Martin Josefsson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ New characterisations of bicentric quadrilaterals 2022 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Quantum Confinement Suppressing Electronic Heat Flow below the Wiedemann–Franz Law 2022 Danial Majidi
Martin Josefsson
Mukesh Kumar
Martin Leijnse
Lars Samuelson
H. Courtois
Clemens B. Winkelmann
V. F. Maisi
+ PDF Chat Heat Driven Transport in Serial Double Quantum Dot Devices 2021 Sven Dorsch
Artis Svilans
Martin Josefsson
Bahareh Goldozian
Mukesh Kumar
Claes Thelander
A. Wacker
A. M. Burke
+ 104.20 A characterisation of midsquare quadrilaterals 2020 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Double quantum-dot engine fueled by entanglement between electron spins 2020 Martin Josefsson
Martin Leijnse
+ Eight formulae for the area of triangle <i>OIH</i> 2019 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Optimal power and efficiency of single quantum dot heat engines: Theory and experiment 2019 Martin Josefsson
Artis Svilans
Heiner Linke
Martin Leijnse
+ 103.23 On Pitot’s theorem 2019 Martin Josefsson
+ 103.09 On the heights of a convex quadrilateral 2019 Martin Josefsson
+ Area formulas for certain convex quadrilaterals 2019 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric Characterization of the Kondo Resonance in Nanowire Quantum Dots 2018 Artis Svilans
Martin Josefsson
A. M. Burke
Sofia Fahlvik
Claes Thelander
Heiner Linke
Martin Leijnse
+ PDF Chat A quantum-dot heat engine operating close to the thermodynamic efficiency limits 2018 Martin Josefsson
Artis Svilans
A. M. Burke
E. Hoffmann
Sofia Fahlvik
Claes Thelander
Martin Leijnse
Heiner Linke
+ Metric relations in crossed trapezia 2018 Martin Josefsson
+ The importance of characterisations in geometry 2018 Martin Josefsson
+ Further characterisations of tangential quadrilaterals 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ 101.38 Metric relations in crossed cyclic quadrilaterals 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ 101.36 On the area of a tangential quadrilateral 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ Generalisation of a quadrilateral duality theorem 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ Properties of bisect-diagonal quadrilaterals 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ 100.30 Generalisations of the altitude theorem 2016 Martin Josefsson
+ 100.31 Heron-like formulas for quadrilaterals 2016 Martin Josefsson
+ Properties of Pythagorean quadrilaterals 2016 Martin Josefsson
+ On the classification of convex quadrilaterals 2016 Martin Josefsson
+ Minimal area of a bicentric quadrilateral 2015 Martin Josefsson
+ Properties of Equidiagonal Quadrilaterals 2014 Martin Josefsson
+ The Diagonal Point Triangle Revisited 2014 Martin Josefsson
+ Five Proofs of an Area Characterization of Rectangles 2013 Martin Josefsson
+ More Characterizations of Tangential Quadrilaterals 2011 Martin Josefsson
+ The Area of a Bicentric Quadrilateral 2011 Martin Josefsson
+ On the Inradius of a Tangential Quadrilateral 2010 Martin Josefsson
+ Calculations Concerning the Tangent Lengths and Tangency Chords of a Tangential Quadrilateral 2010 Martin Josefsson
+ Characterizations of Bicentric Quadrilaterals 2010 Martin Josefsson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Mathematical Olympiad Treasures 2011 Titu Andreescu
Bogdan Enescu
+ Delving Deeper: A Journey with Circumscribable Quadrilaterals 2004 Charles Worrall
+ Characterizations of orthodiagonal quadrilaterals 2016 Karmen Žugič
+ Geometry Revisited 1967 H. S. M. Coxeter
Samuel L. Greitzer
+ Experiments on the thermoelectric properties of quantum dots 2016 Artis Svilans
Martin Leijnse
Heiner Linke
+ PDF Chat A quantum-dot heat engine operating close to the thermodynamic efficiency limits 2018 Martin Josefsson
Artis Svilans
A. M. Burke
E. Hoffmann
Sofia Fahlvik
Claes Thelander
Martin Leijnse
Heiner Linke
+ More Characterizations of Tangential Quadrilaterals 2011 Martin Josefsson
+ Characterizations of a Tangential Quadrilateral 2009 Forum Geom
Nicuşor Minculete
+ PDF Chat Solving rate equations for electron tunneling via discrete quantum states 2002 Edgar Bonet
Mandar M. Deshmukh
D. C. Ralph
+ Calculations Concerning the Tangent Lengths and Tangency Chords of a Tangential Quadrilateral 2010 Martin Josefsson
+ Area of a quadrilateral 2002 Judith Harries
+ PDF Chat Kinetic equations for transport through single-molecule transistors 2008 Martin Leijnse
M. R. Wegewijs
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric Conversion at 30 K in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots 2019 Domenic Prete
Paolo Andrea Erdman
Valeria Demontis
Valentina Zannier
Daniele Ercolani
L. Sorba
Fabio Beltram
Francesco Rossella
Ferdinando Taddei
Stefano Roddaro
+ PDF Chat Reversible Thermoelectric Nanomaterials 2005 T. E. Humphrey
Heiner Linke
+ Further characterisations of tangential quadrilaterals 2017 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric efficiency at maximum power in a quantum dot 2009 Massimiliano Esposito
Katja Lindenberg
J. van den Brand
+ On the classification of convex quadrilaterals 2016 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Quantum Limit of Heat Flow Across a Single Electronic Channel 2013 S. Jézouin
François Parmentier
A. Anthore
U. Gennser
A. Cavanna
Yong Jin
F. Pierre
+ Characterizations of Bicentric Quadrilaterals 2010 Martin Josefsson
+ Investigating and ordering Quadrilaterals and their analogies in space—problem fields with various aspects 2005 Günter Graumann
+ PDF Chat Spin Switching via Quantum Dot Spin Valves 2018 Niklas M. Gergs
Scott A. Bender
R. A. Duine
Dirk Schuricht
+ PDF Chat Cotunneling at Resonance for the Single-Electron Transistor 1997 Jürgen König
Herbert Schoeller
Gerd Schön
+ Properties of Equidiagonal Quadrilaterals 2014 Martin Josefsson
+ A Condition for a Circumscriptible Quadrilateral to be Cyclic 2008 Mowaffaq Hajja
+ The Area of a Bicentric Quadrilateral 2011 Martin Josefsson
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Olympiad Treasures 2004 Titu Andreescu
Bogdan Enescu
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of a Quantum Dot Energy Harvester 2019 Gulzat Jaliel
Reuben K. Puddy
Rafael Sánchez
Andrew N. Jordan
Björn Sothmann
I. Farrer
J. P. Griffiths
D. A. Ritchie
C. G. Smith
+ 84.02 Circumradius of a cyclic quadrilateral 2000 Larry Hoehn
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric Characterization of the Kondo Resonance in Nanowire Quantum Dots 2018 Artis Svilans
Martin Josefsson
A. M. Burke
Sofia Fahlvik
Claes Thelander
Heiner Linke
Martin Leijnse
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric energy harvesting with quantum dots 2014 Björn Sothmann
Rafael Sánchez
Andrew N. Jordan
+ PDF Chat Heat Coulomb blockade of one ballistic channel 2017 E. Sivre
A. Anthore
François Parmentier
A. Cavanna
U. Gennser
Abdelkarim Ouerghi
Yong Jin
F. Pierre
+ Invitation to geometry 1983 Z. A. Melzak
+ PDF Chat Sequential and cotunneling behavior in the temperature-dependent thermopower of few-electron quantum dots 2007 Ralf Scheibner
E. G. Novik
T. Borzenko
Markus König
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
H. Buhmann
L. W. Molenkamp
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric properties of an interacting quantum dot based heat engine 2017 Paolo Andrea Erdman
Francesco Mazza
Riccardo Bosisio
Giuliano Benenti
Rosario Fazio
Ferdinando Taddei
+ PDF Chat Thermal Conductance of a Single-Electron Transistor 2017 Bivas Dutta
J. T. Peltonen
Daniil S. Antonenko
M. Meschke
M. A. Skvortsov
Björn Kubala
Jürgen König
Clemens B. Winkelmann
H. Courtois
J. P. Pekola
+ PDF Chat Thermopower of a Kondo Spin-Correlated Quantum Dot 2005 Ralf Scheibner
H. Buhmann
D. Reuter
M. N. Kiselev
L. W. Molenkamp
+ Some Proofs of a Theorem on Quadrilateral 1962 Kaidy Tan
Victor Thébault
+ 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics 1965 Heinrich Dörrie
+ On the Inradius of a Tangential Quadrilateral 2010 Martin Josefsson
+ Slaying a geometrical 'Monster' : finding the area of a crossed Quadrilateral 2015 Michael De Villiers
+ PDF Chat Spins in few-electron quantum dots 2007 Ronald Hanson
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
J. R. Petta
Seigo Tarucha
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Three-terminal energy harvester with coupled quantum dots 2015 Holger Thierschmann
Rafael Sánchez
Björn Sothmann
Fabian Arnold
Ch. Heyn
W. Hansen
H. Buhmann
L. W. Molenkamp
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear thermovoltage and thermocurrent in quantum dots 2013 Sofia Fahlvik Svensson
E. Hoffmann
Natthapon Nakpathomkun
Phillip M. Wu
H. Q. Xu
H. A. Nilsson
David Sánchez
Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs
Heiner Linke
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic quantum transport: Resonant tunneling in the presence of a strong Coulomb interaction 1994 Herbert Schoeller
Gerd Schön
+ PDF Chat Optimal thermoelectric figure of merit of a molecular junction 2008 Pádraig Murphy
Subroto Mukerjee
Joel E. Moore
+ PDF Chat Thermoelectric efficiency at maximum power in low-dimensional systems 2010 Natthapon Nakpathomkun
H. Q. Xu
Heiner Linke
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear thermoelectric response due to energy-dependent transport properties of a quantum dot 2015 Artis Svilans
A. M. Burke
Sofia Fahlvik Svensson
Martin Leijnse
Heiner Linke
+ PDF Chat Fermionic superoperators for zero-temperature nonlinear transport: Real-time perturbation theory and renormalization group for Anderson quantum dots 2012 R. B. Saptsov
M. R. Wegewijs
+ PDF Chat Cotunneling thermopower of single electron transistors 2002 Marko Turek
К. А. Матвеев
+ Heat transport through atomic contacts 2017 Nico Mosso
Ute Drechsler
Fabian Menges
Peter N. Nirmalraj
Siegfried Karg
Heike Riel
Bernd Gotsmann