H. Hassanabadi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Influences of modified Chaplygin dark fluid around a black hole 2024 S. Zare
L. M. Nieto
F. Hosseinifar
Xing-Hui Feng
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic topology of phantom AdS black holes in massive gravity 2024 Hao Chen
Di Wu
Meng-Yao Zhang
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ PDF Chat Thermal, topological, and scattering effects of an AdS charged black hole with an antisymmetric tensor background 2024 Hao Chen
M. Y. Zhang
A. A. Araújo Filho
F. Hosseinifar
H. Hassanabadi
+ Shadows, rings and optical appearance of a magnetically charged regular black hole illuminated by various accretion disks 2024 Soroush Zare
L. M. Nieto
Xing-Hui Feng
Shi‐Hai Dong
H. Hassanabadi
+ Thermodynamic topology of Kerr-Sen black holes via Rényi statistics 2024 Meng-Yao Zhang
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ PDF Chat Influences of modified Chaplygin dark fluid around a black hole 2024 S. Zare
L. M. Nieto
F. Hosseinifar
Xing-Hui Feng
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Shadows, greybody factors, emission rate, topological charge, and phase transitions for a charged black hole with a Kalb-Ramond field background 2024 F. Hosseinifar
A. A. Araújo Filho
M. Y. Zhang
Hong Chen
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Fermions with Electric Dipole Moment in curved spacetime 2024 A. A. Araújo Filho
H. Hassanabadi
J. A. A. S. Reis
Letícia Lisboa-Santos
+ PDF Chat Shadows, rings and optical appearance of a magnetically charged regular black hole illuminated by various accretion disks 2024 Soroush Zare
Luis M. Nieto
Xing-Hui Feng
Shi‐Hai Dong
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Exploring antisymmetric tensor effects on black hole shadows and quasinormal frequencies 2024 A. A. Araújo Filho
J. A. A. S. Reis
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic topology of Phantom AdS Black Holes in Massive Gravity 2024 Hao Chen
Di Wu
Meng-Yao Zhang
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ PDF Chat Topology of dyonic AdS black holes with quasitopological electromagnetism in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity 2024 Hao Chen
Meng-Yao Zhang
H. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ PDF Chat Accelerating AdS black holes in gravity’s rainbow 2024 B. Eslam Panah
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ The q-deformed Schrödinger equation based on the q-map: one dimensional case 2024 Won Sang Chung
Shi‐Hai Dong
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat The q-deformed heat equation and q-deformed difiusion equation with q-translation symmetry 2024 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior and Joule-Thomson expansion of charged AdS black holes surrounded by exotic fluid with modified Chaplygin equation of state 2024 Meng-Yao Zhang
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ PDF Chat Gravitational traces of bumblebee gravity in metric–affine formalism 2023 A. A. Araújo Filho
H. Hassanabadi
N. Heidari
Jan Křı́ž
Soroush Zare
+ The Dunkl oscillator on a space of nonconstant curvature: An exactly solvable quantum model with reflections 2023 Ángel Ballesteros
Amene Najafizade
H. Panahi
H. Hassanabadi
Shi‐Hai Dong
+ Pursuing Ramsauer-townsend effect in quaternionic relativistic quantum mechanics 2023 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics on a circle with a finite number of α-uniformly distributed points 2023 Won Sang Chung
Ilyas Haouam
H. Hassanabadi
+ Fractal–fractional order stochastic chaotic model: A synchronization study 2023 T. Sathiyaraj
Hao Chen
N. Ramesh Babu
H. Hassanabadi
+ Thermal properties of the q-deformed spin-one DKP oscillator 2023 Abdelmalek Boumali
Abdelmalek Bouzenada
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ Investigation of the generalised Wigner–Dunkl harmonic oscillator and its coherent states 2023 P. Sedaghatnia
H. Hassanabadi
Georg Junker
Jan Křı́ž
S. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a quantum ring modified by Lorentz violation 2023 A. A. Araújo Filho
H. Hassanabadi
J. A. A. S. Reis
L Lisboa-Santos
+ PDF Chat Dark matter spike around Bumblebee black holes 2023 Salvatore Capozziello
S. Zare
David F. Mota
H. Hassanabadi
+ DKP Equation in the q-deformed Quantum Mechanics 2023 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat Approximate Analytical Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation with Hulthén Potential in the Global Monopole Spacetime 2023 Saulo S. Alves
Márcio M. Cunha
H. Hassanabadi
Edilberto O. Silva
+ Exact solutions of the generalized Dunkl oscillator in the Cartesian system 2023 Shi‐Hai Dong
L. F. Quezada
Won Sang Chung
P. Sedaghatnia
H. Hassanabadi
+ Thermodynamics and evaporation of a modified Schwarzschild black hole in a non–commutative gauge theory 2023 A. A. Araújo Filho
S. Zare
P. J. Porfírio
Jan Křı́ž
H. Hassanabadi
+ Realization of the Wigner–Heisenberg algebra through generalized momentum operators 2023 Won Sang Chung
Axel Schulze‐Halberg
H. Hassanabadi
+ Approximate analytical solutions of the Schrödinger equation with Hulthén potential in the global monopole spacetime 2023 Saulo S. Alves
Márcio M. Cunha
H. Hassanabadi
Edilberto O. Silva
+ Quantum mechanics on a circle with a finite number of α-uniformly distributed points 2023 Won Sang Chung
Ilyas Haouam
H. Hassanabadi
+ Behavior of the Feshbach-Villars oscillator (FVO) in Gürses space-time under Coulomb-type potential 2023 Abdelmalek Bouzenada
Abdelmalek Boumali
Omar Mustafa
H. Hassanabadi
+ Topology of nonlinearly charged black hole chemistry via massive gravity 2023 Meng-Yao Zhang
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ Fermions with Electric Dipole Moment in curved spacetime 2023 A. A. Araújo Filho
H. Hassanabadi
J. A. A. S. Reis
Letícia Lisboa-Santos
+ Exploring Non--commutativity as a Perturbation in the Schwarzschild Black Hole: Quasinormal Modes, Scattering, and Shadows 2023 N. Heidari
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Araújo Filho
J. Kuríuz
+ PDF Chat Exploring Non--Commutativity as a Perturbation in the Schwarzschild Black Hole: Quasinormal Modes, Scattering, and Shadows 2023 N. Heidari
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Araújo Filho
John Kriz
+ Exploring antisymmetric tensor effects on black hole shadows and quasinormal frequencies 2023 A. A. Araújo Filho
J. A. A. S. Reis
H. Hassanabadi
+ Testing bumblebee gravity with global monopoles in a dark matter spike by EHT observations from M87 and Sgr A 2023 Salvatore Capozziello
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ Thermodynamic topology of Kerr-Sen black holes via Rényi statistics 2023 Meng-Yao Zhang
Xuejiao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ Relativistic particles in curved space with a static metric using the Dunkl derivative in the Dirac operator 2022 P. Sedaghatnia
H. Hassanabadi
A. D. Alhaidari
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat Joule-Thomson expansion of charged dilatonic black holes* 2022 Meng-Yao Zhang
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ Robustness of Tsallis statistics to describe relativistic electrons in Hartmann potential 2022 E. Mohammadikhabaz
Behzad Lari
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Relativistic solutions of generalized-Dunkl harmonic and anharmonic oscillators 2022 S. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Quantum corrections to the quasinormal modes of the Schwarzschild black hole 2022 Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ PDF Chat The q-deformed heat equation and q-deformed diffusion equation with q-translation symmetry 2022 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
+ PDF Chat Conformable fractional heat equation with fractional translation symmetry in both time and space 2022 Won Sang Chung
Afşin Güngör
Jan Křı́ž
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Conformable fractional heat equation with fractional translation symmetry in both time and space 2022 Won Sang Chung
Afşin Güngör
Jan Křı́ž
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
H. Hassanabadi
+ Exact Solution of (2+1)-Dimensional Noncommutative Pauli Equation in a Time-Dependent Background 2022 Ilyas Haouam
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat The influence of Aharonov–Casher effect on the generalized Dirac oscillator in the cosmic string space-time 2022 Hao Chen
Zheng‐Wen Long
Chao‐Yun Long
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ Investigation of Some Quantum Mechanics Problems with κ-Translation Symmetry 2022 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering state study of fermions due to q-deformed Dirac delta potential 2022 N. Heidari
H. Hassanabadi
W. S. Chung
+ Conformable fractional wave equation and conformable fractional KdV equation from the ordinary Newton equation with deformed translational symmetry 2022 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Jan Křı́ž
+ Investigation of two-electron quantum dot in a magnetic field by using of quasi-exact-solvable method 2022 M Goudarzi
Javad Karamdel
H. Hassanabadi
Sh. Zorriasatein
+ Modified Dirac delta function and modified dirac delta potential in the quantum mechanics 2022 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Supersymmetric Wigner-Dunkl Quantum Mechanics 2022 Shi-Hai Dong
Won Sang Chung
Georg Junker
H. Hassanabadi
+ Supersymmetric Wigner-Dunkl Quantum Mechanics 2022 Shi-Hai Dong
Won Sang Chung
Georg Junker
H. Hassanabadi
+ Joule-Thomson expansion of charged dilatonic black holes 2022 Meng-Yao Zhang
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Hui Yang
+ Thermodynamics of a quantum ring modified by Lorentz violation 2022 A. A. Araújo Filho
H. Hassanabadi
J. A. A. S. Reis
Letícia Lisboa-Santos
+ Energy corrections of the two dimensional Dunkl harmonic oscillator in the Non-Commutative phase-space 2022 S. Hassanabadi
P. Sedaghatnia
Won Sang Chung
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Jan Křı́ž
H. Hassanabadi
+ Lorentz violation in a family of $(1+2)$-dimensional wormhole 2022 Soroush Zare
M. de Montigny
Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
+ Quantum corrections to the quasinormal modes of the Schwarzschild black hole 2022 Hao Chen
H. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ The Dunkl oscillator on a space of nonconstant curvature: an exactly solvable quantum model with reflections 2022 Ángel Ballesteros
Amene Najafizade
H. Panahi
H. Hassanabadi
Shi‐Hai Dong
+ Thermal properties of the one-dimensional space quantum fractional Dirac Oscillator 2021 Nabil Korichi
Abdelmalek Boumali
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Interaction of the generalized Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation with a non-minimal coupling under the cosmic rainbow gravity 2021 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
S. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
+ PDF Chat Decay properties of beauty and charm mesons within Isgur–Wise function formalism 2021 C. W. Xiao
S. Rahmani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild and Reissner–Nordström black holes under higher-order generalized uncertainty principle 2021 S. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
Won Sang Chung
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
E. Maghsoodi
H. Hassanabadi
+ Interaction of the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation with a non-minimal coupling under the cosmic rainbow gravity 2021 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
S. Hassanabadi
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
+ Exact solutions to generalized Dunkl oscillator and its thermodynamic properties 2021 Shi‐Hai Dong
Wenhua Huang
Won Sang Chung
P. Sedaghatnia
H. Hassanabadi
+ Dunkl–Maxwell equation and Dunkl-electrostatics in a spherical coordinate 2021 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Zp-Graded Wigner Algebra : Coherent States and Thermodynamics 2021 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau particles in the presence of the spiral dislocation 2021 S. Hassanabadi
Soroush Zare
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Jan Křı́ž
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat DKP oscillator in the presence of a spinning cosmic string 2021 Yi Yang
H. Hassanabadi
Hao Chen
Zheng‐Wen Long
+ PDF Chat Resolution of the spin paradox in the Nilsson model 2021 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Dennis Bonatsos
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear optical properties in spherical quantum dots: Inversely quadratic Hellmann potential 2021 Levente Máthé
Chibueze P. Onyenegecha
A.-A. Farcaş
L.-M. Pioraş-Ţimbolmaş
M. Solaimani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Resolution of the spin paradox in the Nilsson model 2021 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Dennis Bonatsos
+ New research based on the new high-order generalized uncertainty principle for Klein–Gordon equation 2021 Zi-Long Zhao
H. Hassanabadi
Zheng‐Wen Long
Qi-Kang Ran
Hao Wu
+ New deformed Heisenberg algebra with reflection operator 2021 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ A new fractional mechanics based on fractional addition 2021 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
+ Resolution of the spin paradox in the Nilsson model 2021 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Dennis Bonatsos
+ Linear and nonlinear optical properties in spherical quantum dots: Inversely quadratic Hellmann potential 2020 Levente Máthé
Chibueze P. Onyenegecha
L.-M. Pioraş-Ţimbolmaş
M. Solaimani
H. Hassanabadi
A.-A. Farcaş
+ The time independent fractional Schrödinger equation with position-dependent mass 2020 Narges Jamshir
Behzad Lari
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Hawking temperature of black holes using the EUP and EGUP formalisms based on the Einstein-Bohr's photon box 2020 Nasrin Farahani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
S. Zarrinkamar
+ PDF Chat Electric quadrupole moment of a neutral non-relativistic particle in the presence of screw dislocation 2020 H. Hassanabadi
Soroush Zare
Jan Křı́ž
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
+ The investigation of classical particle in the presence of fractional calculus 2020 Won Sang Chung
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
E. Maghsoodi
+ PDF Chat Interaction of the magnetic quadrupole moment of a non-relativistic particle with an electric field in the background of screw dislocations with a rotating frame 2020 B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Jan Křı́ž
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat The generalized Klein–Gordon oscillator in a cosmic space-time with a space-like dislocation and the Aharonov–Bohm effect 2020 B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Jan Křı́ž
P. Sedaghatnia
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Shell model structure of proxy-SU(3) pairs of orbitals 2020 Dennis Bonatsos
Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Shell model structure of proxy-SU(3) pairs of orbitals. 2020 Dennis Bonatsos
Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Even and Odd Coherent States of Wigner Algebra 2020 Won Sang Chung
Jan Křı́ž
H. Hassanabadi
+ Newton equation and Schrödinger equation for the harmonic oscillator with probability distributions in frequency 2020 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
Jan Křı́ž
+ PDF Chat Deviation of inverse square law based on Dunkl derivative: deformed Coulomb’s law 2020 Y. Kim
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Investigation of Unruh temperature of black holes by using the EGUP formalism 2020 H. Hassanabadi
Nasrin Farahani
Won Sang Chung
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
+ The effect of fractional calculus on the formation of quantum‐mechanical operators 2020 Won Sang Chung
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
+ PDF Chat The Wigner-Dunkl-Newton mechanics with time-reversal symmetry 2020 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Solutions of Schrodinger equation for the modified Mobius square plus Kratzer potential 2020 Chibueze P. Onyenegecha
C. A. Onate
O. K. Echendu
Amarachukwu A. Ibe
H. Hassanabadi
+ Investigation of Heisenberg algebra for a modified anti-de Sitter and modified anti-Snyder models 2020 Nasrin Farahani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
L. Naderi
+ Parafermion theory from the q-deformed algebra with q a root of unity 2020 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Study of Spin-1 Particles Scattering and Bound States in the q-Deformed Quantum Mechanics 2020 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ Decay properties of beauty and charm mesons within Isgur-Wise function formalism 2020 C. W. Xiao
S. Rahmani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Shell model structure of proxy-SU(3) pairs of orbitals 2020 Dennis Bonatsos
Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ q-deformed Quantum Mechanics with q-translation Symmetry and Supersymmetric q-deformed Quantum Mechanics 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Interaction of the magnetic quadrupole moment of a non-relativistic particle with an electric field in a rotating frame 2019 H. Hassanabadi
M. de Montigny
M. Hosseinpour
+ PDF Chat Spin-0 system of DKP equation in the background of a flat class of Gödel-type spacetime 2019 Faizuddin Ahmed
H. Hassanabadi
+ q-deformed Gamma function, q-deformed probability distributions and q-deformed statistical physics based on Tsallis’s q-exponential function 2019 Seohyeon Kim
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ <i>φ</i>-deformed boson algebra based on <i>φ</i>-deformed addition and non-classical properties of <i>φ</i>-deformed coherent states 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Deformed classical mechanics with α-deformed translation symmetry and anomalous diffusion 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ A correct way to determine the mean occupation numbers for the q-deformed boson algebras 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Investigation of fractional harmonic oscillator canonical ensemble in the q-deformed super-statistic 2019 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ q-Deformed oscillator algebra in fermionic and bosonic limits 2019 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
A. N. Ikot
+ One-dimensional quantum mechanics with Dunkl derivative 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Coherent States of the Generalized Heisenberg Algebra with $$\varvec{k-1}$$ Isolated States 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Reply to comment on “Approximate analytical versus numerical solutions of Schrödinger equation under molecular Hua potential” 2019 H. Hassanabadi
B. H. Yazarloo
S. Zarrinkamar
M. Solaimani
+ Superstatistics with symmetric distribution function: Discrete and continuous local temperatures 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat The Dirac oscillator in a spinning cosmic string spacetime 2019 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
M. de Montigny
+ Investigation of DKP equation for spin-0 system in a class of flat G\"{o}del-type space-time backgrounds 2019 Faizuddin Ahmed
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Specific heat and thermal entanglement in an open quantum system 2019 Behzad Lari
H. Hassanabadi
+ On the Position Representation of Pedram’s Higher Order GUP 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ The κ-deformed boson algebra and parafermion algebra 2019 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Analysis of black hole thermodynamics under Generalized uncertainty principle from the doubly special relativity 2019 E. Maghsoodi
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chungb
+ The DKP Oscillator in Spinning Cosmic String Background 2018 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
+ The DKP oscillator in spinning cosmic string background. 2018 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
+ Superstatistics with q-deformed Dirac delta distribution and interacting gas model 2018 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Observation of ultra-fine structures in energy levels of prolate nuclei 2018 H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
+ New generalized uncertainty principle from the doubly special relativity 2018 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Effect of the Wigner–Dunkl algebra on the Dirac equation and Dirac harmonic oscillator 2018 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ Superstatistics properties of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" overflow="scroll" id="d1e221" altimg="si4.gif"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-deformed Morse potential in one dimension 2018 H. Hassanabadi
S. Sargolzaeipor
Won Sang Chung
+ Investigation of the Dirac Equation by Using the Conformable Fractional Derivative 2018 Fatemeh Mozaffari
H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
+ On the Conformable Fractional Quantum Mechanics 2018 Fatemeh Mozaffari
H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
+ Superstatistics of the Klein–Gordon equation in deformed formalism for modified Dirac delta distribution 2018 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ Study of the statistical physics bases on superstatistics from the $\beta$ β -fluctuated to the T-fluctuated form 2018 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ Superstatistics with different kinds of distributions in the deformed formalism 2018 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat Effects of cosmic-string framework on the thermodynamical properties of anharmonic oscillator using the ordinary statistics and the q-deformed superstatistics approaches 2018 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat The DKP oscillator with a linear interaction in the cosmic string space-time 2018 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
Fabiano M. Andrade
+ A New Model for Calculating the Ground and Excited States Masses Spectra of Doubly Heavy Baryons 2018 Neda Mohajery
Nasrin Salehi
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Scattering Study of Fermions due to Double Dirac Delta Potential in Quaternionic Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 2018 H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
+ The DKP oscillator in spinning cosmic string background 2018 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
+ Investigation of spin-zero bosons in q-deformed relativistic quantum mechanics 2017 Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ On the <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="mml8" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si8.gif"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-deformed fermion algebra: Thermodynamics of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="mml9" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si8.gif"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-fermion gas 2017 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Mass spectra of meson molecular states for heavy and light sectors 2017 S. Rahmani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Relativistic scattering of fermions in quaternionic quantum mechanics 2017 H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
A. Banerjee
+ Investigation of the Ramsauer-Townsend effect in q-deformed quantum mechanics and simulation by double Dirac delta potential 2017 Won Sang Chung
Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering Study of Fermions Due to Double Dirac Delta Potential in Quaternionic Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 2017 H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
+ Statistical properties of the <i>q</i>-deformed relativistic Dirac oscillator in minimal length quantum mechanics 2017 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ PDF Chat Theoretical approaches to alpha decay half-lives of super-heavy nuclei 2017 S. S. Hosseini
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Observations of the Ramsauer–Townsend effect in quaternionic quantum mechanics 2017 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ New face of Ramsauer–Townsend effect by using a Quaternionic double Dirac potential 2017 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Scattering and bound states for the Hulthén potential in a cosmic string background 2017 M. Hosseinpour
Fabiano M. Andrade
Edilberto O. Silva
H. Hassanabadi
+ Morse potential of the q-deformed in the Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation 2017 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Abdelmalek Boumali
+ Investigation of Conformable Fractional Schrödinger Equation in Presence of Killingbeck and Hyperbolic Potentials 2017 Won Sang Chung
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ The q-deformed Dirac oscillator in the presence of a magnetic field in (1+2)-dimensions in Noncommutative phase space 2017 S. Sargolzaeipor
H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
+ f-Deformed Boson Algebra Related to Gentile Statistics 2017 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering study of a modified cusp potential in conformable fractional formalism 2017 Won Sang Chung
S. Zarrinkamar
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M1"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-Deformed Relativistic Fermion Scattering 2017 Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Q-deformed Morse and Oscillator potential 2017 H. Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
Soroush Zare
S. B. Bhardwaj
+ Scattering Study of Fermions Due to Double Dirac Delta Potential in Quaternionic Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 2017 H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
+ $q$-Deformed Relativistic Fermion Scattering 2016 Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ Dynamics of a Particle in a Viscoelastic Medium with Conformable Derivative 2016 Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Klein-Gordon equation particles in exponential-type molecule potentials and their thermodynamic properties in D dimensions 2016 A. N. Ikot
B. C. Lütfüoğlu
Marcel I. Ngwueke
M. E. Udoh
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ The statistical properties of the q-deformed Dirac oscillator in one and two-dimensions 2016 Abdelmalek Boumali
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Scattering states of Dirac particle equation with position-dependent mass under the cusp potential 2016 M. Chabab
A. El Batoul
H. Hassanabadi
M. Oulne
Soroush Zare
+ Effects of Coulomb-like potential on γ-rigid prolate nuclei considering minimal length formalism 2016 M. Alimohammadi
H. Hassanabadi
Hadi Sobhani
+ Relativistic Dirac-attractive radial problem with Yukawa-like tensor interaction via SUSYQM 2016 A. N. Ikot
S. Zarrinkamar
Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ Properties of Quasi-Oscillator in Position-Dependent Mass Formalism 2016 Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ Dirac equation with some time-dependent electromagnetic terms 2016 K. Saeedi
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ The Effects of the modified scalar product on the properties of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with energy-dependent potential 2016 Abdelmalek Boumali
Samia Dilmi
H. Hassanabadi
Soroush Zare
+ Davydov–Chaban Hamiltonian in presence of time-dependent potential 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Shannon information entropies for the three-dimensional Klein-Gordon problem with the Poschl-Teller potential 2016 M. Ghafourian
H. Hassanabadi
+ On the Study of Non-Relativistic Spin Half-Integer Systems 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Bound and Scattering State of Position Dependent Mass Klein–Gordon Equation with Hulthen Plus Deformed-Type Hyperbolic Potential 2016 A. N. Ikot
H. P. Obong
T Abbey
Soroush Zare
M. Ghafourian
H. Hassanabadi
+ Relativistic Symmetries in the Dirac Equation for an Eight-parameter Exponential-type Potential 2016 H. P. Obong
A. N. Ikot
Israel O. Owate
H. Hassanabadi
+ Study of Time Evolution for Approximation of Two-Body Spinless-Salpeter Equation 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Study of Time Evolution for Approximation of Two-Body Spinless Salpeter Equation in Presence of Time-Dependent Interaction 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation in curved space-time with scalar linear interactions 2016 H. Hassanabadi
M. Hosseinpour
M. de Montigny
+ Investigation of Free Particle Propagator with Generalized Uncertainty Problem 2016 F. Ghobakhloo
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering states of position-dependent mass Schrödinger equation with non central potential 2016 M. Chabab
A. El Batoul
H. Hassanabadi
M. Oulne
Soroush Zare
+ Commutative vs. Noncommutative Space Statistical Properties of Two-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator in Magnetic Field 2016 H. Hassanabadi
Z. Derakhshani
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Scattering states of Dirac particle equation with position dependent mass under the cusp potential 2016 M. Chabab
A. El Batoul
H. Hassanabadi
M. Oulne
Soroush Zare
+ Study of Time Evolution for Approximation of Two-Body Spinless-Salpeter Equation In Presence of Time-Dependent Interaction 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Properties of Quasi-Oscillator in Position-Dependent Mass Formalism 2016 Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Effects of the Minimal Length on the Thermal Properties of a Two-dimensional Dirac Oscillator 2016 Abdelmalek Boumali
L. Chétouani
H. Hassanabadi
+ $q$-Deformed Relativistic Fermion Scattering 2016 Hadi Sobhani
Won Sang Chung
H. Hassanabadi
+ On the Study of Non-Relativistic Spin Half-Integer Systems 2016 Hadi Sobhani
H. Hassanabadi
+ The Effects of the modified scalar product on the properties of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with energy-dependent potential 2016 Abdelmalek Boumali
Samia Dilmi
H. Hassanabadi
Soroush Zare
+ Properties of Quasi-Oscillator in Position-Dependent Mass Formalism 2016 Soroush Zare
H. Hassanabadi
+ The statistical properties of the q-deformed Dirac oscillator in one and two-dimensions 2016 Abdelmalek Boumali
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat DKP equation in a rotating frame with magnetic cosmic string background 2015 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering state of the multiparameter potential with an improved approximation for the centrifugal term in <scp><i>D</i></scp>‐dimensions 2015 A. N. Ikot
Eno J. Ibanga
H. Hassanabadi
+ Scattering states of Dirac equation in the presence of cosmic string for Coulomb interaction 2015 M. Hosseinpour
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Exact Solutions of the (2+1)-Dimensional Dirac Oscillator under a Magnetic Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length in the Non-commutative Phase Space 2015 Abdelmalek Boumali
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat A new model for calculating the binding energy of the lithium nucleus under the generalized Yukawa potential and Hellmann potential 2015 M. Ghazvini
Nasrin Salehi
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Rajabi
+ PDF Chat Bound States of Spinless Particles in a Short-Range Potential 2015 H. Hassanabadi
Antonio S. de Castro
+ DKP Equation in a Rotating Frame with Magnetic Cosmic String Background 2015 H. Hassanabadi
M. Hosseinpour
+ Bound and scattering state of position dependent mass Klein-Gordon equation with Hulthen plus deformed-type hyperbolic potential 2015 A. N. Ikot
H. P. Obong
T Abbey
M. Ghafourian
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Scattering State of Klein-Gordon Particles by q-Parameter Hyperbolic Poschl-Teller Potential 2015 A. N. Ikot
Hillary P. Obong
Israel O. Owate
M. C. Onyeaju
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat The exact solutions of a (2 + 1)-dimensional Dirac oscillator under a magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length 2014 Abdelmalek Boumali
H. Hassanabadi
+ Relativistic Fermi-Gas Model for Nucleus 2014 H. Hassanabadi
A. Armat
L. Naderi
+ PDF Chat The semileptonic $$\bar{B}\rightarrow D\ell \bar{\nu }$$ B ¯ → D ℓ ν ¯ and $$\bar{B}_s \rightarrow D_s \ell \bar{\nu }$$ B ¯ s → D s ℓ ν ¯ decays in Isgur–Wise approach 2014 H. Hassanabadi
S. Rahmani
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Dirac equation under Hellmann potential as pseudoscalar potential 2014 A. N. Ikot
Sunday Edet Etuk
H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Approximate solutions of Dirac equation for Tietz and general Manning-Rosen potentials using SUSYQM 2014 A. N. Ikot
H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
S. Zarrinkamar
+ The Linear Interaction in Noncommutative Space; Both Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Cases 2014 H. Hassanabadi
S. S. Hosseini
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Symmetry limits of (D+1)-dimensional Dirac equation with Möbius square potential 2014 A. N. Ikot
B. H. Yazarloo
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ Analytical Approximate Solution of Schrödinger Equation in <i>D</i> Dimensions with Quadratic Exponential-Type Potential for Arbitrary <i>l</i> -State 2014 A. N. Ikot
Oladunjoye A. Awoga
H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
+ PDF Chat Solution of Dirac Equation with Modified Hylleraas Potential under Spin and Pseudospin Symmetry 2014 A. N. Ikot
E. Maghsoodi
Oladunjoye O. Awoga
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation under Hartmann ring-shaped potential 2014 H. Hassanabadi
Mehdi Kamali
Z. Molaee
S. Zarrinkamar
+ The study of spin-1/2 fermions in noncommutative formalism 2014 H. Hassanabadi
Z. Derakhshani
Nasrin Salehi
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Solutions of the Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau Equation Under a Vector Hellman Potential 2014 A. N. Ikot
H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
B. H. Yazarloo
+ Quasi-Maxwell equation for spin-1 particles 2014 Ali Moradzadeh
H. Hassanabadi
+ Solution of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation for two new terms via the Adomian decomposition method 2014 Habibollah Ghasemi
M. Ghovatmand
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ Harmonic Oscillator in Relativistic Minimal Length Quantum Mechanics 2014 H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Improved variational approach in semileptonic decay of B meson for the Cornell potential 2014 S. Rahmani
H. Hassanabadi
+ On Remarks on the spin-one Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation in the presence of nonminimal vector interactions in (3+1) dimensions 2014 H. Hassanabadi
Z. Molaee
Mehrdad Ghominejad
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Harmonic Oscillator in Relativistic Minimal Length Quantum Mechanics 2014 H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
E. Maghsoodi
+ Exact solutions of spin-one DKP equation under Kratzer potential in (1 + 2) dimensions 2013 H. Hassanabadi
Z. Molaee
S. Zarrinkamar
Mehrdad Ghominejad
+ Approximate solutions of Dirac equation with a ring-shaped Woods-Saxon potential by Nikiforov-Uvarov method 2013 H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
S. Zarrinkamar
+ Wheeler–DeWitt Equation with a Screened-Coulomb Dilation Potential 2013 S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Rajabi
+ The nonrelativistic oscillator strength of a hyperbolic-type potential 2013 H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
B. H. Yazarloo
+ Solutions of the Duffin—Kemmer—Petiau equation in the presence of Hulthén potential in (1+2) dimensions for unity spin particles using the asymptotic iteration method 2013 Z. Molaee
M. K. Bahar
F. Yasuk
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Approximate <i>κ</i>-state solutions to the Dirac Mobius square – Yukawa and Mobius square – quasi Yukawa problems under pseudospin and spin symmetry limits with Coulomb-like tensor interaction 2013 A. N. Ikot
E. Maghsoodi
Akaninyene D. Antia
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ DKP equation under scalar and vector Cornell interactions 2013 H. Hassanabadi
B. H. Yazarloo
S. Zarrinkamar
A. A. Rajabi
+ Cusp potential for anisotropically expanding homogeneous high-dimension spaces 2013 S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Rajabi
+ Two-dimensional Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau oscillator under an external magnetic field 2013 Abdelmalek Boumali
L. Chétouani
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat DKP equation under scalar and vector Kratzer potentials 2013 B. H. Yazarloo
H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
Z. Molaee
+ Scattering states of Woods–Saxon interaction in minimal length quantum mechanics 2012 H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
E. Maghsoodi
+ Dirac particles in the presence of the Yukawa potential plus a tensor interaction in SUSYQM framework 2012 E. Maghsoodi
H. Hassanabadi
Oktay Aydoğdu
+ Dirac equation for generalized Pöschl-Teller scalar and vector potentials and a Coulomb tensor interaction by Nikiforov-Uvarov method 2012 H. Hassanabadi
E. Maghsoodi
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Rahimov
+ The rotation–vibration spectrum of diatomic molecules with the Tietz–Hua rotating oscillator and approximation scheme to the centrifugal term 2012 M. Hamzavi
A. A. Rajabi
H. Hassanabadi
+ PDF Chat Spin-One DKP Equation in the Presence of Coulomb and Harmonic Oscillator Interactions in (1+3)-Dimension 2012 H. Hassanabadi
Z. Molaee
Mehrdad Ghominejad
S. Zarrinkamar
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Analytical Solutions of DKP Equation under the Deng-Fan Interaction 2012 S. Hassanabadi
A. A. Rajabi
B. H. Yazarloo
S. Zarrinkamar
H. Hassanabadi
+ Exact Solutions of <i>D</i> -Dimensional Schrödinger Equation for an Energy-Dependent Potential by NU Method 2011 H. Hassanabadi
S. Zarrinkamar
A. A. Rajabi
+ Approximate Pseudospin Solutions of the Dirac Equation with the Eckart Potential Including a Coulomb-Like Tensor Potential 2010 M. Hamzavi
H. Hassanabadi
A. A. Rajabi
+ Dirac equation for the harmonic scalar and vector potentials and linear plus coulomb-like tensor potential; the SUSY approach 2010 S. Zarrinkamar
A. A. Rajabi
H. Hassanabadi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
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