Michael Zargham


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Decentralised Governance for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems 2024 Kelsie Nabben
Hongyang Wang
Michael Zargham
+ Open Problems in DAOs 2023 Joshua Tan
Tara Merk
Sarah Hubbard
Eliza R. Oak
Joni Pirovich
Ellie Rennie
Rolf Hoefer
Michael Zargham
Jason Potts
Chris Berg
+ Evidence Based Decision Making in Blockchain Economic Systems: From Theory to Practice 2020 Marek Laskowski
Michael Zargham
Hjalmar Turesson
Matt Barlin
Danil Kabanov
Eden Dhaliwal
+ Token Economics in Real-Life: Cryptocurrency and Incentives Design for Insolar Blockchain Network 2019 Henry Kim
Marek Laskowski
Michael Zargham
Hjalmar Turesson
Matt Barlin
Danil Kabanov
+ A State-Space Modeling Framework for Engineering Blockchain-Enabled Economic Systems 2018 Michael Zargham
Zixuan Zhang
VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
+ Bio-Inspired Framework for Allocation of Protection Resources in Cyber-Physical Networks 2015 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Cameron Nowzari
Shuo Han
Masaki Ogura
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ A convex framework to control spreading processes in directed networks 2014 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
David A. Sun
+ PDF Chat Optimal Resource Allocation for Network Protection Against Spreading Processes 2014 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ Worst-Case Scenarios for Greedy, Centrality-Based Network Protection Strategies 2014 Michael Zargham
VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
+ PDF Chat Optimal vaccine allocation to control epidemic outbreaks in arbitrary networks 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ PDF Chat Accelerated backpressure algorithm 2013 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ PDF Chat Traffic optimization to control epidemic outbreaks in metapopulation models 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
+ Optimal Resource Allocation for Network Protection: A Geometric Programming Approach. 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ Traffic Optimization to Control Epidemic Outbreaks in Metapopulation Models 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
+ Optimal Vaccine Allocation to Control Epidemic Outbreaks in Arbitrary Networks 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ Accelerated Backpressure Algorithm 2013 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Traffic Control for Network Protection Against Spreading Processes 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
David A. Sun
+ Optimal Vaccine Allocation to Control Epidemic Outbreaks in Arbitrary Networks 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ Accelerated Backpressure Algorithm 2013 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Traffic Optimization to Control Epidemic Outbreaks in Metapopulation Models 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
+ PDF Chat A distributed line search for network optimization 2012 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ A Distributed Line Search for Network Optimization 2012 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ A Distributed Line Search for Network Optimization 2012 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ PDF Chat Accelerated dual descent for network optimization 2011 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Asuman Ozdaglar
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Accelerated Dual Descent for Network Optimization 2011 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
Asuman Ozdaglar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Designing spatially heterogeneous strategies for control of virus spread 2008 Yan Wan
Sandip Roy
Abbas Ali Saberi
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ None 2010 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Ayalvadi Ganesh
Amin Saberi
+ Accelerated Dual Descent for Network Optimization 2011 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
Asuman Ozdaglar
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the stochastic and deterministic models of an epidemic 1971 George H. Weiss
Menachem Dishon
+ PDF Chat Epidemic spreading in real networks: an eigenvalue viewpoint 2004 Yang Wang
Deepayan Chakrabarti
Chenxi Wang
Christos Faloutsos
+ PDF Chat A convex framework for optimal investment on disease awareness in social networks 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Faryad Darabi Sahneh
Caterina Scoglio
+ PDF Chat Suppressing epidemics with a limited amount of immunization units 2011 Christian Schneider
Tamara Mihaljev
Shlomo Havlin
Hans J. Herrmann
+ In-homogeneous Virus Spread in Networks. 2013 Piet Van Mieghem
Jasmina Omić
+ Approximate Primal Solutions and Rate Analysis for Dual Subgradient Methods 2009 Angelia Nedić
Asuman Ozdaglar
+ PDF Chat Efficient Immunization Strategies for Computer Networks and Populations 2003 Reuven Cohen
Shlomo Havlin
Daniel ben‐Avraham
+ Subgradient methods in network resource allocation: Rate analysis 2008 Angelia Nedić
Asuman Ozdaglar
+ PDF Chat A distributed Newton method for Network Utility Maximization 2010 Ermin Wei
Asuman Ozdaglar
Ali Jadbabaie
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and its applications 1978 N. R. Ling
+ PDF Chat Optimization flow control. I. Basic algorithm and convergence 1999 Steven H. Low
D.E. Lapsely
+ PDF Chat Traffic optimization to control epidemic outbreaks in metapopulation models 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
+ PDF Chat Optimal vaccine allocation to control epidemic outbreaks in arbitrary networks 2013 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Michael Zargham
Chinwendu Enyioha
Ali Jadbabaie
George J. Pappas
+ A Newton method for convex separable network flow problems 1983 John G. Klincewicz
+ PDF Chat How to distribute antidote to control epidemics 2010 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
Ayalvadi Ganesh
Amin Saberi
+ PDF Chat Accelerated dual descent for network optimization 2011 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Asuman Ozdaglar
Ali Jadbabaie
+ A New Conjugate Gradient Method with Guaranteed Descent and an Efficient Line Search 2005 William W. Hager
Hongchao Zhang
+ Nonlinear Programming 1995 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ Linear and nonlinear programming. 1986 2
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and Its Applications 1977 P. Giles
Norman T. J. Bailey
+ Structural Analysis of Viral Spreading Processes in Social and Communication Networks Using Egonets 2012 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Moez Draief
Ali Jadbabaie
+ PDF Chat Moment-Based Spectral Analysis of Large-Scale Networks Using Local Structural Information 2012 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Ali Jadbabaie
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and Its Applications 1977 P. B. Giles
+ Applying a Newton Method to Strictly Convex Separable Network Quadratic Programs 1998 Jie Sun
Hsin-Chuan Kuo
+ Bounds for eigenvalues of certain stochastic matrices 1981 H. J. Landau
Andrew Odlyzko
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of viral marketing 2007 Jure Leskovec
Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ A Nonmonotone Line Search Technique and Its Application to Unconstrained Optimization 2004 Hongchao Zhang
William W. Hager
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of virus spreading in random geometric networks 2009 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Nonlinear Programming 2000 1
+ Structural Analysis of Viral Spreading Processes in Social and Communication Networks Using Egonets 2012 VĂ­ctor M. Preciado
Moez Draief
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newton's Method 2003 C. T. Kelley
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 1974 Norman Biggs
+ PDF Chat Numerical optimization: theoretical and practical aspects 2003 J. Frédéric Bonnans
+ On the Nonmonotone Line Search 2002 Y. H. Dai
+ Adaptive signal processing algorithms: stability and performance 1994 Victor Solo
Xuan Kong
+ Convex Analysis and Optimization 2003 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
Angelia Nedić
Asuman Ozdaglar
+ Applications of strong convexity--strong smoothness duality to learning with matrices 2009 Sham M. Kakade
Shai Shalev‐Shwartz
Ambuj Tewari
+ PDF Chat A distributed line search for network optimization 2012 Michael Zargham
Alejandro Ribeiro
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Minimization methods for non-differentiable functions 1985 N. Z. Shor
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
Andrzej RuszcayÇčski
+ PDF Chat Accuracy of mean-field theory for dynamics on real-world networks 2012 James P. Gleeson
Sergey Melnik
J. Ward
Mason A. Porter
Peter J. Mucha
+ PDF Chat Spread of epidemic disease on networks 2002 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Epidemic spreading in correlated complex networks 2002 Mariån Boguñå
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Continuity and location of zeros of linear combinations of polynomials 1965 Mishael Zedek