Tim Austin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Notions of entropy for unitary representations 2024 Tim Austin
+ Non-convergence of some non-commuting double ergodic averages 2024 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Non-convergence of some non-commuting double ergodic averages 2024 Tim Austin
+ Algebraic dynamical systems from LDPC codes satisfy a strong negation of the weak Pinsker property 2023 Tim Austin
Lewis Bowen
Christopher Shriver
+ PDF An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2022 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF A new dynamical proof of the Shmerkin–Wu theorem 2021 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2021 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
B. P. Weiss
+ An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2021 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
Benjamin Weiss
+ A new dynamical proof of the Shmerkin--Wu theorem 2020 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Multi-variate correlation and mixtures of product measures 2020 Tim Austin
+ A new dynamical proof of the Shmerkin--Wu theorem 2020 Tim Austin
+ PDF The structure of low-complexity Gibbs measures on product spaces 2019 Tim Austin
+ PDF Uniform mixing and completely positive sofic entropy 2019 Tim Austin
Peter Burton
+ The structure of low-complexity Gibbs measures on product spaces 2018 Tim Austin
+ Measures of correlation and mixtures of product measures. 2018 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Measure concentration and the weak Pinsker property 2018 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Gibbs Measures Over Locally Tree-Like Graphs and Percolative Entropy Over Infinite Regular Trees 2018 Tim Austin
Moumanti Podder
+ Measure concentration and the weak Pinsker property . Integral models of Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure . Integral p-adic Hodge theory 2018 Tim Austin
Mark Kisin
G. Pappas
Bhargav Bhatt
Matthew Morrow
Peter Scholze
+ The structure of low-complexity Gibbs measures on product spaces 2018 Tim Austin
+ An asymptotic equipartition property for measures on model spaces 2017 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Euclidean-valued group cohomology is always reduced 2017 Tim Austin
+ An asymptotic equipartition property for measures on model spaces 2017 Tim Austin
+ An asymptotic equipartition property for measures on model spaces 2017 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Behaviour of Entropy Under Bounded and Integrable Orbit Equivalence 2016 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Non-conventional ergodic averages for several commuting actions of an amenable group 2016 Tim Austin
+ Multiple Recurrence and Finding Patterns in Dense Sets 2016 Tim Austin
+ The Geometry of Model Spaces for Probability-Preserving Actions of Sofic Groups 2016 Tim Austin
+ Fall Sampler: Szemer 'edi's Theorem: Combinatorics, Ergodic Theory and Algebra 2016 Tim Austin
+ Behaviour of entropy under bounded and integrable orbit equivalence 2016 Tim Austin
+ Uniform mixing and completely positive sofic entropy 2016 Tim Austin
Peter Burton
+ PDF Erratum: A CAT(0)-valued pointwise ergodic theorem 2016 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Integrable measure equivalence for groups of polynomial growth 2016 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Ajtai–SzemerĂ©di Theorems over quasirandom groups 2016 Tim Austin
+ Behaviour of entropy under bounded and integrable orbit equivalence 2016 Tim Austin
+ Uniform mixing and completely positive sofic entropy 2016 Tim Austin
Peter Burton
+ The geometry of model spaces for probability-preserving actions of sofic groups 2015 Tim Austin
+ On the failure of concentration for the ℓ ∞-ball 2015 Tim Austin
+ Additivity properties of sofic entropy and measures on model spaces 2015 Tim Austin
+ PDF Quantitative Equidistribution for Certain Quadruples in Quasi-Random Groups: Erratum 2015 Tim Austin
+ PDF Exchangeable random measures 2015 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure, II 2015 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure, I 2015 Tim Austin
+ Ajtai-Szemerédi Theorems over quasirandom groups 2015 Tim Austin
+ Additivity properties of sofic entropy and measures on model spaces 2015 Tim Austin
+ The geometry of model spaces for probability-preserving actions of sofic groups 2015 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Equidistribution for Certain Quadruples in Quasi-Random Groups 2014 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat A Proof of Walsh's Convergence Theorem Using Couplings 2014 Tim Austin
+ Scenery entropy as an invariant of RWRS processes 2014 Tim Austin
+ Entropy of probability kernels from the backwards tail boundary 2014 Tim Austin
+ Scenery entropy as an invariant of RWRS processes 2014 Tim Austin
+ Integrable measure equivalence for groups of polynomial growth 2013 Tim Austin
+ A proof of Walsh's convergence theorem using couplings 2013 Tim Austin
+ Non-conventional ergodic averages for several commuting actions of an amenable group 2013 Tim Austin
+ Partial difference equations over compact Abelian groups, II: step-polynomial solutions 2013 Tim Austin
+ PDF Sharp quantitative nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group into superreflexive Banach spaces 2013 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Romain Tessera
+ PDF A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations 2013 Tim Austin
Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat Rational group ring elements with kernels having irrational dimension 2013 Tim Austin
+ A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations 2013 Tim Austin
Dmitry Panchenko
+ On the failure of concentration for the \ell_\infty-ball 2013 Tim Austin
+ Partial difference equations over compact Abelian groups, I: modules of solutions 2013 Tim Austin
+ Integrable measure equivalence for groups of polynomial growth 2013 Tim Austin
with an Appendix by Lewis Bowen
+ A proof of Walsh's convergence theorem using couplings 2013 Tim Austin
+ A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations 2013 Tim Austin
Dmitry Panchenko
+ Partial difference equations over compact Abelian groups, II: step-polynomial solutions 2013 Tim Austin
+ Non-conventional ergodic averages for several commuting actions of an amenable group 2013 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Continuity properties of measurable group cohomology 2012 Tim Austin
Calvin C. Moore
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of joinings under off-diagonal polynomial flows of nilpotent Lie groups 2012 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of continuous-time polynomial multiple ergodic averages 2011 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Amenable groups with very poor compression into Lebesgue spaces 2011 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Deducing the Density Hales–Jewett Theorem from an Infinitary Removal Lemma 2011 Tim Austin
+ Ergodic-theoretic implementations of the Roth density-increment argument 2011 Tim Austin
+ Norm convergence of continuous-time polynomial multiple ergodic averages 2011 Tim Austin
+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2011 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ On discontinuities of cocycles in cohomology theories for topological groups 2011 Tim Austin
+ Norm convergence of continuous-time polynomial multiple ergodic averages 2011 Tim Austin
+ Ergodic-theoretic implementations of the Roth density-increment argument 2011 Tim Austin
+ Sharp quantitative nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group into superreflexive Banach spaces 2010 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Romain Tessera
+ PDF Chat Deducing the multidimensional Szemerédi theorem from an infinitary removal lemma 2010 Tim Austin
+ Continuity properties of Moore cohomology 2010 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Testability and repair of hereditary hypergraph properties 2010 Tim Austin
Terence Tao
+ PDF Extensions of probability-preserving systems by measurably-varying homogeneous spaces and applications 2010 Tim Austin
+ Sharp quantitative nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group into superreflexive Banach spaces 2010 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Romain Tessera
+ Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure, II 2009 Tim Austin
+ A counterexample to a conjecture of Atiyah 2009 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Relatively finite measure-preserving extensions and lifting multipliers by Rokhlin cocycles 2009 Tim Austin
Mariusz LemaƄczyk
+ PDF Chat On the norm convergence of non-conventional ergodic averages 2009 Tim Austin
+ A CAT(0)-valued pointwise ergodic theorem 2009 Tim Austin
+ Pleasant extensions subject to some algebraic constraints, and applications 2009 Tim Austin
+ PDF The Euclidean Distortion of the Lamplighter Group 2009 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Alain Valette
+ Deducing the Density Hales-Jewett Theorem from an infinitary removal lemma 2009 Tim Austin
+ An alternative ending to "Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure'' 2009 Tim Austin
+ Extensions of probability-preserving systems by measurably-varying homogeneous spaces and applications 2009 Tim Austin
+ Nonconventional ergodic averages and multiple recurrence for von Neumann dynamical systems 2009 Tim Austin
Tanja Eisner
Terence Tao
+ A CAT(0)-valued pointwise ergodic theorem 2009 Tim Austin
+ Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure, II 2009 Tim Austin
+ Pleasant extensions retaining algebraic structure, I 2009 Tim Austin
+ Deducing the Density Hales-Jewett Theorem from an infinitary removal lemma 2009 Tim Austin
+ Deducing the multidimensional Szemeredi Theorem from the infinitary hypergraph removal lemma 2008 Tim Austin
+ PDF The wreath product of $\mathbb {Z}$ with $\mathbb {Z}$ has Hilbert compression exponent $\frac {2}{3}$ 2008 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Yuval Peres
+ PDF The emergence of the deterministic Hodgkin–Huxley equations as a limit from the underlying stochastic ion-channel mechanism 2008 Tim Austin
+ Razborov flag algebras as algebras of measurable functions 2008 Tim Austin
+ On the testability and repair of hereditary hypergraph properties 2008 Tim Austin
Terence Tao
+ On the geometry of a class of invariant measures and a problem of Aldous 2008 Tim Austin
+ On the norm convergence of nonconventional ergodic averages 2008 Tim Austin
+ Deducing the multidimensional Szemeredi Theorem from an infinitary removal lemma 2008 Tim Austin
+ PDF On exchangeable random variables and the statistics of large graphs and hypergraphs 2008 Tim Austin
+ The wreath product of Z with Z has Hilbert compression exponent 2/3 2007 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Yuval Peres
+ The Euclidean distortion of the lamplighter group 2007 Tim Austin
Assaf Naor
Alain Valette
+ PDF Chat A pair of non-homeomorphic product measures on the Cantor set 2007 Tim Austin
+ For what number of cars must self organization occur in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model from any possible starting configuration? 2006 Tim Austin
ItaĂŻ Benjamini
+ On contractive families and a fixed-point question of Stein 2006 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat On Contractive Families and a Fixed‐Point Question of Stein 2005 Tim Austin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Nonconventional ergodic averages and nilmanifolds 2005 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ Universal characteristic factors and Furstenberg averages 2006 Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Chat On the norm convergence of non-conventional ergodic averages 2009 Tim Austin
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of multiple ergodic averages for commuting transformations 2008 Terence Tao
+ Convergence of Conze–Lesigne averages 2001 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ PDF Ergodic seminorms for commuting transformations and applications 2009 Bernard Host
+ PDF Weakly mixing PET 1987 Vitaly Bergelson
+ PDF Convergence of multiple ergodic averages for some commuting transformations 2005 Nikos Frantzikinakis
Bryna Kra
+ An ergodic SzemerĂ©di theorem for commuting transformations 1978 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Yitzhak Katznelson
+ A nilpotent Roth theorem 2002 Vitaly Bergelson
A. Leibman
+ PDF Extensions of ergodic group actions 1976 Robert J. Zimmer
+ A correspondence principle between (hyper)graph theory and probability theory, and the (hyper)graph removal lemma 2007 Terence Tao
+ PDF ThéorÚmes ergodiques pour des mesures diagonales 1984 Jean-Pierre Conze
Emmanuel Lesigne
+ PDF Chat A non-conventional ergodic theorem for a nilsystem 2005 Tamar Ziegler
+ PDF Group extensions and cohomology for locally compact groups. IV 1976 Calvin C. Moore
+ PDF Chat Deducing the multidimensional Szemerédi theorem from an infinitary removal lemma 2010 Tim Austin
+ Representations for partially exchangeable arrays of random variables 1981 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat Isometric Group Actions on Hilbert Spaces: Growth of Cocycles 2007 Yves de Cornulier
Romain Tessera
Alain Valette
+ PDF Norm convergence of nilpotent ergodic averages 2012 Miguel N. Walsh
+ Symmetries on random arrays and set-indexed processes 1992 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Ergodic actions with generalized discrete spectrum 1976 Robert J. Zimmer
+ Quasirandomness, Counting and Regularity for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs 2006 W. T. Gowers
+ PDF Algebraic cohomology of topological groups 1973 David Wigner
+ Pointwise convergence of ergodic averages for polynomial sequences of translations on a nilmanifold 2004 A. Leibman
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Convergence of polynomial ergodic averages 2005 Bernard Host
Bryna Kra
+ The counting lemma for regular k-uniform hypergraphs 2006 Brendan Nagle
Vojtěch Rödl
Mathias Schacht
+ PDF On exchangeable random variables and the statistics of large graphs and hypergraphs 2008 Tim Austin
+ PDF Extensions and low dimensional cohomology theory of locally compact groups. I, II 1964 Calvin C. Moore
+ Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1999 Yoav Benyamini
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat Entropy and Mixing for Amenable Group Actions 2000 Daniel J. Rudolph
Benjamin Weiss
+ A density version of the Hales-Jewett theorem 1991 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Yitzhak Katznelson
+ On convergence of the averages $$\frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^N {f_1 (R^n x)f_2 (S^n x)f_3 (T^n x)} $$ 1996 Qing Zhang
+ Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles 2005 Olav Kallenberg
+ Cohomology Theories for Compact Abelian Groups 1973 Karl H. Hofmann
Paul S. Mostert
+ A Mean Ergodic Theorem for 1/NÎŁNn=1f(Tnx)g(Tn2x) 1996 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Soficity, amenability, and dynamical entropy 2013 David Kerr
Hanfeng Li
+ A Roth theorem for amenable groups 1997 Vitaly Bergelson
Randall McCutcheon
Shouxin Zhang
+ Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces 2007 Mikhael Gromov
+ Exchangeability and related topics 1985 David Aldous
+ PDF A Quantitative Ergodic Theory Proof of Szemerédi's Theorem 2006 Terence Tao
+ COHOMOLOGY OF GROUPS (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 87) 1984 C. B. Thomas
+ Szemer'edi's regularity lemma revisited 2006 Terence Tao
+ PDF Bounding $\bar{d}$-distance by informational divergence: a method to prove measure concentration 1996 K. Marton
+ Multiple recurrence and the structure of probability-preserving systems 2010 Timothy Derek Austin
+ PDF On sets of integers containing k elements in arithmetic progression 1975 Endre Szemerédi
+ Measure conjugacy invariants for actions of countable sofic groups 2009 Lewis Bowen