Ohad Perry


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic optimality of the binomial-exhaustive policy for polling systems with large switchover times 2022 Yue Hu
Jing Dong
Ohad Perry
+ PDF Chat Many-Server Heavy-Traffic Limits for Queueing Systems with Perfectly Correlated Service and Patience Times 2022 Lun Yu
Ohad Perry
+ A Queueing Model of Patient Flow for Stroke Networks to Estimate Acute Stroke Transfer Capacity 2022 Hojun Choi
Ohad Perry
Jane L. Holl
Shyam Prabhakaran
+ PDF Chat Stability of Parallel Server Systems 2021 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ Asymptotic Optimality of the Binomial-Exhaustive Policy for Polling Systems with Large Switchover Times 2020 Yue Hu
Jing Dong
Ohad Perry
+ Existence and Approximations of Moments for Polling Systems under the Binomial-Exhaustive Policy 2020 Yue Hu
Jing Dong
Ohad Perry
+ Many-Server Heavy-Traffic Limits for Queueing Systems with Perfectly Correlated Service and Patience Times 2020 Yu Lun
Ohad Perry
+ Stability of Parallel Server Systems 2019 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ Stability of Parallel Server Systems 2019 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ PDF Chat On the instability of matching queues 2017 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ On the Instability of Matching Queues 2015 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ PDF Chat Achieving Rapid Recovery in an Overload Control for Large-Scale Service Systems 2015 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ On the Instability of Matching Queues 2015 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry
+ A Switching Fluid Limit of a Stochastic Network Under a State-Space-Collapse Inducing Control with Chattering 2014 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Diffusion approximation for an overloaded X model via a stochastic averaging principle 2013 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Overload Control for a System in Time-Varying Environment 2013 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Achieving Rapid Recovery in an Overload Control for Large-Scale Service Systems 2013 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Achieving Rapid Recovery in an Overload Control for Large-Scale Service Systems 2013 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat A Fluid Limit for an Overloaded <i>X</i> Model via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2012 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ An ODE for an Overloaded X Model Involving a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2011 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ An ODE for an overloaded X model involving a stochastic averaging principle 2011 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Diffusion Approximation for an Overloaded X Model Via an Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Diffusion Approximation for an Overloaded X Model Via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ A Fluid Limit for an Overloaded X Model Via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Diffusion Approximation for an Overloaded X Model Via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ A Fluid Limit for an Overloaded X Model Via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ An ODE for an Overloaded X Model Involving a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2010 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Cartesian Graphs of Functions 1982 Ohad Perry
Jo Ellen Perry
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An ODE for an Overloaded X Model Involving a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2011 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Martingale proofs of many-server heavy-traffic limits for Markovian queues 2007 Guodong Pang
Rishi Talreja
Ward Whitt
+ Large loss networks 1994 P. J. Hunt
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat A Fluid Limit for an Overloaded <i>X</i> Model via a Stochastic Averaging Principle 2012 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ The Pointwise Stationary Approximation for Mt/Mt/s Queues Is Asymptotically Correct As the Rates Increase 1991 Ward Whitt
+ Averaging for martingale problems and stochastic approximation 2005 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2012 Gerald Teschl
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat A degenerate central limit theorem for single resource loss systems 2003 Christine Fricker
Philippe Robert
Danielle Tibi
+ Fairness in overloaded parallel queues 2010 Carri W. Chan
Mor Armony
Nicholas Bambos
+ PDF Chat Spectral theory and limit theorems for geometrically ergodic Markov processes 2003 Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Sean Meyn
+ PDF Chat Diffusion approximation for an overloaded X model via a stochastic averaging principle 2013 Ohad Perry
Ward Whitt
+ Asymptotic Formulas for Markov Processes with Applications to Simulation 1992 Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Applications of polling systems 2011 Marko Boon
R. D. van der Mei
E.M.M. Winands
+ Periodicity and chaos from switched flow systems: contrasting examples of discretely controlled continuous systems 1993 C. Chase
J. Serrano
Peter J. Ramadge
+ Limits and Approximations for the Busy-Period Distribution in Single-Server Queues 1995 Joseph Abate
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat On the functional central limit theorem for martingales, II 1980 Holger Rootz�n
+ PDF Chat Weak convergence of a sequence of Markov chains 1975 Alan F. Karr
+ PDF Chat Branching-type polling systems with large setups 2009 E.M.M. Winands
+ Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Applications. 1976 P. Whittle
Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Fluid limits of many-server queues with reneging 2010 Weining Kang
Kavita Ramanan
+ None 2001 Paavo Salminen
Ilkka Norros
+ PDF Chat Law of large numbers limits for many-server queues 2010 Haya Kaspi
Kavita Ramanan
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Bipartite Matching Model 2013 Ana Bušić
Varun Gupta
Jean Mairesse
+ PDF Chat Differential Equations for Random Processes and Random Graphs 1995 Nicholas Wormald
+ The Analysis of Random Polling Systems 1988 Leonard Kleinrock
Hanoch Levy
+ PDF Chat Uniform acceleration expansions for Markov chains with time-varying rates 1998 William A. Massey
Ward Whitt
+ Chaoticity on path space for a queueing network with selection of the shortest queue among several 2000 Carl Graham
+ On Averaging Principles: An Asymptotic Expansion Approach 2004 R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
George Yin
+ PDF Chat Stability of join the shortest queue networks 2011 Maury Bramson
+ Computation of the Variance of the Waiting Time for Token Rings 1986 Michael J. Ferguson
+ The caudal characteristic curve of queues 1984 Marcel F. Neuts
+ On finite exponential moments for branching processes and busy periods for queues 2004 Marvin K. Nakayama
Perwez Shahabuddin
Karl Sigman
+ Heavy-traffic asymptotic expansions for the asymptotic decay rates in the<i>BMAP/G/</i>1 queue 1994 Gagan L. Choudhury
Ward Whitt
+ Some diffusion approximations with state space collapse 2006 Martin I. Reiman
+ On Representatives of Subsets 1935 P. Hall
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Inequalities on Partially Ordered Spaces 1977 Teturo Kamae
Ulrich Krengel
G. L. O’Brien
+ On polling systems with large setups 2006 E.M.M. Winands
+ Computing distributions and moments in polling models by numerical transform inversion 1996 Gagan L. Choudhury
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Renewal theory and computable convergence rates for geometrically ergodic Markov chains 2005 Peter H. Baxendale
+ PDF Chat A two-station queue with dependent preparation and service times 2008 Maria Vlasiou
I.J.B.F. Adan
Onno Boxma
+ None 1998 Søren Asmussen
+ PDF Chat Randomized Greedy Algorithms for Independent Sets and Matchings in Regular Graphs: Exact Results and Finite Girth Corrections 2009 David Gamarnik
David A. Goldberg
+ Stochastic Models of Internal Mail Delivery Systems 1984 Steven Nahmias
Michael H. Rothkopf
+ Descendant set: an efficient approach for the analysis of polling systems 1994 Alan G. Konheim
Hanoch Levy
Mandyam M. Srinivasan
+ Probability: Theory and Examples. 1992 Kathryn Prewitt
Richard Durrett
+ Structured Stochastic Matrices of M/G/1 Type and Their Applications. 1991 B. W. Conolly
Marcel F. Neuts
+ PDF Chat Stability of the stochastic matching model 2016 Jean Mairesse
Pascal Moyal
+ PDF Chat On the instability of matching queues 2017 Pascal Moyal
Ohad Perry