Leif Østergaard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Larmor frequency shift of a white matter magnetic microstructure model with multiple sources 2024 Anders Sandgaard
Noam Shemesh
Leif Østergaard
Valerij G. Kiselev
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ The Larmor frequency shift of a white matter magnetic microstructure model with multiple sources 2023 Anders Sandgaard
Noam Shemesh
Leif Østergaard
Valerij G. Kiselev
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ PDF Chat Tensor denoising of multidimensional <scp>MRI</scp> data 2022 Jonas L. Olesen
Andrada Ianuş
Leif Østergaard
Noam Shemesh
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ Diffusion time dependence, power-law scaling, and exchange in gray matter 2022 Jonas L. Olesen
Leif Østergaard
Noam Shemesh
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ Tensor denoising of high-dimensional MRI data 2022 Jonas L. Olesen
Andrada Ianuş
Leif Østergaard
Noam Shemesh
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ PDF Chat White matter biomarkers from fast protocols using axially symmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging 2017 Brian Hansen
Ahmad Raza Khan
Noam Shemesh
Torben E. Lund
Ryan Sangill
Simon F. Eskildsen
Leif Østergaard
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
+ PDF Chat The Relationship between Tumor Blood Flow, Angiogenesis, Tumor Hypoxia, and Aerobic Glycolysis 2013 Leif Østergaard
Anna Tietze
Thomas Nielsen
Kim Ryun Drasbek
Kim Mouridsen
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Michael R. Horsman
+ PDF Chat Bayesian regularization of diffusion tensor images 2006 Jesper Frandsen
Asger Hobolth
Leif Østergaard
Peter Vestergaard‐Poulsen
Eva B. Vedel Jensen
+ To musicians, the message is in the meter 2004 Peter Vuust
Karen Johanne Pallesen
Christopher J. Bailey
Titia L. van Zuijen
Albert Gjedde
Andreas Roepstorff
Leif Østergaard
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Quantifying brain microstructure with diffusion MRI: Theory and parameter estimation 2018 Dmitry S. Novikov
Els Fieremans
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Valerij G. Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Diffusion time dependence of microstructural parameters in fixed spinal cord 2017 Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Jonas L. Olesen
Brian Hansen
Noam Shemesh
+ PDF Chat The Use of the L-Curve in the Regularization of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 1993 Per Christian Hansen
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ PDF Chat McLaren’s improved snub cube and other new spherical designs in three dimensions 1996 R. H. Hardin
N. J. A. Sloane
+ PDF Chat Distributions of singular values for some random matrices 1999 Ashis SenGupta
Partha P. Mitra
+ Bayesian image restoration, with two applications in spatial statistics 1991 Julian Besag
Jeremy York
Annie Molli�
+ An adaptive pruning algorithm for the discrete L-curve criterion 2006 Per Christian Hansen
Toke Koldborg Jensen
G. Rodríguez
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ Revealing mesoscopic structural universality with diffusion 2014 Dmitry S. Novikov
Jens H. Jensen
Joseph A. Helpern
Els Fieremans
+ PDF Chat Diffusion tensor microscopy in human nervous tissue with quantitative correlation based on direct histological comparison 2011 Brian Hansen
Jeremy J. Flint
Choong Heon-Lee
Michael Fey
Franck Vincent
Michael A. King
Peter Vestergaard‐Poulsen
Stephen J. Blackband
+ PDF Chat Theoretical analysis of the effects of noise on diffusion tensor imaging 2001 Adam W. Anderson
L. А. Pastur
+ PDF Chat An Antipodally Symmetric Distribution on the Sphere 1974 C. Raymond Bingham
+ PDF Chat Diffusion in compartmental systems. I. A comparison of an analytical model with simulations 2003 Christian Meier
Wolfgang Dreher
Dieter Leibfritz
+ PDF Chat A method to assess spatially variant noise in dynamic MR image series 2010 Yu Ding
Yiu‐Cho Chung
Orlando P. Simonetti
+ Multitensor approach for analysis and tracking of complex fiber configurations 2005 Bjoern Kreher
Jacques Schneider
Irina Mader
E. Martin
Jürgen Hennig
K. A. Il’yasov
+ DT-MRI denoising and neuronal fiber tracking 2004 Tim McGraw
Baba C. Vemuri
Yun Chen
M. Rao
Thomas H. Mareci
+ PDF Chat Image Processing for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1999 Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Stephan E. Maier
B. Khidhir
Peter C. Everett
Ferenc A. Jólesz
R. Kikinis
+ Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice 1995 Walter R. Gilks
Sylvia Richardson
David J. Spiegelhalter
+ Regularization of Diffusion-Based Direction Maps for the Tracking of Brain White Matter Fascicles 2000 Cyril Poupon
Chris A. Clark
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Isabelle Bloch
Denis Le Bihan
Jean‐François Mangin
+ Information and Exponential Families in Statistical Theory 1980 A. M. Mathai
Ole E. Barndorff‐Nielsen
+ PDF Chat Structural Adaptation and Heterogeneity of Normal and Tumor Microvascular Networks 2009 Axel R. Pries
Annemiek J. M. Cornelissen
Anoek A. Sloot
Marlene Hinkeldey
Matthew R. Dreher
Michael Höpfner
Mark W. Dewhirst
Timothy W. Secomb
+ PDF Chat Magnetic susceptibility: Further insights into macroscopic and microscopic fields and the sphere of Lorentz 2003 C. J. Durrant
Mark P. Hertzberg
Philip W. Kuchel
+ Mapping orientational and microstructural metrics of neuronal integrity with in vivo diffusion MRI 2016 Dmitry S. Novikov
Jelle Veraart
Ileana Jelescu
Els Fieremans
+ PDF Chat Larmor frequency in heterogeneous media 2018 Valerij G. Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Rotationally-invariant mapping of scalar and orientational metrics of neuronal microstructure with diffusion MRI 2018 Dmitry S. Novikov
Jelle Veraart
Ileana Jelescu
Els Fieremans
+ PDF Chat Intra- and extra-axonal axial diffusivities in the white matter: Which one is faster? 2018 Nicolas Kunz
Analina R. da Silva
Ileana Jelescu
+ PDF Chat Larmor frequency dependence on structural anisotropy of magnetically heterogeneous media 2019 Alexander Ruh
Valerij G. Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Searching for the neurite density with diffusion MRI: Challenges for biophysical modeling 2019 Björn Lampinen
Filip Szczepankiewicz
Mikael Novén
Danielle van Westen
Oskar Hansson
Elisabet Englund
Johan Mårtensson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Markus Nilsson
+ PDF Chat Microscopic anisotropy misestimation in spherical‐mean single diffusion encoding MRI 2019 Rafael Neto Henriques
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Noam Shemesh
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of principal component analysis image denoising on multi‐exponential MRI relaxometry 2019 Mark D. Does
Jonas L. Olesen
Kevin D. Harkins
Teresa Serradas‐Duarte
Daniel F. Gochberg
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Noam Shemesh
+ Complex diffusion-weighted image estimation via matrix recovery under general noise models 2019 Lucilio Cordero‐Grande
Daan Christiaens
Jana Hutter
Anthony N. Price
Joseph V. Hajnal
+ PDF Chat A unique analytical solution of the white matter standard model using linear and planar encodings 2019 Marco Reisert
Valerij G. Kiselev
Bibek Dhital
+ PDF Chat Gibbs‐ringing artifact removal based on local subvoxel‐shifts 2015 Elias Kellner
Bibek Dhital
Valerij G. Kiselev
Marco Reisert
+ Optimal Shrinkage of Singular Values 2017 Matan Gavish
David L. Donoho
+ PDF Chat Intra-axonal diffusivity in brain white matter 2019 Bibek Dhital
Marco Reisert
Elias Kellner
Valerij G. Kiselev
+ Fitting IVIM with Variable Projection and Simplicial Optimization 2019 Shreyas Fadnavis
Hamza Farooq
Maryam Afzali
Christophe Lenglet
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Hu Cheng
Sharlene D. Newman
Shahnawaz Ahmed
Rafael Neto Henriques
Eric Peterson
+ Correlation tensor magnetic resonance imaging 2020 Rafael Neto Henriques
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Noam Shemesh
+ PDF Chat Direction‐averaged diffusion‐weighted MRI signal using different axisymmetric B‐tensor encoding schemes 2020 Maryam Afzali
Santiago Aja‐Fernández
Derek K. Jones
+ Statistical Analysis of Spherical Data 1987 N. I. Fisher
T.J. Lewis
B. J. J. Embleton
+ SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI 2020 Marco Palombo
Andrada Ianuş
Michele Guerreri
Daniel Nunes
Daniel C. Alexander
Noam Shemesh
Hui Zhang
+ Tensor image enhancement and optimal multichannel receiver combination analyses for human hyperpolarized <sup>13</sup>C MRSI 2020 Hsin‐Yu Chen
Adam Autry
Jeffrey Brender
Shun Kishimoto
Murali C. Krishna
Maryam Vareth
Robert Bok
Galen D. Reed
Lucas Carvajal
Jeremy W. Gordon
+ In vivo observation and biophysical interpretation of time-dependent diffusion in human cortical gray matter 2020 Hong‐Hsi Lee
Antonios Papaioannou
Dmitry S. Novikov
Els Fieremans
+ PDF Chat A time-dependent diffusion MRI signature of axon caliber variations and beading 2020 Hong‐Hsi Lee
Antonios Papaioannou
Sung-Lyoung Kim
Dmitry S. Novikov
Els Fieremans
+ The impact of realistic axonal shape on axon diameter estimation using diffusion MRI 2020 Hong‐Hsi Lee
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Els Fieremans
Dmitry S. Novikov
+ PDF Chat Training a neural network for Gibbs and noise removal in diffusion MRI 2020 Matthew J. Muckley
Benjamin Ades‐Aron
Antonios Papaioannou
Gregory Lemberskiy
Eddy Solomon
Yvonne W. Lui
Daniel K. Sodickson
Els Fieremans
Dmitry S. Novikov
Florian Knöll
+ PDF Chat Resolving degeneracy in diffusion MRI biophysical model parameter estimation using double diffusion encoding 2019 Santiago Coelho
José M. Pozo
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
Derek K. Jones
Alejandro F. Frangi
+ Compartmental diffusion and microstructural properties of human brain gray and white matter studied with double diffusion encoding magnetic resonance spectroscopy of metabolites and water 2021 Henrik Lundell
Chloé Najac
Marjolein Bulk
Hermien E. Kan
Andrew Webb
Itamar Ronen
+ Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI): A minimal model of diffusion in gray matter with inter-compartment water exchange 2022 Ileana Jelescu
Alexandre de Skowronski
Françoise Geffroy
Marco Palombo
Dmitry S. Novikov
+ Diffusion time dependence, power-law scaling, and exchange in gray matter 2022 Jonas L. Olesen
Leif Østergaard
Noam Shemesh
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen