Paul Hessler


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Neepa T. Maitra 3
Christian Gaun 3
Arun K. Rajam 3
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum many-body dynamics in a Lagrangian frame: II. Geometric formulation of time-dependent density functional theory 2005 I. V. Tokatly
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Approximation of the Correlation Function in the Density-Functional Treatment of Ionization Processes 2006 F. Wilken
D. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Undoing static correlation: Long-range charge transfer in time-dependent density-functional theory 2005 Neepa T. Maitra
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Molecular Dissociation in Density Functional Theory: A Simple Model 2009 David G. Tempel
Todd J. Martı́nez
Neepa T. Maitra
+ PDF Chat Negativity and Contextuality are Equivalent Notions of Nonclassicality 2008 Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat Generic Galilean-invariant exchange-correlation functionals with quantum memory 2005 Yair Kurzweil
Roi Baer
+ PDF Chat Momentum distributions in time-dependent density-functional theory: Product-phase approximation for nonsequential double ionization in strong laser fields 2007 F. Wilken
D. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of initial-state dependence in time-dependent density-functional theory 2001 Neepa T. Maitra
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Carrier-carrier entanglement and transport resonances in semiconductor quantum dots 2007 Fabrizio Buscemi
Paolo Bordone
Andrea Bertoni
+ PDF Chat Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Beyond the Adiabatic Local Density Approximation 1997 Giovanni Vignale
Carsten A. Ullrich
Sergio Conti
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic electron dynamics in time-dependent density-functional theory 2006 Carsten A. Ullrich
I. V. Tokatly
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent density-functional theory beyond the adiabatic approximation: Insights from a two-electron model system 2006 Carsten A. Ullrich
+ PDF Chat Quantum many-body dynamics in a Lagrangian frame: I. Equations of motion and conservation laws 2005 I. V. Tokatly
+ PDF Chat Excitation Energies from Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory 1996 Martin Petersilka
U. J. Gossmann
E. K. U. Gross
+ PDF Chat Reduced density matrix functional for many-electron systems 2008 S. Sharma
J. K. Dewhurst
Nektarios N. Lathiotakis
E. K. U. Gross
+ PDF Chat Current-Dependent Exchange-Correlation Potential for Dynamical Linear Response Theory 1996 Giovanni Vignale
W. Kohn
+ PDF Chat Density functional calculations of nanoscale conductance 2008 Max Koentopp
Connie Chang
Kieron Burke
Roberto Car
+ PDF Chat Momentum-space properties from coordinate-space electron density 2005 Manoj K. Harbola
Rajendra R. Zope
Anjali Kshirsagar
Rajeev K. Pathak