Brad Lackey


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat PearSAN: A Machine Learning Method for Inverse Design using Pearson Correlated Surrogate Annealing 2024 Michael Bezick
Blake Wilson
Vaishnavi Iyer
Yuheng Chen
Vladimir M. Shalaev
Sabre Kais
Alexander V. Kildishev
Alexandra Boltasseva
Brad Lackey
+ Improved Pairwise Measurement-Based Surface Code 2024 Linnea Grans-Samuelsson
Ryan V. Mishmash
David Aasen
Christina Knapp
Bela Bauer
Brad Lackey
Marcus P. da Silva
Parsa Bonderson
+ Quantum Lego Expansion Pack: Enumerators from Tensor Networks 2024 ChunJun Cao
Michael J. Gullans
Brad Lackey
Zitao Wang
+ PDF Chat Quantum Circuit Tensors and Enumerators with Applications to Quantum Fault Tolerance 2024 Alon Kukliansky
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Quantum Weight Enumerators and Tensor Networks 2023 ChunJun Cao
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum Lego Expansion Pack: Enumerators from Tensor Networks 2023 ChunJun Cao
Michael J. Gullans
Brad Lackey
Zitao Wang
+ Improved Pairwise Measurement-Based Surface Code 2023 Linnea Grans-Samuelsson
Ryan V. Mishmash
David Aasen
Christina Knapp
Bela Bauer
Brad Lackey
Marcus P. da Silva
Parsa Bonderson
+ PDF Chat Quantum Lego: Building Quantum Error Correction Codes from Tensor Networks 2022 ChunJun Cao
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum weight enumerators and tensor networks 2022 ChunJun Cao
Brad Lackey
+ Fully device-independent quantum key distribution using synchronous correlations 2021 Nishant Rodrigues
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Fully device-independent quantum key distribution using synchronous correlations 2021 Nishant Rodrigues
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum Lattice Sieving 2021 Nishant Rodrigues
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Gottesman Types for Quantum Programs 2021 Robert W. Rand
Aarthi Sundaram
Kartik Singhal
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Approximate Bacon-Shor code and holography 2021 ChunJun Cao
Brad Lackey
+ Static Analysis of Quantum Programs via Gottesman Types 2021 Robert W. Rand
Aarthi Sundaram
Kartik Singhal
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum Lattice Sieving 2021 Nishant Rodrigues
Brad Lackey
+ A Rich Type System for Quantum Programs 2021 Aarthi Sundaram
Robert W. Rand
Kartik Singhal
Brad Lackey
+ Fully device-independent quantum key distribution using synchronous correlations 2021 Nishant Rodrigues
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Readiness of Quantum Optimization Machines for Industrial Applications 2019 Alejandro Perdomo‐Ortiz
Alexander Feldman
Asier Ozaeta
Sergei V. Isakov
Zheng Zhu
Bryan O’Gorman
Helmut G. Katzgraber
Alexander Diedrich
Hartmut Neven
Johan de Kleer
+ Mathematical methods for resource-based type theories. 2018 Aarthi Sundaram
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum adiabatic optimization without heuristics. 2018 Michael Jarret
Brad Lackey
Aike Liu
Kianna Wan
+ Morphisms in categories of nonlocal games 2018 Brad Lackey
Nishant Rodrigues
+ A belief propagation algorithm based on domain decomposition 2018 Brad Lackey
+ Mathematical methods for resource-based type theories 2018 Aarthi Sundaram
Brad Lackey
+ Quantum adiabatic optimization without heuristics 2018 Michael Jarret
Brad Lackey
Aike Liu
Kianna Wan
+ PDF Chat Fast optimization algorithms and the cosmological constant 2017 Ning Bao
Raphael Bousso
Stephen P. Jordan
Brad Lackey
+ Substochastic Monte Carlo Algorithms. 2017 Michael Jarret
Brad Lackey
+ Penalty models for bitstrings of constant Hamming weight 2017 Brad Lackey
+ Nonlocal games, synchronous correlations, and Bell inequalities 2017 Brad Lackey
Nishant Rodrigues
+ Substochastic Monte Carlo Algorithms 2017 Michael Jarret
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic optimization versus diffusion Monte Carlo methods 2016 Michael Jarret
Stephen P. Jordan
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat Mapping Constrained Optimization Problems to Quantum Annealing with Application to Fault Diagnosis 2016 Zhengbing Bian
Fabián A. Chudak
Robert B. Israel
Brad Lackey
William G. Macready
Aidan Roy
+ Mapping constrained optimization problems to quantum annealing with application to fault diagnosis 2016 Zhengbing Bian
Fabián A. Chudak
Robert B. Israel
Brad Lackey
William G. Macready
Aidan Roy
+ On Galilean connections and the first jet bundle 1999 James D. E. Grant
Brad Lackey
+ On Galilean connections and the first jet bundle 1999 James D. E. Grant
Brad Lackey
+ A Lichnerowicz Vanishing Theorem for Finsler Spaces 1998 Brad Lackey
+ A Bochner Vanishing Theorem for Elliptic Complices 1998 Brad Lackey
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum annealing in the transverse Ising model 1998 Tadashi Kadowaki
Hidetoshi Nishimori
+ Quantum annealing: A new method for minimizing multidimensional functions 1994 Aleta Finnila
Maria A. Gomez
C. Sebenik
C. Stenson
J. D. Doll
+ PDF Chat Tensor Networks and Quantum Error Correction 2014 Andrew J. Ferris
David Poulin
+ PDF Chat Calderbank-Shor-Steane holographic quantum error-correcting codes 2018 Robert Harris
Nathan A. McMahon
Gavin K. Brennen
Thomas M. Stace
+ PDF Chat What is the Computational Value of Finite-Range Tunneling? 2016 Vasil S. Denchev
Sergio Boixo
Sergei V. Isakov
Nan Ding
Ryan Babbush
Vadim Smelyanskiy
John M. Martinis
Hartmut Neven
+ A practical heuristic for finding graph minors 2014 Jun Liang Cai
William G. Macready
Aidan Roy
+ PDF Chat Q# 2018 Krysta M. Svore
Alan Geller
Matthias Troyer
John Azariah
Christopher Granade
Bettina Heim
Vadym Kliuchnikov
Mariia Mykhailova
Andres Paz
Martin Roetteler
+ PDF Chat On the Quantum Chromatic Number of a Graph 2007 Peter J‎. Cameron
Ashley Montanaro
Michael Newman
Simone Severini
Andreas Winter
+ PDF Chat Tensor network models of AdS/qCFT 2022 A. Jahn
Zoltán Zimborás
Jens Eisert
+ PDF Chat Decoding holographic codes with an integer optimization decoder 2020 Robert Harris
Elliot Coupe
Nathan A. McMahon
Gavin K. Brennen
Thomas M. Stace
+ PDF Chat Defining and detecting quantum speedup 2014 Troels F. Rønnow
Zhihui Wang
Joshua Job
Sergio Boixo
Sergei V. Isakov
D. Wecker
John M. Martinis
Daniel A. Lidar
Matthias Troyer
+ PDF Chat Subsystem codes with spatially local generators 2011 Sergey Bravyi
+ PDF Chat Local stabilizer codes in three dimensions without string logical operators 2011 Jeongwan Haah
+ Estimating quantum chromatic numbers 2016 Vern I. Paulsen
Simone Severini
Daniel Lee Stahlke
Ivan G. Todorov
Andreas Winter
+ Quantum and non-signalling graph isomorphisms 2018 Albert Atserias
Laura Mančinska
David E. Roberson
Robert Šámal
Simone Severini
Antonios Varvitsiotis
+ PDF Chat Topological quantum memory 2002 Eric Dennis
Alexei Kitaev
Andrew J. Landahl
John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Bulk entanglement gravity without a boundary: Towards finding Einstein’s equation in Hilbert space 2018 ChunJun Cao
Sean M. Carroll
+ PDF Chat Simulated Quantum Annealing Can Be Exponentially Faster Than Classical Simulated Annealing 2016 Elizabeth Crosson
Aram W. Harrow
+ Quantum homomorphisms 2016 Laura Mančinska
David E. Roberson
+ PDF Chat Holographic duality from random tensor networks 2016 Patrick Hayden
Sepehr Nezami
Xiao-Liang Qi
Nathaniel R. Thomas
Michael Walter
Yang Zhao
+ PDF Chat Local tensor-network codes 2022 Terry Farrelly
David K. Tuckett
Thomas M. Stace
+ PDF Chat String-net condensation: A physical mechanism for topological phases 2005 Michael Levin
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat A case study in programming a quantum annealer for hard operational planning problems 2014 Eleanor Rieffel
Davide Venturelli
Bryan O’Gorman
Bùi Quang Minh
Elicia M. Prystay
Vadim Smelyanskiy
+ PDF Chat Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons 2003 Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the adiabatic approximation with applications to quantum computation 2007 Sabine Jansen
Mary-Beth Ruskai
R. Seiler
+ PDF Chat Universal Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Only Transversal Gates and Error Correction 2013 Adam Paetznick
Ben W. Reichardt
+ PDF Chat Approximate Bacon-Shor code and holography 2021 ChunJun Cao
Brad Lackey
+ PDF Chat A quantum annealing approach for fault detection and diagnosis of graph-based systems 2015 Alejandro Perdomo‐Ortiz
Joseph Fluegemann
Sriram Narasimhan
R. Biswas
Vadim Smelyanskiy
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum annealing: case study involving the graph isomorphism problem 2015 Kenneth M. Zick
Omar Shehab
Matthew French
+ PDF Chat Living on the edge: a toy model for holographic reconstruction of algebras with centers 2017 William Donnelly
Donald Marolf
Ben Michel
Jason Wien
+ PDF Chat Quantum weight enumerators 1998 Eric M. Rains
+ PDF Chat Quantum shadow enumerators 1999 Eric M. Rains
+ PDF Chat A Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithm Applied to Random Instances of an NP-Complete Problem 2001 Edward Farhi
Jeffrey Goldstone
Sam Gutmann
Joshua M. Lapan
A. P. Lundgren
Daniel Preda
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of a robust and scalable flux qubit 2010 R. Harris
Jonas Johansson
A. J. Berkley
Mark W. Johnson
T. Lanting
Siyuan Han
P. Bunyk
E. Ladizinsky
T. Oh
I. Perminov
+ PDF Chat Graphical reasoning in compact closed categories for quantum computation 2009 Lucas Dixon
Ross Duncan
+ Extending and Characterizing Quantum Magic Games 2012 A. A. Архипов
+ PDF Chat Quantum Quandaries: A Category-Theoretic Perspective 2006 John C. Baez
+ PDF Chat Class of Quantum Many-Body States That Can Be Efficiently Simulated 2008 Guifré Vidal
+ PDF Chat Informational derivation of quantum theory 2011 Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paolo Perinotti
+ On pairs of projections in a Hilbert space 1994 Werner O. Amrein
Kalyan B. Sinha
+ PDF Chat A no-go theorem for a two-dimensional self-correcting quantum memory based on stabilizer codes 2009 Sergey Bravyi
Barbara M. Terhal
+ A mathematical theory of resources 2016 Bob Coecke
T. A. Fritz
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat High-threshold universal quantum computation on the surface code 2009 Austin G. Fowler
Ashley M. Stephens
Peter Groszkowski
+ PDF Chat Quantum computing with realistically noisy devices 2005 Emanuel Knill
+ PDF Chat Communication Cost of Simulating Bell Correlations 2003 Ben Toner
Dave Bacon
+ PDF Chat Approximate Model-Based Diagnosis Using Greedy Stochastic Search 2007 Alexander Feldman
Gregory Provan
Arjan van Gemund
+ Quantum Computation by Adiabatic Evolution 2000 Edward Farhi
Jeffrey Goldstone
Sam Gutmann
Michael Sipser
+ PDF Chat Class of quantum error-correcting codes saturating the quantum Hamming bound 1996 Daniel Gottesman
+ PDF Chat GHZ extraction yield for multipartite stabilizer states 2006 Sergey Bravyi
David Fattal
Daniel Gottesman
+ PDF Chat Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with High Threshold in Two Dimensions 2007 Robert Raussendorf
Jim Harrington