Fëdor Nazarov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Two results on the homothety conjecture for convex bodies of flotation on the plane 2025 M. Angeles Alfonseca
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Alina Stancu
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF The Newman algorithm for constructing polynomials with restricted coefficients and many real roots 2024 Markus Jacob
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Small volume bodies of constant width 2024 Andrii Arman
Andriy Bondarenko
Fëdor Nazarov
Andriy Prymak
Danylo Radchenko
+ On the Maximal Distance Between the Centers of Mass of a Planar Convex Body and Its Boundary 2024 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF Chat The Newman algorithm for constructing polynomials with restricted coefficients and many real roots 2024 Markus Jacob
Fëdor Nazarov
+ A Basic Homogenization Problem for the p-Laplacian in $$\mathbb {R}^d$$ Perforated along a Sphere: $$L^\infty $$ Estimates 2024 Peter V. Gordon
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ PDF On a Factorization Formula for the Partition Function of Directed Polymers 2023 Tobias Hurth
Konstantin Khanin
Beatriz Navarro Lameda
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Analysis and geometry near the unit ball: proofs, counterexamples, and open questions 2023 M. Angeles Alfonseca
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF Energy Efficiency Analysis and Experimental Test of a Closed-Circuit Pneumatic System 2023 Fëdor Nazarov
Jürgen Weber
+ On the maximal distance between the centers of mass of a planar convex body and its boundary 2023 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ Fourier uniqueness and non-uniqueness pairs 2023 Aleksei Kulikov
Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF The matrix-weighted dyadic convex body maximal operator is not bounded 2022 Fëdor Nazarov
Stefanie Petermichl
Kristina Ana Škreb
Sergei Treil
+ PDF Chat On a Bellman function associated with the Chang–Wilson–Wolff theorem: a case study 2022 Fëdor Nazarov
Vasily Vasyunin
Alexander Volberg
+ Chemotaxis and reactions in biology 2022 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
Lenya Ryzhik
Yao Yao
+ PDF Chat A simple upper bound for Lebesgue constants associated with Leja points on the real line 2022 В. В. Андриевскии
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Instantaneous smoothing and exponential decay of solutions for a degenerate evolution equation with application to Boltzmann's equation 2022 Fëdor Nazarov
Kevin Zumbrun
+ On a Bellman function associated with the Chang--Wilson--Wolff theorem: a case study 2022 Fëdor Nazarov
Vasily Vasyunin
Alexander Volberg
+ A basic homogenization problem for the $p$-Laplacian in ${\mathbb R}^d$ perforated along a sphere: $L^\infty$ estimates 2022 Peter V. Gordon
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Instantaneous smoothing and exponential decay of solutions for a degenerate evolution equation with application to Boltzmann's equation 2022 Fëdor Nazarov
Kevin Zumbrun
+ A simple upper bound for Lebesgue constants associated with Leja points on the real line. 2021 В. В. Андриевскии
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat The sharp upper bound for the area of the nodal sets of Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions 2021 Alexander Logunov
Eugenia Malinnikova
Nikolaï Nadirashvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF A solution to the fifth and the eighth Busemann-Petty problems in a small neighborhood of the Euclidean ball 2021 M. Angeles Alfonseca
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ A solution to the Fifth and the Eighth Busemann-Petty problems in a small neighborhood of the Euclidean ball 2021 M. Angeles Alfonseca
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ The sharp upper bound for the area of the nodal sets of Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions 2021 Alexander Logunov
Eugenia Malinnikova
Nikolaï Nadirashvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ A simple upper bound for Lebesgue constants associated with Leja points on the real line 2021 В. В. Андриевскии
Fëdor Nazarov
+ On a factorization formula for the partition function of directed polymers 2021 Tobias Hurth
Konstantin Khanin
Beatriz Navarro Lameda
Fëdor Nazarov
+ A solution to the Fifth and the Eighth Busemann-Petty problems in a small neighborhood of the Euclidean ball 2021 M. Angeles Alfonseca
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF Fluctuations in the number of nodal domains 2020 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF On Weissler’s Conjecture on the Hamming Cube I 2020 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat On the sharp upper bound related to the weak Muckenhoupt–Wheeden conjecture 2020 Andrei K. Lerner
Fëdor Nazarov
Sheldy Ombrosi
+ PDF On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2020 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ The local Tb theorem with rough test functions 2020 Tuomas Hytönen
Fëdor Nazarov
+ The Landis conjecture on exponential decay 2020 Alexander Logunov
Eugenia Malinnikova
Nikolaï Nadirashvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF The Riesz Transform of Codimension Smaller Than One and the Wolff Energy 2020 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
María Carmen Reguera
Xavier Tolsa
+ The Riesz Transform of Codimension Smaller Than One and the Wolff Energy 2020 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
María Carmen Reguera
Xavier Tolsa
+ Gelfand-type problem for turbulent jets 2020 Peter V. Gordon
Vitaly Moroz
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Chemotaxis and Reactions in Biology 2020 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
Lenya Ryzhik
Yao Yao
+ PDF Chat Fine approximation of convex bodies by polytopes 2020 Márton Naszódi
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
+ The Landis conjecture on exponential decay 2020 Alexander Logunov
Eugenia Malinnikova
Nikolaï Nadirashvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ On Weissler's conjecture on the Hamming cube I 2019 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ On Weissler's conjecture on the Hamming cube I 2019 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Reflectionless measures for Calderón–Zygmund operators II: Wolff potentials and rectifiability 2018 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat On the Totik–Widom Property for a Quasidisk 2018 В. В. Андриевскии
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF On the Probability That a Stationary Gaussian Process With Spectral Gap Remains Non-negative on a Long Interval 2018 Naomi Feldheim
Ohad N. Feldheim
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Shahaf Nitzan
+ PDF The measures with an associated square function operator bounded in L2 2018 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
+ PDF Chat Grünbaum‐type inequality for log‐concave functions 2018 Mathieu Meyer
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF Chat On weak weighted estimates of the martingale transform and a dyadic shift 2018 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Vasily Vasyunin
Alexander Volberg
+ Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators I: general theory 2018 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat How many matrices can be spectrally balanced simultaneously? 2018 Ronen Eldan
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ On the probability that a stationary Gaussian process with spectral gap remains non-negative on a long interval 2018 Naomi Feldheim
Ohad N. Feldheim
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Shahaf Nitzan
+ On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2018 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Intuitive dyadic calculus: The basics 2018 Andrei K. Lerner
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat On the Maximum Principle for the Riesz Transform 2018 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat A Function with Support of Finite Measure and “Small” Spectrum 2018 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Olevskiı̆
+ On the Totik-Widom property for a Quasidisk 2018 В. В. Андриевскии
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Square functions and the Hamming cube: duality 2018 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation 2018 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Harry Kesten
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ On the probability that a stationary Gaussian process with spectral gap remains non-negative on a long interval 2018 Naomi Feldheim
Ohad N. Feldheim
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Shahaf Nitzan
+ PDF Hamming cube and martingales 2017 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Convex body domination and weighted estimates with matrix weights 2017 Fëdor Nazarov
Stefanie Petermichl
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat Trace reconstruction with exp(O(n <sup>1/3</sup> )) samples 2017 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ Generalized Grünbaum inequality 2017 M. Meyer
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ PDF Generalized Gr\"unbaum inequality 2017 M. Meyer
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Vladyslav Yaskin
+ Square functions and the Hamming cube: Duality 2017 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ Fine approximation of convex bodies by polytopes 2017 Márton Naszódi
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
+ PDF Three Revolutions in The Kernel Are Worse Than One 2017 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Convex body domination and weighted estimates with matrix weights 2017 Fëdor Nazarov
Stefanie Petermichl
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Fine approximation of convex bodies by polytopes 2017 Márton Naszódi
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
+ A function with support of finite measure and "small" spectrum 2017 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Olevskiı̆
+ On the maximum principle for the Riesz transform 2017 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Convex body domination and weighted estimates with matrix weights 2017 Fëdor Nazarov
Stefanie Petermichl
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Square functions and the Hamming cube: Duality 2017 Paata Ivanisvili
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The measures with an associated square function operator bounded in $L^2$ 2016 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
+ Trace reconstruction with $\exp( O( n^{1/3} ) )$ samples 2016 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ On Weak Weighted Estimates of Martingale Transform 2016 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Vasily Vasyunin
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Distribution of zeroes of Rademacher Taylor series 2016 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for Uncentered Maximal Functions in Any Dimension 2016 Paata Ivanisvili
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ How many matrices can be spectrally balanced simultaneously 2016 Ronen Eldan
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ On the boundedness of non-integer dimension Calder\'on-Zygmund Operators with antisymmetric kernels 2016 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Functions of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbation and estimates of triple operator integrals 2016 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Lower bounds for uncentered maximal functions in any dimension 2016 Paata Ivanisvili
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Lower bounds for uncentered maximal functions in any dimension 2016 Paata Ivanisvili
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Trace reconstruction with $\exp( O( n^{1/3} ) )$ samples 2016 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ The measures with an associated square function operator bounded in $L^2$ 2016 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
+ How many matrices can be spectrally balanced simultaneously? 2016 Ronen Eldan
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ The Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy 2016 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
María Carmen Reguera
Xavier Tolsa
+ On the boundedness of non-integer dimension Calderón-Zygmund Operators with antisymmetric kernels 2016 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Intuitive dyadic calculus: the basics 2015 Andrei K. Lerner
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Reflectionless measures for Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators II: Wolff potentials and rectifiability 2015 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Distribution of zeroes of Rademacher Taylor series 2015 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ Asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of Gaussian random functions 2015 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Triple operator integrals in Schatten–von Neumann norms and functions of perturbed noncommuting operators 2015 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Triple operator integrals in Schatten--von Neumann norms and functions of perturbed noncommuting operators 2015 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators 2015 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Functions of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbation and estimates of triple operator integrals 2015 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
V. V. Peller
+ A Bellman function counterexample to the $A_1$ conjecture: the blow-up of the weak norm estimates of weighted singular operators 2015 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Vasily Vasyunin
Alexander Volberg
+ Triple operator integrals in Schatten--von Neumann norms and functions of perturbed noncommuting operators 2015 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators II: Wolff potentials and rectifiability 2015 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of Gaussian random functions 2015 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Distribution of zeroes of Rademacher Taylor series 2015 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ Intuitive dyadic calculus: the basics 2015 Andrei K. Lerner
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators 2014 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Chat Global estimates for kernels of Neumann series and Green's functions 2014 Michael Frazier
Fëdor Nazarov
Igor E. Verbitsky
+ The Riesz transform, rectifiability, and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF The Riesz transform, rectifiability, and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ The s-Riesz transform of an s-dimensional measure in ℝ2 is unbounded for 1 &lt; s &lt; 2 2014 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ Functions of perturbed n-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund Operators I: Basic Theory 2014 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Reflectionless Measures and the Mattila-Melnikov-Verdera Uniform Rectifiability Theorem 2014 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF On the uniform rectifiability of AD-regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
Xavier Tolsa
+ The $Tb$-theorem on non-homogeneous spaces that proves a conjecture of Vitushkin 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators 2014 А. Б. Александров
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Chat A Bellman function proof of the L 2 bump conjecture 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF An asymmetric convex body with maximal sections of constant volume 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ Three revolutions in the kernel are worse than one 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ Bellman approach to the one-sided bumping for weighted estimates of Calderón--Zygmund operators 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Alexander Volberg
+ Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Persistence and Permanence of Mass-Action and Power-Law Dynamical Systems 2013 Gheorghe Crăciun
Fëdor Nazarov
Casian Pantea
+ Lerner's inequality in arbitrary dimension 2013 Paata Ivanisvili
Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat The proof of $A_2$ conjecture in a geometrically doubling metric space 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Alexander Volberg
+ Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions 2013 Fëdor Nazarov
Alon Nishry
Mikhail Sodin
+ Three revolutions in the kernel are worse than one 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Reflectionless measures and the Mattila-Melnikov-Verdera uniform rectifiability theorem 2013 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
+ On the uniform rectifiability of AD regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
Alexander Volberg
+ In which dimensions is the ball relatively worst covering 2012 Yoav Kallus
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ PDF Chat A Simple Sharp Weighted Estimate of the Dyadic Shifts on Metric Spaces with Geometric Doubling 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The local Tb theorem with rough test functions 2012 Tuomas Hytönen
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential 2012 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ A Bellman function proof of the $L^2$ bump conjecture 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ The Buckley Dyadic Square Function 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Michael Wilson
+ The Hörmander Proof of the Bourgain–Milman Theorem 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Growth of matrix products and mixing properties of the horocycle flow 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Ekaterina Shulman
+ PDF Chat A Simple Energy Pump for the Surface Quasi-geostrophic Equation 2012 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Carleson--Buckley measures beyond the scope of $A_\infty$ and their applications 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ An asymmetric convex body with maximal sections of constant volume 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ On the uniform rectifiability of AD regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
Alexander Volberg
+ An asymmetric convex body with maximal sections of constant volume 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ The local Tb theorem with rough test functions 2012 Tuomas Hytönen
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ A Bellman function proof of the $L^2$ bump conjecture 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential 2012 Benjamin Jaye
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The Riesz transform, rectifiability, and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
Xavier Tolsa
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat Correlation Functions for Random Complex Zeroes: Strong Clustering and Local Universality 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat Convolutions of cantor measures without resonance 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ The $s$-Riesz transform of an $s$-dimensional measure in $\R^2$ is unbounded for $1<s<2$ 2011 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The proof of $A_2$ conjecture in a geometrically doubling metric space 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Alexander Volberg
+ A simple sharp weighted estimate of the dyadic shifts on metric spaces with geometric doubling 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat Perfect matchings as IID factors on non-amenable groups 2011 Russell Lyons
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Random Complex Zeroes and Random Nodal Lines 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Radial Fourier multipliers in high dimensions 2011 Yaryong Heo
Fëdor Nazarov
Andreas Seeger
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations in Random Complex Zeroes: Asymptotic Normality Revisited 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ A simple sharp weighted estimate of the dyadic shifts on metric spaces with geometric doubling 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The $s$-Riesz transform of an $s$-dimensional measure in $\R^2$ is unbounded for $1 2011 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ The proof of $A_2$ conjecture in a geometrically doubling metric space 2011 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Reznikov
Alexander Volberg
+ A simple energy pump for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation 2011 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Alexander Volberg
+ Persistence and permanence of mass-action and power-law dynamical systems 2010 Gheorghe Crăciun
Fëdor Nazarov
Casian Pantea
+ The unit ball is an attractor of the intersection body operator 2010 Alexander Fish
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Mahler conjecture: Local minimality of the unit cube 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Fedor Petrov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ Growth of matrix products and mixing properties of the horocycle flow 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Ekaterina Shulman
+ PDF Chat On Radial and Conical Fourier Multipliers 2010 Yaryong Heo
Fëdor Nazarov
Andreas Seeger
+ PDF New Coins from Old, Smoothly 2010 Olga Holtz
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued Riesz potentials: Cartan-type estimates and related capacities 2010 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ Fluctuations in random complex zeroes: Asymptotic normality revisited 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Random Complex Zeroes and Random Nodal Lines 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Two weight estimate for the Hilbert transform and corona decomposition for non-doubling measures 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Variation on a theme of caffarelli and vasseur 2010 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Global regularity for the critical dispersive dissipative surface quasi-geostrophic equation 2010 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ The behavior of iterations of the intersection body operator in a small neighborhood of the unit ball 2010 Alexander Fish
Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ On radial and conical Fourier multipliers 2010 Yaryong Heo
Fëdor Nazarov
Andreas Seeger
+ PDF A Calderón Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a Lemma of Bourgain 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ Persistence and permanence of mass-action and power-law dynamical systems 2010 Gheorghe Crăciun
Fëdor Nazarov
Casian Pantea
+ Two weight estimate for the Hilbert transform and corona decomposition for non-doubling measures 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Random Complex Zeroes and Random Nodal Lines 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Growth of matrix products and mixing properties of the horocycle flow 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Ekaterina Shulman
+ Correlation functions for random complex zeroes: strong clustering and local universality 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Fluctuations in random complex zeroes: Asymptotic normality revisited 2010 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Perfect Matchings as IID Factors on Non-Amenable Groups 2009 Russell Lyons
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat On the number of nodal domains of random spherical harmonics 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Lipschitz functions of perturbed operators 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Chat New estimates for the length of the Erdős-Herzog-Piranian lemniscate 2009 Alexander Fryntov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ A Calderon Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a lemma of Bourgain 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Richard Oberlin
Christoph Thiele
+ Radial Fourier multipliers in high dimensions 2009 Yaryong Heo
Fëdor Nazarov
Andreas Seeger
+ Asymptotics of the best polynomial approximation of $|x|^p$ and of the best Laurent polynomial approximation of $\sgn(x)$ on two symmetric intervals 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ A variation on a theme of Caffarelli and Vasseur 2009 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Perfect Matchings as IID Factors on Non-Amenable Groups 2009 Russell Lyons
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance 2009 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Pablo Shmerkin
+ PDF Analytic approximation of matrix functions in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2008 Laurent Baratchart
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Chat The Jancovici–Lebowitz–Manificat Law for Large Fluctuations of Random Complex Zeroes 2008 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Sharp dilation-type inequalities with a fixed parameter of convexity 2008 Sergey G. Bobkov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the Best Polynomial Approximation of |x| p and of the Best Laurent Polynomial Approximation of sgn(x) on Two Symmetric Intervals 2008 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ New estimates for the length of the Erdos-Herzog-Piranian lemniscate 2008 Alexander Fryntov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Blow up and regularity for fractal Burgers equation 2008 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
Roman Shterenberg
+ PDF Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators 2008 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set 2008 Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
Alexander Volberg
+ Vector-valued Riesz potentials: Cartan type estimates and related capacities 2008 Vladimir Eiderman
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ Analytic approximation of matrix functions in $L^p$ 2008 Laurent Baratchart
Fëdor Nazarov
Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Blow up and regularity for fractal Burgers equation 2008 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
Roman Shterenberg
+ On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids and intersection bodies 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Dmitry Ryabogin
Artem Zvavitch
+ PDF Chat Transportation to Random Zeroes by the Gradient Flow 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ On the Number of Nodal Domains of Random Spherical Harmonics 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ On the toeplitzness of composition operators 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Joel H. Shapiro
+ Reflectionless measures with a point mass and singular continuous component 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ On the Number of Nodal Domains of Random Spherical Harmonics 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators 2007 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness for the critical 2D dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation 2006 Alexander Kiselev
Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF On the decay rate of (p, A)-lacunary series 2006 Fëdor Nazarov
N. A. Shirokov
+ PDF Beurling–Malliavin multiplier theorem: The seventh proof 2006 Javad Mashreghi
Fëdor Nazarov
V. P. Havin
+ PDF Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials via the Koosis theorem 2006 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ PDF Chat Sign and area in nodal geometry of Laplace eigenfunctions 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Leonid Polterovich
Mikhail Sodin
+ Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials via the Koosis theorem 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ None 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ Transportation to random zeroes by the gradient flow 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, II The Bernstein quasianalytic functions. 2004 Alexander Borichev
Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, I. How to control smooth functions 2004 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Heating of the Ahlfors–Beurling operator, and estimates of its norm 2004 Alexander Volberg
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Coarse equidistribution of the argument of entire functions of finite order 2004 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Sign and area in nodal geometry of Laplace eigenfunctions 2004 Fëdor Nazarov
Leonid Polterovich
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat Local dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of analytic functions 2003 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ Large Deviations of Typical Linear Functionals on a Convex Body with Unconditional Basis 2003 Sergey G. Bobkov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF The Tb-theorem on non-homogeneous spaces 2003 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ On Convex Bodies and Log-Concave Probability Measures with Unconditional Basis 2003 Sergey G. Bobkov
Fëdor Nazarov
+ On the Maximal Perimeter of a Convex Set in $&lt;math display='block'&gt; &lt;mrow&gt; &lt;msup&gt; &lt;mi&gt;&amp;#x211D;&lt;/mi&gt; &lt;mi&gt;n&lt;/mi&gt; &lt;/msup&gt; &lt;/mrow&gt; &lt;/math&gt; $ $\mathbb{R}^n$ with Respect to a Gaussian Measure 2003 Fëdor Nazarov
+ On generalized sum rules for Jacobi matrices 2003 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, II. The Bernstein quasianalytic functions 2003 Alexander Borichev
Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ The Bellman function, the two-weight Hilbert transform, and embeddings of the model spacesK θ 2002 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ Accretive system Tb-theorems on nonhomogeneous spaces 2002 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Sharp estimates in vector Carleson imbedding theorem and for vector paraproducts 2002 Fëdor Nazarov
Gilles Pisier
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, I. How to control smooth functions? 2002 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ The geometric Kannan-Lovasz-Simonovits lemma, dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of polynomials, and distribution of zeroes of random analytic functions 2001 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ Local dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of analytic functions 2001 Fëdor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
Alexander Volberg
+ Complete Version of Turan’s Lemma for Trigonometric Polynomials on the Unit Circumference 2000 Fëdor Nazarov
+ Ball, Haagerup, and Distribution Functions 2000 Fëdor Nazarov
Anatoliy N. Podkorytov
+ PDF The Bellman functions and two-weight inequalities for Haar multipliers 1999 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ None 1998 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Weak type estimates and Cotlar inequalities for Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators in nonhomogeneous spaces 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Bellman functions and two weight inequalities for Haar multipliers 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Counterexample to the infinite dimensional carleson embedding theorem 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
S. R. Treil’
Alexander Volberg
+ None 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Weak type estimates and Cotlar inequalities for Calderón-Zygmund operators in nonhomogeneous spaces 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ Bellman functions and two weight inequalities for Haar multipliers 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ On the theorems of Turan, Amrein-Berthier, and Zigmund 1996 Fëdor Nazarov
+ Reinhardt's problem of lattice packings of convex domains: Local extremality of the Reinhardt octagon 1988 Fëdor Nazarov
+ Covering a convex polygon by triangles with fixed vertices 1988 A. V. Bogomol'naya
Fëdor Nazarov
S. E. Rukshin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ None 1998 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ None 1997 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF A T(b) theorem with remarks on analytic capacity and the Cauchy integral 1990 Michael Christ
+ PDF Removable sets for Lipschitz harmonic functions in the plane 2000 Guy C. David
Pertti Mattila
+ PDF The Tb-theorem on non-homogeneous spaces 2003 Fëdor Nazarov
Sergei Treil
Alexander Volberg
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+ PDF On the uniform rectifiability of AD-regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1 2014 Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
Xavier Tolsa
+ The Cauchy Integral, Analytic Capacity, and Uniform Rectifiability 1996 Pertti Mattila
Mark Melnikov
Joan Verdera
+ Hankel operators in the perturbation theory of unitary and self-adjoint operators 1985 Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Convergence of singular integrals with general measures 2009 Pertti Mattila
Joan Verdera
+ PDF The Bellman functions and two-weight inequalities for Haar multipliers 1999 Fëdor Nazarov
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+ Rectifiable Measures in <b>R</b> <sup> <i>n</i> </sup> and Existence of Principal Values for Singular Integrals 1995 Pertti Mattila
David Preiss
+ PDF Bounded Analytic Functions. 1982 Peter W. Jones
John B. Garnett
+ A Boundedness Criterion for Generalized Calderon-Zygmund Operators 1984 Guy David
Jean-Lin Journé
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+ Hankel Operators and Their Applications 2003 Vladimir Peller
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Fëdor Nazarov
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat $L^2$-norm and estimates from below for Riesz transforms on Cantor sets 2011 Vladimir Eiderman
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+ Theory of function spaces 1983 Hans Triebel
+ PDF Analytic capacity, Calderon-Zygmund operators, and rectifiability 1999 Guy David
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
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+ Cauchy Singular Integrals and Rectifiability of Measures in the Plane 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ PDF L2-boundedness of the Cauchy integral operator for continuous measures 1999 Xavier Tolsa
+ Multiple operator integrals and higher operator derivatives 2005 Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators 2008 Fëdor Nazarov
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+ On the uniform rectifiability of AD regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1 2012 Fëdor Nazarov
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+ PDF On geometric properties of harmonic Lip<sub>1</sub>-capacity 1995 Pertti Mattila
Петр Владимирович Парамонов
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Charles Fefferman
+ Dyadic shifts and a logarithmic estimate for Hankel operators with matrix symbol 2000 Stefanie Petermichl
+ The sharp bound for the Hilbert transform on weighted Lebesgue spaces in terms of the classical A p characteristic 2007 Stefanie Petermichl
+ Analytic capacity: discrete approach and curvature of measure 1995 Mark Melnikov