Tuǧrul Dayar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On compact vector formats in the solution of the chemical master equation with backward differentiation 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
M. Can Orhan
+ PDF Chat A Software Tool for the Compact Solution of the Chemical Master Equation 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
M. Can Orhan
+ Vector–Kronecker Product Multiplication 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Steady-State Analysis 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Kronecker Modeling and Analysis of Multidimensional Markovian Systems 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Modeling with Kronecker Products 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Introduction 2018 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ PDF Chat On compact solution vectors in Kronecker-based Markovian analysis 2017 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jan Kriege
M. Can Orhan
+ PDF Chat Compact Representation of Solution Vectors in Kronecker-Based Markovian Analysis 2016 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jan Kriege
M. Can Orhan
+ Matrix-Analytic Methods 2012 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Decompositional Methods 2012 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Preliminaries 2012 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Iterative Methods 2012 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ PDF Chat Bounding the equilibrium distribution of Markov population models 2011 Tuǧrul Dayar
Holger Hermanns
David Spieler
Verena Wolf
+ Computational Methods for <scp>DTMCs</scp> 2011 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ Bounding the Equilibrium Distribution of Markov Population Models 2010 Tuǧrul Dayar
Holger Hermanns
David Spieler
Verena Wolf
+ Computational Methods for <scp>CTMCs</scp> 2010 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ Bounding the Equilibrium Distribution of Markov Population Models 2010 Tuǧrul Dayar
Holger Hermanns
David Spieler
Verena Wolf
+ PDF Chat Kronecker representation and decompositional analysis of closed queueing networks with phase-type service distributions and arbitrary buffer sizes 2008 Tuǧrul Dayar
Akın Meriç
+ Decompositional Analysis of Kronecker Structured Markov Chains 2008 Yujuan Bao
İlker Nadi Bozkurt
Tuǧrul Dayar
Xiaobai Sun
Kishor S. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of a Class of Multilevel Methods for Large Sparse Markov Chains 2007 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
+ PDF Chat Componentwise bounds for nearly completely decomposable Markov chains using stochastic comparison and reordering 2004 Nihal Pekergin
Tuǧrul Dayar
Denizhan N. Alparslan
+ PDF Chat Lumpable continuous-time stochastic automata networks 2003 Oleg Gusak
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jean‐Michel Fourneau
+ PDF Chat Transforming stochastic matrices for stochastic comparison with the st-order 2003 Tuǧrul Dayar
Jean-Michel Fourneau
Nihal Pekergin
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Birth-and-Death Processes with Level-Geometric Distribution 2002 Tuǧrul Dayar
Franck Quessette
+ Comparison of Partitioning Techniques for Two-Level Iterative Solvers on Large, Sparse Markov Chains 2000 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ State Space Orderings for Gauss--Seidel in Markov Chains Revisited 1998 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ PDF Chat Quasi Lumpability, Lower-Bounding Coupling Matrices, and Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains 1997 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ On the effects of using the GTH method in the iterative-aggregation disaggregation technique 1994 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ Stability and conditioning issues on the numerical solution of Markov chains 1994 Tuǧrul Dayar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains 1995 William J. Stewart
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of a Class of Multilevel Methods for Large Sparse Markov Chains 2007 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
+ Complexity of Memory-Efficient Kronecker Operations with Applications to the Solution of Markov Models 2000 Peter Buchholz
Gianfranco Ciardo
Susanna Donatelli
Peter Kemper
+ Stochastic Complementation, Uncoupling Markov Chains, and the Theory of Nearly Reducible Systems 1989 Carl D. Meyer
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Positive Eigenvectors of Nonnegative Matrices and for their Approximations by Decomposition 1984 Pierre Courtois
Pierre Semal
+ Numerical Solution of Large Finite Markov Chains by Algebraic Multigrid Techniques 1995 Udo R. Krieger
+ The ubiquitous Kronecker product 2000 Charles F. Van Loan
+ A note on local and global convergence analysis of iterative aggregation–disaggregation methods 2005 Ivo Marek
Ivana Pultarová
+ Convergence analysis of an iterative aggregation/disaggregation method for computing stationary probability vectors of stochastic matrices 1998 Ivo Marek
Petr Mayer
+ Comparison of Partitioning Techniques for Two-Level Iterative Solvers on Large, Sparse Markov Chains 2000 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ Sufficient conditions for regularity, recurrence and ergodicity of Markov processes 1975 Richard L. Tweedie
+ Multilevel Solutions for Structured Markov Chains 2000 Peter Buchholz
+ Iterative Methods for Computing Stationary Distributions of Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains 1984 J. R. Koury
David F. McAllister
William J. Stewart
+ PDF Chat Block Two-stage Methods for Singular Systems and Markov Chains 1996 Violeta Migallón
Jose Penadés
Daniel B. Szyld
+ Algorithm 836 2004 Timothy A. Davis
John R. Gilbert
Stefan I. Larimore
Esmond Ng
+ State Space Orderings for Gauss--Seidel in Markov Chains Revisited 1998 Tuǧrul Dayar
+ PDF Chat Iterative aggregation/disaggregation techniques for nearly uncoupled markov chains 1985 Wei-Lu Cao
William J. Stewart
+ PDF Chat Compact Representation of Solution Vectors in Kronecker-Based Markovian Analysis 2016 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jan Kriege
M. Can Orhan
+ PDF Chat A Kronecker product approximate preconditioner for SANs 2004 Amy N. Langville
William J. Stewart
+ Exact and ordinary lumpability in finite Markov chains 1994 Peter Buchholz
+ PDF Chat Lumpable continuous-time stochastic automata networks 2003 Oleg Gusak
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jean‐Michel Fourneau
+ Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems 1997 Anne Greenbaum
+ Structured Stochastic Matrices of M/G/1 Type and Their Applications. 1991 B. W. Conolly
Marcel F. Neuts
+ Bi-CGSTAB: A Fast and Smoothly Converging Variant of Bi-CG for the Solution of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1992 H.A. van der Vorst
+ Algorithm 941 2014 Daniel Kreßner
Christine Tobler
+ PDF Chat GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1986 Yousef Saad
Martin H. Schultz
+ GTAexpress: A Software Package to Handle Kronecker Descriptors 2009 Ricardo M. Czekster
Paulo Fernandes
Thais Webber
+ PDF Chat Kronecker representation and decompositional analysis of closed queueing networks with phase-type service distributions and arbitrary buffer sizes 2008 Tuǧrul Dayar
Akın Meriç
+ PDF Chat Quasi Lumpability, Lower-Bounding Coupling Matrices, and Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains 1997 Tuǧrul Dayar
William J. Stewart
+ PDF Chat QMR: a quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems 1991 Roland W. Freund
No�l M. Nachtigal
+ Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions 1977 Daniel T. Gillespie
+ Tensor-Train Decomposition 2011 Ivan Oseledets
+ Numerical solution of level dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes 2010 Hendrik Baumann
Werner Sandmann
+ Numerical Methods for Structured Markov Chains 2005 Dario A. Bini
Guy Latouche
Beatrice Meini
+ PDF Chat Bounding the equilibrium distribution of Markov population models 2011 Tuǧrul Dayar
Holger Hermanns
David Spieler
Verena Wolf
+ PDF Chat Stochastic simulations of the repressilator circuit 2007 Adiel Loinger
Ofer Biham
+ A Two-Stage Iteration for Solving Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains 1994 G. W. Stewart
William J. Stewart
D. F. McAllistert
+ PDF Chat On compact solution vectors in Kronecker-based Markovian analysis 2017 Peter Buchholz
Tuǧrul Dayar
Jan Kriege
M. Can Orhan
+ Some properties of the rate perators in level dependent uasi-birth-and-death processes with countable number of phases 1996 V. Ramaswami
Peter Taylor
+ Three Partition Refinement Algorithms 1987 Robert Paige
Robert E. Tarjan
+ PDF Chat A New Scheme for the Tensor Representation 2009 Wolfgang Hackbusch
Simone Kühn
+ Local convergence of the (exact and inexact) iterative aggregation method for linear systems and Markov operators 1994 Ivo Marek
Daniel B. Szyld
+ Low-Rank Tensor Methods for Communicating Markov Processes 2014 Daniel Kreßner
Francisco Macedo
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Singular Value Decomposition of Tensors 2010 Lars Grasedyck
+ PDF Chat The least variable phase type distribution is erlang 1987 David Aldous
Shepp Larry
+ PDF Chat A multi-level solution algorithm for steady-state Markov chains 1994 Graham Horton
Scott T. Leutenegger
+ PDF Chat A parallel solver for large-scale Markov chains 2002 Michele Benzi
Miroslav Tůma
+ PDF Chat Iterative and semi-iterative methods for computing stationary probability vectors of Markov operators 1993 Ivo Marek
Daniel B. Szyld
+ Tensor Decompositions and Applications 2009 Tamara G. Kolda
Brett W. Bader
+ O(dlog N)-Quantics Approximation of N-d Tensors in High-Dimensional Numerical Modeling 2011 Boris N. Khoromskij