrees 2016 Vladimir Blinovsky
Catherine Greenhill
+ Solution of Hypergraph Turan problem 2016 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of tightness of Varshamov - Gilbert bound for binary codes 2016 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Solution of Hypergraph Turan problem 2016 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Tight Logarithmic Asymptotic for the Probability of $n\times n$ Random Matrix with Uniform Distributed $\pm 1$ Entries to be Singular 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Minimal number of edges in hypergraph guaranteeing perfect fractional matching and MMS conjecture, complete version 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Union- Closed Sets Conjecture 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Asymptotic enumeration of sparse uniform hypergraphs with given degrees 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
Catherine Greenhill
+ Comments to Symmetrical Smoothing Method and First Step to How to Avoid Irrelevant Extremums 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Fractional matchings in hypergraphs 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Tight Logarithmic Asymptotic for the Probability of $n\times n$ Random Matrix with Uniform Distributed $\pm 1$ Entries to be Singular 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Minimal number of edges in hypergraph guaranteeing perfect fractional matching and MMS conjecture, complete version 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of Union- Closed Sets Conjecture 2015 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Minimum number of edges in a hypergraph guaranteeing a perfect fractional matching and the MMS conjecture 2014 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Proof of two conjectures on correlation inequalities for one class of monotone functions 2014 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Erdös's Matching Conjecture and $s$-wise $t$-intersection Conjecture via Symmetrical Smoothing Method 2014 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Asymptotic enumeration of sparse uniform linear hypergraphs with given degrees 2014 Vladimir Blinovsky
Catherine Greenhill
+ Complete intersection theorem and complete nontrivial-intersection theorem for systems of set partitions 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Two conjectures about correlation inequalities 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Proof of two conjectures on correlation inequalities for one class of monotone functions 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Approach to the Solution of the Complete Intersection Problem for Set Partitions 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ The solution of the complete nontrivial cycle intersection problem for permutations 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Fractional matching in hypergraphs 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ One conjecture about size of Sidon sets 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Correlation inequality for formal series 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Minimal Number of Edges in Hypergraph Guaranteeing Perfect Fractional Matching and MMS Conjecture 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Classical-Quantum Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channel 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
Minglai Cai
+ Correlation Inequality for Formal Series 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ The solution of the complete nontrivial cycle intersection problem for permutations 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
Llohann D. Sperança
+ Proof of two conjectures on correlation inequalities for one class of monotone functions 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Complete intersection theorem and complete nontrivial-intersection theorem for systems of set partitions 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ A remark on the problem of nonnegative k-subset sums 2012 H. Aydinian
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Remark on one problem in extremal combinatorics 2012 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Classical-Quantum Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channel 2012 Vladimir Blinovsky
Minglai Cai
+ List Decoding: Survey 2012 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Complete Intersection Problems for Finite Permutations 2011 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat New Asymptotic Bounds on the Size of Multiple Packings of the Euclidean Sphere 2011 Vladimir Blinovsky
Simon Litsyn
+ Intersection theorem for finite permutations 2011 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Random Coding Bound for the Reliability Function in Quantum Channel: General Case 2011 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ A proof of one correlation inequality 2009 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Generalization of Plotkin bound to the case of multiple packing 2009 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Plotkin bound generalization to the case of multiple packings 2009 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ About convexity of one function from coding theory 2008 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ On the convexity of one coding-theory function 2008 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Lectures on Advances in Combinatorics 2008 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Multiple packing in sum-type metric spaces 2007 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Classical Capacity of Classical-Quantum Arbitrarily Varying Channels 2007 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Maximal sets of numbers not containing <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> pairwise coprimes and having divisors from a specified set of primes 2006 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Two Problems from Coding Theory 2006 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ On the Number of Step Functions with Restrictions 2006 R. Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Correlation Inequalities in Function Spaces 2006 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Random Sphere Packing 2005 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Correlation Inequalities in Function Spaces 2005 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Multiple Packing in Sum-type Metric Spaces 2005 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations in Quantum Information Theory 2003 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Local LDP for the random Young diagram with restrictions 2003 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ LDP for shape of random Young diagram 2002 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Multiple packing of Euclidean sphere 2002 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ New estimation of the probability of undetected error 2002 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Local LDP for the shape of random Young diagram with restrictions on length and height of steps 2002 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ None 2002 Vladimir Blinovsky
L. H. Harper
+ None 2001 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Large Deviations Problem for the Shape of a Random Young Diagram with Restrictions 2000 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Multiple packing of the Euclidean sphere 1999 Vladimir Blinovsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ None 2003 Rudolf Ahlswede
Levon H. Khachatrian
+ Higher correlation inequalities 2008 Siddhartha Sahi
+ Lectures on Advances in Combinatorics 2008 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Minimal Number of Edges in Hypergraph Guaranteeing Perfect Fractional Matching and MMS Conjecture 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ A Berry-Esseen theorem for hypergeometric probabilities under minimal conditions 2007 Soumendra N. Lahiri
Arindam Chatterjee
+ Multiple packing of spherical caps 1963 Nelson M. Blachman
L. Few
+ Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdős and Samuels 2012 Noga Alon
Péter Frankl
Hao Huang
Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Correlation inequalities on some partially ordered sets 1971 C.M. Fortuin
Piet Kasteleyn
J. Ginibre
+ The Complete Intersection Theorem for Systems of Finite Sets 1997 Rudolf Ahlswede
Levon H. Khachatrian
+ A linear bound on the Manickam-Miklos-Singhi Conjecture 2013 Alexey Pokrovskiy
+ Nonnegative k-sums, fractional covers, and probability of small deviations 2012 Noga Alon
Hao Huang
Benny Sudakov
+ A distribution invariant for association schemes and strongly regular graphs 1984 Thomas Bier
+ Erdős–Ko–Rado theorems for permutations and set partitions 2008 Cheng Yeaw Ku
D. Renshaw
+ First distribution invariants and EKR theorems 1988 Nachimuthu Manickam
N.M. Singhi
+ Capacity Results for Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels 2012 Igor Bjelaković
Holger Boche
Jochen Sommerfeld
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Enumeration of Sparse Multigraphs with Given Degrees 2013 Catherine Greenhill
Brendan D. McKay
+ The private classical information capacity and quantum information capacity of a quantum channel 2003 Igor Devetak
+ On the absolute constants in the Berry-Esseen type inequalities for identically distributed summands 2011 И. Г. Шевцова
+ Probabilistic existence of regular combinatorial structures 2011 Greg Kuperberg
Shachar Lovett
Ron Peled
+ Classical Capacity of Classical-Quantum Arbitrarily Varying Channels 2007 Rudolf Ahlswede
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Subgraphs of Dense Random Graphs with Specified Degrees 2011 Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat Subgraph centrality and clustering in complex hyper-networks 2006 Ernesto Estrada
Juan A. Rodríguez‐Velázquez
+ On the FKG-inequality for measures on a partially ordered space 1977 J. H. B. Kemperman
+ Process Level Large Deviations for a Class of Piecewise Homogeneous Random Walks 1994 V. M. Blinovskii
R. L. Dobrushin
+ A remark on the problem of nonnegative k-subset sums 2012 H. Aydinian
Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Classes of orderings of measures and related correlation inequalities. I. Multivariate totally positive distributions 1980 Samuel Karlin
Yosef Rinott
+ Fractional matching in hypergraphs 2013 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ Asymptotic Enumeration by Degree Sequence of Graphs of High Degree 1990 Brendan D. McKay
Nicholas Wormald
+ Minimum number of edges in a hypergraph guaranteeing a perfect fractional matching and the MMS conjecture 2014 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic enumeration of sparse 0–1 matrices with irregular row and column sums 2005 Catherine Greenhill
Brendan D. McKay
Xiaoji Wang
+ PDF Chat The Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for Integer Sequences 1999 Péter Frankl
Norihide Tokushige
+ PDF Chat Randomly coloring simple hypergraphs 2011 Alan Frieze
Páll Melsted
+ PDF Chat Subgraphs of Random Graphs with Specified Degrees 2011 Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat The Closest Packing of Spherical Caps in <i>n</i> Dimensions 1955 R. A. Rankin
+ PDF Chat Intersecting families of permutations 2003 Peter J‎. Cameron
Cheng Yeaw Ku
+ Hypergraphs - Combinatorics of Finite Sets 1989 Claude Berge
+ Multiple packing of the Euclidean sphere 1999 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ PDF Chat Capacities of classical compound quantum wiretap and classical quantum compound wiretap channels 2012 Minglai Cai
Ning Cai
Christian Deppe
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting of regular hypergraphs 2013 Andrzej Dudek
Alan Frieze
Andrzej Ruciński
Matas Šileikis
+ PDF Chat Random hypergraphs and their applications 2009 Gourab Ghoshal
Vinko Zlatić
Guido Caldarelli
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat An inequality for the weights of two families of sets, their unions and intersections 1978 Rudolf Ahlswede
D. E. Daykin
+ Two Problems from Coding Theory 2006 Vladimir Blinovsky
+ A strange pigeon-hole principle 1990 János Komlós
+ PDF Chat Preface to the Second Edition 2016 Mark M. Wilde
+ A generalization of the FKG inequalities 1974 C.J. Preston
+ Asymptotic enumeration by degree sequence of graphs with degreeso(n 1/2) 1991 Brendan D. McKay
Nicholas Wormald
+ Stable sets of maximal size in Kneser-type graphs 2003 Benoît Larose
Claudia Malvenuto
+ PDF Chat Short Cycles in Random Regular Graphs 2004 Brendan D. McKay
Nicholas Wormald
Beata Wysocka
+ PDF Chat Coding theorem and strong converse for quantum channels 1999 Andreas Winter
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu