Carlo Bardaro


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Semi‐discrete operators in multivariate setting: Convergence properties and applications 2023 Carlo Bardaro
Noemi Broccatelli
Ilaria Mantellını
Marco Seracini
+ PDF Chat Exponential sampling with a multiplier 2023 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Classical and Approximate Exponential Sampling Formula: Their Interconnections in Uniform and Mellin–Lebesgue Norms 2023 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
R. L. Stens
+ Convergence of semi-discrete exponential sampling operators in Mellin–Lebesgue spaces 2022 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Ilenia Tittarelli
+ PDF Chat Polar-Analytic Functions: Old and New Results, Applications 2022 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Boundedness properties of semi-discrete sampling operators in Mellin–Lebesgue spaces 2021 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat A Class of Integral Operators that Fix Exponential Functions 2021 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Gümrah Uysal
Başar Yılmaz
+ PDF Chat A survey on recent results in Korovkin’s approximation theory in modular spaces 2021 Ilaria Mantellını
Antonio Boccuto
Carlo Bardaro
+ PDF Chat Life and work of Domenico Candeloro: an appreciation 2020 Carlo Bardaro
Patrizia Pucci
Anna Rita Sambucını
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat On a Durrmeyer-type modification of the Exponential sampling series 2020 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat Valiron’s Interpolation Formula and a Derivative Sampling Formula in the Mellin Setting Acquired via Polar-Analytic Functions 2020 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Integration of polar-analytic functions and applications to Boas’ differentiation formula and Bernstein’s inequality in Mellin setting 2020 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Bivariate Generalized Exponential Sampling Series and Applications to Seismic Waves 2019 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Marco Seracini
+ Exponential Sampling Series: Convergence in Mellin–Lebesgue Spaces 2019 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Development of a new concept of polar analytic functions useful in Mellin analysis 2019 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ A residue theorem for polar analytic functions and Mellin analogues of Boas' differentiation formula and Valiron's sampling formula 2019 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Quadrature formulae for the positive real axis in the setting of Mellin analysis: sharp error estimates in terms of the Mellin distance 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Development of a complex function theory upon a new concept of polar-analytic functions 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Development of a complex function theory upon a new concept of polar-analytic functions; Extended version 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Quadrature formulae for the positive real axis in the setting of Mellin analysis: Sharp error estimates in terms of the Mellin distance 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Development of a complex function theory upon a new concept of polar-analytic functions; Extended version 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Quadrature formulae for the positive real axis in the setting of Mellin analysis: Sharp error estimates in terms of the Mellin distance 2018 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties 2017 Carlo Bardaro
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the Paley–Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and metric characterization of function spaces 2017 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat A fresh approach to the Paley–Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and the Mellin–Hardy spaces 2017 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ On Pointwise Approximation Properties of Multivariate Semi-discrete Sampling Type Operators 2017 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ A fresh approach to the Paley-Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and the Mellin-Hardy spaces 2017 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Mellin analysis and its basic associated metric—applications to sampling theory 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties 2016 Carlo Bardaro
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Mellin Analysis and its distance concept. Applications to sampling theory 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ On the Paley–Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Voronovskaja formulae for generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series 2016 Carlo Bardaro
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Multivariate semi-discrete sampling type operators: pointwise approximation properties 2016 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces, Approximation Theory, and Their Applications 2016 Carlo Bardaro
Ioan Raşa
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties 2016 Carlo Bardaro
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Mellin Analysis and its distance concept. Applications to sampling theory 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Multivariate generalized sampling type series: estimates of pointwise convergence 2015 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On the Paley-Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ The Mellin–Parseval formula and its interconnections with the exponential sampling theorem of optical physics 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellını
+ The Foundations of Fractional Calculus in the Mellin Transform Setting with Applications 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Triangular A-Statistical Approximation by Double Sequences of Positive Linear Operators 2015 Carlo Bardaro
Antonio Boccuto
Kami̇l Demi̇rci̇
Ilaria Mantellını
Sevda Orhan
+ PDF Chat Korovkin-Type Theorems for Modular<mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="M1"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Ψ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="M2"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-Statistical Convergence 2015 Carlo Bardaro
Antonio Boccuto
Kami̇l Demi̇rci̇
Ilaria Mantellını
Sevda Orhan
+ On the Paley-Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellini
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Generalized Sampling Approximation for Multivariate Discontinuous Signals and Applications to Image Processing 2014 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
R. L. Stens
Jörg Vautz
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Asymptotic expansion of generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series 2014 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ The foundations of fractional Mellin transform analysis 2014 P. L. Butzer
Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat The Exponential Sampling Theorem of Signal Analysis and the Reproducing Kernel Formula in the Mellin Transform Setting 2014 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On pointwise convergence of nets of Mellin-Kantorovich convolution operators 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ On Mellin convolution operators: a direct approach to the asymptotic formulae 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulae for Linear Combinations of Generalized Sampling Operators 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On Linear Combinations of Multivariate Generalized Sampling Type Series 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in modular spaces and applications 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Antonio Boccuto
Xenofon Dimitriou
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Modular filter convergence theorems for abstract sampling type operators 2012 Carlo Bardaro
Antonio Boccuto
Xenofon Dimitriou
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On Voronovskaja formula for linear combinations of Mellin–Gauss–Weierstrass operators 2012 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On the Iterates of Mellin-Fejer Convolution Operators 2012 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On Convergence Properties for a Class of Kantorovich Discrete Operators 2012 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Approximation properties for linear combinations of moment type operators 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ A note on the Voronovskaja theorem for Mellin–Fejer convolution operators 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Asymptotic formulae for multivariate Kantorovich type generalized sampling series 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ The moments of the bivariate Mellin–Picard-type kernels and applications 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Nonlinear integral operators with homogeneous kernels: pointwise approximation theorems 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
Harun Karslı
+ Asymptotic behaviour of Mellin-Fejer convolution operators 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Bivariate Mellin convolution operators: Quantitative approximation theorems 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ A quantitative asymptotic formula for a general class of discrete operators 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ A Quantitative Voronovskaya Formula for Mellin Convolution Operators 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Generalized Sampling Approximation of Bivariate Signals: Rate of Pointwise Convergence 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Prediction by Samples From the Past With Error Estimates Covering Discontinuous Signals 2010 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Voronovskaya formulae for Kantorovich type generalized sampling series 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Asymptotic formulae for bivariate discrete operators. Applications to generalized sampling seriesand Szasz-Mirak'jan type operators 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat A Voronovskaya-Type Theorem for a General Class of Discrete Operators 2009 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ A quantitative Voronovskaja formula for generalized sampling operators 2009 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat A Korovkin theorem in multivariate modular function spaces 2009 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Asymptotic formulae for bivariate Mellin convolution operators 2008 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On pointwise convergence of linear integral operators with homogeneous kernels 2008 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
Harun Karslı
+ PDF Chat Multivariate moment type operators: approximation properties in Orlicz spaces 2008 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Voronovskaya-Type Estimates for Mellin Convolution Operators 2007 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Kantorovich-Type Generalized Sampling Series in the Setting of Orlicz Spaces 2007 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
+ Korovkin theorem in modular spaces 2007 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Uniform modular integrability and convergence properties for a class of Urysohn integral operators in function spaces 2006 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Pointwise convergence theorems for nonlinear Mellin convolution operators 2006 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Estimates and superpositions of general nonlinear sampling operators and applications 2006 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Approximation properties in abstract modular spaces for a class of general sampling-type operators 2005 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Approximation error of the Whittaker cardinal series in terms of an averaged modulus of smoothness covering discontinuous signals 2005 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Regular methods of summability and abstract Urysohn type operators 2004 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On the order of BV_phi approximation of convolution integral operators over the line group 2004 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ An Abstract Approach to Sampling-Type Operators inspired by the Work of P.L.Butzer 2004 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ An Abstract Approach to Sampling-Type Operators inspired by the Work of P.L.Butzer 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Chapter 8. Uniform approximation by sampling type operators. Applications in signal analysis 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 4. Urysohn integral operators with homogeneous kernel functions. Applications to nonlinear Mellin-type convolution operators 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 7. Application to nonlinear integral equations 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 3. Approximation by convolution type operators 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 5. Summability methods by convolution-type operators 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 9. Modular approximation by sampling type operators 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Chapter 6. Nonlinear integral operators in the space BVϕ 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Nonlinear Integral Operators and Applications 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Convergence in Variation and Rates of Approximation for Bernstein-Type Polynomials and Singular Convolution Integrals 2003 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ On reconstruction of functions by means of nonlinear discrete operators 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ On some estimates for general sampling operators and approximation properties 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ On approximation properties of Urysohn integral operators 2002 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On a singularity concept for kernels of nonlinear integral operators 2002 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Urysohn integral operators with homogeneous kernel: approximation properties in modular spaces 2002 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat Approximation by Riemann sums in modular spaces 2001 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Convergence in $BV_\varphi$ by nonlinear Mellin-type convolution operators 2001 Carlo Bardaro
Sarah Sciamannini
Gianluca Vinti
+ On Nonlinear Integro-differential Operators in Generalized Orlicz–Sobolev Spaces 2000 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Nonlinear integral operators in modular Lipschitz classes: rates of modular approximation 2000 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ The work of calogero vinti in approximation theory and its impact in calculus of variations 2000 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to the paper “a general approach to the covergence theorems of generalized sampling series” 1999 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ The contribution of J. Musielak research to the theory of nonlinear integral operators 1999 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ Uniform Convergence and Rate of Approximation for a Nonlinear Version of the Generalized Sampling Operator 1998 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ On the ergodic theorem in some spaces of random variables 1998 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Some modular inequalities related to Fubini-Tonelli theorem 1998 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vinti
+ Modular approximation by sequences of nonlinear integral operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces 1998 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ A general approach to the convergence theorems of generalized sampling series 1997 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ Nonlinear operators of integral type in some function spaces 1997 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
Julian Musielak
+ A modular convergence theorem for certain nonlinear integral operators with homogeneous kernel 1997 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat Approximation by nonlinear integral operators in some modular function spaces 1996 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat Some inclusion theorems for Orlicz and Musielak-Orlicz type spaces 1995 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Modular estimates for linear operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces on groups 1995 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ Modular estimates and modular convergence for linear integral operators 1995 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ PDF Chat Some generalizations in <i>H</i>-modular spaces of Fan's best approximation theorem 1994 Carlo Bardaro
Rita Ceppitelli
+ PDF Chat Modular Convergence Theorems in Fractional Musielak-Orlicz Spaces 1994 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ General convergence theorem with respect to Cesari variation and applications 1994 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Modular Estimates of Integral Operators with Homogeneous Kernels in Orlicz Type Classes 1991 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Some estimates of certain integral operators in generalized fractional orlicz classes 1991 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ On approximation properties of certain non-convolution integral operators 1990 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Fixed point theorems and vector valued minimax theorems 1990 Carlo Bardaro
Rita Ceppitelli
+ Modular convergence in generalized orlicz spaces for moment type operators 1989 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ Applications of the generalized Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Theorem to variational inequalities 1989 Carlo Bardaro
Rita Ceppitelli
+ Some further generalizations of Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorem and minimax inequalities 1988 Carlo Bardaro
Rita Ceppitelli
+ Una caratterizzazione degli spazi di Banach normati in senso forte e la variazione di funzioni a valori vettoriali 1987 Carlo Bardaro
+ Sull' approssimazione di una funzione con integrali singolari 1985 Carlo Bardaro
Candida Gori
+ Sul grado di approssimazione per una classe di integrali singolari 1984 Carlo Bardaro
Candida Gori
+ Some contributions to the theory of multivalued differential equations 1983 Carlo Bardaro
Patrizia Pucci
+ Teoremi di approssimazione per l'integrale multiplo del calcolo delle variazioni 1981 Carlo Bardaro
Domenico Candeloro
+ Sulla derivazione relativamente ad una funzione continua per applicazioni a valori in uno spazio di Banach 1980 Carlo Bardaro
+ Sull'estensione di un teorema di E. Baiada alle multifunzioni 1979 Carlo Bardaro
C. Gori Cocchieri
+ Un teorema di esistenza per equazioni contingenti in spazi di Banach 1978 Carlo Bardaro
Patrizia Pucci
+ Sull'approssimazione dell'integrale di Burkill-Cesari di funzionali sublineari su misure ed applicazioni all'integrale multiplo del calcolo delle variazioni 1977 Carlo Bardaro
Domenico Candeloro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A direct approach to the mellin transform 1997 P. L. Butzer
Stefan Jansche
+ A self-contained approach to mellin transform analysis for square integrable functions; applications 1999 P. L. Butzer
Stefan Jansche
+ Korovkin-type Approximation Theory and its Applications 1994 Francesco Altomare
Michele Campıtı
+ Nonlinear Integral Operators and Applications 2003 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat The Exponential Sampling Theorem of Signal Analysis and the Reproducing Kernel Formula in the Mellin Transform Setting 2014 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
+ On the Paley–Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Sampling Theory in Fourier and Signal Analysis 1996 John R. Higgins
+ PDF Chat A fresh approach to the Paley–Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and the Mellin–Hardy spaces 2017 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Voronovskaya-Type Estimates for Mellin Convolution Operators 2007 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Approximation Theory: Moduli of Continuity and Global Smoothness Preservation 1999 George A. Anastassiou
Sorin G. Gal
+ Exponential Sampling Method for Light Scattering Polydispersity Analysis 1981 Nicole Ostrowsky
Didier Sornette
Pat Parker
E. R. Pike
+ Prediction by Samples From the Past With Error Estimates Covering Discontinuous Signals 2010 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Generalized sampling operators in modular spaces 1998 Ilaria Mantellini
+ Exponential-sampling method for Laplace and other dilationally invariant transforms: II. Examples in photon correlation spectroscopy and Fraunhofer diffraction 1991 M. Bertero
E. R. Pike
+ Kantorovich-Type Generalized Sampling Series in the Setting of Orlicz Spaces 2007 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vıntı
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
+ Basic Relations Valid for the Bernstein Space $B^{p}_{\sigma}$ and Their Extensions to Functions from Larger Spaces with Error Estimates in Terms of Their Distances from $B^{p}_{\sigma}$ 2013 P. L. Butzer
Gerhard Schmeißer
R. L. Stens
+ A Quantitative Voronovskaya Formula for Mellin Convolution Operators 2010 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Sampling theory in Fourier and signal analysis : foundations 1996 John R. Higgins
+ Sampling Theory for not Necessarily Band-Limited Functions: A Historical Overview 1992 P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
+ Limit semigroups of Bernstein-Schnabl operators associated with positive projections 1989 Francesco Altomare
+ Approximation properties in abstract modular spaces for a class of general sampling-type operators 2005 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Modular convergence in generalized orlicz spaces for moment type operators 1989 Carlo Bardaro
Gianluca Vinti
+ Convergence in Variation and Rates of Approximation for Bernstein-Type Polynomials and Singular Convolution Integrals 2003 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Modular Function Spaces 2015 Mohamed A. Khamsi
Wojciech M. Kozƚowski
+ A general approximation result for nonlinear integral operators and applications to signal processing<sup>*</sup> 2001 Gianluca Vıntı
+ The Mellin–Parseval formula and its interconnections with the exponential sampling theorem of optical physics 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Ilaria Mantellini
+ Generalized sampling approximation of multivariate signals; theory and some applications 1990 P. L. Butzer
Asja Fischer
R. L. Stens
+ The Foundations of Fractional Calculus in the Mellin Transform Setting with Applications 2015 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Approximation properties for linear combinations of moment type operators 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat Vitali-type theorems for filter convergence related to vector lattice-valued modulars and applications to stochastic processes 2014 Antonio Boccuto
Domenico Candeloro
Anna Rita Sambucını
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 8
+ PDF Chat Approximation by nonlinear integral operators in some modular function spaces 1996 Carlo Bardaro
Julian Musielak
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Approximation error of the Whittaker cardinal series in terms of an averaged modulus of smoothness covering discontinuous signals 2005 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Korovkin-type Theorems and Approximation by Positive Linear Operators 2010 Francesco Altomare
+ A note on the Voronovskaja theorem for Mellin–Fejer convolution operators 2011 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Approximation formulae of Voronovskaya-type for certain convolution operators 1979 P.C. Sikkema
+ Pointwise convergence theorems for nonlinear Mellin convolution operators 2006 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Semi-Groups of Operators and Approximation 1967 Paul P. Butzer
Hubert Berens
+ An Introduction to Sampling Analysis 2001 P. L. Butzer
Gerhard Schmeißer
R. L. Stens
+ Mellin analysis and its basic associated metric—applications to sampling theory 2016 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Improper integrals, simple integrals, and numerical quadrature 1974 Seymour Haber
Oved Shisha
+ Interpolation spaces in the theory of approximation 1986 Lech Maligrańda
+ Exponential Sampling Series: Convergence in Mellin–Lebesgue Spaces 2019 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications 1984 Gerald B. Folland
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulae for Linear Combinations of Generalized Sampling Operators 2013 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellını
+ PDF Chat A Voronovskaya-Type Theorem for a General Class of Discrete Operators 2009 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ A quantitative Voronovskaja formula for generalized sampling operators 2009 Carlo Bardaro
Ilaria Mantellini
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties 2017 Carlo Bardaro
Loris Faina
Ilaria Mantellını
+ Moduli of Smoothness 1987 Z. Ditzian
Вилмос Тотик