Ludwig Arnold


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Random dynamical systems 2020 Ludwig Arnold
+ Lyapunov's Second Method for Random Dynamical Systems 2001 Ludwig Arnold
Björn Schmalfuß
+ None 2001 Ludwig Arnold
Igor Čhuešhov
+ PDF Chat Cooperative random and stochastic differential equations 2001 Ludwig Arnold
Igor Čhuešhov
+ The essential range of a nonabelian cocycle is not a cohomology invariant 2000 Ludwig Arnold
Nguyen Dinh Cong
V. I. Oseledets
+ Linear cocycles with simple Lyapunov spectrum are dense in $L^\infty$ 1999 Ludwig Arnold
Dinh Cong Nguyen
+ Convex-valued random dynamical systems: A variational principle for equilibrium states 1999 Ludwig Arnold
Igor V. Evstigneev
V M Gundlach
+ Jordan normal form for linear cocycles 1999 Ludwig Arnold
Dinh Cong Nguyen
Valery Iustinovich Oseledets
+ Stationary and almost periodic solutions of almost periodic affine stochastic differential equations 1998 Ludwig Arnold
Constantin Tudor
+ On the integrability condition in the multiplicative ergodic theorem for stochastic differential equations 1998 Ludwig Arnold
Peter Imkeller
+ PDF Chat Normal forms for stochastic differential equations 1998 Ludwig Arnold
Peter Imkeller
+ The Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem in Euclidean Space 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ Order-preserving random dynamical systems: equilibria, attractors, applications 1998 Ludwig Arnold
Igor Čhuešhov
+ The Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem on Bundles and Manifolds 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ RDS on Homogeneous Spaces of the General Linear Group 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ Random Dynamical Systems 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ The MET for Related Linear and Affine RDS 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ On the simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum of products of random matrices 1997 Ludwig Arnold
Nguyen Dinh Cong
+ The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics - D. Nualart. 1997 Ludwig Arnold
+ Large noise asymptotics of invariant measures, with applications to lyapunov exponents 1996 Ludwig Arnold
Alex Eizenberg
Volker Wihstutzc
+ Stratonovich calculus with spatial parameters and anticipative problems in multiplicative ergodic theory 1996 Ludwig Arnold
Peter Imkeller
+ Discretization of a Random Dynamical System near a Hyperbolic Point 1996 Ludwig Arnold
Peter E. Kloeden
+ Fixed Points and Attractors for Random Dynamical Systems 1996 Ludwig Arnold
Björn Schmalfuß
+ Furstenberg-khasminskii formulas for lyapunov exponents via anticipative calculus 1995 Ludwig Arnold
Peter Imkeller
+ PDF Chat Perfect cocycles through stochastic differential equations 1995 Ludwig Arnold
Michael Scheutzow
+ Random dynamical systems 1995 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Formalism for Products of Positive Random Matrices 1994 Ludwig Arnold
Volker Matthias Gundlach
Lloyd Demetrius
+ Normal forms for random diffeomorphisms 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Xu Kedai
+ Iterated Function Systems and Multiplicative Ergodic Theory 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
+ Stochastic bifurcation: instructive examples in dimension one 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Petra Boxler
Hans Crauel
JP Eckmann
+ Additive noise turns a hyperbolic fixed point into a stationary solution 1991 Ludwig Arnold
Petra Boxler
+ Random dynamical systems 1991 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
+ Lyapunov exponents : proceedings of a conference held in Oberwolfach, May 28-June 2, 1990 1991 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
Jean Pierre Eckmann
+ Stabilization by Noise Revisited 1990 Ludwig Arnold
+ Stochastic Differential Equations as Dynamical Systems 1990 Ludwig Arnold
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem for rotation numbers 1989 Ludwig Arnold
Luiz San Martin
+ Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations - T. C. Gard. 1989 Ludwig Arnold
+ Towards a Theory of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 1989 Ludwig Arnold
+ Lyapunov Exponents of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 1988 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Analysis of the Lyapunov Exponent and Rotation Number of the Random Oscillator and Applications 1986 Ludwig Arnold
George Papanicolaou
Volker Wihstutz
+ Lyapunov exponents of linear stochastic systems 1986 Ludwig Arnold
Wolfgang Kliemann
Eberhard Oeljeklaus
+ Almost sure and moment stability for linear ito equations 1986 Ludwig Arnold
Eberhard Oeljeklaus
Étienne Pardoux
+ Wide Sense Stationary Solutions of Linear Systems with Additive Noise 1983 Ludwig Arnold
Volker Wihstutz
+ Stabilization of Linear Systems by Noise 1983 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
Volker Wihstutz
+ Qualitative Theory of Stochastic Systems 1983 Ludwig Arnold
Wolfgang Kliemann
+ Stationary solutions of linear systems with additive and multiplicative noise 1982 Ludwig Arnold
V. Wishtutz
+ Qualitative theory of stochastic systems and its applications in physics 1981 Ludwig Arnold
+ Deterministic limit of the stochastic model of chemical reactions with diffusion 1980 Ludwig Arnold
M. Theodosopulu
+ Deterministic limit of the stochastic model of chemical reactions with diffusion 1980 Ludwig Arnold
M. Theodosopulu
+ On the Consistency of the Mathematical Models of Chemical Reactions 1980 Ludwig Arnold
+ White and coloured external noise and transition phenomena in nonlinear systems 1978 Ludwig Arnold
Werner Horsthemke
R. Leféver
+ Deterministic version of Wigner's semicircle law for the distribution of matrix eigenvalues 1976 Ludwig Arnold
+ Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Applications. 1976 P. Whittle
Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat The log log law for multidimensional stochastic integrals and diffusion processes 1971 Ludwig Arnold
+ On statistical models for heavy nuclei 1971 Ludwig Arnold
R. Schaßberger
+ PDF Chat On Wigner's semicircle law for the eigenvalues of random matrices 1971 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Complex-valued stable measures and their domains of attraction 1969 Ludwig Arnold
Johannes Michaliček
+ PDF Chat Complex-Valued Stable Measures and their Domains of Attraction 1969 Ludwig Arnold
Johannes Michaliček
+ On the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of random matrices 1967 Ludwig Arnold
+ Convergence in probability of random power series and a related problem in linear topological spaces 1967 Ludwig Arnold
+ Über die Konvergenz einer zufälligen Potenzreihe. 1966 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Wachstumseigenschaften zuf�lliger ganzer Funktionen 1966 Ludwig Arnold
+ �ber die Nullstellenverteilung zuf�lliger Polynome 1966 Ludwig Arnold
+ Über die Nullstellenverteilung zufälliger Polynome 1965 Ludwig Arnold
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem. Ljapunov characteristic numbers for dynamical systems. 1968 V. I. Oseledec
+ Random dynamical systems 2020 Ludwig Arnold
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theory of differentiable dynamical systems 1979 David Ruelle
+ Almost sure and moment stability for linear ito equations 1986 Ludwig Arnold
Eberhard Oeljeklaus
Étienne Pardoux
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations 2011 R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
+ Lyapunov exponents of linear stochastic systems 1986 Ludwig Arnold
Wolfgang Kliemann
Eberhard Oeljeklaus
+ Flows of stochastic dynamical systems: ergodic theory 1985 Andrew Carverhill
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem for rotation numbers 1989 Ludwig Arnold
Luiz San Martin
+ PDF Chat Perfect cocycles through stochastic differential equations 1995 Ludwig Arnold
Michael Scheutzow
+ Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds 1982 K. D. Elworthy
+ Stochastic bifurcation: instructive examples in dimension one 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Petra Boxler
+ Lyapunov exponents and invariant measures of stochastic systems on manifolds 1986 Hans Crauel
+ Extremal exponents of random dynamical systems do not vanish 1990 Hans Crauel
+ Products of Random Matrices with Applications to Schrödinger Operators 1985 Philippe Bougerol
Jean Lacroix
+ PDF Chat Recurrence and Invariant Measures for Degenerate Diffusions 1987 Wolfgang Kliemann
+ PDF Chat Attractors for random dynamical systems 1994 Hans Crauel
Franco Flandoli
+ Random Dynamical Systems 1998 Ludwig Arnold
+ The structure of a flow in the vicinity of an almost periodic motion 1978 George R. Sell
+ Markov measures for random dynamical systems 1991 Hans Crauel
+ Stochastic differential equations and stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms 1984 Hiroshi Kunita
+ Stationary solutions of linear systems with additive and multiplicative noise 1982 Ludwig Arnold
V. Wishtutz
+ Lyapunov Exponents of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 1988 Ludwig Arnold
+ Stabilization of Linear Systems by Noise 1983 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
Volker Wihstutz
+ PDF Chat Noncommuting random products 1963 Harry Furstenberg
+ Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes
+ Lyapunov indices of a product of random matrices 1989 Ilya Goldsheid
G. A. Margulis
+ PDF Chat A classification of the second order degenerate elliptic operators and its probabilistic characterization 1974 Kanji Ichihara
Hiroshi Kunita
+ Ergodic Theory of Random Transformations 1986 Yuri Kifer
+ Qualitative Theory of Stochastic Systems 1983 Ludwig Arnold
Wolfgang Kliemann
+ Iterated Function Systems and Multiplicative Ergodic Theory 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Hans Crauel
+ Random dynamical systems 1995 Ludwig Arnold
+ Ergodic Theory of Linear Parameter-Excited Systems 1981 Volker Wihstutz
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen mit zufälligen Parametern 1972 H. Bunke
+ The Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem 2013 Luis Barreira
Yakov Pesin
+ Ergodic Theory 1982 I. P. Cornfeld
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
Sergey Fomin
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents and relative entropy for a stochastic flow of diffeomorphisms 1989 Peter H. Baxendale
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Semi-martingale inequalities via the Garsia-Rodemich-Rumsey lemma, and applications to local times 1982 Martin T. Barlow
Marc Yor
+ Existence and comparison theorems for nonlinear diffusion systems 1977 Hendrik J. Kuiper
+ Stability of dynamical systems 1988 E. C. Zeeman
+ Normal forms for random diffeomorphisms 1992 Ludwig Arnold
Xu Kedai
+ PDF Chat On the functional central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm for Markov processes 1982 Ritwik Bhattacharya
+ Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 V. I. Arnold
+ Limit theorems for sequences of jump Markov processes approximating ordinary differential processes 1971 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Equilibre statistique pour les produits de difféomorphismes aléatoires indépendants 1987 Y. le Jan
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Formalism for Products of Positive Random Matrices 1994 Ludwig Arnold
Volker Matthias Gundlach
Lloyd Demetrius
+ PDF Chat Furstenberg's theorem for nonlinear stochastic systems 1987 Andrew Carverhill
+ A spectral theory for linear differential systems 1978 Robert J. Sacker
George R. Sell
+ Asymptotic behaviour of stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms 1986 Peter H. Baxendale