Michael A. Goldstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Immature vocalizations simplify the speech of Tseltal Mayan and US caregivers 2022 Steven L. Elmlinger
Michael A. Goldstein
Marisa Casillas
+ Fluctuations and localization length for random band GOE matrix 2022 Michael A. Goldstein
+ On the Spectrum of Multi-Frequency Quasiperiodic Schrödinger Operators with Large Coupling 2017 Michael A. Goldstein
Wilhelm Schlag
Mircea Vodă
+ Cartan Covers and Doubling Bernstein Type Inequalities on Analytic Subsets of $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2016 Michael A. Goldstein
Wilhelm Schlag
Mircea Vodă
+ Homogeneity of the spectrum for quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators 2015 Michael A. Goldstein
David Damanik
Wilhelm Schlag
Mircea Vodă
+ Prevision 2014 Michael A. Goldstein
+ The Spectrum of a Schrödinger Operator With Small Quasi-Periodic Potential is Homogeneous 2014 David Damanik
Michael A. Goldstein
Milivoje Lukić
+ A Multi-Scale Analysis Scheme on Abelian Groups with an Application to Operators Dual to Hill's Equation 2014 David Damanik
Michael A. Goldstein
Milivoje Lukić
+ On fluctuations and localization length for the Anderson model on a strip 2013 Ilia Binder
Michael A. Goldstein
Mircea Vodă
+ On the Existence and Uniqueness of Global Solutions for the KdV Equation with Quasi-Periodic Initial Data 2012 David Damanik
Michael A. Goldstein
+ On the Inverse Spectral Problem for the Quasi-Periodic Schrödinger Equation 2012 David Damanik
Michael A. Goldstein
+ Fine properties of the integrated density of states and a quantitative separation property of the Dirichlet eigenvalues 2005 Michael A. Goldstein
Wilhelm Schlag
+ On nonperturbative localization with quasi-periodic potential 2000 Jean Bourgain
Michael A. Goldstein
+ Bayes Linear Methods for Grouped Multivariate Repeated Measurement Studies with Application to Crossover Trials 1993 Malcolm Farrow
Michael A. Goldstein
+ Preliminary Inspection of Multivariate Data 1982 Michael A. Goldstein