Timothy J. Hollowood


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Projections and teleportation of operator quenches in CFT 2024 Zsolt Gyongyosi
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Replica R\'enyi Wormholes and Generalised Modular Entropy in JT Gravity 2024 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Luke C. Piper
+ PDF Chat The holographic map of an evaporating black hole 2023 Zsolt Gyongyosi
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ PDF Chat Black hole information recovery in JT gravity 2023 Zsolt Gyongyosi
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ The Holographic Map of an Evaporating Black Hole 2023 Zsolt Gyongyosi
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ PDF Chat Grey-body factors, irreversibility and multiple island saddles 2022 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ PDF Chat Ephemeral islands, plunging quantum extremal surfaces and BCFT channels 2022 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ Black Hole Information Recovery in JT Gravity 2022 Zsolt Gyongyosi
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ PDF Chat Islands in the stream of Hawking radiation 2021 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ Islands in the Stream of Hawking Radiation 2021 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
Neil Talwar
+ Hawking radiation correlations of evaporating black holes in JT gravity 2020 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Andrea Legramandi
+ PDF Chat Islands and Page curves for evaporating black holes in JT gravity 2020 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Classical spectral curve of the AdS5 × S5 lambda superstring 2020 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
Dafydd Price
+ Islands and Page Curves for Evaporating Black Holes in JT Gravity 2020 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ Islands and Page Curves for Evaporating Black Holes in JT Gravity 2020 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Chaos bound in Bershadsky-Polyakov theory 2019 Justin R. David
Timothy J. Hollowood
Surbhi Khetrapal
S. Prem Kumar
+ Born's rule yields classical states and classical mechanics 2019 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Born's rule yields classical states and classical mechanics 2019 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Unravelling cosmological perturbations 2018 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Quantum anisotropic sigma and lambda models as spin chains 2018 Calan Appadu
Timothy J. Hollowood
Dafydd Price
Daniel C. Thompson
+ Classical from Quantum 2018 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Classical from Quantum 2018 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Yang Baxter and anisotropic sigma and lambda models, cyclic RG and exact S-matrices 2017 Calan Appadu
Timothy J. Hollowood
Dafydd Price
Daniel C. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Giant magnons of string theory in the lambda background 2017 Calan Appadu
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
Dafydd Price
David M. Schmidtt
+ PDF Chat Quantum inverse scattering and the lambda deformed principal chiral model 2017 Calan Appadu
Timothy J. Hollowood
Dafydd Price
+ PDF Chat Decoherence, discord, and the quantum master equation for cosmological perturbations 2017 Timothy J. Hollowood
Jamie I. McDonald
+ Giant magnons 2017 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat <i>S</i>-matrices and quantum group symmetry of<i>k</i>-deformed sigma models 2016 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
David M. Schmidtt
+ PDF Chat Causality, renormalizability and ultra-high energy gravitational scattering 2016 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Causality violation, gravitational shockwaves and UV completion 2016 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Partition function of N = 2 ∗ $$ \mathcal{N}={2}^{\ast } $$ SYM on a large four-sphere 2015 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Copenhagen quantum mechanics 2015 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Beta function of k deformed AdS5 × S 5 string theory 2015 Calan Appadu
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat An integrable deformation of the AdS<sub>5</sub>×<i>S</i><sup>5</sup>superstring 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
David M. Schmidtt
+ PDF Chat Integrable deformations of strings on symmetric spaces 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
David M. Schmidtt
+ Symplectic deformations of integrable field theories and AdS/CFT 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger's cat and the firewall 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The emergent Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ The Copenhagen Interpretation Born Again 2014 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Restoring unitarity in the q-deformed world-sheet S-matrix 2013 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The structure of non-abelian kinks 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
David M. Schmidtt
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic symmetries and thermodynamics of higher spin black holes in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>AdS</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2013 Michael Ferlaino
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat The Copenhagen interpretation as an emergent phenomenon 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Overview of large<i>N</i>QCD with chemical potential at weak and strong coupling 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ The Copenhagen Interpretation as an Emergent Phenomenon 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ New Modal Quantum Mechanics 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Gauge Theories and Running Couplings 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ The Copenhagen Interpretation as an Emergent Phenomenon 2013 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Bound states of the q-deformed AdS5×S5 superstring S-matrix 2012 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement transitions of large N QCD with chemical potential at weak and strong coupling 2012 Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat THE UNBEARABLE BEINGNESS OF LIGHT — Dressingand Undressing Photonsin Black Hole Spacetimes 2012 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat A 5d/3d duality from relativistic integrable system 2012 Heng‐Yu Chen
Timothy J. Hollowood
Peng Zhao
+ PDF Chat q-deformation of the AdS5 × S5 superstring S-matrix and its relativistic limit 2012 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The effect of gravitational tidal forces on renormalized quantum fields 2012 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Weak coupling large-N transitions at finite baryon density 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat A relativistic relative of the magnon S-matrix 2011 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Graviton propagation and vacuum polarization in curved space 2011 Ross James Stanley
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Quantization of integrable systems and a 2d/4d duality 2011 Nick Dorey
Sungjay Lee
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat A new 2d/4d duality via integrability 2011 Heng‐Yu Chen
Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Sungjay Lee
+ A Relativistic Relative of the Giant Magnon S-Matrix 2011 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The AdS5 × S5 semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon theory 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The semi-classical spectrum of solitons and giant magnons 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum solitons in the symmetric space sine-Gordon theories 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ QCD with chemical potential on S^1 x S^3 2010 Simon Hands
Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat Numerical study of the two color attoworld 2010 Simon Hands
Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat The relativistic avatars of giant magnons and their S-matrix 2010 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The effect of gravitational tidal forces on vacuum polarization: How to undress a photon 2010 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat QCD with chemical potential in a small hyperspherical box 2010 Simon Hands
Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of adjoint QCD at weak coupling and finite volume 2010 Joyce C. Myers
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ QCD with chemical potential on S^1 x S^3 2010 Simon Hands
Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ `Superluminal' Photon Propagation in QED in Curved Spacetime is Dispersive and Causal 2010 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ `Superluminal' Photon Propagation in QED in Curved Spacetime is Dispersive and Causal 2010 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ Phase diagram of adjoint QCD at weak coupling and finite volume 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat A new and elementary ℂ<i>P</i><sup><i>n</i></sup>} Dyonic magnon 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The refractive index of curved spacetime II: QED, Penrose limits and black holes 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
Ross James Stanley
+ PDF Chat Magnons, their solitonic avatars and the Pohlmeyer reduction 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ 6 Lectures on QFT, RG and SUSY 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Phase diagram of adjoint QCD at weak coupling and finite volume 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ Finite Volume Phases of Large N Gauge Theories with Massive Adjoint Fermions 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
Joyce C. Myers
+ PDF Chat The causal structure of QED in curved spacetime: analyticity and the refractive index 2008 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat 𝒩 = 4 SYM on<i>S</i><sup>3</sup>with near critical chemical potentials 2008 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Asad Naqvi
Philip Wild
+ PDF Chat Matrix models, geometric engineering and elliptic genera 2008 Timothy J. Hollowood
Amer Iqbal
Cumrun Vafa
+ The Hagedorn temperature and open QCD-string tachyons in pure <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math> super-Yang–Mills 2008 Adi Armoni
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ The refractive index of curved spacetime: The fate of causality in QED 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Topology change in commuting saddles of thermal {𝒩} = 4 SYM theory 2007 Umut Gürsoy
Sean A. Hartnoll
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Causality and micro-causality in curved spacetime 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ Violation of Micro-Causality in Curved Spacetime 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions of orientifold gauge theories at large<i>N</i>in finite volume 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Large<i>N</i>gauge theories and topological cigars 2007 Gaetano Bertoldi
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Topology Change and New Phases in Thermal N=4 SYM Theory 2007 Umut Gürsoy
Sean A. Hartnoll
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Instabilities of the small black hole: a view from<b>Script N = 4</b>SYM 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Double scaling limits in gauge theories and matrix models 2006 Gaetano Bertoldi
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Interactions of domain walls of SUSY Yang-Mills as D-branes 2006 Adi Armoni
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Integrability and Quantum Field Theory 2006 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Sitting on the domain Walls of Script N = 1 super Yang-Mills 2005 Adi Armoni
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat On the Coulomb branch of a marginal deformation of Script N = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills 2005 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Vacua of <i>N</i> = 1 Supersymmetric QCD from Spin Chains and Matrix Models 2005 Timothy J. Hollowood
Kazutoshi Ohta
+ PDF Chat An<i>N</i>=1 duality cascade from a deformation of<i>N</i>=4 SUSY Yang-Mills 2004 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat The curve of compactified 6<i>D</i>gauge theories and integrable systems 2003 H. W. Braden
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Critical points of glueball superpotentials and equilibria of integrable systems 2003 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Monopoles, affine algebras and the gluino condensate 2003 N. Michael Davies
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
+ A comment on the χy genus and supersymmetric quantum mechanics 2003 Timothy J. Hollowood
Tom Kingaby
+ PDF Chat New results from glueball superpotentials and matrix models: the Leigh-Strassler deformation 2003 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Five-dimensional gauge theories and quantum mechanical matrix models 2003 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The Phase Structure of Mass-Deformed SU(2) × SU(2) Quiver Theory 2003 Timothy J. Hollowood
Tom Kingaby
+ PDF Chat S-duality of the Leigh-Strassler Deformation via Matrix Models 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Massive Vacua of Script N = 1* Theory and<i>S</i>-duality from Matrix Models 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Annamária Sinkovics
+ PDF Chat Exact Superpotentials from Matrix Models 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Annamária Sinkovics
+ PDF Chat World sheet instantons via the Myers effect and Script N = 1* quiver superpotentials 2002 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat The calculus of many instantons 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
+ PDF Chat Testing Seiberg–Witten theory to all orders in the instanton expansion 2002 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Calculating the prepotential by localization on the moduli space of instantons 2002 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat An exact elliptic superpotential for deformations of finite gauge theories 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ PDF Chat Exact results in noncommutative Script N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories 2001 Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Gabriele Travaglini
+ PDF Chat The D-instanton partition function 2001 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
+ PDF Chat Holographic renormalization group and cosmology in theories with quasilocalized gravity 2001 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Timothy J. Hollowood
John Terning
+ Notes on Soliton Bound-State Problems in Gauge Theory and String Theory 2001 Nick Dorey
Valentin V. Khoze
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat General properties of the self-tuning domain wall approach to the cosmological constant problem 2000 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Christophe Grojean
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Universal aspects of gravity localized on thick branes 2000 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Timothy J. Hollowood
Yuri Shirman
+ PDF Chat Black diamonds at brane junctions 2000 Andrew Chamblin
Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Quasilocalization of Gravity on a Brane by Resonant Modes 2000 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Graviton propagators, brane bending and bending of light in theories with quasi-localized gravity 2000 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat ADHM and D-instantons in orbifold AdS/CFT duality 2000 Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of cluster decomposition in instanton calculations of the gluino condensate 2000 Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Weonjong Lee
Michael P. Mattis
+ A Brief History of the Stringy Instanton 2000 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
+ PDF Chat Instantons, finite Script N = 2 Sp(<i>N</i>) theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence 1999 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Summing the instanton series in Script N = 2 superconformal large-<i>N</i> QCD 1999 Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
+ PDF Chat Gluino condensate and magnetic monopoles in supersymmetric gluodynamics 1999 N. Michael Davies
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
+ PDF Chat Multi-instanton calculus and the AdS/CFT correspondence in = 4 superconformal field theory 1999 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
Stefan Vandoren
+ PDF Chat Multi-instantons and Maldacena's conjecture 1999 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
Stefan Vandoren
+ The BPS spectra of gauge theories in two and four dimensions 1999 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
David Tong
+ Instantons in N=4 Sp(N) and SO(N) theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence 1999 Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and the multi-instanton measure II. From N = 4 to N = 0 1998 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
+ PDF Chat Dyon electric charge and fermion fractionalization in N = 2 gauge theory 1998 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Strong coupling $N = 2$ gauge theory with arbitrary gauge group 1998 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Solitonic integrable perturbations of parafermionic theories 1997 Carlos R. Fernández-Pousa
M. V. Gallas
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Exact scattering in the SU(n) supersymmetric principal chiral model 1997 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Semi-classical quantization in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and duality 1997 Christophe Fraser
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat On the weak coupling spectrum of N = 2 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theory 1997 Christophe Fraser
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The N = 1 supersymmetric bootstrap and Lie algebras 1997 Timothy J. Hollowood
Evangelos Mavrikis
+ PDF Chat The symmetric space and homogeneous sine-Gordon theories 1997 Carlos R. Fernández-Pousa
M. V. Gallas
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ Strong Coupling N=2 Gauge Theory with Arbitrary Gauge Group 1997 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat S-duality in N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theories with arbitrary gauge group 1996 Nicholas Dorey
Christophe Fraser
Timothy J. Hollowood
Marco A. C. Kneipp
+ Semi-classical decay of monopoles in N=2 gauge theory 1996 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Exact results for integrable asymptotically-free field theories 1996 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Massive integrable soliton theories 1995 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
Q‐Han Park
+ PDF Chat Quantum scattering of charged solitons in the complex sine-Gordon model 1995 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Integrable theories that are asymptotically CFT 1995 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Non-abelian duality in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories 1995 Nicholas Dorey
Christophe Fraser
Timothy J. Hollowood
Marco A. C. Kneipp
+ PDF Chat The exact mass-gap of the supersymmetric CPn−1 sigma model 1995 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Exact Results for Integrable Asymptotically-free Field Theories 1995 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The exact mass-gap of the supersymmetric O(N) sigma model 1995 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Additional symmetries of generalized integrable hierarchies 1994 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
J. Sánchez-Guillén
+ PDF Chat The exact mass-gaps of the principal chiral models 1994 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The analytic structure of trigonometric S-matrices 1994 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat From Am−1 trigonometric S-matrices to the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz 1994 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat New topological theories and conjugacy classes of the Weyl group 1993 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Tau-functions and generalized intergrable hierarchies 1993 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Generalized integrability and two-dimensional gravitation 1993 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
Joaqu�n S�nchez Guill�n
+ PDF Chat Generalized Drinfel’d-Sokolov Hierarchies. II. The Hamiltonian Structures. 1993 Nigel J. Burroughs
Mark F. de Groot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Generalized Drinfel'd-Sokolov hierarchies 1993 Nigel J. Burroughs
Mark F. de Groot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Quantum soliton mass corrections in sl(n) affine Toda field theory 1993 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Solitons in affine Toda field theories 1992 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Integrable N = 2 supersymmetric field theories 1992 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Hermitian versus anti-hermitian one-matrix models and their hierarchies 1992 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
Andrea Pasquinucci
Chiara R. Nappi
+ PDF Chat Generalized Drinfel'd-Sokolov hierarchies 1992 Mark F. de Groot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Generalized W-algebras and integrable hierarchies 1992 Nigel J. Burroughs
Mark de Groot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov Hierarchies II: The Hamiltonian Structures 1991 Nigel J. Burroughs
Mark F. deGroot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ Supersymmetric Toda field theories 1991 Jonathan Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat A connection between connections. Toda conformal field theories and topological gauge theories 1990 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Quantum group structure of quantum Toda conformal field theories (I) 1990 Timothy J. Hollowood
Paul Mansfield
+ A Quantum group approach to constructing factorizable S matrices 1990 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat The exceptional Jordan algebra and the superstring 1989 E. Corrigan
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Rational conformal field theories at, and away from, criticality as Toda field theories 1989 Timothy J. Hollowood
Paul Mansfield
+ A bosonic representation of the twisted string emission vertex 1988 E. Corrigan
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ THE 112 BREAKINGS OF E<sub>8</sub> 1988 Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat A string construction of a commutative non-associative algebra related to the exceptional Jordan algebra 1988 E. Corrigan
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Comments on the algebra of straight, twisted and intertwining vertex operators 1988 E. Corrigan
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ Twisted strings, vertex operators and algebras 1988 Timothy J. Hollowood
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Factorized S-matrices in two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relativistic quantum field theory models 1979 Alexander B. Zamolodchikov
Alexey B Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat Pohlmeyer reduction of superstring sigma model 2008 Maxim Grigoriev
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Pohlmeyer reduction revisited 2008 J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Sine-Gordon-like action for the superstring in <i>AdS</i><sub>5</sub> × <i>S</i><sup>5</sup> 2008 Andrei Mikhailov
Sakura Schäfer‐Nameki
+ PDF Chat Generalized Drinfel'd-Sokolov hierarchies 1992 Mark F. de Groot
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat On geometry and matrix models 2002 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat An Elliptic Superpotential for Softly Broken Script N = 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory 1999 Nick Dorey
+ PDF Chat Matrix models, topological strings, and supersymmetric gauge theories 2002 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
+ Fractional supersymmetries in perturbed coset CFTs and integrable soliton theory 1990 Changrim Ahn
Denis Bernard
André LeClair
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory 1994 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ A Perturbative Window into Non-Perturbative Physics 2002 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Solutions of four-dimensional field theories via M-theory 1997 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat An exact elliptic superpotential for deformations of finite gauge theories 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
+ Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and integrable systems 1996 Ron Donagi
Edward Witten
+ Lie algebras and equations of Korteweg-de Vries type 1985 Vladimir Drinfeld
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview 2011 Niklas Beisert
Changrim Ahn
Luis F. Alday
Zoltán Bajnok
J. M. Drummond
Lisa Freyhult
Nikolay Gromov
Romuald A. Janik
Vladimir Kazakov
Thomas Klose
+ PDF Chat Exact Superpotentials from Matrix Models 2002 Nick Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Annamária Sinkovics
+ PDF Chat Foundations of the AdS<sub>5</sub>× S<sup>5</sup>superstring: I 2009 Gleb Arutyunov
Sergey Frolov
+ Restricted sine-Gordon theory and the minimal conformal series 1989 André LeClair
+ PDF Chat Magnons, their solitonic avatars and the Pohlmeyer reduction 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat The AdS5 × S5 semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon theory 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ The Hagedorn/Deconfinement Phase Transition in Weakly Coupled Large N Gauge Theories 2004 Ofer Aharony
Joseph Marsano
Shiraz Minwalla
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat Causality and micro-causality in curved spacetime 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian formulation of symmetric space sine-Gordon models 1996 Ioannis Bakas
Q‐Han Park
Hyun-Jong Shin
+ The refractive index of curved spacetime: The fate of causality in QED 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
G.M. Shore
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum solitons in the symmetric space sine-Gordon theories 2011 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ Integrable interpolations: From exact CFTs to non-Abelian T-duals 2014 Konstadinos Sfetsos
+ Residual quantum symmetries of the Restricted sine-Gordon theories 1990 Denis Bernard
André LeClair
+ Any Space-Time has a Plane Wave as a Limit 1976 Roger Penrose
+ PDF Chat Multi-instanton calculus and the AdS/CFT correspondence in = 4 superconformal field theory 1999 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
Valentin V. Khoze
Michael P. Mattis
Stefan Vandoren
+ PDF Chat Quantum extremal surfaces: holographic entanglement entropy beyond the classical regime 2015 Netta Engelhardt
Aron C. Wall
+ PDF Chat Quantum deformations of the one-dimensional Hubbard model 2008 Niklas Beisert
Peter Koroteev
+ PDF Chat Fermi coordinates and Penrose limits 2006 Matthias Blau
Denis Frank
Sebastian Weiss
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Tree-level S-matrix of Pohlmeyer reduced form of AdS 5 × S 5 superstring theory 2010 Ben Hoare
A.A. Tseytlin
+ Theory of nonabelian goldstone bosons in two dimensions 1983 A. Polyakov
P. Wiegmann
+ PDF Chat q-deformation of the AdS5 × S5 superstring S-matrix and its relativistic limit 2012 Ben Hoare
Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat REDUCED MODEL FOR SUPERSTRINGS ON AdS<sub>n</sub> × S<sup>n</sup> 2008 Maxim Grigoriev
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Integrable theories that are asymptotically CFT 1995 Jonathan M. Evans
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat A new and elementary ℂ<i>P</i><sup><i>n</i></sup>} Dyonic magnon 2009 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ PDF Chat Replica wormholes and the entropy of Hawking radiation 2020 Ahmed Almheiri
Thomas Hartman
Juan Maldacena
Edgar Shaghoulian
Amirhossein Tajdini
+ PDF Chat The relativistic avatars of giant magnons and their S-matrix 2010 Timothy J. Hollowood
J. Luis Miramontes
+ On the theory of nonabelian goldstone bosons in two dimensions; exact solution of the SU(N) ⊗ SU(N) nonlinear σ model 1984 P. Wiegmann
+ PDF Chat On classical q-deformations of integrable σ-models 2013 F. Delduc
M. Magro
Benoît Vicedo
+ PDF Chat Quantum scattering of charged solitons in the complex sine-Gordon model 1995 Nicholas Dorey
Timothy J. Hollowood
+ PDF Chat Integrable structures in supersymmetric gauge and string theory 1996 Emil J. Martinec
+ PDF Chat New modular invariance in the Script N = 1* theory, operator mixings and supergravity singularities 2000 Ofer Aharony
Nick Dorey
S. Prem Kumar