I. Kourakis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Traveling wave solutions of a hybrid KdV-Burgers equation with arbitrary real coefficients in relation with beam-permeated multi-ion plasma fluids 2025 Kuldeep Singh
Steffy Sara Varghese
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Travelling wave solutions of an equation of Harry Dym type arising in the Black-Scholes framework 2025 Jorge P. Zubelli
Vinicius Albani
Kuldeep Singh
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Travelling wave solutions of an equation of Harry Dym type arising in the Black-Scholes framework 2024 Jorge P. Zubelli
Kuldeep Singh
Vinicius Albani
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear ion-acoustic waves with Landau damping in non-Maxwellian space plasmas 2024 Hadia Mushtaq
Kuldeep Singh
S. Zaheer
I. Kourakis
+ T-wave inversion through inhomogeneous voltage diffusion within the FK3V cardiac model 2024 Eleni Angelaki
N. Lazarides
Georgios D. Barmparis
I. Kourakis
Maria Marketou
G. P. Tsironis
+ PDF Chat Coupled circularly polarized electromagnetic soliton states in magnetized plasmas 2024 Giorgos P. Veldes
N. Lazarides
D. J. Frantzeskakis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic wave interaction via asymmetric vector solitons as precursor to rogue wave formation in non-Maxwellian plasmas 2024 N. Lazarides
Giorgos P. Veldes
D. J. Frantzeskakis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (CNLS) equations for two interacting electrostatic wavepackets in a non-Maxwellian fluid plasma model 2023 N. Lazarides
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Surge of power transmission in flat and nearly flat band lattices 2023 H. Susanto
N. Lazarides
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Modulational electrostatic wave–wave interactions in plasma fluids modeled by asymmetric coupled nonlinear Schrödinger (CNLS) equations 2023 N. Lazarides
Giorgos P. Veldes
Amaria Javed
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic wave interaction via asymmetric vector solitons as precursor to rogue wave formation in non-Maxwellian plasmas 2023 N. Lazarides
Giorgos P. Veldes
D. J. Frantzeskakis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger (CNLS) Equations for two interacting electrostatic wavepackets in a non-Maxwellian fluid plasma model 2023 NIKOLAOS LAZARIDES
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Dust ion-acoustic dromions in Saturn’s magnetosphere 2023 Kuldeep Singh
Michael McKerr
I. Kourakis
+ T-wave Inversion through Inhomogeneous Voltage Diffusion within the FK3V Cardiac Model 2023 Eleni Angelaki
N. Lazarides
Georgios D. Barmparis
I. Kourakis
Maria Marketou
G. P. Tsironis
+ PDF Chat On the stability of 2D modulated electrostatic wavepackets in non-Maxwellian dusty plasma – application in Saturn’s magnetosphere 2022 Kuldeep Singh
Michael McKerr
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast electron holes in plasma phase space dynamics 2021 S. M. Hosseini Jenab
Gert Brodin
James Juno
I. Kourakis
+ Ultrafast Electron Holes in Plasma Phase Space Dynamics 2020 S. M. Hosseini Jenab
I. Kourakis
Gert Brodin
James Juno
+ PDF Chat Ion-acoustic envelope modes in a degenerate relativistic electron-ion plasma 2016 Michael McKerr
Fernando Haas
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Relativistic breather-type solitary waves with linear polarization in cold plasmas 2015 G. Sánchez‐Arriaga
Evangelos Siminos
Vikrant Saxena
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Modeling relativistic soliton interactions in overdense plasmas: A perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation framework 2014 Evangelos Siminos
G. Sánchez‐Arriaga
Vikrant Saxena
I. Kourakis
+ Modelling relativistic solitary wave interactions in over-dense plasmas: a perturbed nonlinear Schrondinger equation framework 2014 Evangelos Siminos
G. Sánchez‐Arriaga
Vikrant Saxena
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Electron-acoustic solitons in an electron-beam plasma system with kappa-distributed electrons 2014 Ashkbiz Danehkar
I. Kourakis
M. A. Hellberg
+ PDF Chat Electron-acoustic solitons in an electron-beam plasma system with kappa-distributed electrons 2014 Ashkbiz Danehkar
I. Kourakis
M. A. Hellberg
+ PDF Chat Time-Resolved Characterization of the Formation of a Collisionless Shock 2013 H. Ahmed
M. E. Dieckmann
L. Romagnani
D. Doria
G. Sarri
M. Cerchez
E. Ianni
I. Kourakis
A. L. Giesecke
M. Notley
+ PDF Chat Parametric study of non-relativistic electrostatic shocks and the structure of their transition layer 2013 M. E. Dieckmann
H. Ahmed
G. Sarri
D. Doria
I. Kourakis
L. Romagnani
M. Pohl
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Self-Generated, Large Amplitude Magnetic Fields Following High-Intensity Laser Matter Interaction 2012 G. Sarri
Andrea Macchi
C. A. Cecchetti
S. Kar
T. V. Liseykina
Xiaohu Yang
M. E. Dieckmann
J. Fuchs
M. Galimberti
L. A. Gizzi
+ PDF Chat Oblique propagation of arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic solitary waves in magnetized kappa-distributed plasmas 2012 S. Sultana
I. Kourakis
M. A. Hellberg
+ PDF Chat Particle simulation study of electron heating by counter-streaming ion beams ahead of supernova remnant shocks 2012 M. E. Dieckmann
Antoine Bret
G. Sarri
Erica Pérez Álvaro
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat PIC simulation of a thermal anisotropy-driven Weibel instability in a circular rarefaction wave 2012 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
G. C. Murphy
Antoine Bret
L. Romagnani
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
Anders Ynnerman
L. O’C. Drury
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic shock dynamics in superthermal plasmas 2012 S. Sultana
G. Sarri
I. Kourakis
+ A multidimensional description of pulse solitons in superthermal plasmas 2012 Gina Williams
S. Sultana
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Note on the single-shock solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation 2011 I. Kourakis
S. Sultana
Frank Verheest
+ PDF Chat Electron-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of a suprathermal electron component 2011 Ashkbiz Danehkar
N. S. Saini
M. A. Hellberg
I. Kourakis
+ Effect of superthermality on nonlinear electrostatic modes in plasmas 2011 S. Sultana
Ashkbiz Danehkar
N. S. Saini
M. A. Hellberg
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Electron beam—plasma interaction in a dusty plasma with excess suprathermal electrons 2011 Ashkbiz Danehkar
N. S. Saini
M. A. Hellberg
I. Kourakis
Vladimir Yu. Nosenko
P. K. Shukla
Markus H. Thoma
Hubertus M. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Large-amplitude electron-acoustic solitons in a dusty plasma with kappa-distributed electrons 2011 N. S. Saini
Ashkbiz Danehkar
M. A. Hellberg
I. Kourakis
Vladimir Yu. Nosenko
P. K. Shukla
Markus H. Thoma
Hubertus M. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Shock creation and particle acceleration driven by plasma expansion into a rarefied medium 2010 G. Sarri
M. E. Dieckmann
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Existence and stability of multisite breathers in honeycomb and hexagonal lattices 2010 V. Koukouloyannis
P. G. Kevrekidis
Kody J. H. Law
I. Kourakis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
+ PDF Chat Observation and characterization of laser-driven phase space electron holes 2010 G. Sarri
M. E. Dieckmann
Colin Brown
C. A. Cecchetti
D. J. Hoarty
S. F. James
R. Jung
I. Kourakis
H. Schamel
O. Willi
+ PDF Chat Discrete breathers in hexagonal dusty plasma lattices 2009 V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional particle simulation of the filamentation instability: Electrostatic field driven by the magnetic pressure gradient force 2009 M. E. Dieckmann
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
G. Rowlands
+ PDF Chat Higher-order effects and ultrashort solitons in left-handed metamaterials 2009 Nikolaos L. Tsitsas
N. Rompotis
I. Kourakis
P. G. Kevrekidis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
+ Singe-site and Multisite Discrete Breathers in Hexagonal Dusty Plasma Lattices 2009 V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
+ Simulation of a collision-less planar electrostatic shock in a proton-electron plasma with a strong initial thermal pressure change 2009 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
L. Romagnani
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Discrete solitons and vortices in hexagonal and honeycomb lattices: Existence, stability, and dynamics 2008 Kody J. H. Law
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
A. R. Bishop
+ The saturation of the electron beam filamentation instability by the self-generated magnetic field and magnetic pressure gradient-driven electric field 2008 M. E. Dieckmann
Graham E. Rowlands
I. Kourakis
M. Borghesi
+ Fractality feature in oil price fluctuations 2008 Mahdi Momeni
I. Kourakis
K. Talebi
+ PDF Chat Random walk of magnetic field-lines for different values of the energy range spectral index 2007 A. Shalchi
I. Kourakis
+ Analytical description of stochastic field-line wandering in magnetic turbulence 2007 A. Shalchi
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Existence of multisite intrinsic localized modes in one-dimensional Debye crystals 2007 V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Self-focusing and envelope pulse generation in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials 2007 I. Kourakis
N. Lazarides
G. P. Tsironis
+ Existence of multibreathers in one-dimensional Debye crystals 2007 V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves 2006 P. K. Shukla
I. Kourakis
B. Eliasson
M. Marklund
L. Stenflo
+ PDF Chat Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled laser beams in a plasma 2006 P. K. Shukla
B. Eliasson
M. Marklund
L. Stenflo
I. Kourakis
M. Parviainen
M. E. Dieckmann
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability in asymmetric coupled wave functions 2006 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Statistical-mechanical description of classical test-particle dynamics in the presence of an external force field: modelling noise and damping from first principles 2006 I. Kourakis
A.P. Grécos
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability criteria for two-component Bose–Einstein condensates 2005 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
M. Marklund
L. Stenflo
+ Modulated dust-acoustic wave packets in a plasma with non-isothermal electrons and ions 2005 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Nonlinear theory of dust lattice mode coupling in dust crystals 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic localized modes in dust lattices 2004 I. Kourakis
Vasileios Basios
P. K. Shukla
+ Nonlinear whitlerons 2004 B. Eliasson
I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Weakly nonlinear vertical dust grain oscillations in dusty plasma crystals in the presence of a magnetic field 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian description of nonlinear dust-ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear theory of solitary waves associated with longitudinal particle motion in lattices 2004 I. Kourakis
Prabhat Kumar Shukla
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modulation of transverse dust lattice waves in complex plasma crystals 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Modulated wavepackets associated with longitudinal dust grain oscillations in a dusty plasma crystal 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Electron-acoustic plasma waves: Oblique modulation and envelope solitons 2004 I. Kourakis
Prabhat Kumar Shukla
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear properties of Rao-dust-Alfvén waves in magnetized plasmas 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear theory of solitary waves associated with longitudinal particle motion in lattices - Application to longitudinal grain oscillations in a dust crystal 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Nonlinear theory of dust lattice mode coupling in dust crystals 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Oblique Amplitude Modulation of Dust-Acoustic Plasma Waves 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Lagrangean formulation of ion- and dust-ion-acoustic waves 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Modulated envelope localized wavepackets associated with electrostatic plasma waves 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Theory of solitary waves in complex plasma lattices 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
B. Eliasson
+ Intrinsic localized modes in dust lattices 2004 I. Kourakis
Vasileios Basios
P. K. Shukla
+ Nonlinear whitlerons 2004 B. Eliasson
I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ Kinetic theory and transport processes for magnetized plasma - magnetic field dependence of plasma relaxation times 2003 I. Kourakis
+ Kinetic Theory and diffusion coefficients for plasma in a uniform magnetic field (Debye potential) 2001 I. Kourakis
Daniele Carati
Boris Weyssow
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Envelope Solitons versus Solitons 2002 R. Fedele
+ PDF Chat Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger field equations for electromagnetic wave propagation in nonlinear left-handed materials 2005 N. Lazarides
G. P. Tsironis
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability in asymmetric coupled wave functions 2006 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence of Nonlinear Focusing in Standing Water Waves 2022 Yuchen He
Alexey Slunyaev
Nobuhito Mori
Amin Chabchoub
+ PDF Chat Coupled backward- and forward-propagating solitons in a composite right- and left-handed transmission line 2013 Giorgos P. Veldes
JesĂșs Cuevas–Maraver
P. G. Kevrekidis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
+ PDF Chat Collision frequency and mean free path for plasmas described by kappa distributions 2019 G. Livadiotis
+ Formulae of Kappa Distributions 2017 G. Livadiotis
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Vertical Oscillations of a Particle in a Sheath of a rf Discharge 2000 A. V. Ivlev
R. SĂŒtterlin
Victor Steinberg
M. Zuzic
G. E. Morfill
+ Lax pair, Darboux transformation, breathers and rogue waves of an $$\pmb {N}$$-coupled nonautonomous nonlinear Schrödinger system for an optical fiber or a plasma 2022 Dan-Yu Yang
Bo Tian
Meng Wang
Xin Zhao
Wen‐Rui Shan
Yan Jiang
+ PDF Chat Electron-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of a suprathermal electron component 2011 Ashkbiz Danehkar
N. S. Saini
M. A. Hellberg
I. Kourakis
+ Plasma oscillations and spectral index in non-extensive statistics 2022 E. Saberian
G. Livadiotis
+ PDF Chat Existence of multisite intrinsic localized modes in one-dimensional Debye crystals 2007 V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Solitons and decoherence in left-handed metamaterials 2005 Mattias Marklund
P. K. Shukla
L. Stenflo
Gert Brodin
+ Cooperative Phenomena and Shock Waves in Collisionless Plasmas 1966 R. Z. Sagdeev
+ PDF Chat Dust acoustic instability driven by drifting ions and electrons in the dust plasma with Lorentzian kappa distribution 2009 Zhipeng Liu
Jiulin Du
+ PDF Chat Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications in Space Plasmas 2010 Viviane Pierrard
M. Lazar
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability and generation of envelope solitons in four‐component space plasmas 2018 N.A. Chowdhury
A. Mannan
M. R. Hossen
A. A. Mamun
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic shock dynamics in superthermal plasmas 2012 S. Sultana
G. Sarri
I. Kourakis
+ PDF Chat Solitons in triangular and honeycomb dynamical lattices with the cubic nonlinearity 2002 P. G. Kevrekidis
Boris A. Malomed
Yu. B. Gaǐdideǐ
+ Discrete breathers 1998 Sergej Flach
C. R. Willis
+ None 2001 Taehoon Ahn
Robert S. MacKay
Jacques-A. Sepulchre
+ PDF Chat Observation and characterization of laser-driven phase space electron holes 2010 G. Sarri
M. E. Dieckmann
Colin Brown
C. A. Cecchetti
D. J. Hoarty
S. F. James
R. Jung
I. Kourakis
H. Schamel
O. Willi
+ Divergence of Neighboring Magnetic-Field Lines and Fast-Particle Diffusion in Strong Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence, with Application to Thermal Conduction in Galaxy Clusters 2004 Jason Maron
Benjamin D. G. Chandran
Eric G. Blackman
+ Multidimensional behavior of an electrostatic ion wave in a magnetized plasma 1994 Katsuhiro Nishinari
Kanji Abe
Junkichi Satsuma
+ Dynamics of relativistic solitons 2005 D. Farina
S. V. Bulanov
+ Numerical simulation of solitons and dromions in the Davey–Stewartson system 1994 P. W. White
J. A. C. Weideman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic solitons for a higher-order modified Korteweg–de Vries equation 2002 T. R. Marchant
+ PDF Chat Oblique Amplitude Modulation of Dust-Acoustic Plasma Waves 2004 I. Kourakis
P. K. Shukla
+ PDF Chat Ultrashort solitons and kinetic effects in nonlinear metamaterials 2006 Mattias Marklund
P. K. Shukla
L. Stenflo
+ PDF Chat Theoretical and experimental evidence of non-symmetric doubly localized rogue waves 2014 Jingsong He
Lijuan Guo
Yongshuai Zhang
Amin Chabchoub
+ PDF Chat Rotary Solitons in Bessel Optical Lattices 2004 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Victor A. Vysloukh
LluĂ­s Torner
+ Rogue Wave, Breathers and Bright-Dark-Rogue Solutions for the Coupled Schrödinger Equations 2011 Boling Guo
Liming Ling
+ ïżœber die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik 1928 Richard Courant
Kurt Friedrichs
Hans Lewy
+ Two-dimensional lumps in nonlinear dispersive systems 1979 Junkichi Satsuma
Mark J. Ablowitz
+ PDF Chat Percolation, statistical topography, and transport in random media 1992 M. B. Isichenko
+ A New-Type of Soliton Behavior in a Two Dimensional Plasma System 1993 Katsuhiro Nishinari
Kanji Abe
Junkichi Satsuma
+ New rogue waves and dark-bright soliton solutions for a coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients 2014 Fajun Yu
Zhenya Yan
+ PDF Chat Discrete solitons and vortices in hexagonal and honeycomb lattices: Existence, stability, and dynamics 2008 Kody J. H. Law
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. Koukouloyannis
I. Kourakis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
A. R. Bishop
+ PDF Chat Multiple Domain Formation Induced by Modulation Instability in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates 2004 Kenichi Kasamatsu
Makoto Tsubota
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Properties of Left-Handed Metamaterials 2003 Alexander A. Zharov
Ilya V. Shadrivov
Yuri S. Kivshar
+ PDF Chat Observation of Second-Band Vortex Solitons in 2D Photonic Lattices 2005 Guy Bartal
Ofer Manela
Oren Cohen
Jason W. Fleischer
Mordechai Segev
+ PDF Chat Very High Mach-Number Electrostatic Shocks in Collisionless Plasmas 2006 G. Sorasio
M. MartĂ­
Ricardo Fonseca
L. O. Silva
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ On the Partial Difference Equations of Mathematical Physics 2002 Richard Courant
Kurt Friedrichs
Hans Lewy
+ PDF Chat Existence of localized excitations in nonlinear Hamiltonian lattices 1995 Sergej Flach
+ PDF Chat The interstellar environment of our galaxy 2001 K. FerriĂšre
+ PDF Chat Bloch Oscillations and Zener Tunneling in Two-Dimensional Photonic Lattices 2006 Henrike Trompeter
WiesƂaw Królikowski
Dragomir N. Neshev
Anton S. Desyatnikov
Andrey A. Sukhorukov
Yuri S. Kivshar
Thomas Pertsch
U. Peschel
F. Lederer
+ PDF Chat Dark-bright solitons in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with unequal dispersion coefficients 2015 E. G. Charalampidis
P. G. Kevrekidis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
Boris A. Malomed
+ PDF Chat Solutions of the Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Evidence for Deterministic Rogue Waves 2012 Fabio Baronio
A. Degasperis
Matteo Conforti
S. Wabnitz
+ Stationary solutions of the electrostatic Vlasov equation 1971 H. Schamel