Nigel Boston


Nigel Boston is a British-American mathematician renowned for his contributions to algebra, number theory, and coding theory. He is a professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he conducts research and teaches in the Department of Mathematics.

Dr. Boston's work encompasses areas such as:

  • Group Theory: He has studied the properties and structures of groups, which are fundamental objects in abstract algebra.

  • Galois Theory: He has worked on understanding symmetries of solutions to polynomial equations, extending the classical Galois theory.

  • Number Theory: His research includes investigations into properties of numbers, especially integers, and their relationships.

  • Coding Theory: He has applied mathematical concepts to improve error-detecting and error-correcting codes, which are crucial in digital communications and data storage.

Throughout his career, Nigel Boston has authored numerous research papers and has been involved in various collaborative projects that bridge pure mathematics and practical applications, such as cryptography and network coding. He is recognized for his ability to connect abstract mathematical theories with real-world problems.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of the Number of Real Solutions to the Power Flow Equations 2022 Julia Lindberg
Alisha Zachariah
Nigel Boston
Bernard C. Lesieutre
+ PDF Chat Heuristics for 2-class Towers of Cyclic Cubic Fields 2021 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
+ Heuristics for $2$-class Towers of Cyclic Cubic Fields 2020 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
+ PDF Chat Violations of the Ingleton inequality and revising the four-atom conjecture 2020 Nigel Boston
Ting-Ting Nan
+ Exploiting Symmetry in the Power Flow Equations Using Monodromy 2020 Julia Lindberg
Nigel Boston
Bernard C. Lesieutre
+ PDF Chat Exploiting symmetry in the power flow equations using monodromy 2020 Julia Lindberg
Nigel Boston
Bernard C. Lesieutre
+ Heuristics for $2$-class Towers of Cyclic Cubic Fields 2020 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
+ Exploiting Symmetry in the Power Flow Equations Using Monodromy 2020 Julia Lindberg
Nigel Boston
Bernard C. Lesieutre
+ The Distribution of the Number of Real Solutions to the Power Flow Equations 2020 Julia Lindberg
Alisha Zachariah
Nigel Boston
Bernard C. Lesieutre
Michael R. Bush
Farshid Hajir
+ Explicit Universal Deformations of Galois Representations 2018 Nigel Boston
Barry Mazur
+ PDF Chat Exploiting algebraic structure in global optimization and the Belgian chocolate problem 2018 Zachary Charles
Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat The weight distribution of quasi-quadratic residue codes 2018 Nigel Boston
Jing Hao
+ Heuristics for p-class towers of real quadratic fields 2018 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
Farshid Hajir
+ The 2-Class Tower of $$\mathbb {Q}(\sqrt{-5460})$$Q(-5460) 2018 Nigel Boston
Jiuya Wang
+ Exploiting Algebraic Structure in Global Optimization and the Belgian Chocolate Problem 2017 Zachary Charles
Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Non-abelian Cohen–Lenstra heuristics over function fields 2017 Nigel Boston
Melanie Matchett Wood
+ The $2$-Class Tower of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-5460})$ 2017 Nigel Boston
Jiuya Wang
+ The Weight Distribution of Quasi-quadratic Residue Codes 2017 Nigel Boston
Jing Hao
+ Exploiting Algebraic Structure in Global Optimization and the Belgian Chocolate Problem 2017 Zachary Charles
Nigel Boston
+ Heuristics for p-class towers of imaginary quadratic fields 2016 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
Farshid Hajir
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Deterministic Sampling Patterns for Low-Rank Matrix Completion 2016 Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón
Nigel Boston
Robert D. Nowak
+ PDF Chat A characterization of deterministic sampling patterns for low-rank matrix completion 2015 Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón
Nigel Boston
Robert D. Nowak
+ A Refined Conjecture for Factorizations of Iterates of Quadratic Polynomials over Finite Fields 2015 Vefa Goksel
Shixiang Xia
Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Deterministic conditions for subspace identifiability from incomplete sampling 2015 Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón
Nigel Boston
Robert D. Nowak
+ A Survey of Beauville $$p$$-Groups 2015 Nigel Boston
+ Regular Algebraic Surfaces, Ramification Structures and Projective Planes 2015 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ Deterministic Conditions for Subspace Identifiability from Incomplete Sampling 2014 Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón
Robert D. Nowak
Nigel Boston
+ An Infinite Family of 2-Groups with Mixed Beauville Structures 2014 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ On the Algebraic Structure of Linear Trellises 2014 David V. Conti
Nigel Boston
+ Deterministic Conditions for Subspace Identifiability from Incomplete Sampling 2014 Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón
Robert D. Nowak
Nigel Boston
+ On the Algebraic Structure of Linear Trellises 2014 David V. Conti
Nigel Boston
+ A Refined Conjecture For Factoring Iterates Of Quadratic Polynomials Over Finite Fields 2013 Vefa Goksel
Shixiang Xia
Nigel Boston
+ A refinement of the Four-Atom Conjecture 2013 Nigel Boston
Ting-Ting Nan
+ An infinite family of 2-groups with mixed Beauville structures 2013 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ The Art of Iterating Rational Functions over Finite Fields 2013 Nigel Boston
Michael E. Zieve
+ A Refined Conjecture For Factoring Iterates Of Quadratic Polynomials Over Finite Fields 2013 Vefa Goksel
Shixiang Xia
Nigel Boston
+ An infinite family of 2-groups with mixed Beauville structures 2013 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ Large violations of the Ingleton inequality 2012 Nigel Boston
Ting-Ting Nan
+ The Factorization Theorem and new algebraic insights into the theory of linear trellises 2012 David V. Conti
Nigel Boston
+ On the Belgian chocolate problem and output feedback stabilization: Efficacy of algebraic methods 2012 Nigel Boston
+ A Note on Beauville p-Groups 2012 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Ben Fairbairn
+ PDF Chat None 2012 Rafe Jones
Nigel Boston
Matthew A. Papanikolas
+ Applications of Algebra to Communications, Control, and Signal Processing 2012 Nigel Boston
+ Algebraic Tools 2012 Nigel Boston
+ Emerging Applications to Signal Processing 2012 Nigel Boston
+ Settled polynomials over finite fields 2011 Rafe Jones
Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Random pro-$p$ groups, braid groups, and random tame Galois groups 2011 Nigel Boston
Jordan S. Ellenberg
+ New examples of Beauville surfaces 2011 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ Heuristics for $p$-class towers of imaginary quadratic fields, with an Appendix by Jonathan Blackhurst 2011 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
Farshid Hajir
+ Regular algebraic surfaces isogenous to a higher product constructed from group representations using projective planes 2011 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ A Note on Beauville p-Groups 2011 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Ben Fairbairn
+ The weight distributions of cyclic codes with two zeros and zeta functions 2010 Nigel Boston
Gary McGuire
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant rank matrices over GF(2) 2010 Nigel Boston
+ Spaces of constant rank matrices over . 2010 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Large transitive groups with many elements having fixed points 2010 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat The Image of an Arboreal Galois Representation 2009 Nigel Boston
Rafe Jones
+ Pro-$p$ Extensions of Global Fields and pro-$p$ Groups 2007 Nigel Boston
John Coates
Fritz Grunewald
+ Arboreal Galois representations 2007 Nigel Boston
Rafe Jones
+ PDF Chat Galois groups of tamely ramified p-extensions 2007 Nigel Boston
+ Summation Invariant and Its Applications to Shape Recognition 2006 Weiyang Lin
Nigel Boston
Yu Hen Hu
+ Reducing the Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture to Group Theory 2006 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Pro–<i>p</i>groups and towers of rational homology spheres 2006 Nigel Boston
Jordan S. Ellenberg
+ Embedding 2-groups in groups generated by involutions 2006 Nigel Boston
+ Computing Pro-P Galois Groups 2006 Nigel Boston
Harris Nover
+ Class numbers of p-groups of a given order 2004 Nigel Boston
I. M. Isaacs
+ Strategies for The Weakest Link 2003 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Genus Two Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessor 2003 Nigel Boston
T. Clancy
Y. Liow
Jossemia Webster
+ Makhoul's conjecture for p = 2 2002 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Explicit computation of Galois p-groups unramified at p 2002 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
+ Bounding minimum distances of cyclic codes using algebraic geometry 2001 Nigel Boston
+ Maximal 2-Extensions with Restricted Ramification 2000 Nigel Boston
David Perry
+ PDF Chat Characteristic <i>p</i> Galois Representations That Arise from Drinfeld Modules 2000 Nigel Boston
David T. Ose
+ PDF Chat 2-groups with few conjugacy classes 2000 Nigel Boston
Judy L. Walker
+ Tree representations of Galois groups 2000 Nigel Boston
+ Bounding minimum distances of cyclic codes using algebraic geometry 2000 Nigel Boston
+ Explicit computation of Galois p-groups unramified at p 2000 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
+ p-adic Galois Representations and pro-p Galois Groups 2000 Nigel Boston
+ Some Cases of the Fontaine–Mazur Conjecture, II 1999 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples to a conjecture of Lemmermeyer 1999 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
+ The Minimum Distance of the Binary Quadratic Residue Code 1999 Nigel Boston
D. E. Kuhlman
+ Some cases of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture, II 1998 Nigel Boston
+ Counterexamples to a conjecture of Lemmermeyer 1998 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
+ Characteristic p Galois representations that are produced by Drinfeld 1997 Nigel Boston
David T. Ose
+ A probabilistic generalization of the Riemann zeta function 1996 Nigel Boston
+ Quadratics Representing Primes 1995 Nigel Boston
Marshall L. Greenwood
+ Quadratics Representing Primes 1995 Nigel Boston
Marshall L. Greenwood
+ A refinement of the Faltings–Serre method 1995 Nigel Boston
+ The World's Most Famous Math Problem (The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries). 1995 Nigel Boston
Andrew Granville
Marilyn vos Savant
+ The World's Most Famous Math Problem (The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries). By Marilyn vos Savant 1995 Nigel Boston
Andrew Granville
+ A Taylor-made Plug for Wiles' Proof 1995 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat The proportion of fixed-point-free elements of a transitive permutation group 1993 Nigel Boston
Walter Dabrowski
Tuval Foguel
Paul J. Gies
J. L. Leavitt
David T. Ose
David A. Jackson
+ Representations related to CM elliptic curves 1993 Nigel Boston
Stephen V. Ullom
+ Some cases of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture 1992 Nigel Boston
+ Families of Galois representations—increasing the ramification 1992 Nigel Boston
+ Explicit deformation of Galois representations 1991 Nigel Boston
+ Perfect Groups. 1991 Nigel Boston
Derek F. Holt
W. Plesken
+ Quotients of group rings arising from two-dimensional representations 1991 H. W. Lenstra
Nigel Boston
Kenneth A. Ribet
+ Deformations of Galois Representations Associated to the Cusp Form △ 1990 Nigel Boston
+ Deformations of Galois Representations Associated to the Cusp Form Δ 1990 Nigel Boston
+ A class of soluble groups 1984 Nigel Boston
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Explicit deformation of Galois representations 1991 Nigel Boston
+ Some cases of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture 1992 Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat Explicit computation of Galois p-groups unramified at p 2002 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
Wieb Bosma
Claus Fieker
Allan Steel
+ PDF Chat Heuristics on class groups of number fields 1984 Henri Cohen
H. W. Lenstra
+ Beauville surfaces without real structures 2005 Ingrid Bauer
Fabrizio Catanese
Fritz Grunewald
+ Some Cases of the Fontaine–Mazur Conjecture, II 1999 Nigel Boston
+ Deforming Galois Representations 1989 Barry Mazur
+ Galoissche Theorie der p-Erweiterungen 1970 Hermann Koch
+ On the maximal unramified p-extension of an algebraic number field. 1993 Kay Wingberg
+ Fibred surfaces, varieties isogenous to a product and related moduli spaces 2000 Fabrizio Catanese
+ Group Presentation, p-Adic Analytic Groups and Lattices in SL 2 ( C ) 1983 Alexander Lubotzky
+ Star Graphs, Projective Planes and Free Subgroups in Small Cancellation Groups 1988 Martin Edjvet
James Howie
+ New examples of Beauville surfaces 2011 Nathan Barker
Nigel Boston
Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ Propri�t�s galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques 1971 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Computation of Galois groups associated to the 2-class towers of some quadratic fields 2003 Michael R. Bush
+ Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type� 2, I 1993 Donald I. Cartwright
Anna Maria Mantero
Tim Steger
Anna Zappa
+ PDF Chat The Classification of Surfaces with pg = q = 0 Isogenous to a Product of Curves 2008 Ingrid Bauer
Fabrizio Catanese
Fritz Grunewald
+ PDF Chat Galois groups of tamely ramified p-extensions 2007 Nigel Boston
+ A Simpler Approach to Matrix Completion 2009 Benjamin Recht
+ Tamely Ramified Towers and Discriminant Bounds for Number Fields—II 2002 Farshid Hajir
Christian Maire
+ PDF Chat The density of prime divisors in the arithmetic dynamics of quadratic polynomials 2008 Rafe Jones
+ PDF Chat Note on <i>p</i>-Groups 1950 Noboru Ιτο
+ Maximal 2-Extensions with Restricted Ramification 2000 Nigel Boston
David Perry
+ Cohen–Lenstra heuristic and roots of unity 2008 Gunter Malle
+ Cayley graph expanders and groups of finite width 2011 Norbert Peyerimhoff
Alina Vdovina
+ Explicit Universal Deformations of Galois Representations 2018 Nigel Boston
Barry Mazur
+ A Combinatorial Algebraic Approach for the Identifiability of Low-Rank Matrix Completion 2012 Franz J. Király
Ryota Tomioka
+ Computing Pro-P Galois Groups 2006 Nigel Boston
Harris Nover
+ Sur les représentations modulaires de degré 2 de Gal(Q¯/Q) 1987 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Heuristics for p-class towers of imaginary quadratic fields 2016 Nigel Boston
Michael R. Bush
Farshid Hajir
+ PDF Chat Totally disconnected, nilpotent, locally compact groups 1997 George A. Willis
+ PDF Chat Linear Pro-p-Groups of Finite Width 1997 Gundel Klaas
C. R. Leedham-Green
Wilhelm Plesken
+ On the enumeration of irreducible k-fold Euler sums and their roles in knot theory and field theory 1996 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Mild pro-p-groups and Galois groups of p-extensions of ℚ 2006 John Labute
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples to a conjecture of Lemmermeyer 1999 Nigel Boston
C. R. Leedham-Green
+ PDF Chat Iterated Galois towers, their associated martingales, and the $p$-adic Mandelbrot set 2007 Rafe Jones
+ PDF Chat Low-rank matrix completion using alternating minimization 2013 Prateek Jain
Praneeth Netrapalli
Sujay Sanghavi
+ Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields 1982 Lawrence C. Washington
+ On ℓ-adic representations and congruences for coefficients of modular forms (II) 1977 H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Galois groups over $$cQ$$ of some iterated polynomials 1992 Michael Stoll
+ PDF Chat Functors of Artin rings 1968 Michael Schlessinger
+ Settled polynomials over finite fields 2011 Rafe Jones
Nigel Boston
+ PDF Chat On Beauville surfaces 2011 Yolanda Fuertes
Gabino González-Diez
Andrei Jaikin‐Zapirain
+ On Beauville structures on the groups S n and A n 2009 Yolanda Fuertes
Gabino González-Diez
+ PDF Chat A class group heuristic based on the distribution of 1-eigenspaces in matrix groups 2014 Michael Adam
Gunter Malle
+ On Almost Fixed Point Free Automorphisms 1993 Aner Shalev
+ A Contribution to the Theory of Groups of Prime-Power Order 1934 P. Hall
+ Non-Shannon Information Inequalities in Four Random Variables 2011 Randall Dougherty
C. Freiling
K. Zeger