M. J. Sevilla


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum to "On Smooth extensions of vector-valued functions defined on closed subsets of Banach spaces" [Math. Ann. (2013) 355: 1201--1219] 2024 M. J. Sevilla
+ Approximate Morse-Sard type results for non-separable Banach spaces 2024 Daniel Azagra
Miguel García‐Bravo
M. J. Sevilla
+ Operator ranges in Banach spaces with weak star separable dual 2023 M. J. Sevilla
Sebastián Lajara
+ PDF Chat Quasicomplemented Subspaces of Banach Spaces and Separable Quotients 2023 M. J. Sevilla
Sebastián Lajara
+ PDF Chat Operator ranges and endomorphisms with a prescribed behaviour on Banach spaces 2022 M. J. Sevilla
Sebastián Lajara
+ PDF Chat Normal and starlike tilings in separable Banach spaces 2021 Robert Deville
M. J. Sevilla
+ Normal and starlike tilings in separable Banach spaces 2020 Robert Deville
M. J. Sevilla
+ Normal and starlike tilings in separable Banach spaces 2020 Robert Deville
M. J. Sevilla
+ PDF Chat A class of Hamilton–Jacobi equations on Banach–Finsler manifolds 2014 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
M. J. Sevilla
J. L. Ródenas-Pedregosa
Luis Sánchez-González
+ Characterization of a Banach-Finsler manifold in terms of the algebras of smooth functions 2013 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ PDF Chat On smooth extensions of vector-valued functions defined on closed subsets of Banach spaces 2012 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ PDF Chat On some problems on smooth approximation and smooth extension of Lipschitz functions on Banach–Finsler manifolds 2011 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ PDF Chat Smooth extension of functions on a certain class of non-separable Banach spaces 2011 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ On smooth extensions of vector-valued functions defined on closed subsets of Banach spaces 2011 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ Characterization of a Banach-Finsler manifold in terms of the algebras of smooth functions 2011 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ Smooth extension of functions on a certain class of non-separable Banach spaces 2010 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ Smooth extension of functions on non-separable Banach spaces 2010 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ On some problems on smooth approximation and smooth extension of Lipschitz functions on Banach-Finsler Manifolds 2010 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ Smooth extension of functions on a certain class of non-separable Banach spaces 2010 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ LFC bumps on separable Banach spaces 2009 M. J. Sevilla
Luis Sánchez-González
+ A note on the range of the derivatives of analytic approximations of uniformly continuous functions on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>c</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2008 M. J. Sevilla
+ PDF Chat Generalized motion of level sets by functions of their curvatures on Riemannian manifolds 2008 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
Fabricio Macià
+ Generalized motion of level sets by functions of their curvatures on Riemannian manifolds 2007 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
Fabricio Macià
+ Approximation by smooth functions with no critical points on separable Banach spaces 2006 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ PDF Chat Exact Filling of Figures with the Derivatives of Smooth Mappings Between Banach Spaces 2005 Daniel Azagra
Marián Fabian
M. J. Sevilla
+ Approximation by smooth functions with no critical points on separable Banach spaces 2005 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ Intersections of closed balls and geometry of Banach spaces 2004 M. J. Sevilla
José Pedro Moreno Díaz
A. S. Granero
+ PDF Chat On the Kunen–Shelah properties in Banach spaces 2003 A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
Alejandro Montesinos
J. P. Moreno
Anatolij Plichko
+ PDF Chat On the range of the derivatives of a smooth function between Banach spaces 2003 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
Robert Deville
+ On the range of the derivatives of a smooth function between Banach spaces Supported in part by DGICYT grant PB96-0607 and BFM 2000-0609 2003 Robert Deville
Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ COMPLEMENTATION AND EMBEDDINGS OF <i>c</i><sub>0</sub>(<i>I</i>) IN BANACH SPACES 2002 Spiros A. Argyros
J. F. Castillo
A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Geometrical and Topological Properties of Bumps and Starlike Bodies in Banach Spaces 2002 Daniel Rueda
M. J. Sevilla
+ Antiproximinal Norms in Banach Spaces 2002 Jonathan M. Borwein
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ PDF Chat On the size of the sets of gradients of bump functions and starlike bodies on the Hilbert space 2002 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ PDF Chat A constant of porosity for convex bodies 2001 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ The Failure of Rolle's Theorem in Infinite-Dimensional Banach Spaces 2001 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ On the Nonseparable Subspaces ofJ(η) andC([1,η]) 2001 A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ None 2001 A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ A note on porosity and the Mazur intersection property 2000 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Mazur Intersection Properties and Differentiability of Convex Functions in Banach Spaces 2000 Pando Georgiev
A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Rolle's theorem is either false or trivial in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces 2000 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ Geometry of Banach spaces with property β 1999 A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Sequential continuity in the ball topology of a Banach space 1999 A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ PDF Chat Norm attaining multilinear forms and polynomials on preduals of Lorentz sequence spaces 1998 M. J. Sevilla
Rafael Payá
+ PDF Chat A note on norm attaining functionals 1998 M. J. Sevilla
J. M. Moreno
+ Convex sets in Banach spaces and a problem of Rolewicz 1998 Antonio S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Renorming Banach Spaces with the Mazur Intersection Property 1997 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Algunos problemas relacionados con la geometría de espacios de Banach 1997 M. J. Sevilla
+ PDF Chat On denseness of certain norms in Banach spaces 1996 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ The Mazur intersection property and Asplund spaces 1995 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Korovkin type theorems for certain classes of analytic functions 1987 G. López Lagomasino
M. J. Sevilla
+ Method of automatic correction of the calculations of the directions of geodetic satellites and analysis of the errors in restoring the trajectory of the orbit 1974 M. J. Sevilla
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Smoothness and renormings in Banach spaces 1993 Robert Deville
Gilles Godefroy
Václav Zizler
+ Renorming Banach Spaces with the Mazur Intersection Property 1997 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Characterisation of normed linear spaces with Mazur's intersection property 1978 J Giles
David A. Gregory
Brailey Sims
+ PDF Chat Über schwache Konvergenz in den Raümen ($L^{p}$) 1933 S. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ The Failure of Rolle's Theorem in Infinite-Dimensional Banach Spaces 2001 Daniel Azagra
M. J. Sevilla
+ James' Theorem Fails for Starlike Bodies 2001 Daniel Azagra
Robert Deville
+ PDF Chat Nonsmooth analysis and Hamilton–Jacobi equations on Riemannian manifolds 2004 Daniel Azagra
Juan Ferrera
Fernando López-Mesas
+ PDF Chat Smooth extensions of functions on separable Banach spaces 2009 Daniel Azagra
R. Fry
L. Keener
+ PDF Chat Smooth approximation of Lipschitz functions on Riemannian manifolds 2006 Daniel Azagra
Juan Ferrera
Fernando López-Mesas
Yenny C. Rangel
+ PDF Chat A new proof that metric spaces are paracompact 1969 Mary Ellen Rudin
+ Uncountable constructions for B.A. e.c. groups and banach spaces 1985 Saharon Shelah
+ Three characterizations of polyhedral Banach spaces 1990 V. P. Fonf
+ On Rolle's theorem in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces 1992 Stanislav Shkarin
+ A Counterexample to Several Questions about Scattered Compact Spaces 1990 Richard Haydon
+ PDF Chat A note on norm attaining functionals 1998 M. J. Sevilla
J. M. Moreno
+ PDF Chat Smooth and R-analytic negligibility of subsets and extension of homeomorphisms in Banach spaces 1979 Tomasz Dobrowolski
+ Banach Spaces and Topology 1984 S. Negrepontis
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1985 Klaus Deimling
+ The Mazur intersection property and Asplund spaces 1995 M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ PDF Chat Ball Separation Properties in Banach Spaces 1998 Dongjian Chen
Bor-Luh Lin
+ Lusternik-Schnirelman theory on Banach manifolds 1966 Richard S. Palais
+ Smooth functions onC(K) 1998 Petr Hájek
+ PDF Chat C1-fine approximation of functions on Banach spaces with unconditional basis 2005 Daniel Azagra
Javier Gómez Gil
Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Mauricio Lovo
R. Fry
+ PDF Chat Approximation by functions with bounded derivative on Banach spaces 2004 R. Fry
+ PDF Chat Approximation de fonctions différentiables sur certains espaces de Banach 1971 Nicole Moulis
+ PDF Chat Balls intersection properties of Banach spaces 1992 Dongjian Chen
Zhibao Hu
Bor-Luh Lin
+ Smooth approximations without critical points 2003 Petr Hájek
Michal Johanis
+ Biorthogonal Systems in Banach Spaces 2007 Petr Hájek
Vicente Montesinos Santalucía
Jon D. Vanderwerff
Václav Zizler
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology 1984 Stewart Baldwin
+ Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry 2001 Marián Fabián
Petr Habala
Petr Hájek
Vicente Montesinos Santalucía
Jan Pelant
Václav Zizler
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Smooth approximations 2010 Petr Hájek
Michal Johanis
+ Norm attaining operators and renormings of Banach spaces 1983 Walter Schachermayer
+ PDF Chat On locally uniformly convex and differentiable norms in certain non-separable Banach spaces 1971 Stanimir Troyanski
+ PDF Chat Perturbed smooth Lipschitz extensions of uniformly continuous functions on Banach spaces 2004 Daniel Azagra
R. Fry
Alejandro Montesinos
+ Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry 2001 Marián Fabian
Petr Habala
Petr Hájek
Vicente Montesinos Santalucía
Jan Pelant
Václav Zizler
+ A remark on regularization in Hilbert spaces 1986 Jean‐Michel Lasry
P. L. Lions
+ On the complemented subspaces problem 1971 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Mazur Intersection Properties and Differentiability of Convex Functions in Banach Spaces 2000 Pando Georgiev
A. S. Granero
M. J. Sevilla
J. P. Moreno
+ Smooth functions onc 0 1998 Petr Hájek
+ Compact polynomials between Banach spaces 1993 Jesús Á. Jaramillo
Raquel Gonzalo
+ Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces 1984 Joseph Diestel
+ PDF Chat Convex sets with the Lipschitz fixed point property are compact 1985 Pei-Kee Lin
Yaki Sternfeld
+ Selected topics in infinite-dimensional topology 1975 C. Bessaga
A. Pełczyński
+ On smooth, nonlinear surjections of banach spaces 1997 S. M. Bates
+ Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1999 Yoav Benyamini
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral sections of convex bodies 1960 Victor Klee
+ Ehresmann Fibrations and Palais-Smale Conditions for Morphisms of Finsler Manifolds 1997 Patrick J. Rabier