Viktor Losert


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the asymptotics of matrix coefficients of representations of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">SL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2024 Viktor Losert
+ On weak amenability of Fourier algebras 2023 Viktor Losert
+ On the asymptotics of matrix coefficients of representations of SL(2,R) 2023 Viktor Losert
+ On the structure of groups with polynomial growth IV 2021 Viktor Losert
+ On the structure of groups with polynomial growth IV 2021 Viktor Losert
+ On the structure of groups with polynomial growth III 2020 Viktor Losert
+ On Multipliers and completely bounded Multipliers -- the case SL(2,R). 2019 Viktor Losert
+ On Multipliers and completely bounded Multipliers -- the case SL(2,R) 2019 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat The centre of the bidual of Fourier algebras (discrete groups) 2016 Viktor Losert
+ Proof of the Ghahramani–Lau conjecture 2016 Viktor Losert
Matthias Neufang
Jan Pachl
Juris Steprāns
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Cartesian Products of Compact Convex Sets 2011 Zbigniew Lipecki
Viktor Losert
Jiří Spurný
+ PDF Chat On derivations and crossed homomorphisms 2010 Viktor Losert
+ The Set of Solutions of Some Equation for Linear Recurrence Sequences 2008 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat The derivation problem for group algebras 2008 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat On Hartman almost periodic functions 2006 Guy Cohen
Viktor Losert
+ The centre of the second conjugate algebra of the Fourier algebra for infinite products of groups 2005 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Two equations for linear recurrence sequences 2005 Viktor Losert
+ Coboundaries and measure-preserving actions of nilpotent and solvable groups 2004 Isaac Kornfeld
Viktor Losert
+ Weakly compact multipliers on group algebras 2004 Viktor Losert
+ On the center of group C* -algebras 2003 Viktor Losert
+ The strong sweeping out property for convolution powers 2001 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat A remark on almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers 1999 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Ergodic sequences in the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra and measure algebra of a locally compact group 1999 Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ The strong sweeping out property for lacunary sequences, Riemann sums, convolution powers, and related matters 1996 M. A. Akcoglu
Alexandra Bellow
R. W. L. Jones
Viktor Losert
Karin Reinhold-Larsson
Μáté Wierdl
+ The C*-Algebra Generated by Operators with Compact Support on a Locally Compact Group 1993 Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Isometric Isomorphisms Between Banach Algebras Related to Locally Compact Groups 1990 F. Ghahramani
Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Complementation of certain subspaces of<i>L</i><sub>∞</sub>(<i>G</i>) of a locally compact group 1990 Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Isometric isomorphisms between Banach algebras related to locally compact groups 1990 F. Ghahramani
Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ On the Second Conjugate Algebra of <i>L</i> <sub>1</sub> (<i>G</i> ) of a Locally Compact Group 1988 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
Viktor Losert
+ On the structure of groups with polynomial growth 1987 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Conjugation-invariant means 1987 Viktor Losert
Herbert Rindler
+ The Borel property for simple Riesz means 1986 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat On uniform distribution of subsequences 1986 Viktor Losert
Robert F. Tichy
+ PDF Chat Weak<sup>∗</sup>-closed complemented invariant subspaces of<i>L</i><sub>∞</sub>(<i>G</i>) and amenable locally compact groups 1986 Anthony Lau
Viktor Losert
+ Uniform distribution in solvable groups 1986 Karlheinz Gröchenig
Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ A class of sequences with a strong average property 1985 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat The weighted pointwise ergodic theorem and the individual ergodic theorem along subsequences 1985 Alexandra Bellow
Viktor Losert
+ Gleichverteilte Folgen Und Folgen, Für Die Fast Alle Teilfolgen Gleichverteilt Sind 1985 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Properties of the Fourier Algebra That are Equivalent to Amenability 1984 Viktor Losert
+ On tensor products of Fourier algebras 1984 Viktor Losert
+ The norm-strict bidual of a Banach algebra and the dual of Cu(G) 1984 Michael Grosser
Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Properties of the Fourier algebra that are equivalent to amenability 1984 Viktor Losert
+ On sequences of density zero in ergodic theory 1984 Alexandra Bellow
Viktor Losert
+ Some remarks on invariant liftings 1984 Viktor Losert
+ Asymptotically central functions and invariant extensions of dirac measure 1984 Viktor Losert
Herbert Rindler
+ Segal algebras with functorial properties 1983 Viktor Losert
+ A characterization of groups with the one-sided Wiener property. 1982 Viktor Losert
+ Strong liftings for certain classes of compact spaces 1982 Viktor Losert
+ On the Asymptotic Distribution of the Powers of $(s\times s)$-Matrices 1982 Viktor Losert
Werner Georg Nowak
Robert F. Tichy
+ PDF Chat w*-closed subalgebras of $L^∞(G)$ 1982 Viktor Losert
+ Almost Invariant Sets 1981 Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ PDF Chat Cyclic vectors for<i>L</i><sup><i>p</i></sup>(<i>G</i>) 1980 Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ PDF Chat A characterization of the minimal strongly character invariant Segal algebra 1980 Viktor Losert
+ Some properties of groups without the property P1 1979 Viktor Losert
+ On the existence of uniformly distributed sequences in compact topological spaces II 1979 Viktor Losert
+ A measure space without the strong lifting property 1979 Viktor Losert
+ Dense ideals of group algebras 1979 Ernst Kotzmann
Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ Dualität von Funktoren und Operatorenideale 1979 Viktor Losert
+ A class of probability measures on groups arising from some problems in ergodic theory 1979 Viktor Losert
Klaus Schmidt
+ Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces 1979 Johann Cigler
Viktor Losert
Peter W. Michor
+ A note on random walks on compact groups 1979 Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ Almost constant sequences of transformations 1978 Viktor Losert
+ Uniform distribution and the mean ergodic theorem 1978 Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ PDF Chat On the existence of uniformly distributed sequences in compact topological spaces. I 1978 Viktor Losert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ Classical Harmonic Analysis and Locally Compact Groups 2000 Hans Reiter
Jan D Stegeman
+ PDF Chat Compactness conditions in topological groups. 1971 Martin Moskowitz
Siegfried Grosser
+ Invariant means on topological groups and their applications 1969 Frederick Greenleaf
+ PDF Chat L'algèbre de Fourier d'un groupe localement compact 1964 Pierre Eymard
+ Some Questions of Uniform Distribution 1971 William A. Veech
+ Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representations 1984 V. S. Varadarajan
+ Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions 2006 Zbigniew Semadeni
+ On the Second Conjugate Algebra of <i>L</i> <sub>1</sub> (<i>G</i> ) of a Locally Compact Group 1988 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
Viktor Losert
+ Theory of Operator Algebras I 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Croissance polynomiale et périodes des fonctions harmoniques 1973 Yves Guivarc’h
+ PDF Chat Uniform distribution on locally compact groups 1976 Harald Rindler
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Continuity of Arens multiplication on the dual space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on locally compact groups and topological semigroups 1986 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
+ PDF Chat Classes of nonabelian, noncompact, locally compact groups 1978 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Uniform distribution in locally compact Abelian groups 1968 Ina Berg
M. Rajagopalan
Lee A. Rubel
+ PDF Chat Uniformly distributed sequences in locally compact groups. I 1974 Leonora Benzinger
+ Uniform distribution and the mean ergodic theorem 1978 Viktor Losert
Harald Rindler
+ Topics in the Theory of Lifting 1969 A. Ionescu Tulcea
C. Ionescu Tulcea
+ PDF Chat Operators which commute with convolutions on subspaces of $L_∞(G)$ 1978 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
+ <scp>A. I. Tulcea</scp> and<scp> C. I. Tulcea, Topics</scp> in the Theory of Lifting. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 48). X + 188 S. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1969. Springer‐Verlag. Preis geb. DM 36,‐ . 1970 Albrecht Pietsch
+ PDF Chat A characterization of the minimal strongly character invariant Segal algebra 1980 Viktor Losert
+ Gleichverteilte Folgen in lokalkompakten Gruppen 1976 Harald Rindler
+ The norm-strict bidual of a Banach algebra and the dual of Cu(G) 1984 Michael Grosser
Viktor Losert
+ Weakly almost periodic functions on semigroups 1970 Robert B. Burckel
+ PDF Chat Left centralizers and isomorphisms of group algebras 1952 J. G. Wendel
+ Zur formalen Theorie der Gleichverteilung in kompakten Gruppen 1955 Edmund Hlawka
+ On the set of generators of a subgroup 1959 A. M. Macbeath
S. Świerczkowski
+ PDF Chat Harmonic synthesis for subgroups 1973 Carl Herz
+ Derivations on Group Algebras 2000 F. Ghahramani
Volker Runde
George A. Willis
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of invariant means for measure-preserving transformations 1981 Joseph Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat 𝐿¹(𝐺) as an ideal in its second dual space 1979 Michael Grosser
+ PDF Chat On some topologies which coincide on the unit sphere of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra $B(G)$ and of the measure algebra $M(G)$ 1981 Edmond E. Granirer
Michael Leinert
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Strong liftings and Borel liftings 1974 Richard J. Maher
+ On the existence of uniformly distributed sequences in compact topological spaces II 1979 Viktor Losert
+ PDF Chat Topics in geometric group theory 2001 La Harpe
P. K. De
+ PDF Chat Topological semigroups and fixed points 1970 Theodore Mitchell
+ On a new Segal algebra 1981 Hans G. Feichtinger
+ PDF Chat Undirected and directed graphs with near polynomial growth 2003 V. I. Trofimov
+ On the structure of groups with polynomial growth 1987 Viktor Losert
+ The individual ergodic theorem forp-sequences 1977 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat The Borel property of summability methods 1951 Jordan Hill
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theorems for operator sequences 1969 Antoine Brunel
Michaël Keane
+ PDF Chat Multipliers on Banach algebras 1976 B. Tomiuk
+ Amenable Locally Compact Groups 1984 Jean-Paul Pier
+ PDF Chat SYMMETRY OF WEIGHTED $L{\uppercase{\footnotesize{L^1}}}$-ALGEBRAS AND THE GRS-CONDITION 2006 Gero Fendler
Karlheinz Gröchenig
Michael Leinert