John Locker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Principal part of a differential operator 1999 John Locker
+ Spectral Theory of Non-Self-Adjoint Two-Point Differential Operators 1999 John Locker
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Theory of Second Order Two-Point Differential Operators IV. The Associated Projections and the Subspace $\S_{\infty}(L)$ 1996 John Locker
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Theory of Second Order Two-Point Differential Operators III. The Eigenvalues and Their Asymptotic Formulas 1996 John Locker
+ The Spectral Theory of Second Order Two-Point Differential Operators II. Asymptotic Expansions and the Characteristic Determinant 1994 John Locker
+ Eigenfunction expansions for the nonspectral differential operators determined by −D2 1992 John Locker
Patrick Lang
+ The spectral theory of second order two-point differential operators: I. <i>A priori</i> estimates for the eigenvalues and completeness 1992 John Locker
+ The nonspectral Birkhoff-regular differential operators determined by −D2 1991 John Locker
+ Spectral theory of two-point differential operators determined by −D2. II. Analysis of cases 1990 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Spectral theory of two-point differential operators determined by −D2. I. Spectral properties 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Spectral theory for a differential operator: Characteristic determinant and Green's function 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Denseness of the generalized eigenvectors of an H-S discrete operator 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Spectral decomposition of a Hilbert space by a Fredholm operator 1988 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Spectral representation of the resolvent of a discrete operator 1988 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Asymptotic Expansions for the Discretization Error of Least Squares Solutions of Linear Boundary Value Problems 1988 Klaus Böhmer
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansions for the discretization error of least squares solutions of linear boundary value problems 1988 Klaus Böhmer
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Regularization for 𝑛th-order linear boundary value problems using 𝑚th-order differential operators 1986 D. A. Kouba
John Locker
+ Regularization for nth-Order Linear Boundary Value Problems Using mth- Order Differential Operators 1986 D. A. Kouba
John Locker
+ Functional analysis and two-point differential operators 1986 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Splitting least squares and collocation procedures for two-point boundary value problems 1985 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ Regularization and linear boundary value problems 1985 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ Regularization with Differential Operators. II: Weak Least Squares Finite Element Solutions to First Kind Integral Equations 1980 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ Regularization with differential operators. I. General theory 1980 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ On least squares methods for linear two-point boundary value problems 1979 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ Nonlinear boundary value problems and operators TT∗ 1978 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ On a class of nonlinear boundary value problems 1977 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ The Generalized Green's Function For An nth Order Linear Differential Operator 1977 John Locker
+ PDF Chat The generalized Green’s function for an 𝑛th order linear differential operator 1977 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Continuous Dependence of Least Squares Solutions of Linear Boundary Value Problems 1976 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ Operators J∗J and nonlinear Hammerstein equations 1976 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Continuous dependence of least squares solutions of linear boundary value problems 1976 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Monotone operators and nonlinear biharmonic boundary value problems 1975 D. R. Dunninger
John Locker
+ PDF Chat On Constructing Least Squares Solutions to Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1975 John Locker
+ PDF Chat On constructing least squares solutions to two-point boundary value problems 1975 John Locker
+ Self-adjointness for multi-point differential operators 1973 John Locker
+ PDF Chat The Method of Least Squares for Boundary Value Problems 1971 John Locker
+ PDF Chat The method of least squares for boundary value problems 1971 John Locker
+ An Existence Analysis for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1970 John Locker
+ PDF Chat An Existence Analysis for Nonlinear Equations in Hilbert Space 1967 John Locker
+ PDF Chat An existence analysis for nonlinear equations in Hilbert space 1967 John Locker
+ An existence analysis for nonlinear non-self-adjoint boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations 1965 John Locker
+ An Existence Analysis For Nonlinear Non-self-adjoint Boundary Value Problems Of Ordinary Differential Equations. 1965 John Locker
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Spectral decomposition of a Hilbert space by a Fredholm operator 1988 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Denseness of the generalized eigenvectors of an H-S discrete operator 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of spectral operators, and applications. I. Bounded perturbations 1954 Jacob Schwartz
+ Spectral theory of two-point differential operators determined by −D2. I. Spectral properties 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ PDF Chat A nonspectral Birkhoff-regular differential operator 1977 Philip Walker
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ An Existence Analysis for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1970 John Locker
+ Spectral theory of two-point differential operators determined by −D2. II. Analysis of cases 1990 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Functional analysis and two-point differential operators 1986 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Applications of Alternative Problems 1971 Jack K. Hale
+ PDF Chat On constructing least squares solutions to two-point boundary value problems 1975 John Locker
+ Regularization with Differential Operators. II: Weak Least Squares Finite Element Solutions to First Kind Integral Equations 1980 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ Regularization with differential operators. I. General theory 1980 John Locker
P. M. Prenter
+ PDF Chat Irregular differential systems of order two and the related expansion problems 1927 M. H. Stone
+ Spectral representation of the resolvent of a discrete operator 1988 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Solution of incorrectly formulated problems and the regularization method 1963 А. Н. Тихонов
+ PDF Chat A Technique for the Numerical Solution of Certain Integral Equations of the First Kind 1962 David Lee Phillips
+ Spectral theory for a differential operator: Characteristic determinant and Green's function 1989 Patrick Lang
John Locker
+ Linear differential operators 1967 M. A. Naĭmark
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat The Theory of Approximate Methods and Their Application to the Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations 1978 В. В. Иванов
G. D. Gupta
+ Approximate regularized solutions to improperly posed linear integral and operator equations 1974 M. Zuhair Nashed
+ Some general problems of the theory of ordinary linear differential equations and expansion of an arbitrary function in series of fundamental functions 1928 J. D. Tamarkin
+ PDF Chat A comparison of the series of Fourier and Birkhoff 1926 M. H. Stone
+ The nonspectral Birkhoff-regular differential operators determined by −D2 1991 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Continuous dependence of least squares solutions of linear boundary value problems 1976 R. Kannan
John Locker
+ PDF Chat Branch points of solutions of equations in Banach space 1950 Jane Cronin
+ The spectral theory of second order two-point differential operators: I. <i>A priori</i> estimates for the eigenvalues and completeness 1992 John Locker
+ PDF Chat On Constructing Least Squares Solutions to Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1975 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Linear operators. II 1951 Miroslav Katětov
+ PDF Chat Functional analysis and nonlinear differential equations 1973 L. Cesari
R. Kannan
+ PDF Chat The generalized Green’s function for an 𝑛th order linear differential operator 1977 John Locker
+ Fixed Points and Topological Degree in Nonlinear Analysis 1995 Jane Cronin
+ An Introduction to Functional Analysis 2006 Angus E. Taylor
P. J. Davis
+ PDF Chat A discrete least squares method 1977 Peter H. Sammon
+ PDF Chat Monotone operators and nonlinear biharmonic boundary value problems 1975 D. R. Dunninger
John Locker
+ Linear operators. Part II. Spectral theory. Selfadjoint operators in Hilbert space 1965 Aleksei A. Dezin
+ Large nonlinearities and monotonicity 1972 Karl Gustafson
D. Sather
+ PDF Chat Boundary value and expansion problems of ordinary linear differential equations 1908 George D. Birkhoff
+ Spectral theory for Fredholm operators 1963 Shmuel Kaniel
Martin Schechter
+ PDF Chat A note on an inequality of E. Schmidt 1944 Richard Bellman
+ PDF Chat An existence analysis for nonlinear equations in Hilbert space 1967 John Locker
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Perturbations and Approximations for Generalized Inverses and Linear Operator Equations 1976 M. Zuhair Nashed
+ Application and Numerical Solution of Abel-Type Integral Equations. 1977 R. S. Anderssen
+ Splines and Variational Methods. 1991 L. B. W.
P. M. Prenter
+ PDF Chat Singular points of functional equations 1953 Robert G. Bartle
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear problem in potential theory. 1969 Lamberto Cesari
+ Collocation at Gaussian Points 1973 Carl de Boor
Blair Swartz
+ Alternative problems for nonlinear functional equations 1968 Stephen Bancroft
Jack K. Hale
Daniel Sweet