D. G. Bettis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Runge-Kutta algorithms for oscillatory problems 1979 D. G. Bettis
+ A Special Perturbation Method: m-Fold Runge-Kutta 1978 D. G. Bettis
+ Efficient embedded runge — Kutta methods 1978 D. G. Bettis
+ PDF Chat A Special Perturbation Method: m-Fold Runge-Kutta 1978 D. G. Bettis
+ Recent developments with implicit Runge-Kutta algorithms 1974 D. G. Bettis
+ Equations of condition for high order Runge-Kutta-Nyström formulae 1974 D. G. Bettis
+ PDF Chat Proceedings of the Conference on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations 1974 D. G. Bettis
+ Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods. 1974 D. G. Bettis
K. Sepehnoori
+ Proceedings of the Conference on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations : 19, 20 October 1972, the University of Texas at Austin 1974 D. G. Bettis
+ A Runge-Kutta Nystr�m algorithm 1973 D. G. Bettis
+ Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 D. G. Bettis
+ Treatment of Close Approaches in the Numerical Integration of the Gravitational Problem of N Bodies 1972 D. G. Bettis
V. Szebehely
+ Higher order Runge-Kutta methods. 1972 D. G. Bettis
+ A comparison for high order Runge-Kutta methods. 1972 D. G. Bettis
Warren H. Moore
+ Treatment of close approaches in the numerical integration of the gravitational problem ofN bodies 1971 D. G. Bettis
V. Szebehely
+ PDF Chat Treatment of Close Approaches in the Numerical Integration of the Gravitational Problem of N Bodies 1971 D. G. Bettis
V. Szebehely
+ Variable mesh multistep methods of numerical integration. 1971 D. G. Bettis
Robert G. Gottlieb
+ Stabilization of finite difference methods of numerical integration 1970 D. G. Bettis
+ Numerical integration of products of fourier and ordinary polynomials 1970 D. G. Bettis
+ A stabilization of numerical integrations in the K-S space. 1970 D. G. Bettis
+ Stabilization of Cowell's method 1969 Eduard Stiefel
D. G. Bettis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Stabilization of Cowell's method 1969 Eduard Stiefel
D. G. Bettis
+ Numerical integration of products of fourier and ordinary polynomials 1970 D. G. Bettis
+ Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations. 1962 A. B. Farnell
Peter Henrici
+ Classical eight- and lower-order Runge-Kutta-Nystroem formulas with stepsize control for special second-order differential equations 1972 E. Fehlberg
+ Calculation of precision satellite orbits with nonsingular elements (VOP formulation) 1974 C. E. Velez
Paul Cefola
Anne Long
K. S. Nimitz
+ Phase space analysis in numerical integration of ordinary differential equations 1974 Bernard E. Howard
+ Examples of transformations improving the numerical accuracy of the integration of differential equations 1974 J. Baumgarte
Eduard Stiefel
+ The order of differential equation methods 1974 J. C. Butcher
+ Multi-off-grid methods in multi-step integration of ordinary differential equations 1974 Paul R. Beaudet
+ Extrapolation methods for the solution of initial value problems and their practical realization 1974 Josef Stoer
+ Use of Green's functions in the numerical solution of two-point boundary value problems 1974 L. J. Gallaher
I. E. Perlin
+ Trigonometric Interpolation and Predictor-Corrector Formulas for Numerical Integration 1962 Herbert E. Salzer
+ Stabilization of finite difference methods of numerical integration 1970 D. G. Bettis
+ Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations based on trigonometric polynomials 1961 Walter Gautschi
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Discretization Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 1974 C. W. Gear
Hans J. Stetter
+ Quadrature and Runge-Kutta formulas 1976 L.F. Shampire
+ Zur numerischen Integration von Differentialgleichungen durch Potenzreihen‐Ansätze, dargestellt an Hand physikalischer Beispiele 1964 E. Fehlberg
+ Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 E. I.
C. W. Gear
+ PDF Chat Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 James Watt
+ Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 Colin Cryer
Leon Lapidus
John H. Seinfeld
+ Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations 1971 Leon Lapidus
John H. Seinfeld
+ Analysis of Discretization Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 Hans J. Stetter
+ Classical Fifth-, Sixth-, Seventh-, and Eighth-Order Runge-Kutta Formulas with Stepsize Control 1968 E. Fehlberg
+ Low-order classical Runge-Kutta formulas with stepsize control and their application to some heat transfer problems 1969 E. Fehlberg
+ New one-step integration methods of high-order accuracy applied to some problems in celestial mechanics 1966 E. Fehlberg
+ On the convergence and error of the bubnov-galerkin method 1974 Frank Stenger
+ Some experimental results concerning the error propagation in Runge-Kutta type integration formulas 1970 E. Fehlberg
+ On the non-equivalence of maximum polynomial degree nordsieck-gear and classical methods 1974 Roy Danchick
+ Changing stepsize in the integration of differential equations using modified divided differences 1974 Fred T. Krogh
+ Shooting-splitting method for sensitive two-point boundary value problems 1974 P. J. Firnett
B. A. Troesch