Tony Johansson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Hamilton cycles in weighted Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs 2020 Tony Johansson
+ Hamilton cycles in weighted Erdős-Rényi graphs 2020 Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat The Cover Time of a Biased Random Walk on a Random Regular Graph of Odd Degree 2020 Tony Johansson
+ On Hamilton cycles in Erdős‐Rényi subgraphs of large graphs 2020 Tony Johansson
+ A condition for Hamiltonicity in Sparse Random Graphs with a Fixed Degree Sequence 2020 Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat Embedding Small Digraphs and Permutations in Binary Trees and Split Trees 2020 Michael Albert
Cecilia Holmgren
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ Hamilton cycles in weighted Erdős-Rényi graphs 2020 Tony Johansson
+ A condition for Hamiltonicity in Sparse Random Graphs with a Fixed Degree Sequence 2020 Tony Johansson
+ Embedding small digraphs and permutations in binary trees and split trees 2019 Michael Albert
Cecilia Holmgren
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ Embedding small digraphs and permutations in binary trees and split trees 2019 Michael H. Albert
Cecilia Holmgren
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ On Hamilton cycles in Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi subgraphs of large graphs 2018 Tony Johansson
+ On Hamilton cycles in Erdős-Rényi subgraphs of large graphs 2018 Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat Inversions in Split Trees and Conditional Galton–Watson Trees 2018 Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
Svante Janson
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ PDF Chat On the insertion time of random walk cuckoo hashing 2018 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ The cover time of a biased random walk on a random cubic graph 2018 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ The cover time of a biased random walk on a random regular graph of odd degree 2018 Tony Johansson
+ The cover time of a biased random walk on a random cubic graph 2018 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Permutations in Binary Trees and Split Trees 2018 Michael Albert
Cecilia Holmgren
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ The Cover Time of a Biased Random Walk on a Random Regular Graph of Odd Degree. 2018 Tony Johansson
+ Inversions in Split Trees and Conditional Galton-Watson Trees 2018 Xing Shi Cai
Cecilia Holmgren
Svante Janson
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ On Hamilton cycles in Erdős-Rényi subgraphs of large graphs 2018 Tony Johansson
+ The cover time of a biased random walk on a random regular graph of odd degree 2018 Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat On Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees in a Randomly Weighted Complete Graph 2017 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ On the insertion time of random walk cuckoo hashing 2017 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat Minimum Cost Matching in a Random Graph with Random Costs 2017 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ PDF Chat On random <i>k</i>‐out subgraphs of large graphs 2016 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Deletion of oldest edges in a preferential attachment graph 2016 Tony Johansson
+ On the insertion time of random walk cuckoo hashing 2016 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ On edge disjoint spanning trees in a randomly weighted complete graph 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Minimum-cost matching in a random bipartite graph with random costs 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Minimum-cost matching in a random graph with random costs 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Minimum-cost matching in a regular bipartite graph with random costs 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Minimum-cost matching in a random graph with random costs 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ On edge disjoint spanning trees in a randomly weighted complete graph 2015 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ On random k-out sub-graphs of large graphs 2014 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ On random k-out sub-graphs of large graphs 2014 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ The giant component of the random bipartite graph 2012 Tony Johansson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics in the random assignment problem 1992 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat The minimal spanning tree in a complete graph and a functional limit theorem for trees in a random graph 1995 Svante Janson
+ On the value of a random minimum spanning tree problem 1985 Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat The ζ(2) limit in the random assignment problem 2001 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat An easy proof of the $\zeta(2)$ limit in the random assignment problem 2009 Johan Wästlund
+ PDF Chat A proof of Parisi’s conjecture on the random assignment problem 2003 Svante Linusson
Johan Wästlund
+ Robust Hamiltonicity of Dirac graphs 2014 Michael Krivelevich
Choongbum Lee
Benny Sudakov
+ Limit distribution for the existence of hamiltonian cycles in a random graph 1983 János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Random Graphs 2015 Alan Frieze
Michał Karoński
+ PDF Chat Long cycles in random subgraphs of graphs with large minimum degree 2014 Oliver Riordan
+ PDF Chat Optimal Packings of Hamilton Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs 2012 Michael Krivelevich
Wojciech Samotij
+ PDF Chat A Note on Random Minimum Length Spanning Trees 2000 Alan Frieze
Miklós Ruszinkó
Luboš Thoma
+ On the connectivity of randomm-orientable graphs and digraphs 1982 T. I. Fenner
Alan Frieze
+ A Probabilistic Proof of an Asymptotic Formula for the Number of Labelled Regular Graphs 1980 Béla Bollobás
+ Almost all regular graphs are hamiltonian 1994 Robert W. Robinson
N. C. Wormald
+ None 2009 Gruia Călinescu
Chandra Chekuri
J. Vondrák
+ Random Minimum Length Spanning Trees in Regular Graphs 1998 Andrew Beveridge
Alan Frieze
Colin McDiarmid
+ On Frieze's χ(3) limit for lengths of minimal spanning trees 1987 John Steele
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Novel characteristics of split trees by use of renewal theory 2012 Cecilia Holmgren
+ PDF Chat On the Length of a Random Minimum Spanning Tree 2015 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
Nate Ince
Svante Janson
Joel Spencer
+ PDF Chat On the Analysis of Linear Probing Hashing 1998 Philippe Flajolet
P. Poblete
Alfredo Viola
+ PDF Chat The inversion enumerator for labeled trees 1968 C. L. Mallows
John Riordan
+ Limit Distribution for the Existence of Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Bipartite Graphs 1985 Alan Frieze
+ Permutations in Binary Trees and Split Trees 2018 Michael Albert
Cecilia Holmgren
Tony Johansson
Fiona Skerman
+ PDF Chat Long paths and cycles in random subgraphs of graphs with large minimum degree 2013 Michael Krivelevich
Choongbum Lee
Benny Sudakov
+ Euler's Constant 1985 Frank Burk
+ A simple proof of the Parisi and Coppersmith-Sorkin formulas for the random assignment problem 2005 Johan Wästlund
+ One, Two and Three Times log <i>n</i>/<i>n</i> for Paths in a Complete Graph with Random Weights 1999 Svante Janson
+ On Matchings and Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Graphs 1985 Béla Bollobás
Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat On random <i>k</i>‐out subgraphs of large graphs 2016 Alan Frieze
Tony Johansson
+ Enumeration of trees by inversions 1995 Ira M. Gessel
Bruce E. Sagan
Yeong‐Nan Yeh
+ First Occurrence of Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs 1985 Miklós Ajtai
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ Universal Limit Laws for Depths in Random Trees 1998 Luc Devroye
+ Perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in the preferential attachment model 2016 Alan Frieze
Xavier Pérez‐Giménez
Paweł Prałat
Benjamin Reiniger
+ PDF Chat Limiting Distributions for the Number of Inversions in Labelled Tree Families 2012 Alois Panholzer
Georg Seitz
+ The Cover Time of Random Regular Graphs 2005 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat Sharp load thresholds for cuckoo hashing 2012 Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
+ One-factor in random graphs based on vertex choice 1982 Eliahu Shamir
Eli Upfal
+ The evolution of random graphs 1984 Béla Bollobás
+ Probability Theory and Combinatorial Optimization 1997 John Steele
+ On the degrees of the vertices of a directed graph 1965 S. L. Hakimi
+ Generalized Parking Functions, Tree Inversions, and Multicolored Graphs 2001 Catherine H. Yan
+ PDF Chat Random walks which prefer unvisited edges: Exploring high girth even degree expanders in linear time 2013 Petra Berenbrink
Colin Cooper
Tom Friedetzky
+ PDF Chat On the Non-Planarity of a Random Subgraph 2013 Alan Frieze
Michael Krivelevich
+ Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random graphs 2013 Fiachra Knox
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ On large matchings and cycles in sparse random graphs 1986 Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat Maximum matchings in random bipartite graphs and the space utilization of Cuckoo Hash tables 2012 Alan Frieze
Páll Melsted
+ Hamiltonian circuits in random graphs 1976 L. Pósa
+ Sudden Emergence of a Giantk-Core in a Random Graph 1996 Boris Pittel
Joel Spencer
Nicholas Wormald