Mark Kon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Lower Bounds for the Feedback Arc Set Problem in Random Graphs 2024 Harvey Diamond
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Classifying the Concentration of the Boolean Cube for Dependent Distributions 2024 Jonathan Root
Mark Kon
+ Asymptotics of the Minimal Feedback Arc Set in Erdős-Rényi Graphs 2024 Harvey Diamond
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Feature Network Methods in Machine Learning and Applications 2024 Xinying Mu
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Multilevel Stochastic Optimization for Imputation in Massive Medical Data Records 2023 Wenrui Li
Xiaoyu Wang
Yuetian Sun
Snežana Milanović
Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ The Topology of Negatively Associated Distributions 2023 Jonathan Root
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Analytic Regularity of Strong Solutions for the Complexified Stochastic Non-Linear Poisson Boltzmann Equation 2023 Brian Choi
Jie Xu
Trevor A. Norton
Mark Kon
Julio Castrillon
+ Uncertainty quantification and complex analyticity of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the interface problem with random domains 2023 Trevor A. Norton
Jie Xu
Brian Choi
Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ Analytic regularity of strong solutions for the complexified stochastic non-linear Poisson Boltzmann Equation 2023 Brian Choi
Jie Xu
Trevor A. Norton
Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ PDF Chat Coupled VAE: Improved Accuracy and Robustness of a Variational Autoencoder 2022 Shichen Cao
Jingjing Li
Kenric P. Nelson
Mark Kon
+ Stochastic Functional Analysis and Multilevel Vector Field Anomaly Detection 2022 Julio E Castrillon-Candas
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Anomaly detection: A functional analysis perspective 2021 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Mark Kon
+ Change detection, a functional analysis perspective 2021 Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ Existence of Strong Solution for the Complexified Non-linear Poisson Boltzmann Equation 2021 Brian Choi
Jie Xu
Trevor A. Norton
Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ Multilevel orthogonal Bochner function subspaces with applications to robust machine learning 2021 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Dingning Liu
Mark Kon
+ Multilevel Stochastic Optimization for Imputation in Massive Medical Data Records 2021 Wenrui Li
Xiaoyu Wang
Yuetian Sun
Snežana Milanović
Mark Kon
Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation Curves of Two-Dimensional Quantum Walks 2020 Parker Kuklinski
Mark Kon
+ Interpolatory filter banks and interpolatory wavelet packets 2020 Zhiguo Zhang
Mark Kon
+ Analytic regularity and stochastic collocation of high dimensional Newton iterates 2019 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Mark Kon
+ Absorption Probabilities of Quantum Walks 2019 Parker Kuklinski
Mark Kon
+ Continuum Limits of the 1D Discrete Time Quantum Walk 2019 Michael Manighalam
Mark Kon
+ Coupled VAE: Improved Accuracy and Robustness of a Variational Autoencoder 2019 Shichen Cao
Jingjing Li
Kenric P. Nelson
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Use of the geometric mean as a statistic for the scale of the coupled Gaussian distributions 2018 Kenric P. Nelson
Mark Kon
Sabir Umarov
+ PDF Chat Absorption probabilities of quantum walks 2018 Parker Kuklinski
Mark Kon
+ Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Via Machine Learning Ensembles 2018 Mark Kon
Charles DeLisi
Yue Fan
+ PDF Chat The Marr conjecture and uniqueness of wavelet transforms 2018 Benjamin Allen
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat On the average uncertainty for systems with nonlinear coupling 2016 Kenric P. Nelson
Sabir Umarov
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Real-time simulation of dissipation-driven quantum Systems 2016 Debasish Banerjee
F. Hebenstreit
Uwe Jens Wiese
Fu-Jiun Jiang
Mark Kon
+ Real-time simulation of dissipation-driven quantum systems 2015 Debasish Banerjee
F. Hebenstreit
Fu-Jiun Jiang
Mark Kon
U.‐J. Wiese
+ On the average uncertainty for systems with nonlinear coupling 2015 Kenric P. Nelson
Sabir Umarov
Mark Kon
+ On the average uncertainty for systems with nonlinear coupling 2015 Kenric P. Nelson
Sabir Umarov
Mark Kon
+ Real-time simulation of dissipation-driven quantum systems 2015 Debasish Banerjee
F. Hebenstreit
Fu-Jiun Jiang
Mark Kon
U.‐J. Wiese
+ On Relating Interpolatory Wavelets to Interpolatory Scaling Functions in Multiresolution Analyses 2014 Zhiguo Zhang
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Real-time simulation of large open quantum spin systems driven by dissipation 2014 Debasish Banerjee
Fu-Jiun Jiang
Mark Kon
U.‐J. Wiese
+ The Marr Conjecture and Uniqueness of Wavelet Transforms 2014 Ben Allen
Mark Kon
+ Functional analytic regularization in machine learning 2012 Yue Fan
Louise A. Raphael
Mark Kon
+ On the probabilistic continuous complexity conjecture 2012 Mark Kon
+ Relationships among Interpolation Bases of Wavelet Spaces and Approximation Spaces 2012 Zhiguo Zhang
Mark Kon
+ Feature vector regularization in machine learning 2012 Yue Fan
Louise A. Raphael
Mark Kon
+ A complexity analysis of statistical learning algorithms 2012 Mark Kon
+ On the probabilistic continuous complexity conjecture 2012 Mark Kon
+ On Some Integrated Approaches to Inference 2012 Mark Kon
Leszek Plaskota
+ PDF Chat Empirical Normalization for Quadratic Discriminant Analysis and Classifying Cancer Subtypes 2011 Mark Kon
Nikolay Nikolaev
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Information-based nonlinear approximation: an average case setting 2005 Mark Kon
Leszek Plaskota
+ PDF Chat A characterization of wavelet convergence in sobolev spaces 2001 Mark Kon
Louise Arakellan Rapha
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates of Multiscale and Wavelet Expansions 2001 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Oscillation criteria for delay equations 2000 Mark Kon
Y. G. Sficas
I. P. Stavroulakis
+ Characterizing Convergence Rates for Multiresolution Approximations 1998 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Exact smoothing properties of Schrödinger semigroups 1996 Archil Gulisashvili
Mark Kon
+ Generalized multiresolution analysis and convergence of spline approximations on 𝐑^{𝐝} 1995 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Local Convergence for Wavelet Expansions 1994 S. E. Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ On the δ → 0 Limit in Probabilistic Complexity 1994 Mark Kon
+ Convergence: Fourier series vs. wavelet expansions 1994 Susan E. Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions 1994 Susan E. Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions 1994 Susan Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ A Characterization of Spaces Admitting Linear Algorithms 1992 Mark Kon
Roberto Tempo
+ Linearity of algorithms and a result of Ando 1991 Mark Kon
Roberto Tempo
+ On the Almost Sure Limit of Probabilistic Recovery 1991 Mark Kon
+ Radial bounds for Schrödinger operators in euclidean domains 1991 David Gurarie
G. K. Kalisch
Mark Kon
Edward M. Landesman
+ PDF Chat The adaption problem for approximating linear operators 1990 Mark Kon
Erich Novak
+ On the adaptive and continuous information problems 1989 Mark Kon
Erich Novak
+ Kernels and equisummation properties of uniformly elliptic operators 1987 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
J. E. Young
+ Equisummability for linear operators in Banach spaces 1987 Mark Kon
А. Г. Рамм
Louise A. Raphael
+ On relating generalized expansions to fourier integrals 1987 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
J. E. Young
+ On the Pointwise Regularization of Elliptic Eigenfunction Expansions 1986 Harvey Diamond
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Joint distributions and applications 1985 Mark Kon
+ Value functions on a canonical ensemble 1985 Mark Kon
+ Singular central limit theorems, II 1985 Mark Kon
+ Singular central limit theorems, I 1985 Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Probability Distributions in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1985 Mark Kon
+ Radial bounds for perturbations of elliptic operators 1984 David Gurarie
Mark Kon
+ Semigroups generated by ordinary differential operators 1984 Mark Kon
+ Regularity Properties of Schrödinger Operators on Domains of Rn 1984 Mark Kon
+ New multiplier methods for summing classical eigenfunction expansions 1983 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Superposition principles and pointwise evaluation of Sturm-Liouville eigenfunction expansions 1982 Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Stable Summation Methods for a Class of Singular Sturm-Liouville Expansions 1981 Harvey Diamond
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ PDF Chat Stable summation methods for a class of singular Sturm-Liouville expansions 1981 Harvey Diamond
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Radial bounds for perturbations of elliptic operators 1984 David Gurarie
Mark Kon
+ PDF Chat Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions 1994 Susan E. Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Introduction to spectral theory: selfadjoint ordinary differential operators 1975 B. M. Levitan
I. Sargsjan
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Approximation of the delta function by wavelets 1992 Gilbert G. Walter
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets 1988 Ingrid Daubechies
+ An introduction to wavelets 1992 Charles K. Chui
+ The Multiplier Problem for the Ball 1971 Charles Fefferman
+ Divergence of eigenfunction expansions 1982 Carlos E. Kenig
Robert J. Stanton
Peter A. Tomas
+ Analytic regularity and collocation approximation for elliptic PDEs with random domain deformations 2016 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Fabio Nobile
Raúl Tempone
+ PDF Chat A comparison of the series of Fourier and Birkhoff 1926 M. H. Stone
+ PDF Chat A Stochastic Collocation Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Random Input Data 2010 Ivo Babuška
Fabio Nobile
Raúl Tempone
+ Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics 2009 Constantino Tsallis
+ PDF Chat Approximation from shift-invariant subspaces of 𝐿₂(𝐑^{𝐝}) 1994 Carl de Boor
Ronald A. DeVore
Amos Ron
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear statistical coupling 2010 Kenric P. Nelson
Sabir Umarov
+ PDF Chat Multiresolution approximations and wavelet orthonormal bases of 𝐿²(𝑅) 1989 Stéphane Mallat
+ PDF Chat Multi-level restricted maximum likelihood covariance estimation and kriging for large non-gridded spatial datasets 2015 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Marc G. Genton
Rio Yokota
+ PDF Chat Information-based complexity 1989 3
+ PDF Chat Quantum random walks: An introductory overview 2003 Julia Kempe
+ Equisummability of eigenfunction expansions under analytic multipliers 1986 Louise A. Raphael
+ On sampling in shift invariant spaces 2002 Wen Chen
Shintaro Itoh
Junji Shiki
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional three-state quantum walk 2005 Norio Inui
Norio Konno
Etsuo Segawa
+ PDF Chat Operator theory: Advances and applications 1991 3
+ PDF Chat A discrete adapted hierarchical basis solver for radial basis function interpolation 2012 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Jun Li
Victor Eijkhout
+ PDF Chat A stochastic collocation approach for parabolic PDEs with random domain deformations 2021 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Jie Xu
+ A General Theory of Optimal Algorithms 1980 J. F. Traub
H. Woźniakowski
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ A sampling theorem for wavelet subspaces 1992 G.G. Walter
+ PDF Chat A Risk Profile for Information Fusion Algorithms 2011 Kenric P. Nelson
Brian J. Scannell
Herbert Landau
+ PDF Chat A definition of the coupled-product for multivariate coupled-exponentials 2014 Kenric P. Nelson
+ Multiresolution representations using the autocorrelation functions of compactly supported wavelets 1993 Naoki Saito
Gregory Beylkin
+ PDF Chat Localization of two-dimensional quantum walks 2004 Norio Inui
Yoshinao Konishi
Norio Konno
+ PDF Chat On the generalized entropy pseudoadditivity for complex systems 2002 Qiuping A. Wang
L. Nivanen
Alain Le M eacute haut eacute
M. Pezeril
+ A Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Method for Partial Differential Equations with Random Input Data 2008 Fabio Nobile
Raúl Tempone
Clayton Webster
+ PDF Chat A sampling theorem for shift-invariant subspace 1998 Wen Chen
Sachihiko Itoh
+ Interpolating polynomial wavelets on [?1,1] 2004 Maria Rosaria Capobianco
W. Themistoclakis
+ Kernels of elliptic operators: Bounds and summability 1984 David Gurarie
+ Perturbation of the heat equation 1979 Harold E. Benzinger
+ PDF Chat Interpretation of the Nonextensivity Parameter<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">q</mml:mi></mml:math>in Some Applications of Tsallis Statistics and Lévy Distributions 2000 G. Wilk
Z. Włodarczyk
+ Wavelets and Dilation Equations: A Brief Introduction 1989 Gilbert Strang
+ Fourier analysis of the approximation power of principal shift-invariant spaces 1992 Carl de Boor
Amos Ron
+ Multivariate generalized sampling in shift-invariant spaces and its approximation properties 2009 Antonio G. Garcı́a
G. Pérez-Villalón
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ PDF Chat On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series 1966 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat A possible deformed algebra and calculus inspired in nonextensive thermostatistics 2004 Ernesto P. Borges
+ Local Convergence for Wavelet Expansions 1994 S. E. Kelly
Mark Kon
Louise A. Raphael
+ Aliasing Error of Sampling Series in Wavelet Subspaces 2008 Antonio G. Garcı́a
J. M. Kim
K.H. Kwon
G. Pérez-Villalón
+ PDF Chat Anomaly detection: A functional analysis perspective 2021 Julio E. Castrillón-Candás
Mark Kon