Arnaud Cuisset


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Spectrally interleaved, comb-mode-resolved spectroscopy using swept dual terahertz combs 2014 Yi-Da Hsieh
Yuki Iyonaga
Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi
Shuko Yokoyama
Hajime Inaba
Kaoru Minoshima
Francis Hindle
Tsutomu Araki
Takeshi Yasui
+ PDF Chat Cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy 2009 Birgitta Bernhardt
Akira Ozawa
Patrick Jacquet
Marion Jacquey
Yohei Kobayashi
Thomas Udem
Ronald Holzwarth
G. Guelachvili
Theodor W. HĂ€nsch
N. Picqué
+ PDF Chat Mid-infrared frequency combs 2012 Albert Schließer
N. Picqué
Theodor W. HĂ€nsch
+ PDF Chat Broadband high-resolution X-ray frequency combs 2014 Stefano M. Cavaletto
ZoltĂĄn Harman
Christian Ott
Christian Buth
Thomas Pfeifer
Christoph H. Keitel
+ PDF Chat <i>Herschel</i>/HIFI observations of O-rich AGB stars: molecular inventory 2011 K. Justtanont
T. Khouri
M. Maercker
J. Alcolea
L. Decin
H. Olofsson
F. L. Schöier
V. Bujarrabal
A. P. Marston
D. Teyssier
+ PDF Chat Rotational spectra of isotopic species of methyl cyanide, CH<sub>3</sub>CN, in their ground vibrational states up to terahertz frequencies 2009 H. S. P. MĂŒller
Brian J. Drouin
John C. Pearson
+ PDF Chat The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS, in the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, VAMDC 2016 Christian Endres
Stephan ƚchlemmer
P. Schilke
J. StĂŒtzki
H. S. P. MĂŒller
+ PDF Chat Ultra-high Q terahertz whispering-gallery modes in a silicon resonator 2018 Dominik Walter Vogt
R. Leonhardt
+ PDF Chat Monitoring of food spoilage by high resolution THz analysis 2018 Francis Hindle
Lotta Kuuliala
Meriem Mouelhi
Arnaud Cuisset
C. Bray
Mathias Vanwolleghem
Frank Devlieghere
G. Mouret
R. Bocquet
+ PDF Chat THz-TDS Time-Trace Analysis for the Extraction of Material and Metamaterial Parameters 2018 Romain Peretti
Sergey Mitryukovskiy
KĂ©vin Froberger
Mohamed Aniss Mebarki
Sophie Eliet
Mathias Vanwolleghem
Jean‐François Lampin
+ PDF Chat Study of detailed balance between excitons and free carriers in diamond using broadband terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 2020 Tomoaki Ichii
Yuji Hazama
N. Naka
Kƍichiro Tanaka
+ Super-resolution discrete Fourier transform spectroscopy beyond time-window size limitation using precisely periodic pulsed radiation 2015 Takeshi Yasui
Yuki Iyonaga
Yi-Da Hsieh
Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi
Francis Hindle
Shuko Yokoyama
Tsutomu Araki
Mamoru Hashimoto
+ PDF Chat Frequency comb spectroscopy 2019 N. Picqué
Theodor W. HĂ€nsch
+ PDF Chat Gapless dual-comb spectroscopy in terahertz region 2013 Takeshi Yasui
Yi-Da Hsieh
Yuki Iyonaga
Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi
Shuko Yokoyama
Hajime Inaba
Kaoru Minoshima
Francis Hindle
Tsutomu Araki
+ Sequential Quadratic Programming 2006 1