Giorgio Talenti


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Partial Differential Equations and Applications 2017 Paolo Marcellini
Giorgio Talenti
Edoardo Vesentini
+ The Art of Rearranging 2016 Giorgio Talenti
+ A note on Busemann equation y 2013 Giorgio Talenti
+ Thoughts on the Busemann equation 2011 Giorgio Talenti
+ A discrepancy principle for Poisson data 2010 M. Bertero
Patrizia Boccacci
Giorgio Talenti
Riccardo Zanella
Luca Zanni
+ PDF Chat On Complex-valued 2D Eikonals. Part Four: Continuation Past a Caustic 2009 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ On complex-valued 2D eikonals. Part four: continuation past a caustic 2009 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat On complex-valued solutions to a 2D Eikonal equation. Part three: analysis of a BĂ€cklund transformation 2005 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ On Complex-Valued Solutions to a Two-Dimensional Eikonal Equation. II. Existence Theorems 2003 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ Approaching A Partial Differential Equation Of Mixed Elliptic-Hyperbolic Type 2002 R. Magnaninf
Giorgio Talenti
+ Symposium on Partial Differential Equations to celebrate the Seventy-Fifth Birthday of James Serrin 2002 Antonio Ambrosetti
Henri Berestycki
H. Brézis
Lucio Boccardo
JĂ©rĂŽme Busca
Vittorio Coti Zelati
M. GarcĂ­a
Gilda Leoni
Bryce McLeod
Petru Mironescu
+ On complex-valued solutions to a 2-D eikonal equation. I. Qualitative properties 1999 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ Sobolev inequalities in 2-D hyperbolic space: A borderline case 1998 Francesco Mugelli
Giorgio Talenti
+ A weighted version of a rearrangement inequality 1997 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Sobolev inequalities in 2-dimensional hyperbolic space 1997 Francesco Mugelli
Giorgio Talenti
+ Estimating the resolvent of elliptic second-order partial differential operators 1996 Dimitri Mugnai
Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat On complex-valued solutions to a 2D eikonal equation 1995 Giorgio Talenti
+ On functions whose gradients have a prescribed rearrangement 1994 Giorgio Talenti
+ Inequalities in rearrangement invariant function spaces 1994 Giorgio Talenti
+ Partial differential equations of elliptic type : Cortona, 1992 1994 Angelo Alvino
Eugene B. Fabes
Giorgio Talenti
+ A proof of a logarithmic Sobolev inequality 1993 Elena Pelliccia
Giorgio Talenti
+ The Standard Isoperimetric Theorem 1993 Giorgio Talenti
+ On Isoperimetric Theorems of Mathematical Physics 1993 Giorgio Talenti
+ Gradient Estimates, Rearrangements and Symmetries 1993 Giorgio Talenti
+ An inequality between u* and |grad u|* 1992 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of minimizers 1990 Giorgio Talenti
+ Assembling a Rearrangement 1989 Giorgio Talenti
+ Recovering a function from a finite number of moments 1987 Giorgio Talenti
+ Some Inequalities of Sobolev Type on Two-Dimensional Spheres 1987 Giorgio Talenti
+ Inverse problems : lectures given at the 1st 1986 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 28-June 5, 1986 1986 Centro internazionale matematico estivo. Session
Giorgio Talenti
+ Rearrangements of functions and partial differential equations 1986 Giorgio Talenti
+ Estimates for Eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville Problems 1984 Giorgio Talenti
+ On a paper by A. G. Ramm 1983 Giorgio Talenti
+ On functions, whose lines of steepest descent bend proportionally to level lines 1983 Giorgio Talenti
+ Sulla curvatura gaussiana di superfici armoniche 1982 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat A note on the Gauss curvature of harmonic and minimal surfaces 1982 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat A note on an ill-posed problem for the heat equation 1982 Giorgio Talenti
Sergio Vessella
+ PDF Chat On the first eigenvalue of the clamped plate 1981 Giorgio Talenti
+ Stabilization and error bounds for the inverse laplace transform 1981 P. de Mottoni
Giorgio Talenti
+ Some estimates of solutions to Monge-AmpĂšre type equations in dimension two 1981 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear elliptic equations, rearrangements of functions and orlicz spaces 1979 Giorgio Talenti
+ Alcuni problemi inversi nella letteratura matematica sovietica 1979 Orazio Arena
S. Campi
G. Chiti
Paolo Marcellini
Giorgio Talenti
Alexandra Fernandes Azevedo Venturi
+ Remarks on the asymptotical behaviour of solutions to some nonlinear parabolic equations 1978 Giorgio Talenti
Alberto Tesei
+ PDF Chat Stability results for a class of non-linear parabolic equations 1977 P. de Mottoni
Giorgio Talenti
Alberto Tesei
+ Research announcement nonlinear elliptic equations, rearrangements of functions and orlicz spaces 1977 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ Elliptic (second-order) partial differential equations with measurable coefficients and approximating integral equations 1976 Carlo Pucci
Giorgio Talenti
+ Elliptic equations and rearrangements 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ Una Disuguaglianza Concernente Equazioni Integrali di Wiener-Hopf a Nucleo Singolare 1972 Giorgio Talenti
+ On a forward-backward parabolic equation 1971 Carlo Pagani
Giorgio Talenti
+ Osservazioni sopra una classe di disuguaglianze 1969 Giorgio Talenti
+ Eigenfunction expansions associated with Schrödinger two-particle operators 1969 M. Bertero
Giorgio Talenti
G. A. Viano
+ Sulla equazione di Schrödinger con potenziale non locale 1968 Giorgio Talenti
+ A note on non-local potentials 1968 M. Bertero
Giorgio Talenti
G. A. Viano
+ Bound states and Levinson's theorem for a class of non-local potentials (s-wave) 1968 M. Bertero
Giorgio Talenti
G. A. Viano
+ Problemi di derivata obliqua per equazioni ellittiche in due variabili. 1967 Giorgio Talenti
+ Osservazioni sopra un'equazione integrodifferenziale di Schrödinger 1967 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Soluzioni a simmetria assiale di equazioni ellittiche 1966 Giorgio Talenti
+ The Born series for nonlocal potentials (S-wave) 1966 M. Bertero
Giorgio Talenti
G. A. Viano
+ PDF Chat Sul problema di Cauchy per le equazioni a derivate parziali 1965 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Sopra una classe di equazioni ellittiche a coefficienti misurabili 1965 Giorgio Talenti
+ Sugli invarianti della matrice hessiana. 1965 Giorgio Talenti
+ Osservazioni sulla nota : un problema di Cauchy 1965 Giorgio Talenti
+ Un problema di Cauchy 1964 Giorgio Talenti
+ Intorno alle classi funzionali di Gevrey 1963 Giorgio Talenti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat Rearrangements and Convexity of Level Sets in PDE 1985 Bernhard Kawohl
+ PDF Chat ProblÚmes isopérimétriques et espaces de Sobolev 1976 Thierry Aubin
+ Zur Symmetrisierung von Funktionen auf SphÀren 1973 Emanuel Sperner
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George PĂłlya
Gábor SzegƑ
+ Symmetrisierung fĂŒr Funktionen mehrerer reeller Variablen 1974 Emanuel Sperner
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics. (AM-27) 1951 Georg PĂłlya
Giorgio P. Szegö
+ PDF Chat Minimal rearrangements of Sobolev functions. 1988 William P. Ziemer
John E. Brothers
+ Elliptic equations and rearrangements 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ The isoperimetric inequality 1978 Robert Osserman
+ Weakly Differentiable Functions 1989 William P. Ziemer
+ An integral formula for total gradient variation 1960 Wendell H. Fleming
Raymond Rishel
+ Uniform asymptotic expansions at a caustic 1966 Donald Ludwig
+ Approaching A Partial Differential Equation Of Mixed Elliptic-Hyperbolic Type 2002 R. Magnaninf
Giorgio Talenti
+ Symmetrization of functions in Sobolev spaces and the isoperimetric inequality 1976 Keijo Hildïżœn
+ Convolution operators and L(p,q) spaces 1963 Richard O’Neil
+ Sharp Constants in the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and Related Inequalities 1983 Élliott H. Lieb
+ Sharp constants in the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and related inequalities 2002 Élliott H. Lieb
+ ïżœber die Symmetrisierung stetiger Funktionen im euklidischen Raum 1973 Wolfgang Spiegel
+ Handbook of Differential Equations 1992 Daniel Zwillinger
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear elliptic equations, rearrangements of functions and orlicz spaces 1979 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat On complex-valued solutions to a 2D Eikonal equation. Part three: analysis of a BĂ€cklund transformation 2005 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ Improperly Posed Problems in Partial Differential Equations 1975 L. E. Payne
+ Existence and Uniqueness of the Minimizing Solution of Choquard's Nonlinear Equation 1977 Élliott H. Lieb
+ ïżœber eine von Rayleigh formulierte Minimaleigenschaft des Kreises 1925 E. Krahn
+ On p-harmonic functions in the plane and their stream functions 1988 Gunnar Aronsson
Peter Lindqvist
+ Isoperimetric inequalities and applications 1980 Catherine Bandle
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ On certainp-harmonic functions in the plane 1988 Gunnar Aronsson
+ PDF Chat A Cauchy problem for the heat equation 1964 John R. Cannon
+ A survey of minimal surfaces 1969 Robert Osserman
+ On complex-valued solutions to a 2-D eikonal equation. I. Qualitative properties 1999 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ Least Squares Methods for Ill-Posed Problems with a Prescribed Bound 1970 Keith Miller
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities and Their Applications 1967 L. E. Payne
+ Representation of ap-harmonic function near a critical point in the plane 1990 Gunnar Aronsson
+ Fredholm method in potential scattering and applications to complex angular momentum 1963 Lowell Brown
Daniel I. Fivel
Benjamin W. Lee
R. F. Sawyer
+ A direct numerical procedure for the Cauchy problem for the heat equation 1976 John R. Cannon
Richard E. Ewing
+ On Complex-Valued Solutions to a Two-Dimensional Eikonal Equation. II. Existence Theorems 2003 Rolando Magnanini
Giorgio Talenti
+ Sobolev Spaces 1985 Vladimir G. Maz’ja
+ A class of boundary problems for extremal surfaces of mixed type in Minkowski 3-space. 1988 Chaohao Gu
+ PDF Chat Simple proof of Calabi-Bernstein’s Theorem on maximal surfaces 1996 Alfonso Romero
+ PDF Chat On maximal surfaces in asymptotically flat space-times 1990 Robert Bartnik
Piotr T. Chruƛciel
Niall Ó Murchadha
+ PDF Chat An upper bound to the spectrum of $\Delta $ on a manifold of negative curvature 1970 H. P. McKean
+ The Stability of Inverse Problems 1980 M. Bertero
Christine De Mol
G. A. Viano
+ Some stability estimates for Cauchy problems for elliptic equations 1997 Hui-Li Han
H.-J. Reinhardt
+ PDF Chat Shannon sampling and function reconstruction from point values 2004 Steve Smale
Ding‐Xuan Zhou
+ PDF Chat A note on the Gauss curvature of harmonic and minimal surfaces 1982 Giorgio Talenti
+ On the degree of ill-posedness for nonlinear problems 1994 Bernd Hofmann
+ The Cauchy Problem for the Heat Equation 1967 John R. Cannon
Jim Douglas
+ PDF Chat Three circle theorems in partial differential equations and applications to improperly posed problems 1964 Keith Miller