Jens Wirth


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Global Operator Calculus on Spin Groups 2023 Paula Cerejeiras
M. Ferreira
Uwe Kähler
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat On a wave equation with singular dissipation 2022 Mohammed Elamine Sebih
Jens Wirth
+ Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 2022 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Decay Estimates for a Klein–Gordon Model with Time-Periodic Coefficients 2020 Giovanni Girardi
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Gelfand Triples for the Kohn–Nirenberg Quantization on Homogeneous Lie Groups 2020 Jonas Brinker
Jens Wirth
+ Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 2020 Vladimir Georgiev
Tohru Ozawa
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ On a wave equation with singular dissipation 2020 Mohammed Elamine Sebih
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Diffusion phenomena for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems 2019 Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Zero resonances for localised potentials 2018 Vladimir Georgiev
Jens Wirth
+ Regular Singular Problems for Hyperbolic Systems and Their Asymptotic Integration 2017 Jens Wirth
+ On t-dependent hyperbolic systems. Part 2 2016 Jens Wirth
+ Physical and mathematical justification of the numerical Brillouin zone integration of the Boltzmann rate equation by Gaussian smearing 2015 Christian Illg
Michael Haag
Nicolas Teeny
Jens Wirth
M. Fähnle
+ PDF Chat Wave equations with mass and dissipation 2015 Wanderley Nunes do Nascimento
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat $$L^p$$ L p Fourier multipliers on compact Lie groups 2015 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Physical and mathematical justification of the numerical Brillouin zone integration of the Boltzmann rate equation by Gaussian smearing 2015 Christian Illg
Michael Haag
Nicolas Teeny
Jens Wirth
M. Fähnle
+ Wave equations with mass and dissipation 2014 Wanderley Nunes do Nascimento
Jens Wirth
+ Global functional calculus for operators on compact Lie groups 2014 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Hörmander Class of Pseudo-Differential Operators on Compact Lie Groups and Global Hypoellipticity 2014 Michael Ruzhansky
Ville Turunen
Jens Wirth
+ Diffusion phenomena for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems 2014 Jens Wirth
+ The Hardy–Littlewood Maximal Operator 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Properties of Variable Lebesgue Spaces 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Time-dependent hyperbolic systems 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fiorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Equations with constant coefficients 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Extrapolation in Variable Lebesgue Spaces 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Variable Lebesgue Spaces and Hyperbolic Systems 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Introduction and Motivation 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Related topics 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Wave equations with mass and dissipation 2014 Wanderley Nunes Nascimento
Jens Wirth
+ Effective lower order perturbations 2014 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat On multipliers on compact Lie groups 2013 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Thermo-elasticity for Anisotropic Media in Higher Dimensions 2013 Jens Wirth
+ Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions to Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations 2012 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Evolution equations of hyperbolic and Schrödinger type : asymptotics, estimates and nonlinearities 2012 Michael Ruzhansky
充 杉本
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Diffusive wavelets on groups and homogeneous spaces 2011 Svend Ebert
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive estimates for hyperbolic systems with time-dependent coefficients 2011 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive type estimates for fourier integrals and applications to hyperbolic systems 2011 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Modern Aspects of the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 2011 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Modern Aspects of the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 2011 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive type estimates for Fourier integrals and applications to hyperbolic systems 2010 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Diagonalisation schemes and applications 2010 Kay Jachmann
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive type estimates for Fourier integrals and applications to hyperbolic systems 2010 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Generalised energy conservation law for wave equations with variable propagation speed 2009 Fumihiko Hirosawa
Jens Wirth
+ Block-diagonalisation of matrices and operators 2009 Jens Wirth
+ Energy inequalities and dispersive estimates for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients 2009 Jens Wirth
+ On the influence of time-periodic dissipation on energy and dispersive estimates 2008 Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>m</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math>-theory of damped wave equations with stabilisation 2008 Fumihiko Hirosawa
Jens Wirth
+ Anisotropic thermo-elasticity in 2D. Part I: A unified treatment 2008 Michael Reissig
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive estimates for wave equations with time-periodic dissipation 2008 Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive estimates for T-dependent hyperbolic systems 2008 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic thermo-elasticity in 2D. Part II: Applications 2008 Jens Wirth
+ Anisotropic media in 2D and their thermo-elastic properties 2007 Jens Wirth
+ Anisotropic thermo-elasticity in 2D 2007 Michael Reissig
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Scattering and modified scattering for abstract wave equations with time-dependent dissipation 2007 Jens Wirth
+ Wave equations with time-dependent dissipation II. Effective dissipation 2006 Jens Wirth
+ $L^p - L^q$ decay estimates for wave equations with monotone time-dependent dissipation(Mathematical Models of Phenomena and Evolution Equations) 2006 Michael Reissig
Jens Wirth
+ Scattering and modified scattering for abstract wave equations with time-dependent dissipation 2006 Jens Wirth
+ The influence of time-periodic dissipation on energy estimates 2005 Jens Wirth
+ Wave equations with time-dependent dissipation I. Non-effective dissipation 2005 Jens Wirth
+ $L^p$--$L^q$ decay estimates for wave equations with monotone time-dependent dissipation 2005 Michael Reissig
Jens Wirth
+ Modified scattering for a wave equation with weak dissipation 2005 Jens Wirth
+ The influence of time-periodic dissipation on energy and dispersive estimates 2005 Jens Wirth
+ Asymptotic properties of solutions to wave equations with time-dependent dissipation 2004 Jens Wirth
+ Asymptotic properties of solutions to weakly dissipative wave equations below scaling 2004 Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Solution representations for a wave equation with weak dissipation 2003 Jens Wirth
+ About the solvability behaviour for special classes of nonlinear hyperbolic equations 2002 Jens Wirth
+ On the existence of the Moller wave operator for wave equations with small dissipative terms 2002 Jens Wirth
+ Solution Representations for a Wave Equation with Weak Dissipation 2002 Jens Wirth
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Wave equations with time-dependent dissipation II. Effective dissipation 2006 Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Solution representations for a wave equation with weak dissipation 2003 Jens Wirth
+ Lp -Lq Decay Estimates fo the Solutions of Strictly Hyperbolic Equations of Second Order with Increasing in Time Coefficients 2000 Michael Reissig
Karen Yagdjian
+ A priori estimates for the wave equation and some applications 1970 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Wave equations with time-dependent dissipation I. Non-effective dissipation 2005 Jens Wirth
+ OnL p?Lp? estimates for the wave-equation 1975 Philip Brenner
+ PDF Chat $L^p-L^q$ estimate for wave equation with bounded time dependent coefficient 2005 Michael Reissig
James Smith
+ PDF Chat The total energy decay of solutions for the wave equation with a dissipative term 1980 Hiroshi Uesaka
+ PDF Chat Dispersive and Strichartz Estimates for Hyperbolic Equations with Constant Coefficients 2010 Michael Ruzhansky
J. L. Smith
+ Estimates for hyperbolic equations with non-convex characteristics 1996 Mitsuru Sugimoto
+ PDF Chat Energy decay of solutions of dissipative wave equations 1977 Akitaka Matsumura
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Lp-Lq estimates for damped wave equations and their applications to semi-linear problem 2004 Takashi Narazaki
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations with Linear Damping 1997 Kenji Nishihara
+ L p -L q estimates of solutions to the damped wave equation in 3-dimensional space and their application 2003 Kenji Nishihara
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the energy for the wave equations with time depending coefficients 2007 Fumihiko Hirosawa
+ Dispersive estimates for T-dependent hyperbolic systems 2008 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ Energy inequalities and dispersive estimates for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients 2009 Jens Wirth
+ Pseudo-Differential Operators and Symmetries 2009 Michael Ruzhansky
Ville Turunen
+ PDF Chat Rapid decay of the total energy for dissipative wave equations 2003 Fumihiko Hirosawa
Hideo Nakazawa
+ Scattering Theory for Wave Equations with Dissipative Terms 1976 Kiyoshi Mochizuki
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic integration and dispersion for hyperbolic equations 2010 Tokio Matsuyama
Michael Ruzhansky
+ L p-Decay rates for homogeneous wave-equations 1971 Wolf von Wahl
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Semi-linear Wave Equations 1976 Akitaka Matsumura
+ Asymptotic properties of solutions to wave equations with time-dependent dissipation 2004 Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>m</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math>-theory of damped wave equations with stabilisation 2008 Fumihiko Hirosawa
Jens Wirth
+ A priori estimates for higher order hyperbolic equations 1994 Mitsuru Sugimoto
+ Parametric Resonance and Nonexistence of the Global Solution to Nonlinear Wave Equations 2001 Karen Yagdjian
+ PDF Chat Diagonalisation schemes and applications 2010 Kay Jachmann
Jens Wirth
+ Dispersive estimates for hyperbolic systems with time-dependent coefficients 2011 Michael Ruzhansky
Jens Wirth
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces 1960 Lars Hörmander
+ On the diffusion phenomenonof quasilinear hyperbolic waves 2000 Han Yang
Albert Milani
+ Pseudo-Differential Operators and Symmetries: Background Analysis and Advanced Topics 2009 Michael Ruzhansky
Ville Turunen
+ PDF Chat Dispersive and Strichartz Estimates for Hyperbolic Equations with Constant Coefficients 2010 Michael Ruzhansky
J. L. Smith
+ Lectures on Nonlinear Evolution Equations 2015 Reinhard Racke
+ Pointwise van der Corput lemma for functions of several variables 2009 Michael Ruzhansky
+ On the existence of the Moller wave operator for wave equations with small dissipative terms 2002 Jens Wirth
+ Energy Decay and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Wave Equations with Linear Dissipation 1996 Kiyoshi Mochizuki
Hideo Nakazawa
+ PDF Chat Global Quantization of Pseudo-Differential Operators on Compact Lie Groups, SU(2), 3-sphere, and Homogeneous Spaces 2012 Michael Ruzhansky
Ville Turunen
+ PDF Chat Wave equations with mass and dissipation 2015 Wanderley Nunes do Nascimento
Jens Wirth
+ From Wave to Klein—Gordon Type Decay Rates 2003 Fumihiko Hirosawa
Michael Reissig
+ Block-diagonalisation of matrices and operators 2009 Jens Wirth
+ On the influence of time-periodic dissipation on energy and dispersive estimates 2008 Jens Wirth
+ Scattering theory for dissipative hyperbolic systems 1973 Peter D. Lax
Ralph S. Phillips
+ Improved decay rates for solutions to one-dimensional linear and semilinear dissipative wave equations in all space 2003 Ryo Ikehata
+ Cauchy problems for linear thermoelastic systems of type III in one space variable 2005 Michael Reissig
Yaguang Wang
+ PDF Chat Time decay for hyperbolic equations with homogeneous symbols 2009 Tokio Matsuyama
Michael Ruzhansky