Sławomir Klimek


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Pile of Shifts II: Structure and K-Theory 2025 Shelley Hebert
Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ PDF Chat A Pile of Shifts I: Crossed Products 2024 Shelley Hebert
Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ Crossed product C$$^*$$-algebras associated with p-adic multiplication 2024 Shelley Hebert
Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ Noncommutative Geometry of Hensel-Steinitz Algebras 2024 Shelley Hebert
Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ Aspects of noncommutative geometry of Bunce–Deddens algebras 2023 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ A note on quantum odometers 2023 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ Implementations of Derivations on the Quantum Annulus 2023 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
John Wilson Peoples
+ Crossed Product C$^*$-algebras Associated With $p$-adic Multiplication 2023 Shelley Hebert
Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative geometry of the quantum disk 2022 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ Noncommutative Geometry of the Quantum Disk 2022 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ A Note on Quantum Odometers 2022 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
John Wilson Peoples
+ PDF Chat Aspects of Noncommutative Geometry of Bunce-Deddens Algebras 2021 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ Aspects of Noncommutative Geometry of Bunce-Deddens Algebras 2021 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
J. Wilson Peoples
+ PDF Chat A Value Region Problem for Continued Fractions and Discrete Dirac Equations 2020 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ PDF Chat Derivations and reflection positivity on the quantum cylinder 2020 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Matt McBride
+ Dirac type operators on the quantum solid torus with global boundary conditions 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat Derivations and spectral triples on quantum domains II: Quantum annulus 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ PDF Chat Spectral triples for nonarchimedean local fields 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ PDF Chat A Note on Spectral Triples on the Quantum Disk 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
John Wilson Peoples
+ Unbounded derivations in Bunce–Deddens–Toeplitz algebras 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
Honglin Wang
+ Derivations and Reflection Positivity on the Quantum Cylinder 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ Derivations and Reflection Positivity on the Quantum Cylinder 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ Unbounded Derivations in Bunce-Deddens-Toeplitz Algebras 2018 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
Honglin Wang
+ Derivations and Spectral Triples on Quantum Domains II: Quantum Annulus 2017 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ PDF Chat Derivations and Spectral Triples on Quantum Domains I: Quantum Disk 2017 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
Honglin Wang
+ Derivations and Spectral Triples on Quantum Domains II: Quantum Annulus 2017 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ Dirac type operators on the quantum solid torus with global boundary conditions 2016 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat A note on spectral properties of the <i>p</i>-adic tree 2016 Sławomir Klimek
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ Spectral Triples for nonarchimedean local fields 2016 Sławomir Klimek
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ Dirac type operators on the quantum solid torus with global boundary conditions 2016 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Pair of Pants 2015 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ PDF Chat A <i>p</i>-adic spectral triple 2014 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ PDF Chat A Note on Gluing Dirac Type Operators on a Mirror Quantum Two-Sphere 2014 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ A Value Region Problem for Stieltjes Type Continued Fractions 2013 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ A Value Region Problem for Continued Fractions and Discrete Dirac Equations 2013 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ PDF Chat Classical limit of the d-bar operators on quantum domains 2011 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat Global boundary conditions for a Dirac operator on the solid torus 2011 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat D-bar Operators on Quantum Domains 2010 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat A Note on Dirac Operators on the Quantum Punctured Disk 2010 Sławomir Klimek
+ A Note on Dirac Operators on the Quantum Punctured Disk 2010 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ A Dirac Type Operator on the Non-Commutative Disk 2010 Alan L. Carey
Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof Wojciechowski
+ Dirac operators on noncommutative manifolds with boundary 2009 Alan L. Carey
Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Properties of the Quantum Geodesic Flow on Tori 2005 Sławomir Klimek
Witold Kondracki
+ A note on noncommutative holomorphic and harmonic functions on the unit disk 2004 Sławomir Klimek
+ Ergodic properties of the quantum geodesic flow on tori 2003 Sławomir Klimek
Witold Kondracki
+ PDF Chat Quantized Kronecker flows and almost periodic quantum field theory 1997 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of quantized toral automorphisms 1997 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
Neepa T. Maitra
Ron Rubin
+ PDF Chat Quantized Chaotic Dynamics and Non-commutative KS Entropy 1996 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Quantum Riemann surfaces for arbitrary Planck’s constant 1996 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Adiabatic Cobordism Theorems for Analytic Torsion andη-Invariant 1996 Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ The smooth cohomology ofN=2 supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg field theories 1996 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Matrix Cartan Superdomains, Super Toeplitz-Operators, and Quantization 1995 David Borthwick
Sławomir Klimek
A. Leśniewski
Maurizio Rinaldi
+ Ergodic properties of quantized toral automorphisms 1995 Sławomir Klimek
A. Leśniewski
Neepa T. Maitra
Ron Rubin
+ Quantum Riemann surfaces III. the exceptional cases 1994 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Matrix Cartan superdomains, super Toeplitz operators, and quantization 1994 David Borthwick
Sławomir Klimek
A. Leśniewski
Maurizio Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Entire Cyclic Cohomology of a Finite Dimensional Noncommutative Space 1993 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ A Two-Parameter Quantum Deformation of the Unit Disc 1993 Sławomir Klimek
A. Leśniewski
+ ν-invariants on manifolds with cylindrical end 1993 Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ PDF Chat Super Toeplitz operators and non-perturbative deformation quantization of supermanifolds 1993 David Borthwick
Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
Maurizio Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat Quantum Riemann surfaces I. The unit disc 1992 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Quantum Riemann surfaces: II. The discrete series 1992 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Chern character in equivariant entire cyclic cohomology 1991 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Equivariant entire cyclic cohomology: I. Finite groups 1991 Sławomir Klimek
Witold Kondracki
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat Local rings of singularities andN=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics 1991 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Asymptotically commuting families of operators 1990 Arthur Jaffe
Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat Representations of the Heisenberg algebra on a Riemann surface 1989 Arthur Jaffe
Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat Global Laurent expansions on Riemann surfaces 1989 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ The group of local biholomorphisms of ℂ1 and conformal field theory in the operator formalism 1989 R. Budzyński
Sławomir Klimek
Paweł Sadowski
+ The ζ-determinant and functional analysis 1989 Sławomir Klimek
Witold Kondracki
M Wisniowski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum Riemann surfaces I. The unit disc 1992 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat D-bar Operators on Quantum Domains 2010 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative differential geometry 1985 Alain Connes
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat A Note on Dirac Operators on the Quantum Punctured Disk 2010 Sławomir Klimek
+ Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators 1993 Bernhelm Booß–Bavnbek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ Quantum Riemann surfaces III. the exceptional cases 1994 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ PDF Chat Deformation quantization of Heisenberg manifolds 1989 Marc A. Rieffel
+ Operator Algebras in Dynamical Systems 1991 Shôichirô Sakai
+ PDF Chat Derivations and spectral triples on quantum domains II: Quantum annulus 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ Bounded Integral Operators on L2 Spaces 1978 Paul R. Halmos
V. S. Sunder
+ PDF Chat Derivations and Spectral Triples on Quantum Domains I: Quantum Disk 2017 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
Honglin Wang
+ PDF Chat Deformation estimates for the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization 1992 L. A. Coburn
+ PDF Chat Global boundary conditions for a Dirac operator on the solid torus 2011 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ Unbounded derivations in Bunce–Deddens–Toeplitz algebras 2019 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
Honglin Wang
+ The noncommutative geometry of the discrete Heisenberg group 2002 Tom Hadfield
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Pair of Pants 2015 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
Kaoru Sakai
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and Fredholm modules over quantized spaces 1994 David Borthwick
Slawomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
Maurizio Rinaldi
+ Complex Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of One Complex Variable. 1968 Syed Muslim Shah
Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat General concept of quantization 1975 F. A. Berezin
+ A family of simple C∗-algebras related to weighted shift operators 1975 John W. Bunce
James A. Deddens
+ Cartan Subalgebras in $C^*$-Algebras 2008 Jean Renault
+ A Dirac Type Operator on the Non-Commutative Disk 2010 Alan L. Carey
Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof Wojciechowski
+ PDF Chat A <i>p</i>-adic spectral triple 2014 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
Sumedha Rathnayake
+ C*-Algebras by Example 1996 Kenneth R. Davidson
+ A noncommutative Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem in KK-theory 2007 Alan L. Carey
Jessica Phillips
Adam Rennie
+ PDF Chat C-Algebras Generated by Weighted Shifts 1973 John W. Bunce
James A. Deddens
+ PDF Chat Crossed products of <i>C</i>*-algebras by *-endomorphisms 1993 P. J. Stacey
+ Dirac operators on noncommutative manifolds with boundary 2009 Alan L. Carey
Sławomir Klimek
Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski
+ Approximately Inner Derivations, Decompositions and Vector Fields of Simple C*-Algebras 1991 Palle E. T. Jørgensen
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Geometry 2010 Alain Connes
Joachim Cuntz
Marc A. Rieffel
+ A Two-Parameter Quantum Deformation of the Unit Disc 1993 Sławomir Klimek
A. Leśniewski
+ Quantum Riemann surfaces: II. The discrete series 1992 Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian geometry. III 1976 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ Non-perturbative Deformation Quantization of Cartan Domains 1993 David Borthwick
A. Leśniewski
Harald Upmeier
+ An Introduction to K-Theory for C*-Algebras 2000 Mikael Rørdam
F. Larsen
Niels Jakob Laustsen
+ PDF Chat Super Toeplitz operators and non-perturbative deformation quantization of supermanifolds 1993 David Borthwick
Sławomir Klimek
Andrzej Leśniewski
Maurizio Rinaldi
+ PDF Chat Quantum ergodicity ofC * dynamical systems 1996 Steven Zelditch
+ Toeplitz C ∗ -Algebras on Bounded Symmetric Domains 1984 Harald Upmeier
+ PDF Chat Boundary value problems with Atiyah–Patodi–Singer type conditions and spectral triples 2017 Ubertino Battisti
Joerg Seiler
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Riemannian geometry and diffusion on ultrametric Cantor sets 2009 John Pearson
Jean Bellissard
+ Spectral boundary conditions and index theorem for two-dimensional compact manifold with boundary 1992 A.V Mishchenko
Yu. A. Sitenko
+ Noncommutative tori—a case study of noncommutative differentiable manifolds 1990 Marc A. Rieffel
+ PDF Chat Boundaries, spectral triples and $K$-homology 2019 Iain Forsyth
Magnus Goffeng
Bram Mesland
Adam Rennie
+ Ergodicit� et fonctions propres du laplacien 1985 Yves Colin de Verdìère
+ Quantization of the orientation preserving automorphisms of the torus 1993 Mirko Degli Esposti
+ PDF Chat Lifting derivations from quotients of separable <i>C</i> <sup>*</sup> -algebras 1976 Gert K. Pedersen
+ PDF Chat A Note on Gluing Dirac Type Operators on a Mirror Quantum Two-Sphere 2014 Sławomir Klimek
Matt McBride
+ PDF Chat Classical limit of the quantized hyperbolic toral automorphisms 1995 Mirko Degli Esposti
Sandro Graffi
Stefano Isola