Ila Varma


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Local-global compatibility for regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representations when 2024 Ila Varma
+ Power-Saving Error Terms for the Number of $$D_4$$-Quartic Extensions over a Number Field Ordered by Discriminant 2024 Alina Bucur
Alexandra Florea
Allechar Serrano López
Ila Varma
+ PDF Chat On unit signatures and narrow class groups of odd degree abelian number fields 2023 Benjamin Breen
Ila Varma
John Voight
+ PDF Chat The mean number of 3-torsion elements in ray class groups of quadratic fields 2022 Ila Varma
+ Power-saving error terms for the number of $D_4$-quartic extensions over a number field ordered by discriminant 2022 Alina Bucur
Alexandra Florea
Allechar Serrano López
Ila Varma
+ Geometry-of-numbers methods in the cusp and applications to class groups. 2021 Arul Shankar
Artane Siad
Ashvin Swaminathan
Ila Varma
+ The number of $D_4$-fields ordered by conductor 2021 Salim Ali Altuğ
Arul Shankar
Ila Varma
Kevin H. Wilson
+ Geometry-of-numbers methods in the cusp 2021 Arul Shankar
Artane Siad
Ashvin Swaminathan
Ila Varma
+ On unit signatures and narrow class groups of odd abelian number fields: structure and heuristics 2019 Benjamin Breen
Ila Varma
John Voight
+ On unit signatures and narrow class groups of odd degree abelian number fields 2019 Benjamin Breen
Ila Varma
John Voight
appendix with Noam Elkies
+ PDF Chat Odd degree number fields with odd class number 2018 Wei Ho
Arul Shankar
Ila Varma
+ PDF Chat Differential Operators and Families of Automorphic Forms on Unitary Groups of Arbitrary Signature 2018 Ellen Eischen
Jessica Fintzen
Elena Mantovan
Ila Varma
+ The number of quartic $D_4$-fields ordered by conductor 2017 Salim Ali Altuğ
Arul Shankar
Ila Varma
Kevin H. Wilson
+ The mean number of 2-torsion elements in class groups of odd degree number fields arising from binary n-ic forms 2016 Wei Ho
Arul Shankar
Ila Varma
+ PDF Chat The mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups and ideal groups of quadratic orders 2016 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ PDF Chat p-Adic q-Expansion Principles on Unitary Shimura Varieties 2016 Ana Caraiani
Ellen Eischen
Jessica Fintzen
Elena Mantovan
Ila Varma
+ The mean number of 3-torsion elements in ray class groups of quadratic fields 2016 Ila Varma
+ PDF Chat On the mean number of 2 -torsion elements in the class groups, narrow class groups, and ideal groups of cubic orders and fields 2015 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ Differential operators and families of automorphic forms on unitary groups of arbitrary signature 2015 Ellen Eischen
Jessica Fintzen
Elena Mantovan
Ila Varma
+ On local-global compatibility for cuspidal regular algebraic automorphic representations of GLn 2015 Ila Varma
+ The mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups and ideal groups of quadratic orders 2014 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ Local-global compatibility for regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representation when $\ell \neq p$ 2014 Ila Varma
+ The mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups and ideal groups of quadratic orders 2014 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ Finding elementary formulas for theta functions associated to even sums of squares 2011 Ila Varma
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Heuristics on class groups of number fields 1984 Henri Cohen
H. W. Lenstra
+ PDF Chat The density of discriminants of quartic rings and fields 2005 Manjul Bhargava
+ PDF Chat The mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups and ideal groups of quadratic orders 2016 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ The Theory of Irrationalities of the Third Degree 2009 B. Delone
D. K. Faddeev
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Class Groups of Number Fields 2010 Gunter Malle
+ On the density of discriminants of cubic fields. II 1971 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ PDF Chat On Dirichlet series whose coefficients are class numbers of integral binary cubic forms 1972 Takuro Shintani
+ PDF Chat On the Davenport–Heilbronn theorems and second order terms 2012 Manjul Bhargava
Arul Shankar
Jacob Tsimerman
+ PDF Chat Binary quartic forms having bounded invariants, and the boundedness of the average rank of elliptic curves 2014 Manjul Bhargava
Arul Shankar
+ Étude heuristique des groupes de classes des corps de nombres. 1990 Henri Cohen
Jacques Martinet
+ Degeneration of Abelian Varieties 1990 Герд Фалтингс
Ching-Li Chai
+ On the relations among the class numbers of binary cubic forms 1998 Jin Nakagawa
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves with no rational points 1988 Jin Nakagawa
Kuniaki Horie
+ PDF Chat The density of abelian cubic fields 1954 Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat Differential operators, pullbacks, and families of automorphic forms on unitary groups 2016 Ellen Eischen
+ Values of abelianL-functions at negative integers over totally real fields 1980 Pierre Deligne
Kenneth A. Ribet
+ Generalized Heegner Cycles, Shimura Curves, and Special Values of p-ADIC L-Functions. 2013 Ernest Hunter Brooks
+ Compactifications of PEL-Type Shimura Varieties and Kuga Families with Ordinary Loci 2016 Kai‐Wen Lan
+ The average size of the 5-Selmer group of elliptic curves is 6, and the average rank is less than 1 2013 Manjul Bhargava
Arul Shankar
+ PDF Chat On the negative Pell equation 2010 Étienne Fouvry
Jürgen Klüners
+ PDF Chat Parametrization of ideal classes in rings associated to binary forms 2012 Melanie Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat The 2‐Selmer group of a number field and heuristics for narrow class groups and signature ranks of units 2018 David S. Dummit
John Voight
+ Arithmetic Compactifications of PEL-Type Shimura Varieties 2013 Kai‐Wen Lan
+ PDF Chat On the mean number of 2 -torsion elements in the class groups, narrow class groups, and ideal groups of cubic orders and fields 2015 Manjul Bhargava
Ila Varma
+ Density of discriminants of cubic extensions. 1988 B. Datskovsky
D. J. Wright
+ PDF Chat Heuristics on Class Groups: Some Good Primes are not too Good 1994 Henri Cohen
Jacques Martinet
+ PDF Chat Higher composition laws II: On cubic analogues of Gauss composition 2004 Manjul Bhargava
+ PDF Chat Galois representations arising from some compact Shimura varieties 2011 Sug Woo Shin
+ Algebraic topology and modular forms 2002 Michael J. Hopkins
+ PDF Chat The Number of Real Quadratic Fields Having Units of Negative Norm 1993 Peter Stevenhagen
+ PDF Chat Mass Formulae for Extensions of Local Fields, and Conjectures on the Density of Number Field Discriminants 2007 Manjul Bhargava
+ On the Class-Number of Binary Cubic Forms (II) 1951 H. Davenport
+ Residually reducible representations and modular forms 1999 Christopher Skinner
Andrew Wiles
+ Advanced Topics in Computational Number Theory 2011 Henri Cohen
+ Representations of Algebraic Groups 2007 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ On the density of discriminants of cyclic extensions of prime degree 2002 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ Galois Module Structure of Algebraic Integers 1983 A. Fröhlich
+ Galois representations associated to Siegel modular forms of low weight 1991 Richard Taylor
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Galois Groups, II 2004 Gunter Malle
+ The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. 2001 Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ PDF Chat p-Adic q-Expansion Principles on Unitary Shimura Varieties 2016 Ana Caraiani
Ellen Eischen
Jessica Fintzen
Elena Mantovan
Ila Varma
+ p-AdicL-functions for CM fields 1978 Nicholas M. Katz
+ PDF Chat Théorèmes de réflexion 1998 Georges Gras
+ PDF Chat A class group heuristic based on the distribution of 1-eigenspaces in matrix groups 2014 Michael Adam
Gunter Malle
+ PDF Chat Eisenstein congruence on unitary groups and Iwasawa main conjectures for CM fields 2014 Ming-Lun Hsieh
+ PDF Chat Selmer groups and quadratic reciprocity 2006 Franz Lemmermeyer
+ Cohen–Lenstra heuristic and roots of unity 2008 Gunter Malle
+ Compatibility of local and global Langlands correspondences 2006 Richard Taylor
Teruyoshi Yoshida
+ Cohen–Lenstra Heuristics and the Spiegelungssatz: Number Fields 2002 Yoonjin Lee
+ Canonical periods and congruence formulae 1999 Vinayak Vatsal