Robert Pollack


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic formulae for Iwasawa Invariants of Mazur--Tate elements of elliptic curves 2024 Antonio Lei
Robert Pollack
Naman Pratap
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa invariants in residually reducible Hida families 2024 Robert Pollack
Preston Wake
+ PDF Chat Slopes of modular forms and reducible Galois representations, an oversight in the ghost conjecture 2022 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat None 2022 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ Non-vanishing of critical $L$-values in Hida families 2022 Robert Pollack
Vlad Serban
+ Explicit reciprocity laws and Iwasawa theory for modular forms 2022 Matthew Emerton
Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ Slopes of modular forms and reducible Galois representations: an oversight in the ghost conjecture 2021 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat On the Statistical Mechanics of Life: Schrödinger Revisited 2019 Kathryn J. Jeffery
Robert Pollack
Carlo Rovelli
+ On the statistical mechanics of life: Schr\"odinger revisited. 2019 Kathryn J. Jeffery
Robert Pollack
Carlo Rovelli
+ PDF Chat Congruences with Eisenstein series and -invariants 2019 Joël Bellaïche
Robert Pollack
+ On the statistical mechanics of life: Schrödinger revisited 2019 Kathryn J. Jeffery
Robert Pollack
Carlo Rovelli
+ Slopes of modular forms and the ghost conjecture, II 2018 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ $p$-adic Gross-Zagier formula at critical slope and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou 2018 Kâzım Büyükboduk
Robert Pollack
Shu Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Slopes of Modular Forms and the Ghost Conjecture 2017 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ A remark on non-integral p-adic slopes for modular forms 2017 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ On the freeness of anticyclotomic Selmer groups of modular forms 2016 Chan-Ho Kim
Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ Slopes of modular forms and the ghost conjecture, II 2016 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Explicit computations of Hida families via overconvergent modular symbols 2016 Evan P. Dummit
Márton Hablicsek
Robert Harron
Lalit Jain
Robert Pollack
Daniel Ross
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic properties of Fredholm series for<i>p</i>-adic modular forms 2016 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ Slopes of modular forms and the ghost conjecture (unabridged version) 2016 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ Slopes of modular forms and the ghost conjecture (unabridged version) 2016 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ Explicit computations of Hida families via overconvergent modular symbols 2015 Evan P. Dummit
Márton Hablicsek
Robert Harron
Lalit Jain
Robert Pollack
Daniel Ross
+ Explicit computations of Hida families via overconvergent modular symbols 2015 Evan P. Dummit
Márton Hablicsek
Robert Harron
Lalit Jain
Robert Pollack
D. K. Ross
+ PDF Chat Overconvergent Modular Symbols 2014 Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Critical slope <i>p</i> ‐adic <i>L</i> ‐functions 2012 Robert Pollack
Glenn Stevens
+ PDF Chat On anticyclotomic <i>μ</i>-invariants of modular forms 2011 Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ PDF Chat Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture 2011 Samit Dasgupta
Henri Darmon
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Mazur-Tate elements of nonordinary modular forms 2011 Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ PDF Chat Overconvergent modular symbols and $p$-adic $L$-functions 2011 Robert Pollack
Glenn Stevens
+ PDF Chat A Construction of Rigid Analytic Cohomology Classes for Congruence Subgroups of SL<sub>3</sub>(ℤ) 2009 David Pollack
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Two <i>p</i>-adic <i>L</i>-functions and rational points on elliptic curves with supersingular reduction 2007 Masato Kurihara
Robert Pollack
+ Efficient calculation of Stark-Heegner points via overconvergent modular symbols 2006 Henri Darmon
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves at supersingular primes over ℤ p -extensions of number fields 2006 Adrian Iovita
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Kida's formula and congruences 2006 Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ PDF Chat Variation of Iwasawa invariants in Hida families 2005 Matthew Emerton
Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ Kida's formula and congruences 2005 Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ The main conjecture for CM elliptic curves at supersingular primes 2005 Robert Pollack
Karl Rubin
+ An algebraic version of a theorem of Kurihara 2004 Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat The main conjecture for CM elliptic curves at supersingular primes 2004 Robert Pollack
Karl Rubin
+ An algebraic version of a theorem of Kurihara 2004 Robert Pollack
+ Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves at supersingular primes over Z_p-extensions of number fields 2004 Adrian Iovită
Robert Pollack
+ On the p-adic L-function of a modular form at a supersingular prime 2003 Robert Pollack
+ Dependently Typed Records for Representing Mathematical Structure 2000 Robert Pollack
+ How to believe a machine-checked proof 1998 Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Do projections go to infinity? 1991 Imre Bárány
J. Goodman
Robert Pollack
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves at supersingular primes 2003 Shin-ichi Kobayashi
+ Onp-adic analogues of the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1986 Barry Mazur
John Tate
Jeremy Teitelbaum
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves 1999 Ralph Greenberg
+ PDF Chat Classical and overconvergent modular forms 1996 Robert F. Coleman
+ On the p-adic L-function of a modular form at a supersingular prime 2003 Robert Pollack
+ P-adic Banach spaces and families of modular forms 1997 Robert F. Coleman
+ Modular forms in characteristic ℓ and special values of their L -functions 1986 Avner Ash
Glenn Stevens
+ On the Tate Shafarevich groups over cyclotomic fields of an elliptic curve with supersingular reduction I 2002 Masato Kurihara
+ p-adicL-functions andp-adic periods of modular forms 1993 Ralph Greenberg
Glenn Stevens
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ A tameness criterion for Galois representations associated to modular forms (mod p) 1990 Benedict H. Gross
+ PDF Chat Critical p-adic L-functions 2011 Joël Bellaïche
+ PDF Chat Fonctions $L\, p$-adiques d'une courbe elliptique et points rationnels 1993 Bernadette Perrin-Riou
+ PDF Chat On the Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves 2000 Ralph Greenberg
Vinayak Vatsal
+ PDF Chat Variation of Iwasawa invariants in Hida families 2005 Matthew Emerton
Robert Pollack
Tom Weston
+ Efficient calculation of Stark-Heegner points via overconvergent modular symbols 2006 Henri Darmon
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa modules attached to congruences of cusp forms 1986 Haruzo Hida
+ PDF Chat Slopes of overconvergent 2-adic modular forms 2005 Kevin Buzzard
Frank Calegari
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic properties of Fredholm series for<i>p</i>-adic modular forms 2016 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ The weight in Serre's conjectures on modular forms 1992 Bas Edixhoven
+ PDF Chat The eigencurve over the boundary of weight space 2017 Ruochuan Liu
Daqing Wan
Liang Xiao
+ PDF Chat The -adic -functions of evil Eisenstein series 2015 Joël Bellaïche
Samit Dasgupta
+ OnL-functions of elliptic curves and cyclotomic towers 1984 David E. Rohrlich
+ Iwasawa Theory for $p$-adic Representations 2018 Ralph Greenberg
+ PDF Chat Overconvergent modular symbols and $p$-adic $L$-functions 2011 Robert Pollack
Glenn Stevens
+ p-adic height pairings I 1982 Peter Schneider
+ Canonical periods and congruence formulae 1999 Vinayak Vatsal
+ PDF Chat Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves at supersingular primes over ℤ p -extensions of number fields 2006 Adrian Iovita
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat The 3-adic eigencurve at the boundary of weight space 2014 David Roe
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ On ordinary ?-adic representations associated to modular forms 1988 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Chat The 2-adic eigencurve at the boundary of weight space 2005 Kevin Buzzard
L. J. P. Kilford
+ Théorie d'Iwasawap-adique locale et globale 1990 Bernadette Perrin-Riou
+ PDF Chat Slopes of the <i>U</i><sub>7</sub> operator acting on a space of overconvergent modular forms 2012 L. J. P. Kilford
Ken McMurdy
+ Rational points of abelian varieties with values in towers of number fields 1972 Barry Mazur
+ Th�orie d'Iwasawa des repr�sentationsp-adiques sur un corps local 1994 Bernadette Perrin-Riou
+ Galois representations into GL2 (Z p [[X]]) attached to ordinary cusp forms 1986 Haruzo Hida
+ Slopes of Modular Forms 2016 Kevin Buzzard
Toby Gee
+ PDF Chat Slopes of Modular Forms and the Ghost Conjecture 2017 John Bergdall
Robert Pollack
+ Where the Slopes Are 2000 Fernando Q. Gouvêa
+ Eigencurve over the boundary of the weight space 2014 Ruochuan Liu
Daqing Wan
Liang Xiao
+ Arithmetic of Weil curves 1974 Barry Mazur
Peter Swinnerton‐Dyer
+ PDF Chat Families of modular eigenforms 1992 Fernando Gouvêa
Barry Mazur
+ PDF Chat Arithmétique des courbes elliptiques à réduction supersingulière en<i>p</i> 2003 Bernadette Perrin-Riou
+ PDF Chat Extended eigenvarieties for overconvergent cohomology 2019 Christian Johansson
James Newton
+ Stark-Heegner points on elliptic curves defined over imaginary quadratic fields 2006 Mak Trifković
+ PDF Chat Classical and overconvergent modular forms 1995 Robert F. Coleman
+ Integration on ℋ p × ℋ and Arithmetic Applications 2001 Henri Darmon
+ PDF Chat Critical slope <i>p</i> ‐adic <i>L</i> ‐functions 2012 Robert Pollack
Glenn Stevens