Roy Schwartz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Separating Coverage and Submodular: Maximization Subject to a Cardinality Constraint 2024 Yuval Filmus
Roy Schwartz
Alexander Smal
+ An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Max-$3$-Section Problem 2023 Dor Katzelnick
Aditya Pillai
Roy Schwartz
Mohit Singh
+ A Tight Competitive Ratio for Online Submodular Welfare Maximization 2023 Amit Ganz
Pranav Nuti
Roy Schwartz
+ Almost Logarithmic Approximation for Cutwidth and Pathwidth 2023 Nikhil Bansal
Dor Katzelnick
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Sticky Brownian Rounding and its Applications to Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2022 Sepehr Abbasi-Zadeh
Nikhil Bansal
Guru Guruganesh
Aleksandar Nikolov
Roy Schwartz
Mohit Singh
+ The Metric Relaxation for 000-Extension Admits an \Omega(\log^{\nicefrac[]{2}{3}}{k}) Gap 2021 Roy Schwartz
Nitzan Tur
+ PDF Chat The metric relaxation for <i>0</i> -extension admits an <i> Ω(log <sup>2/3</sup> k) </i> gap 2021 Roy Schwartz
Nitzan Tur
+ Fault Tolerant Max-Cut 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel
Noa Marelly
Roy Schwartz
Tigran Tonoyan
+ A refined analysis of submodular Greedy 2021 Ariel Kulik
Roy Schwartz
Hadas Shachnai
+ A Faster Tight Approximation for Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint. 2021 Ariel Kulik
Roy Schwartz
Hadas Shachnai
+ A Refined Analysis of Submodular Greedy 2021 Ariel Kulik
Roy Schwartz
Hadas Shachnai
+ Graph Balancing with Orientation Costs 2021 Roy Schwartz
Ran Yeheskel
+ Fault Tolerant Max-Cut 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel
Noa Marelly
Roy Schwartz
Tigran Tonoyan
+ Fair Correlation Clustering. 2020 Saba Ahmadi
Sainyam Galhotra
Barna Saha
Roy Schwartz
+ Maximizing the Correlation: Extending Grothendieck's Inequality to Large Domains. 2020 Dor Katzelnick
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Sticky Brownian Rounding and its Applications to Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2019 Sepehr Abbasi-Zadeh
Nikhil Bansal
Guru Guruganesh
Aleksandar Nikolov
Roy Schwartz
Mohit Singh
+ Min-Max Correlation Clustering via MultiCut. 2019 Saba Ahmadi
Sainyam Galhotra
Samir Khuller
Barna Saha
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Online Submodular Maximization with Preemption 2019 Niv Buchbinder
Moran Feldman
Roy Schwartz
+ Online and Offline Greedy Algorithms for Routing with Switching Costs 2019 Roy Schwartz
Mohit Singh
Sina Yazdanbod
+ Graph Balancing with Orientation Costs. 2019 Roy Schwartz
Ran Yeheskel
+ A Tight Approximation for Submodular Maximization with Mixed Packing and Covering Constraints 2018 Eyal Mizrachi
Roy Schwartz
Joachim Spoerhase
Sumedha Uniyal
+ PDF Chat Local Guarantees in Graph Cuts and Clustering 2017 Moses Charikar
Neha Gupta
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Comparing Apples and Oranges: Query Trade-off in Submodular Maximization 2016 Niv Buchbinder
Moran Feldman
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Comparing Apples and Oranges: Query Tradeoff in Submodular Maximization 2014 Niv Buchbinder
Moran Feldman
Roy Schwartz
+ Online Submodular Maximization with Preemption 2014 Niv Buchbinder
Moran Feldman
Roy Schwartz
+ Discrepancy Without Partial Colorings 2014 Nicholas J. A. Harvey
Roy Schwartz
Mohit Singh
+ On the Approximation of Submodular Functions 2013 Nikhil R. Devanur
Shaddin Dughmi
Roy Schwartz
Ankit Sharma
Mohit Singh
+ Min-Max Graph Partitioning and Small Set Expansion 2011 Nikhil Bansal
Uriel Feige
Robert Krauthgamer
Konstantin Makarychev
Viswanath Nagarajan
Joseph Joseph
Roy Schwartz
+ Min-Max Graph Partitioning and Small Set Expansion 2011 Nikhil Bansal
Uriel Feige
Robert Krauthgamer
Konstantin Makarychev
Viswanath Nagarajan
Roy Schwartz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming 1995 Michel X. Goemans
David P. Williamson
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and Approximability of Submodular Maximization Problems 2013 J. Vondrák
+ PDF Chat Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut 2004 David R. Karger
Philip N. Klein
Clifford Stein
Mikkel Thorup
Neal E. Young
+ How to Play Unique Games Using Embeddings 2006 Eden Chlamtáč
Konstantin Makarychev
Yury Makarychev
+ Near-optimal Nonmyopic Value of Information in Graphical Models 2012 Andreas Krause
Carlos Guestrin
+ PDF Chat Near Optimal LP Rounding Algorithm for CorrelationClustering on Complete and Complete k-partite Graphs 2015 Shuchi Chawla
Konstantin Makarychev
Tselil Schramm
Grigory Yaroslavtsev
+ PDF Chat Comments on bases in dependence structures 1969 Richard A. Brualdi
+ PDF Chat Constructive Discrepancy Minimization by Walking on the Edges 2015 Shachar Lovett
Raghu Meka
+ PDF Chat Approximate graph coloring by semidefinite programming 1998 David R. Karger
Rajeev Motwani
Madhu Sudan
+ PDF Chat Rounding Semidefinite Programming Hierarchies via Global Correlation 2011 Boaz Barak
Prasad Raghavendra
David Steurer
+ Noise stability of functions with low influences: invariance and optimality 2005 Elchanan Mossel
Ryan O’Donnell
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz
+ Reductions Between Expansion Problems 2010 Prasad Raghavendra
David Steurer
Madhur Tulsiani
+ A .699-approximation algorithm for Max-Bisection 2001 Yinyu Ye
+ Maximizing Quadratic Programs: Extending Grothendieck's Inequality 2004 Moses Charikar
Anthony Wirth
+ PDF Chat Practical Budgeted Submodular Maximization 2022 Moran Feldman
Zeev Nutov
Elad Shoham
+ PDF Chat Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning 2009 Sanjeev Arora
Satish Rao
Umesh Vazirani
+ PDF Chat Local Guarantees in Graph Cuts and Clustering 2017 Moses Charikar
Neha Gupta
Roy Schwartz
+ PDF Chat A $(\log n)^{\Omega(1)}$ Integrality Gap for the Sparsest Cut SDP 2009 Jeff Cheeger
Bruce Kleiner
Assaf Naor
+ Approximation Algorithms for MAX 4-SAT and Rounding Procedures for Semidefinite Programs 1999 Eran Halperin
Uri Zwick
+ Krivine diffusions attain the Goemans--Williamson approximation ratio 2019 Ronen Eldan
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat Learning with Submodular Functions: A Convex Optimization Perspective 2013 Francis Bach
+ Stochastic Differential Equations 1995 Bernt Øksendal
+ PDF Chat The rate of convergence of the Walk on Spheres Algorithm 2012 Ilia Binder
Mark Braverman
+ PDF Chat The Gram-Schmidt walk: a cure for the Banaszczyk blues 2018 Nikhil Bansal
Daniel Dadush
Shashwat Garg
Shachar Lovett
+ Complex Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of One Complex Variable. 1968 Syed Muslim Shah
Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Lp metrics on the Heisenberg group and the Goemans-Linial conjecture 2006 James Lee
Assaf Naor
+ Semidefinite relaxation and nonconvex quadratic optimization 1998 Yu. Nesterov
+ Comparison theorems for differential equations 1986 A. McNabb
+ Tight Hardness Results for Minimizing Discrepancy 2011 Moses Charikar
Alantha Newman
Aleksandar Nikolov
+ PDF Chat Constructive Algorithms for Discrepancy Minimization 2010 Nikhil Bansal
+ Approximations for the isoperimetric and spectral profile of graphs and related parameters 2010 Prasad Raghavendra
David Steurer
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Min-Max Correlation Clustering via MultiCut 2019 Saba Ahmadi
Samir Khuller
Barna Saha
+ Revisiting Modified Greedy Algorithm for Monotone Submodular Maximization with a Knapsack Constraint 2021 Jing Tang
Xueyan Tang
Andrew Lim
Kai Han
Chongshou Li
Junsong Yuan
+ Directed spanners via flow-based linear programs 2011 Michael Dinitz
Robert Krauthgamer
+ PDF Chat Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques 2010 Matthias Englert
Anupam Gupta
Robert Krauthgamer
Harald Räcke
Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Kunal Talwar
+ PDF Chat Submodular Approximation: Sampling-based Algorithms and Lower Bounds 2011 Zoya Svitkina
Lisa Fleischer
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Approximation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2015 Amey Bhangale
Swastik Kopparty
Sushant Sachdeva
+ PDF Chat On the configuration-LP for scheduling on unrelated machines 2013 José Verschae
Andreas Wiese
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Metric Extension Operators, Vertex Sparsifiers and Lipschitz Extendability 2010 Konstantin Makarychev
Yury Makarychev
+ Outward rotations 1999 Uri Zwick
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Double-Sided Myopic Algorithms for Unconstrained Non-monotoneSubmodular Maximization 2014 Norman Huang
Allan Borodin
+ The discrepancy method: randomness and complexity 2002 Bernard Chazelle
+ PDF Chat Constrained Non-monotone Submodular Maximization: Offline and Secretary Algorithms 2010 Anupam Gupta
Aaron Roth
Grant Schoenebeck
Kunal Talwar
+ PDF Chat Six standard deviations suffice 1985 Joel Spencer
+ PDF Chat Dual Failure Resilient BFS Structure 2015 Merav Parter
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and Approximability of Submodular Maximization Problems 2009 J. Vondrák
+ None 2010 Alexander Barvinok
Zur Luria
Alex Samorodnitsky
Alexander Yong
+ Balancing vectors and Gaussian measures ofn-dimensional convex bodies 1998 Wojciech Banaszczyk
+ PDF Chat None 2006 Eyal Rozenman
Aner Shalev
Avi Wigderson