Pierre Dèbes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory 2024 Benjamin Collas
Pierre Dèbes
Yuichiro Hoshi
Ariane Mézard
+ PDF Chat Coprime values of polynomials in several variables 2023 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
+ Improvements on dimension growth results and effective Hilbert's irreducibility theorem 2023 Raf Cluckers
Pierre Dèbes
Yotam I. Hendel
Kien Huu Nguyen
Floris Vermeulen
+ PDF Chat Polynomial equations modulo prime numbers 2022 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory 2022 Benjamin Collas
Pierre Dèbes
Hiroaki Nakamura
Jakob Stix
+ PDF Chat The Hilbert–Schinzel specialization property 2022 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
Salah Najib
+ Polynomial equations modulo prime numbers 2022 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ PDF Chat Rational pullbacks of Galois covers 2021 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter 2021 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter 2021 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter 2021 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ PDF Chat Prime and coprime values of polynomials 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ PDF Chat The Schinzel hypothesis for polynomials 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Prime and coprime values of polynomials. 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ The relative Schinzel hypothesis 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ The Hilbert-Schinzel specialization property 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
Salah Najib
+ Prime and coprime values of polynomials 2020 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Pre-Galois theory 2019 David Harbater
Pierre Dèbes
+ Pre-Galois Theory 2019 David Harbater
Pierre Dèbes
+ Mini-Workshop: Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups 2019 Benjamin Collas
Pierre Dèbes
Michael D. Fried
+ Twisted covers and specializations 2019 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ The Schinzel Hypothesis for Polynomials 2019 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ The Schinzel Hypothesis for Polynomials 2019 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Pre-Galois theory 2019 David Harbater
Pierre Dèbes
+ Rational pullbacks of Galois covers 2018 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ Groups with no parametric Galois realizations 2018 Pierre Dèbes
+ Rational pullbacks of Galois covers 2018 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ PDF Chat On the Malle conjecture and the self-twisted cover 2017 Pierre Dèbes
+ Families of polynomials and their specializations 2016 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Groups with no Parametric Galois Extension 2016 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Tchebotarev theorems for function fields 2016 Sara Checcoli
Pierre Dèbes
+ Groups with no Parametric Galois Extension 2016 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Tchebotarev theorems for function fields 2016 Sara Checcoli
Pierre Dèbes
+ Tchebotarev theorems for function fields 2015 Sara Checcoli
Pierre Dèbes
+ Families of polynomials and their specializations 2015 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Reduction and specialization of polynomials 2015 Pierre Dèbes
+ Families of polynomials and their specializations 2015 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ On the Malle conjecture and the self-twisted cover 2014 Pierre Dèbes
+ On the Malle conjecture and the self-twisted cover 2014 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Specialization results in Galois theory 2013 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ Geometric and differential Galois theories 2013 Jean-Marc Couveignes
Philip Boalch
Pierre Dèbes
Daniel Bertrand
+ Arithmetic and Geometry Around Galois Theory 2012 Pierre Dèbes
Michel Emsalem
Matthieu Romagny
A. Muhammed Uludağ
+ PDF Chat Galois Covers and the Hilbert-Grunwald Property 2012 Pierre Dèbes
Nour Ghazi
+ PDF Chat Specializations of indecomposable polynomials 2011 Arnaud Bodin
Guillaume Chèze
Pierre Dèbes
+ Twisted covers and specializations 2011 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ Specialization results in Galois theory 2011 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ Specializations of Galois covers of the line 2011 Pierre Dèbes
Nour Ghazi
+ Specializations of Galois covers of the line 2011 Pierre Dèbes
Nour Ghazi
Viorel Barbu
Ovidiu Ca rjǎ
+ Twisted covers and specializations 2011 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ Specialization results in Galois theory 2011 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ PDF Chat Irreducibility of Hypersurfaces 2009 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ PDF Chat Indecomposable polynomials and their spectrum 2009 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ Abelian obstructions in inverse Galois theory 2009 Anna Cadoret
Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Abelian constraints in inverse Galois theory 2008 Anna Cadoret
Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem 2008 Pierre Dèbes
Yann Walkowiak
+ Irreducibility of hypersurfaces 2007 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
Michel Emsalem
+ Groupes de galois arithmétiques et différentiels 2006 Daniel Bertrand
Pierre Dèbes
+ Descent varieties for algebraic covers 2004 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
Laurent Moret-Bailly
+ Corps [psi]-libres et théorie inverse de Galois infinie 2004 Pierre Dèbes
Bruno Deschamps
+ Descent varieties for algebraic covers 2004 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
Laurent Moret-Bailly
+ Corps $\psi$-libres et théorie inverse de Galois infinie. (French) [$\psi$-free fields and infinite inverse Galois theory] 2004 B. Deschamps
Pierre Dèbes
Geoffroy Derome
+ Descent theory for algebraic covers 2002 Pierre Dèbes
+ Arithmétique des revêtements algébriques 2001 Niels Borne
Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
Michel Emsalem
Stéphane Flon
Qing Liu
P Satgé
+ PDF Chat Familles de Hurwitz et cohomologie non abélienne 2000 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
Michel Emsalem
+ Arithmétique et espaces de modules de revêtements 1999 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Integral specialization of families of rational functions 1999 Pierre Dèbes
Michael D. Fried
+ PDF Chat Almost hilbertian fields 1999 Pierre Dèbes
Dan Haran
+ On fields of moduli of curves 1999 Pierre Dèbes
Michel Emsalem
+ Galois Covers with Prescribed Fibers: the Beckmann-Black Problem 1999 Pierre Dèbes
+ Regular realization of abelian groups with controlled ramification 1999 Pierre Dèbes
+ Local-global principles for algebraic covers 1998 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
+ Universal Hilbert subsets 1998 Pierre Dèbes
Umberto Zannier
+ Fields of definition of p-adic covers 1998 Pierre Dèbes
David Harbater
+ Hilbert's irreducibility theorem and $G$-functions 1997 Pierre Dèbes
Umberto Zannier
Jean-Claude Douai
+ PDF Chat Algebraic covers: Field of moduli versus field of definition 1997 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
+ Hilbert subsets ands-integral points 1996 Pierre Dèbes
+ Covers of 𝑃¹ over the 𝑝-adics 1995 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Dvornicich and Zannier 1995 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Nonrigid constructions in Galois theory 1994 Pierre Dèbes
Michael D. Fried
+ On the irreducibility of the polynomials P(tm, Y) 1992 Pierre Dèbes
+ Arithmetic variation of fibers in families of curves. Part I: Hurwitz monodromy criteria for rational points on all members of the familiy. 1990 Pierre Dèbes
M. Fried
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and real residue class fields 1990 Michael D. Fried
Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Groupes de Galois sur $K(T)$ 1990 Pierre Dèbes
+ Bound recent results on the Hilbert irreducibility theorem 1987 Pierre Dèbes
+ Resultats Recents Lies Au Theoreme D’Irreductibilite de Hilbert 1987 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat G-fonctions et théorème d'irreductibilite de Hilbert 1986 Pierre Dèbes
+ Quelques Remarques Sur un Article de Bombieri Concernant le Theoreme de Decomposition de Weil 1985 Pierre Dèbes
+ Une version effective du théorème d'irréductibilité de Hilbert 1982 Pierre Dèbes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic covers: Field of moduli versus field of definition 1997 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
+ Topics in Galois Theory 2011 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Galois Covers and the Hilbert-Grunwald Property 2012 Pierre Dèbes
Nour Ghazi
+ PDF Chat On Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem 1974 Michael D. Fried
+ Fields of definition of function fields and hurwitz families — groups as galois groups 1977 Michael D. Fried
+ Embedding Problems Over Large Fields 1996 Florian Pop
+ Polynomials with Special Regard to Reducibility 2000 Andrzej Schinzel
+ PDF Chat Reducibility of rational functions in several variables 2008 Arnaud Bodin
+ Hurwitz families and arithmetic Galois groups 1985 Kevin R. Coombes
David Harbater
+ Dirichlet’s theorem for polynomial rings 2008 Lior Bary‐Soroker
+ Generic Polynomials: Constructive Aspects of the Inverse Galois Problem 2002 Christian U. Jensen
Arne Ledet
典子 由井
+ Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry 1983 Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat A bound for the least prime ideal in the Chebotarev Density Theorem 1979 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Hugh L. Montgomery
Andrew Odlyzko
+ Selected Topics on Polynomials 1982 Andrzej Schinzel
+ Galois Covers with Prescribed Fibers: the Beckmann-Black Problem 1999 Pierre Dèbes
+ Une généralisation de l'inégalité de Stein–Lorenzini 2005 Salah Najib
+ Specializations of Galois covers of the line 2011 Pierre Dèbes
Nour Ghazi
+ Groups as Galois Groups 1996 Helmut Völklein
+ Reducibility of Polynomials in Two Variables 1993 Dino Lorenzini
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem 2008 Pierre Dèbes
Yann Walkowiak
+ PDF Chat The Tame Fundamental Group of a Formal Neighbourhood of a Divisor with Normal Crossings on a Scheme 1971 Alexander Grothendieck
Jacob P. Murre
+ The total reducibility order of a polynomial in two variables 1989 Yosef Stein
+ PDF Chat Sur le spectre d'un polynôme à plusieurs variables 2004 Salah Najib
+ On extensions of number fields obtained by specializing branched coverings. 1991 Sybilla Beckmann
+ On the Local Behavior of Specializations of Function Field Extensions 2018 Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ Irreducible values of polynomials 2011 Lior Bary‐Soroker
+ Hurwitz Schemes and Irreducibility of Moduli of Algebraic Curves 1969 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Specialization results in Galois theory 2013 Pierre Dèbes
François Legrand
+ Groups with no parametric Galois realizations 2018 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat The Embedding Problem Over a Hilbertian PAC-Field 1992 Michael D. Fried
Helmut Völklein
+ Descente effective du corps de définition des revêtements 1999 Bounab Sadi
+ Class Field Theory 1990 Emil Artin
John Tate
+ PDF Chat The inverse Galois problem and rational points on moduli spaces 1991 Michael D. Fried
Helmut V�lklein
+ PDF Chat G-fonctions et théorème d'irreductibilite de Hilbert 1986 Pierre Dèbes
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the Mordell-Weil Theorem 1989 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Rational pullbacks of Galois covers 2018 Pierre Dèbes
Joachim König
François Legrand
Danny Neftin
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and real residue class fields 1990 Michael D. Fried
Pierre Dèbes
+ Fields of definition of p-adic covers 1998 Pierre Dèbes
David Harbater
+ The Schinzel Hypothesis for Polynomials 2019 Arnaud Bodin
Pierre Dèbes
Salah Najib
+ PDF Chat On the Sprindžuk-Weissauer approach to universal Hilbert subsets 1985 Michael D. Fried
+ Cohomology of Number Fields 2008 Jürgen Neukirch
Alexander Schmidt
Kay Wingberg
+ Arithmetic of 3 and 4 Branch Point Covers 1990 M. Fried
+ Local-global principles for algebraic covers 1998 Pierre Dèbes
Jean-Claude Douai
+ On solvable number fields 1979 J�rgen Neukirch
+ Generic polynomials are descent-generic 2001 Gregor Kemper
+ On the irreducibility of the polynomials P(tm, Y) 1992 Pierre Dèbes
+ Galois coverings of the arithmetic line 1987 David Harbater
+ On the reduction modulo p of an absolutely irreducible polynomial f (x, y) 1997 Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat Uniformity of rational points 1997 Lucia Caporaso
Joe Harris
Barry Mazur
+ Arithmétique et espaces de modules de revêtements 1999 Pierre Dèbes