Bünyamin Yıldız


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ An investigation on the natural rate of crime rates with Fourier panel unit root test in selected emerging economies 2022 Gizem Uzuner
Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Anıl Mercan
Wing‐Keung Wong
+ Variational problem with complex coefficient of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2012 Nigar Yıldırım Aksoy
Bünyamin Yıldız
Hakan Yetişkin
+ The finite difference approximations of the optimal control problem for non-linear Schrödinger equation 2012 Nigar Yıldırım Aksoy
Gabil Yagubov
Bünyamin Yıldız
+ Optimal control problem for nonstationary Schrödinger equation 2009 Bünyamin Yıldız
Oguz Kilicoglu
Gabil Yagubov
+ A stability estimate for an elliptic problem 2004 Murat Subaşı
Bünyamin Yıldız
+ An improvement on Fibonacci search method in optimization theory 2003 Murat Subaşı
Necmettin Yıldırım
Bünyamin Yıldız
+ Two approximation methods for multipoint boundary value problem of order 2N 2003 Murat Subaşı
Bünyamin Yıldız
+ A difference method for solving parabolic equations of order 2n 2003 Murat Subaşı
Bünyamin Yıldız
Ahmet Kaçar
+ A stability estimate on the regularized solution of the backward heat equation 2002 Bünyamin Yıldız
Hakan Yetişkin
Ali Sever
+ On the optimal control problem for linear Schrödinger equation 2001 Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Subaşı
+ Stability of the solution of backward heat equation on a weak compactum 2000 Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Özdemir
+ On a regularization problem 2000 Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Subaşı
Ali Sever
+ On the contraction mapping 2000 Bünyamin Yıldız
Hakan Şimşek
+ On the inverse conductivity problem 1998 Bünyamin Yıldız
Ali Sever
+ On a boundary value problem for a differential equation with variant retarded argument 1998 Arzu Aykut
Bünyamin Yıldız
+ On an optimal control problem 1998 Bünyamin Yıldız
Gabil Yagubov
+ Two methods for solution of a linear boundary value problem of order 2n 1997 Bünyamin Yıldız
Ahmet Kaçar
+ A method increasing preciseness of finite differences system and its application 1996 Bünyamin Yıldız
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations 1998 Victor Isakov
+ Two methods for solution of a linear boundary value problem of order 2n 1997 Bünyamin Yıldız
Ahmet Kaçar
+ On an optimal control problem 1998 Bünyamin Yıldız
Gabil Yagubov
+ Inverse Source Problems 1990 Victor Isakov
+ Regularity for a Schrödinger equation with singular potentials and application to bilinear optimal control 2005 Lucie Baudouin
Otared Kavian
Jean-Pierre Puel
+ Numerical implementation of an integral equation method for the inverse conductivity problem 1996 Victor Isakov
Ali Sever
+ An optimal algorithm for certain boundary value problem 1997 Krystyna Styś
Tadeusz Styś
+ Contrôle optimal bilinéaire d'une équation de Schrödinger 2000 Éric Cancès
Claude Le Bris
Mathieu Pilot
+ On the optimal control problem for linear Schrödinger equation 2001 Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Subaşı
+ Optimal control problem for nonstationary Schrödinger equation 2009 Bünyamin Yıldız
Oguz Kilicoglu
Gabil Yagubov
+ Analytical and numerical solutions of a quasilinear parabolic optimal control problem 1998 A. H. Khater
A. B. Shamardan
M. H. Farag
A.H. Abel-Hamid
+ Global Uniqueness for a Two-Dimensional Inverse Boundary Value Problem 1996 Adrian Nachman
+ Numerical solution of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation by Galerkin method 2007 M.S. Ismail
+ On the numerical solution of linear integral equation 1922 H. Bateman
+ PDF Chat Constructive solution of a bilinear optimal control problem for a Schrödinger equation 2008 Lucie Baudouin
Julien Salomon
+ A Global Uniqueness Theorem for an Inverse Boundary Value Problem 1987 John Sylvester
Günther Uhlmann
+ The well-posed nature of the problem of determining an unknown boundary of a domain in a similarity regime 1988 Ugur G. Abdulla
A. D. Iskenderov
+ Bounds for a class of linear functionals with applications to Hermite interpolation 1971 James H. Bramble
Stephen Hilbert
+ PDF Chat Constructive solution of a bilinear control problem 2005 Lucie Baudouin
Julien Salomon
+ Numerical methods of solving extremal problems 1982 A. S. Ilinskii
A. D. Iskenderov
+ Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type 1968 O. Ladyženskaja
V. A. Solonnikov
N. Ural’ceva
+ PDF Chat Compact sets in the spaceL p (O,T; B) 1986 Jacques Simon
+ Efficient tests for normality, homoscedasticity and serial independence of regression residuals 1980 Carlos M. Jarque
Anil K. Bera
+ On a regularization problem 2000 Bünyamin Yıldız
Murat Subaşı
Ali Sever
+ A finite element method for an ill-posed problem 1995 W. Lucht
+ The Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations 1960 Lothar Collatz
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the Anderson-Darling Statistic 1961 Peter Lewis
+ An identification problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2016 Nigar Yıldırım Aksoy
Gabil Yagub
Eray Aksoy
+ Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type 1969 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
+ Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space 1972 Alan Cottey
+ PDF Chat Eine Methode zur näherungsweisen Lösung einer Randwertaufgabe einer linearen gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichung 2. Ordnung 1983 J.D. Mamedov
G. Berger
Hartmut Dörner
+ On the stability of inverse problems 1943 Andreĭ Nikolaevich Tikhonov
+ Does education reduce homicide? A panel data analysis of Asian region 2020 Maham Furqan
Haider Mahmood
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Stability for parameter estimation in two point boundary value problems. 1986 Fritz Colonius
Karl Kunisch
+ Approximate Methods 1980 C. A. Brebbia
S.P. Walker
+ Asymmetric Crime Cycles 2010 H. Naci Mocan
Turan G. Bali
+ Exact boundary controllability for higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equations with constant coefficients 2005 Juan Carlos Ceballos V.
Ricardo Pavez F.
Octavio Paulo Vera Villagrán
+ The Cauchy Problem for Solutions of Elliptic Equations 1995 Николай Тарханов
+ Some Improperly Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics 1967 Mikhail M. Lavrentiev
+ Hyperbolic problems 1990 Victor Isakov
+ A Test of Goodness of Fit 1954 T. W. Anderson
D. A. Darling
+ Global Optimization 1989 D Barstow
W Brauer
Brinch Hansen
David Gries
D Luckham
C Moler
A Pnueli
J Seegmnller
N Stoer
Aimo T rn
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 1977 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology 2000 1
+ Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 1971 J. L. Lions
+ Le problème de Cauchy et les équations aux dérivées partielles linéaires hyperboliques : leçons professées à l'Université Yale 1932 Jacques Hadamard
J. Hadamard
+ Integral equations calculus of variations 1964 Édouard Goursat
Howard G. Bergmann
+ Formulation of some Improperly Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics 1967 Mikhail M. Lavrentiev
+ PDF Chat Sur le problème de Cauchy pour les systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre dans les cas hyperbolique de deux variables indépendantes 1956 Stanisław Łojasiewicz