Ferenc Fodor


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Note on the variance of generalized random polygons 2025 Ferenc Fodor
Balázs Grünfelder
+ PDF Chat Strengthened inequalities for the mean width and the $\ell$-norm of origin symmetric convex bodies 2024 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ PDF Chat On the Multiplicity of Arrangements of Congruent Zones on the Sphere 2024 András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
T. Zarnócz
+ On the variance of the mean width of random polytopes circumscribed around a convex body 2024 Alexandra Bakó‐Szabó
Ferenc Fodor
+ Series expansions for random disc-polygons in smooth plane convex bodies 2024 Ferenc Fodor
Nicolás A. Montenegro Pinzón
+ PDF Chat On random disc-polygons in a disc-polygon 2023 Ferenc Fodor
Péter Kevei
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat On Wendel’s equality for intersections of balls 2022 Ferenc Fodor
Nicolás A. Montenegro Pinzón
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Variance bounds for disc-polygons 2022 Ferenc Fodor
Balázs Grünfelder
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Perimeter Approximation of Convex Discs in the Hyperbolic Plane and on the Sphere 2021 Ferenc Fodor
+ PDF Chat Strengthened inequalities for the mean width and the ℓ‐norm 2021 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ Convex bodies and their approximations 2020 Ferenc Fodor
+ PDF Chat Central Diagonal Sections of the <i>n</i>-Cube 2020 Ferenc A. Bartha
Ferenc Fodor
Bernardo González Merino
+ Central diagonal sections of the $n$-cube 2020 Ferenc A. Bartha
Ferenc Fodor
Bernardo González Merino
Dániel I. Papvári
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat On the volume bound in the Dvoretzky–Rogers lemma 2019 Ferenc Fodor
Márton Naszódi
T. Zarnócz
+ On random approximations by generalized disc-polygons 2019 Ferenc Fodor
Dániel I. Papvári
Viktor Vígh
+ Random ball-polytopes in smooth convex bodies 2019 Ferenc Fodor
+ Perimeter approximation of convex discs in the hyperbolic plane and on the sphere 2019 Ferenc Fodor
+ The L dual Minkowski problem for p &gt; 1 and q &gt; 0 2018 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
+ PDF Chat Variance estimates for random disc-polygons in smooth convex discs 2018 Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
+ The $L_p$ dual Minkowski problem for $p>1$ and $q>0$ 2018 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
+ PDF Chat Strengthened volume inequalities for $L_p$ zonoids of even isotropic measures 2017 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ On the multiplicity of arrangements of equal zones on the sphere 2017 András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
T. Zarnócz
+ On the multiplicity of arrangements of congruent zones on the sphere 2017 András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
T. Zarnócz
+ PDF Chat Acknowledgement of priority — A fractional Helly theorem for boxes 2016 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Álvaro Martínez-Pérez
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ Strengthened volume inequalities for L_p zonoids of even isotropic measures 2016 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for hyperconvex sets 2016 Ferenc Fodor
Árpád Kurusa
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Covering the sphere by equal zones 2016 Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
T. Zarnócz
+ PDF Chat On the angle sum of lines 2015 Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
T. Zarnócz
+ PDF Chat A separation theorem for totally-sewn 4-polytopes 2015 Tibor Bisztriczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
Ines Ziebarth
+ PDF Chat Dowker-type theorems for hyperconvex discs 2015 Gábor Tóth
Ferenc Fodor
+ The packing density of the $n$-dimensional cross-polytope 2015 G. Tóth
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vigh
+ PDF Chat On Random Disc Polygons in Smooth Convex Discs 2014 Ferenc Fodor
Péter Kevei
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat On Random Disc Polygons in Smooth Convex Discs 2014 Ferenc Fodor
Péter Kevei
Viktor Vígh
+ A fractional Helly theorem for boxes 2014 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Álvaro Martínez-Pérez
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ PDF Chat Colourful and Fractional (p,q)-theorems 2013 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
Attila Pór
+ Intrinsic volumes of random polytopes with vertices on the boundary of a convex body 2012 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ Disc-polygonal approximations of planar spindle convex sets 2012 Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
+ Separation in totally-sewn 4-polytopes with the decreasing universal edge property 2011 Tibor Bisztriczky
Ferenc Fodor
Déborah Oliveros
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic volumes of inscribed random polytopes in smooth convex bodies 2010 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic volumes of inscribed random polytopes in smooth convex bodies 2010 Imre Bárány
Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat The mean width of random polytopes circumscribed around a convex body 2010 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Daniel Hug
+ PDF Chat Dedication: Ted Bisztriczky 2009 Károly J. Böröczky
Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
H. Harborth
W. Kuperberg
+ Mean width of random polytopes in a reasonably smooth convex body 2009 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Matthias Reitzner
Viktor Vígh
+ Intuitive Geometry Workshop and Intuitive Geometry Day in Calgary (August 31, 2007–September 3, 2007) 2008 Tibor Bisztriczky
Gábor Tóth
Ferenc Fodor
W. Kuperberg
+ The T(4) property of families of unit disks 2008 Tibor Bisztriczky
Ferenc Fodor
Déborah Oliveros
+ Intuitive Geometry Workshop and Intuitive Geometry Day in Calgary 2007 Tibor Bisztriczky
G. Fejes
Ferenc Fodor
W. Kuperberg
+ Diszkrét geometria és geometriai algebra = Discrete geometry and geometric algebra 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
Ferenc Fodor
+ A new lower bound on the surface area of a Voronoi polyhedron 2006 Gergely Ambrus
Ferenc Fodor
+ Calgary Workshop in Discrete Geometry (Friday, May 13, 2005 to Saturday, May 14, 2005) 2006 Balázs Csikós
Ferenc Fodor
Déborah Oliveros
+ A Helly-type transversal theorem for n-dimensional unit balls 2006 Gergely Ambrus
András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
+ A transversal property of families of eight or nine unit disks 2006 Tibor Bisztriczky
Ferenc Fodor
Déborah Oliveros
+ Large transversals to small families of unit disks 2005 Tibor Bisztriczky
Ferenc Fodor
Déborah Oliveros
+ The densest packing of 13 congruent circles in a circle. 2003 Ferenc Fodor
+ On convex polygons of maximal width 2000 András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
+ Minimal Diameter of Certain Sets in the Plane 1999 András Bezdek
Ferenc Fodor
+ Linear Spaces and Partitioning the Projective Plane 1997 Ferenc Fodor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ Stochastic and Integral Geometry 2008 Rolf Schneider
Wolfgang Weil
+ PDF Chat Random points and lattice points in convex bodies 2008 Imre Bárány
+ PDF Chat �ber die konvexe H�lle von n zuf�llig gew�hlten Punkten 1963 A. R�nyi
Robert A. Sulanke
+ PDF Chat Ball-Polyhedra 2007 Károly Bezdek
Zsolt Lángi
Márton Naszódi
Peter Papez
+ Convex and Discrete Geometry 2007 Peter M. Gruber
+ Mean width of random polytopes in a reasonably smooth convex body 2009 Károly J. Böröczky
Ferenc Fodor
Matthias Reitzner
Viktor Vígh
+ Convex Bodies The Brunn-MinkowskiTheory 2013 Rolf Schneider
+ Random polytopes and the Efron--Stein jackknife inequality 2003 Matthias Reitzner
+ �ber die konvexe H�lle von n zuf�llig gew�hlten Punkten. II 1964 A. R�nyi
Robert A. Sulanke
+ Convex and Discrete Geometry 2007 9
+ Stochastic Geometry 1993 Wolfgang Weil
John André Wieacker
+ The convex hull of a random set of points 1965 B. Efron
+ ZufÄllige konvexe Polygone in einem Ringgebiet 1968 A. Rényi
Robert A. Sulanke
+ PDF Chat On Random Disc Polygons in Smooth Convex Discs 2014 Ferenc Fodor
Péter Kevei
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Handbook of discrete and computational geometry 1998 7
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies, economic cap coverings, random polytopes 1988 Imre Bárány
D. G. Larman
+ Discrete Aspects of Stochastic Geometry 2004 Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Random polytopes in smooth convex bodies 1992 Imre Bárány
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for random polytopes 2005 Matthias Reitzner
+ PDF Chat Volume Inequalities for Subspaces of L p 2004 Erwin Lutwak
Deane Yang
Gaoyong Zhang
+ Ball polytopes and the Vázsonyi problem 2009 Yaakov S. Kupitz
Hervé Martini
Micha A. Perles
+ The Jackknife Estimate of Variance 1981 B. Efron
C. Stein
+ Stochastical approximation of smooth convex bodies 2004 Matthias Reitzner
+ PDF Chat The Mean Width of Circumscribed Random Polytopes 2010 Károly J. Böröczky
Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Random Polytopes and Affine Surface Area 1994 Carsten Schütt
+ PDF Chat Ball and spindle convexity with respect to a convex body 2012 Zsolt Lángi
Márton Naszódi
István Talata
+ Central limit theorems for random polytopes in a smooth convex set 2005 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Dowker-type theorems for hyperconvex discs 2015 Gábor Tóth
Ferenc Fodor
+ PDF Chat An arithmetic proof of John’s ellipsoid theorem 2005 Peter M. Gruber
Franz E. Schuster
+ Recent Results on Random Polytopes 2008 Rolf Schneider
+ Intrinsic volumes andf-vectors of random polytopes 1989 Imre Bárány
+ PDF Chat Volume Ratios and a Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality 1991 Keith Ball
+ Absolute and Unconditional Convergence in Normed Linear Spaces 1950 A Dvoretzky
C. Rogers
+ PDF Chat On the variance of random polytopes 2010 Imre Bárány
Matthias Reitzner
+ The gamma function 1964 Emil Artin
Michael R. Butler
+ Selected Affine Isoperimetric Inequalities 1993 Erwin Lutwak
+ Disc-polygonal approximations of planar spindle convex sets 2012 Ferenc Fodor
Viktor Vígh
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Isotropic Convex Bodies 2014 Silouanos Brazitikos
Apostolos Giannopoulos
Petros Valettas
Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou
+ Expectation of random polytopes 1996 Peter M. Gruber
+ PDF Chat Shadows of convex bodies 1991 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat Interpolating Thin-Shell and Sharp Large-Deviation Estimates for Lsotropic Log-Concave Measures 2011 Olivier Guédon
Emanuel Milman
+ A refined Brunn–Minkowski inequality for convex sets 2009 Alessio Figalli
Francesco Maggi
Aldo Pratelli
+ Helly, Radon, and Carathéodory Type Theorems 1993 Jürgen Eckhoff
+ Contributions to affine surface area 1996 Daniel Hug
+ PDF Chat Volume inequalities for isotropic measures 2007 Erwin Lutwak
Deane Yang
Gaoyong Zhang
+ PDF Chat The Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals 2007 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ Gaussian kernels have only Gaussian maximizers 1990 Élliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat Random polytopes in a convex body 1980 Rolf Schneider
John Andr� Wieacker
+ PDF Chat Ellipsoids of maximal volume in convex bodies 1992 Keith Ball