A. B. Dieker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Conditional Independence 2024 A. B. Dieker
Steven T. Hackman
+ Graphical QPLEX Calculus with Distributional Programs 2024 A. B. Dieker
Steven T. Hackman
+ Models with Simple Transition Dynamics 2024 A. B. Dieker
Steven T. Hackman
+ Models with Advanced Transition Dynamics 2024 A. B. Dieker
Steven T. Hackman
+ Efficient Fully Sequential Indifference-Zone Procedures Using Properties of Multidimensional Brownian Motion Exiting a Sphere 2021 A. B. Dieker
Seong‐Hee Kim
+ PDF Chat A dichotomy for sampling barrier-crossing events of random walks with regularly varying tails 2017 A. B. Dieker
Guido Lagos
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of random-to-random Markov chains 2017 A. B. Dieker
Franco Saliola
+ On the Euler discretization error of Brownian motion about random times 2017 A. B. Dieker
Guido Lagos
+ On Optimal Exact Simulation of Max-Stable and Related Random Fields 2016 Zhipeng Liu
José Blanchet
A. B. Dieker
Thomas Mikosch
+ PDF Chat Randomized longest-queue-first scheduling for large-scale buffered systems 2015 A. B. Dieker
Tonghoon Suk
+ PDF Chat Randomized longest-queue-first scheduling for large-scale buffered systems 2015 A. B. Dieker
Tonghoon Suk
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Billiards for Sampling from the Boundary of a Convex Set 2015 A. B. Dieker
Santosh Vempala
+ PDF Chat Exact simulation of Brown-Resnick random fields at a finite number of locations 2015 A. B. Dieker
Thomas Mikosch
+ Spectral analysis of random-to-random Markov chains 2015 A. B. Dieker
Franco Saliola
+ A fully sequential procedure for known and equal variances based on multivariate brownian motion 2014 A. B. Dieker
Seong‐Hee Kim
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis for diffusion processes constrained to an orthant 2014 A. B. Dieker
Xuefeng Gao
+ Exact simulation of Brown-Resnick random fields 2014 A. B. Dieker
Thomas Mikosch
+ On asymptotic constants in the theory of extremes for Gaussian processes 2014 A. B. Dieker
Benjamin Yakir
+ PDF Chat Validity of heavy-traffic steady-state approximations in many-server queues with abandonment 2014 J. G. Dai
A. B. Dieker
Xuefeng Gao
+ Diffusion approximations for large-scale buffered systems 2014 A. B. Dieker
Tonghoon Suk
+ Stochastic billiards for sampling from the boundary of a convex set 2014 A. B. Dieker
Santosh Vempala
+ Exact simulation of Brown-Resnick random fields at a finite number of locations 2014 A. B. Dieker
Thomas Mikosch
+ PDF Chat Positive recurrence of piecewise Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes and common quadratic Lyapunov functions 2013 A. B. Dieker
Xuefeng Gao
+ PDF Chat From Local to Global Stability in Stochastic Processing Networks Through Quadratic Lyapunov Functions 2013 A. B. Dieker
Jinwoo Shin
+ Validity of heavy-traffic steady-state approximations in many-server queues with abandonment 2013 J. G. Dai
A. B. Dieker
Xuefeng Gao
+ Selecting the best by comparing simulated systems in a group of three when variances are known and unequal 2012 A. B. Dieker
Seong‐Hee Kim
+ PDF Chat Selecting the best by comparing simulated systems in a group of three when variances are known and unequal 2012 A. B. Dieker
Seong‐Hee Kim
+ From Local to Global Stability in Stochastic Processing Networks through Quadratic Lyapunov Functions 2012 A. B. Dieker
Jinwoo Shin
+ PDF Chat Selecting the best by comparing simulated systems in a group of three 2011 Seong‐Hee Kim
A. B. Dieker
+ Nonnegativity of solutions to the basic adjoint relationship for some diffusion processes 2011 J. G. Dai
A. B. Dieker
+ PDF Chat Interlacings for Random Walks on Weighted Graphs and the Interchange Process 2010 A. B. Dieker
+ PDF Chat Series Jackson Networks and Noncrossing Probabilities 2009 A. B. Dieker
Jon Warren
+ PDF Chat Reflected Brownian motion in a wedge: sum-of-exponential stationary densities 2009 A. B. Dieker
John Moriarty
+ PDF Chat Determinantal transition kernels for some interacting particles on the line 2008 A. B. Dieker
Jon Warren
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for random walks under subexponentiality: The big-jump domain 2008 Denis Denisov
A. B. Dieker
Vsevolod Shneer
+ On the largest-eigenvalue process for generalized Wishart random matrices 2008 A. B. Dieker
Jon Warren
+ Quasi-Product Forms for LĂ©vy-Driven Fluid Networks 2007 Krzysztof DÈ©bicki
A. B. Dieker
Tomasz Rolski
+ Reflected Brownian motion in a wedge: sum-of-exponential stationary densities 2007 A. B. Dieker
John Moriarty
+ Efficient Simulation of Random Walks Exceeding a Nonlinear Boundary 2006 A. B. Dieker
Michel Mandjes
+ PDF Chat Fast simulation of overflow probabilities in a queue with Gaussian input 2006 A. B. Dieker
Michel Mandjes
+ PDF Chat On asymptotically efficient simulation of large deviation probabilities 2005 A. B. Dieker
Michel Mandjes
+ PDF Chat On asymptotically efficient simulation of large deviation probabilities 2005 A. B. Dieker
Michel Mandjes
+ Quasi-product forms for L 2005 K.G. DÈ©bicki
A. B. Dieker
T. Rolski
+ Conditional limit theorems for queues with Gaussian input, a weak convergence approach 2003 A. B. Dieker
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Brownian models of open queueing networks with homogeneous customer populations<sup>∗</sup> 1987 J. Michael Harrison
Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat Positive recurrence of piecewise Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes and common quadratic Lyapunov functions 2013 A. B. Dieker
Xuefeng Gao
+ Importance Sampling, Large Deviations, and Differential Games 2004 Paul Dupuis
Hui Wang
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples in importance sampling for large deviations probabilities 1997 Paul Glasserman
Yashan Wang
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat Determinantal transition kernels for some interacting particles on the line 2008 A. B. Dieker
Jon Warren
+ Conditioned random walks and the RSK correspondence 2003 Neil 'Connell
+ PDF Chat Many-server diffusion limits for G/Ph/n+GI queues 2010 J. G. Dai
Shuangchi He
Tolga Tezcan
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic independence of queues under randomized load balancing 2012 Maury Bramson
Yi Lu
Balaji Prabhakar
+ PDF Chat Statistical Analysis of a Telephone Call Center 2005 Lawrence Brown
Noah Gans
Avishai Mandelbaum
Anat Sakov
Haipeng Shen
Sergey Zeltyn
Linda Zhao
+ Group representations in probability and statistics 1988 Persi Diaconis
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ PDF Chat Importance Sampling Techniques for the Multidimensional Ruin Problem for General Markov Additive Sequences of Random Vectors 2002 Jeffrey F. Collamore
+ Extreme values of independent stochastic processes 1977 B. M. Brown
Sidney I. Resnick
+ The multiclass GI/PH/N queue in the Halfin-Whitt regime 2000 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
Martin I. Reiman
+ PDF Chat Interlacings for Random Walks on Weighted Graphs and the Interchange Process 2010 A. B. Dieker
+ PDF Chat Decay of tails at equilibrium for FIFO join the shortest queue networks 2013 Maury Bramson
Yi Lu
Balaji Prabhakar
+ PDF Chat Steady-state analysis of a multiserver queue in the Halfin-Whitt regime 2008 David Gamarnik
Petar Momčilović
+ Many-server Queues with Customer Abandonment: Numerical Analysis of their Diffusion Model 2013 J. G. Dai
Shuangchi He
+ PDF Chat Selecting the best by comparing simulated systems in a group of three 2011 Seong‐Hee Kim
A. B. Dieker
+ PDF Chat Reflected Brownian motion with skew symmetric data in a polyhedral domain 1987 Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat A Sequential Procedure for Selecting the Population with the Largest Mean from $k$ Normal Populations 1964 Edward Paulson
+ PDF Chat On spatial extremes: With application to a rainfall problem 2008 T. A. Buishand
Laurens de Haan
Chen Zhou
+ PDF Chat A Spectral Representation for Max-stable Processes 1984 Laurens de Haan
+ On two-stage selection procedures and related probability-inequalities 1978 Yosef Rinott
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Functions for Semimartingale Reflecting Brownian Motions 1994 Paul Dupuis
Ruth Williams
+ Monte Carlo simulation and large deviations theory for uniformly recurrent Markov chains 1990 J.A. Bucklew
Peter Ney
J.S. Sadowsky
+ Stability of Markovian processes III: Foster–Lyapunov criteria for continuous-time processes 1993 Sean Meyn
Richard L. Tweedie
+ Strong approximation theorems for density dependent Markov chains 1978 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Occupancy Distributions of Homogeneous Queueing Systems Under Opportunistic Scheduling 2010 Murat Alanyali
Maxim Dashouk
+ Proof of Aldous’ spectral gap conjecture 2010 Pietro Caputo
Thomas M. Liggett
Thomas Richthammer
+ On Monte Carlo estimation of large deviations probabilities 1996 J.S. Sadowsky
+ PDF Chat Importance Sampling in the Monte Carlo Study of Sequential Tests 1976 David Siegmund
+ Extremes and Related Properties of Random Sequences and Processes 1983 M. R. Leadbetter
Georg Lindgren
Holger Rootzén
+ PDF Chat A random polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies 1991 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
+ Spatial Process Generation 2013 Dirk P. Kroese
Zdravko I. Botev
+ PDF Chat Reflected Brownian Motion on an Orthant 1981 J. Michael Harrison
Martin I. Reiman
+ PDF Chat Sampling from a Manifold 2013 Persi Diaconis
Susan Holmes
Mehrdad Shahshahani
+ Geometric Random Walks: a Survey 2007 Santosh Vempala
+ Hit-and-run mixes fast 1999 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
+ PDF Chat Shake-and-Bake Algorithms for Generating Uniform Points on the Boundary of Bounded Polyhedra 1991 C. G. E. Boender
Richard J. Caron
J. F. McDonald
A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan
H. Edwin Romeijn
Robert L. Smith
Jan Telgen
A.C.F. Vorst
+ PDF Chat Reflected planar Brownian motions, intertwining relations and crossing probabilities 2004 Julien Dubédat
+ PDF Chat Reflected brownian motion in a wedge: Semimartingale property 1985 Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat A Single-Sample Multiple Decision Procedure for Ranking Means of Normal Populations with known Variances 1954 Robert E. Bechhofer
+ A combinatorial description of the spectrum for the Tsetlin library and its generalization to hyperplane arrangements 1999 Pat Bidigare
Phil Hanlon
Dan Rockmore
+ On tail probabilities and first passage times for fractional Brownian motion 1999 Zbigniew Michna
+ Littelmann paths and brownian paths 2004 Philippe Biane
Philippe Bougerol
Neil O’Connell
+ PDF Chat Stochastic billiards on general tables 2001 Steven N. Evans
+ Tests for Hurst effect 1987 R B Davies
David Harte
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric constants and the first eigenvalue of a compact riemannian manifold 1975 Shing‐Tung Yau