Peng Zhao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cluster alphabets from generalized worldsheets: A geometric approach to finite types 2023 Peng Zhao
Yihong Wang
+ PDF Chat Bethe-state counting and Witten index 2023 Hongfei Shu
Peng Zhao
Rui-Dong Zhu
Hao Zou
+ PDF Chat Notes on Worldsheet-Like Variables for Cluster Configuration Spaces 2023 Song He
Yihong Wang
Yong Zhang
Peng Zhao
+ Bethe-State Counting and the Witten Index 2022 Hongfei Shu
Peng Zhao
Rui-Dong Zhu
Hao Zou
+ PDF Chat Partition functions of đ’© = 1 gauge theories on S2 × ℝ𝜀2 and duality 2020 Taro Kimura
Jun Nian
Peng Zhao
+ PDF Chat Partition Functions of $\mathcal{N}=1$ Gauge Theories on $S^2 \times \mathbb{R}^2_\varepsilon$ and Duality 2018 Taro Kimura
Peng Zhao
Jun Nian
+ PDF Chat Solution of quantum integrable systems from quiver gauge theories 2017 Nick Dorey
Peng Zhao
+ PDF Chat The quasi-normal modes of charged scalar fields in Kerr-Newman black hole and its geometric interpretation 2015 Peng Zhao
Yu Tian
Xiaoning Wu
Zhaoyong Sun
+ PDF Chat Cluster Algebras from Dualities of 2d $${\mathcal{N}}$$ N = (2, 2) Quiver Gauge Theories 2015 Francesco Benini
Daniel S. Park
Peng Zhao
+ Smooth U(1) Gauge Potentials on the de Sitter Spacetime 2013 Bin Zhou
Shi-Bei Kong
Peng Zhao
Ruixiao Zhang
+ PDF Chat Central charges and RG flow of strongly-coupled $ \mathcal{N}=2 $ theory 2013 Dan Xie
Peng Zhao
+ PDF Chat Facile implementation of integrated tempering sampling method to enhance the sampling over a broad range of temperatures 2013 Peng Zhao
Li Jiang Yang
Yi Qin Gao
Zhong‐Yuan Lu
+ Smooth U(1) Gauge Fields in de Sitter Spacetime 2013 Shi-Bei Kong
Ruixiao Zhang
Peng Zhao
Bin Zhou
+ PDF Chat A 5d/3d duality from relativistic integrable system 2012 Heng‐Yu Chen
Timothy J. Hollowood
Peng Zhao
+ PDF Chat Scattering of giant holes 2011 Nick Dorey
Peng Zhao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Vacua and Bethe Ansatz 2009 Nikita Nekrasov
Samson L. Shatashvili
+ PDF Chat Phases of N = 2 theories in two dimensions 1993 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Quantization of integrable systems and a 2d/4d duality 2011 Nick Dorey
Sungjay Lee
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Branes and N = 2 theories in two dimensions 1998 Amihay Hanany
Kentaro Hori
+ PDF Chat Seiberg-Witten Theory and Random Partitions 2007 Nikita Nekrasov
AndreÄ­ Okounkov
+ PDF Chat Partition Functions of $${\mathcal{N}=(2,2)}$$ N = ( 2 , 2 ) Gauge Theories on S 2 and Vortices 2014 Francesco Benini
Stefano Cremonesi
+ PDF Chat Y -systems and generalized associahedra 2003 Sergey Fomin
Andre Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Aspects of non-abelian gauge dynamics in two-dimensional Script N = (2,2) theories 2007 Kentaro Hori
David Tong
+ PDF Chat Solutions of four-dimensional field theories via M-theory 1997 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Exact results in D = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories 2013 Nima Doroud
Jaume Gomis
Bruno Le Floch
Sungjay Lee
+ PDF Chat Higgs branch localization in three dimensions 2014 Francesco Benini
Wolfger Peelaers
+ PDF Chat Vortex Strings and Four-Dimensional Gauge Dynamics 2004 Amihay Hanany
David Tong
+ PDF Chat Sphere partition functions and the Zamolodchikov metric 2014 Efrat Gerchkovitz
Jaume Gomis
Zohar Komargodski
+ PDF Chat A shortcut to the<i>Q</i>-operator 2010 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Tomasz Ɓukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Quantum Integrability and Supersymmetric Vacua 2009 Nikita Nekrasov
Samson L. Shatashvili
+ PDF Chat Seiberg-Witten Prepotential from Instanton Counting 2003 Nikita Nekrasov
+ PDF Chat The BPS spectra of two-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories with twisted mass terms 1998 Nick Dorey
+ The BPS spectra of gauge theories in two and four dimensions 1999 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
David Tong
+ PDF Chat Cluster algebras and Weil-Petersson forms 2005 Michael Gekhtman
Michael Shapiro
Alek Vainshtein
+ PDF Chat M2-brane surface operators and gauge theory dualities in Toda 2016 Jaume Gomis
Bruno Le Floch
+ PDF Chat Vortices, instantons and branes 2003 Amihay Hanany
David Tong
+ PDF Chat Electric-magnetic duality in supersymmetric non-Abelian gauge theories 1995 Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Relating gauge theories via Gauge/Bethe correspondence 2010 Domenico Orlando
Susanne Reffert
+ PDF Chat On Euclidean spinors and Wick rotations 1996 P. van Nieuwenhuizen
Andrew Waldron
+ PDF Chat Off-Diagonal Bethe Ansatz and Exact Solution of a Topological Spin Ring 2013 Jun Cao
Wen‐Li Yang
Kangjie Shi
Yupeng Wang
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian string junctions as confined monopoles 2004 Mikhail Shifman
A. Yung
+ PDF Chat Exact results for vortex loop operators in 3d supersymmetric theories 2014 Nadav Drukker
Takuya Okuda
Filippo Passerini
+ PDF Chat Counting chiral primaries in , superconformal field theories 2006 Christian Römelsberger
+ PDF Chat Confinement in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>supersymmetric QCD: One step beyond Seiberg’s duality 2007 Mikhail Shifman
A. Yung
+ Higher conservation laws and algebraic Bethe<i>AnsĂ€tze</i>for the supersymmetric<i>t</i>-<i>J</i>model 1992 Fabian H. L. Eßler
V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Branes and N = 1 duality in string theory 1997 Shmuel Elitzur
Amit Giveon
David Kutasov
+ BPS spectrum, wall crossing and quantum dilogarithm identity 2012 Dan Xie
+ PDF Chat “Lagrangian” for a Non-Lagrangian Field Theory with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Supersymmetry 2015 Abhijit Gadde
Shlomo S. Razamat
Brian Willett
+ Diagonalisation of GL(N) invariant transfer matrices and quantum N-wave system (Lee model) 1983 P. P. Kulish
Nicolai Reshetikhin
+ PDF Chat Completeness of states of the generalized Heisenberg magnet 1987 A. N. Kirrilov
+ Exceptional solutions to the Bethe ansatz equations 1986 L.V. Avdeev
Alexey Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Integrable graded magnets 1986 P. P. Kulish
+ PDF Chat Localization on Hopf surfaces 2014 Benjamin Assel
Davide Cassani
Dario Martelli
+ PDF Chat Bethe Algebra of Homogeneous XXX Heisenberg Model has Simple Spectrum 2009 E. Mukhin
V. Tarasov
Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF Chat Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm 2009 V. V. Fock
A. B. Goncharov
+ Conformal invariance and the spectrum of the<i>XXZ</i>chain 1987 F C Alcaraz
Michael N. Barber
Murray T. Batchelor
+ PDF Chat Elliptic genera and quantum field theory 1987 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Semichiral fields on S 2 and generalized KĂ€hler geometry 2016 Francesco Benini
P. Marcos Crichigno
Dharmesh Jain
Jun Nian
+ PDF Chat Completeness of solutions of Bethe's equations 2013 Wenrui Hao
Rafael I. Nepomechie
Andrew J. Sommese
+ PDF Chat Central Charges from the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>Superconformal Index 2015 Arash Arabi Ardehali
James T. Liu
Phillip Szepietowski
+ PDF Chat Localization of supersymmetric Chern-Simons-Matter theory on a squashed S 3 with SU(2) × U(1) isometry 2014 Jun Nian
+ PDF Chat Baxter’sT-Q equation, SU(N)/SU(2) N − 3 correspondence and ℩-deformed Seiberg-Witten prepotential 2011 Kenji Muneyuki
Ta-Sheng Tai
Nobuhiro Yonezawa
R. Yoshioka
+ PDF Chat Applications of the superconformal index for protected operators and q-hypergeometric identities to dual theories 2009 F.A. Dolan
H. Osborn
+ Localization for nonabelian group actions 1995 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat 5D SYM on 3D sphere and 2D YM 2012 Teruhiko Kawano
Nariaki Matsumiya