Matthias Löwe


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos in the random field Curie–Weiss model 2024 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos and residual dependence in Gibbs measures on finite sets 2024 Jonas Jalowy
Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
+ Spectral properties of the strongly assortative stochastic block model and their application to hitting times of random walks 2024 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ When does the chaos in the Curie-Weiss model stop to propagate? 2023 Jonas Jalowy
Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Alexander Marynych
+ PDF Chat When does the chaos in the Curie-Weiss model stop to propagate? 2023 Jonas Jalowy
Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Alexander Marynych
+ Propagation of chaos in the Random field Curie-Weiss model 2023 Matthias Löwe
Zakhar Kabluchko
+ PDF Chat A Central Limit Theorem for the Mean Starting Hitting Time for a Random Walk on a Random Graph 2022 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the Magnetization in the Block Potts Model 2022 Jonas Jalowy
Matthias Löwe
Holger Sambale
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations for the partition function of Ising models on Erdös–Rényi random graphs 2021 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat A Central Limit Theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays 2021 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ Collaborative Insurance Sustainability and Network Structure. 2021 Arthur Charpentier
Lariosse Kouakou
Matthias Löwe
Philipp Ratz
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Towards an Intrinsic Definition of Robustness for a Classifier 2021 Théo Giraudon
Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ A Central Limit Theorem for the average target hitting time for a random walk on a random graph 2021 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ Fluctuations of the magnetization in the Block Potts Model 2021 Jonas Jalowy
Matthias Löwe
Holger Sambale
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on Replicated Simulated Annealing 2021 Vicent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Large deviations, a phase transition, and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in the block spin Potts model 2021 Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Holger Sambale
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing a recurrent random environment from a single trajectory of a Random Walk in Random Environment with errors 2021 Jonas Jalowy
Matthias Löwe
+ Collaborative Insurance Sustainability and Network Structure 2021 Arthur Charpentier
Lariosse Kouakou
Matthias Löwe
Philipp Ratz
Franck Vermet
+ A Central Limit Theorem for the average target hitting time for a random walk on a random graph 2021 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising models on Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi Random Graphs -- the Regimes of Low Temperature and External Magnetic Field. 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Reconstructing a (recurrent) random environment from a single trajectory of Random Walk in Random Environment with errors 2020 Jonas Jalowy
Matthias Löwe
+ Fluctuations of the magnetization for Ising models on Erdős–Rényi random graphs—the regimes of small p and the critical temperature <sup>*</sup> 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Towards an Intrinsic Definition of Robustness for a Classifier 2020 Théo Giraudon
Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Multi-group binary choice with social interaction and a random communication structure—A random graph approach 2020 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
Franck Vermet
+ A Central Limit Theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays 2020 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ Fluctuations for the partition function of Ising models on Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat Equi-energy sampling does not converge rapidly on the mean-field Potts model with three colors close to the critical temperature 2020 Mirko Ebbers
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Results for General Block Spin Ising Models 2020 Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
Arthur Sinulis
+ PDF Chat Exact recovery in block spin Ising models at the critical line 2020 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Large deviations and a phase transition in the Block Spin Potts models 2020 Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Holger Sambale
+ Reconstructing a (recurrent) random environment from a single trajectory of Random Walk in Random Environment with errors 2020 Jonas Jalowy
Matthias Löwe
+ Towards an Intrinsic Definition of Robustness for a Classifier 2020 Théo Giraudon
Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ A Central Limit Theorem for incomplete U-statistics over triangular arrays 2020 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ A Central Limit Theorem for the mean starting hitting time for a random walk on a random graph 2020 Matthias Löwe
Sara Terveer
+ Fluctuations for the partition function of Ising models on Erdös-Rényi random graphs 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising models on Erdős-Rényi Random Graphs -- the Regimes of Low Temperature and External Magnetic Field 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi Random Graphs -- the Regimes of Small p and the Critical Temperature. 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Dense Erdős–Rényi Random Graphs 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat Hitting times, commute times, and cover times for random walks on random hypergraphs 2019 Amine Helali
Matthias Löwe
+ Exact Recovery in Block Spin Ising Models at the Critical Line. 2019 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Dense Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi Random Graphs. 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Equi-Energy sampling does not converge rapidly on the Potts model close to the critical temperature 2019 Mirko Ebbers
Matthias Löwe
+ The semicircle law for matrices with ergodic entries 2019 Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat On the limiting spectral density of random matrices filled with stochastic processes 2019 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Hitting times, commute times, and cover times for random walks on random hypergraphs 2019 Amine Helali
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Lindeberg’s Method for Moderate Deviations and Random Summation 2019 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ Moderate deviations for the size of the giant component in a random hypergraph 2019 Jingjia Liu
Matthias Löwe
+ The semicircle law for matrices with ergodic entries 2019 Matthias Löwe
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Erdős-Rényi Random Graphs -- the Regimes of Small p and the Critical Temperature 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Exact Recovery in Block Spin Ising Models at the Critical Line 2019 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Dense Erdős-Rényi Random Graphs 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Hitting times, commute times, and cover times for random walks on random hypergraphs 2019 Amine Helali
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Associative Memories to Accelerate Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search 2018 Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Fluctuations for block spin Ising models 2018 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat The semicircle law for matrices with ergodic entries 2018 Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Improving Accuracy of Nonparametric Transfer Learning Via Vector Segmentation 2018 Vincent Gripon
Ghouthi Boukli Hacene
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Fluctuations for block spin Ising models 2018 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Fluctuations for block spin Ising models 2018 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ The sparse Blume-Emery-Griffiths model of associative memories 2017 Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat On a Model of Associative Memory with Huge Storage Capacity 2017 Mete Demircigil
Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
Sven Upgang
Franck Vermet
+ Lindeberg's method for moderate deviations and random summation 2017 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ The sparse Blume-Emery-Griffiths model of associative memories 2017 Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
+ Lindeberg's method for moderate deviations and random summation 2017 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ Improving Accuracy of Nonparametric Transfer Learning via Vector Segmentation 2017 Vincent Gripon
Ghouthi Boukli Hacene
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Associative Memories to Accelerate Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search 2016 Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat A Comparative Study of Sparse Associative Memories 2016 Vincent Gripon
Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Associative Memories to Accelerate Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search 2016 Vincent Gripon
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ On the Limiting Spectral Density of Random Matrices filled with Stochastic Processes 2015 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ Capacity of an associative memory model on random graph architectures 2015 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ On the Limiting Spectral Density of Random Matrices filled with Stochastic Processes 2015 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ On the capacity of a new model of associative memory based on neural cliques 2014 Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Large deviation upper bounds for sums of positively associated indicators 2014 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat On hitting times for a simple random walk on dense Erdös–Rényi random graphs 2014 Matthias Löwe
Felipe Torres
+ On the capacity of a new model of associative memory based on neural cliques 2014 Judith Heusel
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Large deviation upper bounds for sums of positively associated indicators 2014 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ On hitting times for simple random walk on dense Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs 2013 Matthias Löwe
Felipe Torres
+ PDF Chat Large deviations principle for Curie–Weiss models with random fields 2013 Matthias Löwe
Raphael Meiners
Felipe Torres
+ 90 Jahre Lindeberg-Methode 2013 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ On the Limiting Spectral Density of Symmetric Random Matrices with Correlated Entries 2013 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat A phase transition for the limiting spectral density of random matrices 2013 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory 2013 Peter Eichelsbacher
Guido Elsner
Holger Kösters
Matthias Löwe
Franz Merkl
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ On hitting times for simple random walk on dense Erdös-Rényi random graphs 2013 Matthias Löwe
Felipe Torres
+ The Semicircle Law for Matrices with Dependent Entries 2013 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Limit theorems in probability, statistics and number theory : in honor of Friedrich Götze 2013 Peter Eichelsbacher
Guido Elsner
Holger Kösters
Matthias Löwe
Franz Merkl
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ Random matrices and iterated random functions : Münster, October 2011 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for Random Field Curie-Weiss Models 2012 Matthias Löwe
Raphael Meiners
+ PDF Chat Mixing times for the Swapping Algorithm on the Blume‐Emery‐Griffiths model 2012 Mirko Ebbers
Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Gaussian fluctuations for sample covariance matrices with dependent data 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
Michael Stolz
+ A phase transition for the limiting spectral density of random matrices 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Gaussian Fluctuations for Sample Covariance Matrices with Dependent Data 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
Michael Stolz
+ A transfer principle for deviations principles 2012 Matthias Löwe
Raphael Meiners
+ On the Spectral Density of Large Sample Covariance Matrices with Markov Dependent Columns 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Mixing times for the Swapping Algorithm on the Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model 2012 Mirko Ebbers
Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ Gaussian Fluctuations for Sample Covariance Matrices with Dependent Data 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
Michael Stolz
+ A phase transition for the limiting spectral density of random matrices 2012 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Large deviations principle for random field Curie-Weiss models 2011 Matthias Löwe
Raphael Meiners
Felipe Torres
+ PDF Chat The Semicircle Law for Matrices with Independent Diagonals 2011 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ The semicircle law for matrices with independent diagonals 2011 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ The Hopfield Model on a Sparse Erdös-Renyi Graph 2011 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ The semicircle law for matrices with independent diagonals 2011 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ Stein's method for dependent random variables occurring in Statistical Mechanics 2009 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Capacity bounds for the CDMA system and a neural network: a moderate deviations approach 2008 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ The capacity of q-state Potts neural networks with parallel retrieval dynamics 2007 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in a p-spin interaction model 2004 Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
+ Comment on: Curious Properties of Simple Random Walks 2004 Michael Baake
Matthias Löwe
+ Reconstruction of sceneries with correlated colors 2003 Matthias Löwe
Heinrich Matzinger
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for I.I.D. Random Variables 2003 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the free energy in the REM and the $p$-spin SK models 2002 Anton Bovier
Irina Kurkova
Matthias Löwe
+ Right order spectral gap estimates for generating sets of ℤ4 2002 Matthias Löwe
Christian Meise
+ Right order spectral gap estimates for generating sets of ℤ<sub>4</sub> 2002 Matthias Löwe
Christian Meise
+ None 2002 Matthias Löwe
Franz Merkl
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ Moderate deviations for longest increasing subsequences: The upper tail 2001 Matthias Löwe
Franz Merkl
+ Note on the knapsack Markov chain 2001 Matthias Löwe
Christian Meise
+ Rekonstruktion zufälliger Landschaften 2001 Matthias Löwe
+ Moderate deviations for longest increasing subsequences : the lower tail 2000 Matthias Löwe
Franz Merkl
Silke W. W. Rolles
+ Fluctuations of the free energy in the REM and the p-spin SK models 2000 Anton Bovier
Irina Kurkova
Matthias Löwe
+ Large Deviations Principle for Partial Sums U-Processes 1999 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Large deviations principle for partial sums $U$-processes 1998 Peter Eichelsbacher
Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
Matthias Löwe
+ Note on the Knapsack Markov Chain 1998 Matthias Löwe
Christian Meise
+ On the invariant measure of non-reversible simulated annealing 1997 Matthias Löwe
+ Optimal running times for systems of random walks involving several particles 1997 Torsten Grotendiek
Matthias Löwe
+ Simulated annealing with time-dependent energy function via Sobolev inequalities 1996 Matthias Löwe
+ Iterated large deviations 1996 Matthias Löwe
+ A large deviation principle form-variate von Mises-statistics and U-statistics 1995 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ Membrabe models and generalized Z2 gauge theories 1980 Matthias Löwe
D. J. Wallace
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for sums of dependent random variables occurring in statistical mechanics 1978 Richard S. Ellis
Charles M. Newman
+ The thermodynamics of the Curie-Weiss model with random couplings 1993 Anton Bovier
V�ronique Gayrard
+ PDF Chat Stein's Method for Dependent Random Variables Occuring in Statistical Mechanics 2010 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Loewe
+ PDF Chat Semicircle law and freeness for random matrices with symmetries or correlations 2005 Jeffrey Schenker
Hermann Schulz‐Baldes
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic Limit of a Bipartite Curie–Weiss Model: A Dynamical Approach 2014 Francesca Collet
Adriano Barra
Pierluigi Contucci
+ PDF Chat On Wigner's semicircle law for the eigenvalues of random matrices 1971 Ludwig Arnold
+ Fluctuations for block spin Ising models 2018 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat Exact recovery in the Ising blockmodel 2019 Quentin Berthet
Philippe Rigollet
Piyush Srivastava
+ PDF Chat The Semicircle Law for Matrices with Independent Diagonals 2011 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Nonnormal approximation by Stein’s method of exchangeable pairs with application to the Curie–Weiss model 2011 Sourav Chatterjee
Qi-Man Shao
+ PDF Chat Geometric Bounds for Eigenvalues of Markov Chains 1991 Persi Diaconis
Daniel W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Scaling Limits for Multi-species Statistical Mechanics Mean-Field Models 2011 Micaela Fedele
Pierluigi Contucci
+ PDF Chat Multi-group binary choice with social interaction and a random communication structure—A random graph approach 2020 Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Gibbs measures and phase transitions on sparse random graphs 2010 Amir Dembo
Andrea Montanari
+ The statistics of Curie-Weiss models 1978 Richard S. Ellis
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Chat A phase transition for the limiting spectral density of random matrices 2013 Olga Friesen
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Ising Models on Power-Law Random Graphs 2010 Sander Dommers
Cristian Giardinà
Remco van der Hofstad
+ Ising Critical Exponents on Random Trees and Graphs 2014 Sander Dommers
Cristian Giardinà
Remco van der Hofstad
+ PDF Chat Two Groups in a Curie–Weiss Model with Heterogeneous Coupling 2019 Werner Kirsch
Gábor Tóth
+ PDF Chat Ising models on locally tree-like graphs 2010 Amir Dembo
Andrea Montanari
+ Sharp upper bounds on perfect retrieval in the Hopfield model 1999 Anton Bovier
+ PDF Chat Quenched Central Limit Theorems for the Ising Model on Random Graphs 2015 Cristian Giardinà
Claudio Giberti
Remco van der Hofstad
Maria Luisa Prioriello
+ Annealed central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs 2016 Cristian Giardinà
Claudio Giberti
Remco van der Hofstad
Maria Luisa Prioriello
+ Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising Models on Dense Erdős–Rényi Random Graphs 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
+ PDF Chat Spectral measure of large random Hankel, Markov and Toeplitz matrices 2006 Włodzimierz Bryc
Amir Dembo
Tiefeng Jiang
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Results for General Block Spin Ising Models 2020 Holger Knöpfel
Matthias Löwe
Kristina Schubert
Arthur Sinulis
+ PDF Chat On semidefinite relaxations for the block model 2018 Arash A. Amini
Elizaveta Levina
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction of Markov Random Fields from Samples: Some Observations and Algorithms 2013 Guy Bresler
Elchanan Mossel
Allan Sly
+ Spectral measure of large random Hankel, Markov and Toeplitz matrices 2004 Włodzimierz Bryc
Amir Dembo
Tiefeng Jiang
+ An elementary proof of the local central limit theorem 1995 Burgess Davis
David McDonald
+ PDF Chat Ising Critical Behavior of Inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss Models and Annealed Random Graphs 2016 Sander Dommers
Cristian Giardinà
Claudio Giberti
Remco van der Hofstad
Maria Luisa Prioriello
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for Random Field Curie-Weiss Models 2012 Matthias Löwe
Raphael Meiners
+ Belief propagation, robust reconstruction and optimal recovery of block models 2016 Elchanan Mossel
Joe Neeman
Allan Sly
+ The capacity of q-state Potts neural networks with parallel retrieval dynamics 2007 Matthias Löwe
Franck Vermet
+ PDF Chat Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Local Semicircle Law and Complete Delocalization for Wigner Random Matrices 2008 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ Spectral statistics of Erdős–Rényi graphs I: Local semicircle law 2013 László Erdős
Antti Knowles
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin
+ Limit theorems for the empirical vector of the Curie-Weiss-Potts model 1990 Richard S. Ellis
Kongming Wang
+ Large Random Matrices: Lectures on Macroscopic Asymptotics 2009 Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Complete analysis of phase transitions and ensemble equivalence for the Curie–Weiss–Potts model 2005 Marius Costeniuc
Richard S. Ellis
Hugo Touchette
+ PDF Chat Two Groups in a Curie-Weiss Model 2020 Werner Kirsch
Gábor Tóth
+ On the Eigenvalue distribution of the deformed Wigner ensemble of random matrices 1994 A. M. Khorunzhy and L. A. Pastur
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Random Walks on Graphs: A Survey 2001 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat First-passage properties of the Erdos–Renyi random graph 2004 Vishal Sood
S. Redner
Daniel ben‐Avraham
+ Limit Theorems for Spectra of Random Matrices with Martingale Structure 2007 Friedrich Götze
А. Н. Тихомиров
+ PDF Chat Rigorous results for the Hopfield model with many patterns 1998 Michel Talagrand
+ Torpid mixing of simulated tempering on the Potts model 2004 Nayantara Bhatnagar
Dana Randall
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for sums of dependent random variables occurring in statistical mechanics 1980 Richard S. Ellis
Charles M. Newman
Jay Rosen