Daniel Galicer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The projection constant for the trace class 2025 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
M. Vásquez Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ PDF Chat Ryll-Wojtaszczyk Formulas for bihomogeneous polynomials on the sphere 2024 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ PDF Chat The $p$-Operator Approximation Property 2024 Javier Alejandro Chávez‐Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ Multipliers for Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series 2024 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Insights for Projection, Gordon–Lewis, and Sidon Constants in Boolean Cube Function Spaces 2024 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Marı́a C. Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Operator $p$-Compact Mappings 2024 Javier Alejandro Chávez‐Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ PDF Chat Minimal projections onto spaces of polynomials on real euclidean spheres 2024 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ Projection constants for spaces of Dirichlet polynomials 2024 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
M. Vásquez Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ PDF Chat On the volume ratio of projections of convex bodies 2023 Daniel Galicer
Alexander E. Litvak
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ Operator space tensor norms 2023 Alejandro Chávez-Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ An integral formula for the projection constant of the trace class 2023 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ Asymptotic estimates of projection and Sidon constants for spaces of functions on the Boolean cube 2023 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ Projection constants for spaces of Dirichlet polynomials 2023 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ Hadwiger's problem for bodies with enough sub-Gaussian marginals 2023 Daniel Galicer
Joaquín Singer
+ PDF Chat A Montel-Type Theorem for Hardy Spaces of Holomorphic Functions 2022 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Multipliers for Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series 2022 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Projection constants for spaces of multivariate polynomials 2022 Andreas Defant
Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Mieczysław Mastyło
Santiago Muro
+ On the volume ratio of projections of convex bodies 2022 Daniel Galicer
Alexander E. Litvak
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ PDF Chat Continuous quantitative Helly-type results 2021 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
+ PDF Chat Characterization of nonsignaling correlations from mutual information 2021 Ignacio Perito
Guido Bellomo
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Figueira
Augusto J. Roncaglia
Ariel Bendersky
+ PDF Chat Monomial convergence on ℓr 2021 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic estimates for the largest volume ratio of a convex body 2021 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ PDF Chat Hardy space of translated Dirichlet series 2021 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Martı́n Mereb
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat The polarization constant of finite dimensional complex spaces is one 2021 Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
Jorge Tomás Rodríguez
+ PDF Chat Impossibility of memory in hidden-signaling models for quantum correlations 2020 Ignacio Perito
Guido Bellomo
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Figueira
Augusto J. Roncaglia
Ariel Bendersky
+ Continuos quantitative Helly-type results 2020 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
+ Hidden signaling models for quantum correlations cannot have memory 2020 Ignacio Perito
Guido Bellomo
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Figueira
Augusto J. Roncaglia
Ariel Bendersky
+ Hardy space of translated Dirichlet series 2020 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Martı́n Mereb
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Continuous quantitative Helly-type results 2020 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
+ A Montel-type theorem for Hardy spaces of holomorphic functions 2020 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Hardy space of translated Dirichlet series 2020 T. Vidal
Daniel Galicer
Martı́n Mereb
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat The sup‐norm vs. the norm of the coefficients: equivalence constants for homogeneous polynomials 2019 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ Mixed Bohr radius in several variables 2019 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ The polarization constant of finite dimensional complex spaces is one 2019 Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
Jorge Tomás Rodríguez
+ PDF Chat Operator p-compact mappings 2019 Javier Alejandro Chávez‐Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ Asymptotic estimates for the largest volume ratio of a convex body 2019 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ The polarization constant of finite dimensional complex spaces is one 2019 Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
Jorge Tomás Rodríguez
+ Asymptotic estimates for the largest volume ratio of a convex body 2019 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ Operator $p$-compact mappings 2018 Javier Alejandro Chávez‐Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Volume of Simplices Containing a Convex Body 2018 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ Corrigendum to “Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions” [Adv. Math. 329 (2018) 157–173] 2018 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions 2018 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Operator $p$-compact mappings 2018 Javier Alejandro Chávez‐Domínguez
Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
+ Mixed Bohr radius in several variables 2017 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ The minimal volume of simplices containing a convex body 2017 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions 2017 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ The minimal volume of simplices containing a convex body 2017 Daniel Galicer
Mariano Merzbacher
Damián Pinasco
+ Cluster values for algebras of analytic functions 2017 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Mixed Bohr radius in several variables 2017 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i><sup><i>q</i></sup>dimensions and projections of random measures 2016 Daniel Galicer
Santiago Saglietti
Pablo Shmerkin
Alexia Yavicoli
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic estimates on the von Neumann inequality for homogeneous polynomials 2016 Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ The sup-norm vs. the norm of the coefficients: equivalence constants for homogeneous polynomials 2016 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ The sup-norm vs. the norm of the coefficients: equivalence constants for homogeneous polynomials 2016 Daniel Galicer
Martín Mansilla
Santiago Muro
+ Asymptotic estimates on the von Neumann inequality for homogeneous polynomials 2015 Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ Asymptotic estimates on the von Neumann inequality for homogeneous polynomials 2015 Daniel Galicer
Santiago Muro
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat Energy Integrals and Metric Embedding Theory 2014 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Damián Pinasco
+ Coincidence of extendible vector-valued ideals with their minimal kernel 2014 Daniel Galicer
Román Villafañe
+ Coincidence of extendible vector-valued ideals with their minimal kernel 2014 Daniel Galicer
Román Villafañe
+ Coincidence of extendible vector-valued ideals with their minimal kernel 2014 Daniel Galicer
Román Villafañe
+ Energy integrals and metric embedding theory 2013 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Damián Pinasco
+ Energy integrals and metric embedding theory 2013 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Damián Pinasco
+ Geometry of integral polynomials, M-ideals and unique norm preserving extensions 2012 Verónica Dimant
Daniel Galicer
Ricardo Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat The ideal of p-compact operators: a tensor product approach 2012 Daniel Galicer
Silvia Lassalle
Pablo Turco
+ Productos tensoriales simétricos: teoría métrica, isomorfa y aplicaciones 2012 Daniel Galicer
+ Five basic lemmas for symmetric tensor products of normed spaces 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ The ideal of p-compact operators: a tensor product approach 2011 Daniel Galicer
Silvia Lassalle
Pablo Turco
+ Natural symmetric tensor norms 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ Five basic lemmas for symmetric tensor products of normed spaces 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ Five basic lemmas for symmetric tensor products of normed spaces 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ Five basic lemmas for symmetric tensor products of normed spaces 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ The ideal of p-compact operators: a tensor product approach 2011 Daniel Galicer
Silvia Lassalle
Pablo Turco
+ The symmetric Radon–Nikodým property for tensor norms 2010 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Daniel Galicer
+ PDF Chat Extending Polynomials in Maximal and Minimal Ideals 2010 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Tensor Norms and Operator Ideals 1993 Andreas Defant
Klaus Floret
+ Complex Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces 1999 Seán Dineen
+ Absolutely Summing Operators 2006 Joseph Diestel
Hans Jarchow
Andrew Tonge
+ Ultrastability of ideals of homogeneous polynomials and multilinear mappings on Banach spaces 2001 Klaus Floret
Stephan Hunfeld
+ PDF Chat Coherent sequences of polynomial ideals on Banach spaces 2009 Daniel Carando
Verónica Dimant
Santiago Muro
+ Extendible Polynomials on Banach Spaces 1999 Daniel Carando
+ PDF Chat Multipliers of Dirichlet series and monomial series expansions of holomorphic functions in infinitely many variables 2016 Frédéric Bayart
Andreas Defant
Leonhard Frerick
Manuel Maestre
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat Schauder Bases for Symmetric Tensor Products 2005 Bogdan C. Grecu
Raymond A. Ryan
+ PDF Chat Extendibility of homogeneous polynomials on Banach spaces 1998 Pádraig Kirwan
Raymond A. Ryan
+ PDF Chat A Hahn-Banach extension theorem for analytic mappings 1978 Richard M. Aron
Paul Berner
+ COMPLEX ANALYSIS ON INFINITE DIMENSIONAL SPACES (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) 2000 Richard M. Aron
+ Geometric Theory of Spaces of Integral Polynomials and Symmetric Tensor Products 2001 Christopher Boyd
Raymond A. Ryan
+ Unconditional Basis and Gordon–Lewis Constants for Spaces of Polynomials 2001 Andreas Defant
Juan Carlos Dı́az
Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
+ Dirichlet Series and Holomorphic Functions in High Dimensions 2019 Andreas Defant
Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
Pablo Sevilla‐Peris
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert space of Dirichlet series and systems of dilated functions in L2(0,1) 1997 Håakan Hedenmalm
Peter Lindqvist
Kristian Seip
+ PDF Chat The Bohnenblust-Hille inequality for homogeneous polynomials is hypercontractive 2011 Andreas Defant
Leonhard Frerick
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
Myriam Ounaïès
Kristian Seip
+ PDF Chat Holomorphy types and ideals of multilinear mappings 2006 Geraldo Botelho
H.-A. Braunss
Heinz Junek
Daniel Pellegrino
+ PDF Chat Extending Polynomials in Maximal and Minimal Ideals 2010 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ The symmetric Radon–Nikodým property for tensor norms 2010 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ Minimal ideals of n-homogeneous polynomials on Banach spaces 2001 Klaus Floret
+ On an inequality of von Neumann and an application of the metric theory of tensor products to operators theory 1974 N. Th. Varopoulos
+ Hardy Spaces of Dirichlet Series and Their Composition Operators 2002 Frédéric Bayart
+ Absolutely Summing Operators 1995 Joe Diestel
Hans Jarchow
Andrew Tonge
+ Natural symmetric tensor norms 2011 Daniel Carando
Daniel Galicer
+ PDF Chat A Hahn-Banach theorem for integral polynomials 1999 Daniel Carando
Ignacio Zalduendo
Domingo Garcı́a
Manuel Maestre
+ Unconditionality in tensor products 1978 Carsten Schütt
+ The extension theorem for norms on symmetric tensor products of normed spaces 2001 Klaus Floret
+ PDF Chat A theorem on polynomial-star approximation 1989 A. M. Davie
T. W. Gamelin
+ Banach-Mazur Distances and Finite-Dimensional Operator Ideals 1989 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
N.Tomczak Jagermann
+ PDF Chat Extension of polynomials and John’s theorem for symmetric tensor products 2006 Daniel Carando
Verónica Dimant
+ PDF Chat A canonical extension for analytic functions on Banach spaces 1990 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces 2002 Raymond A. Ryan
+ PDF Chat Absolutely summing operators and local unconditional structures 1974 Y. Gordon
D. R. Lewis
+ Extending polynomials on Banach spaces--a survey 2005 Ignacio Zalduendo
+ Some results on Banach spaces without local unconditional structure 1978 Gilles Pisier
+ Topics in Banach Space Theory 2006 Fernando Albiac
N. J. Kalton
+ The Von Neumann Inequality for Polynomials of Degree Greater Than Two 1976 P. G. Dixon
+ PDF Chat Proof of a Conjecture of Bárány, Katchalski and Pach 2015 Márton Naszódi
+ ON THE VOLUME RATIO OF TWO CONVEX BODIES 2002 Apostolos Giannopoulos
M. Hartzoulaki
+ Factorization of Linear Operators and Geometry of Banach Spaces 1986 Gilles Pisier
+ Domains of convergence for monomial expansions of holomorphic functions in infinitely many variables 2009 Andreas Defant
Manuel Maestre
Christopher Prengel
+ The dual space of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="script">L</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>τ</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> and the p-approximation property 2010 Yun Sung Choi
Ju Myung Kim
+ PDF Chat Operators whose adjoints are quasi p-nuclear 2010 J. M. Delgado
Cándido Piñeiro
Eduardo Serrano
+ Extreme and exposed points of spaces of integral polynomials 2009 Christopher Boyd
Silvia Lassalle
+ Duality in Spaces of Nuclear and Integral Polynomials 2000 Daniel Carando
Verónica Dimant
+ Spectra of algebras of analytic functions on a Banach spaces. 1991 T. W. Gamelin
Richard M. Aron
Brian J. Cole
+ Extreme points in duals of operator spaces 1982 Wolfgang M. Ruess
Charles Stegall