Ara Basmajian


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Tubes and Steklov Eigenvalues in Negatively Curved Manifolds 2025 Ara Basmajian
Jade Brisson
Asma Hassannezhad
Antoine Métras
+ Prime orthogeodesics, concave cores and families of identities on hyperbolic surfaces 2024 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Ser Peow Tan
+ PDF Chat A Bers type classification of big mapping classes 2024 Ara Basmajian
Yassin Chandran
+ PDF Chat Tubes in complex hyperbolic manifolds 2024 Ara Basmajian
Youngju Kim
+ PDF Chat Orthosystoles and orthokissing numbers 2024 Federica Fanoni
Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Counting cusp excursions of reciprocal geodesics 2024 Ara Basmajian
Robert Suzzi Valli
+ PDF Chat Tubes in Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds 2024 Ara Basmajian
Youngju Kim
+ The shortest non-simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces 2023 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Hanh D. Vo
+ Bounded geometry with no bounded pants decomposition 2023 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Nicholas G. Vlamis
+ Low-lying geodesics on the modular surface and necklaces 2023 Ara Basmajian
Mingkun Liu
+ Tubes and Steklov eigenvalues in negatively curved manifolds 2023 Ara Basmajian
Jade Brisson
Asma Hassannezhad
Antoine Métras
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial growth in the modular group 2022 Ara Basmajian
Robert Suzzi Valli
+ PDF Chat The type problem for Riemann surfaces via Fenchel–Nielsen parameters 2022 Ara Basmajian
Hrant Hakobyan
Dragomir Šarić
+ The shortest non-simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces 2022 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Hanh D. Vo
+ Bounded geometry with no bounded pants decomposition 2021 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Nicholas G. Vlamis
+ There are no exotic ladder surfaces 2020 Ara Basmajian
Nicholas G. Vlamis
+ Prime orthogeodesics, concave cores and families of identities on hyperbolic surfaces 2020 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Ser Peow Tan
+ The type problem for Riemann surfaces via Fenchel-Nielsen parameters 2020 Ara Basmajian
Hrant Hakobyan
Dragomir Šarić
+ There are no exotic ladder surfaces 2020 Ara Basmajian
Nicholas G. Vlamis
+ Combinatorial Growth in the Modular Group 2020 Ara Basmajian
Robert Suzzi Valli
+ PDF Chat Geodesically Complete Hyperbolic Structures 2017 Ara Basmajian
Dragomir Šarić
+ PDF Chat Geometric filling curves on surfaces 2017 Ara Basmajian
Hugo Parlier
Juan Souto
+ In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, VII : 6th Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, October 23-26, 2014, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2017 Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium
Ara Basmajian
Yair N. Minsky
Alan W. Reid
+ Universal length bounds for non-simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces 2013 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Space form isometries as commutators and products of involutions 2012 Ara Basmajian
Bernard Maskit
+ PDF Chat Generating the Möbius group with involution conjugacy classes 2012 Ara Basmajian
Karan Puri
+ Conformally scattered sets in the unit circle 2012 Ara Basmajian
+ Generating the Mobius group with involution conjugacy classes 2010 Ara Basmajian
Karan Puri
+ Generating the Mobius group with involution conjugacy classes 2010 Ara Basmajian
Karan Puri
+ Geometrically infinite surfaces with discrete length spectra 2008 Ara Basmajian
Youngju Kim
+ PDF Chat Maximal convergence groups and rank one symmetric spaces 2007 Ara Basmajian
Mahmoud Zeinalian
+ Möbius transformations of the circle form a maximal convergence group 2006 Ara Basmajian
Mahmoud Zeinalian
+ Möbius Transformations of the Circle Form a Maximal Convergence Group 2006 Ara Basmajian
Mahmoud Zeinalian
+ Maximal Convergence Groups and Rank One Symmetric Spaces 2004 Ara Basmajian
Mahmoud Zeinalian
+ None 2003 Ara Basmajian
Scott A. Wolpert
+ COMPLEX HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY (Oxford Mathematical Monographs) <i>By</i> W<scp>ILLIAM</scp> M. G<scp>OLDMAN</scp>: 316 pp., £65.00, ISBN 0-19-853793-X (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999). 2001 Ara Basmajian
+ Quasiconformal mappings and geodesics in the hyperbolic plane 2000 Ara Basmajian
+ Discrete subgroups of complex hyperbolic motions 1997 Ara Basmajian
Robert Miner
+ Large parameter spaces of quasiconformally distinct hyperbolic structures 1997 Ara Basmajian
+ Selected problems in Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1997 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Metric Flows in Space Forms of Nonpositive Curvature 1995 Ara Basmajian
Gerard Walschap
+ PDF Chat Metric flows in space forms of nonpositive curvature 1995 Ara Basmajian
Gerard Walschap
+ Tubular neighborhoods of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds 1994 Ara Basmajian
+ The Orthogonal Spectrum of a Hyperbolic Manifold 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat The Stable Neighborhood Theorem and Lengths of Closed Geodesics 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Structures for Surfaces of Infinite Type 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat The stable neighborhood theorem and lengths of closed geodesics 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic structures for surfaces of infinite type 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ The geometry of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ Generalizing the hyperbolic collar lemma 1992 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Generalizing the hyperbolic collar lemma 1992 Ara Basmajian
+ Generalizing the hyperbolic collar lemma 1992 Ara Basmajian
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Discrete Groups 1983 Alan F. Beardon
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces 2010 Peter Buser
+ The collar theorem and examples 1978 Peter Buser
+ Comparison of hyperbolic and extremal lengths 1985 Bernard Maskit
+ PDF Chat A Lower Bound for the Volume of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds 1987 Robert Meyerhoff
+ The Orthogonal Spectrum of a Hyperbolic Manifold 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Growth of the number of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces 2008 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ PDF Chat The smallest hyperbolic 3-manifolds with totally geodesic boundary 1991 Sadayoshi Kojima
Yosuke Miyamoto
+ PDF Chat On the classification of noncompact surfaces 1963 Ian Richards
+ PDF Chat The stable neighborhood theorem and lengths of closed geodesics 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat On Marden's universal constant of Fuchsian groups 1981 Akira Yamada
+ On Marden's universal constant of Fuchsian groups, II 1982 Akira Yamada
+ Cylinders in Riemann surfaces 1979 Burton Randol
+ A Proof of the Collar Lemma 1981 Noemi Halpern
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic structures for surfaces of infinite type 1993 Ara Basmajian
+ Cylinders on surfaces 1978 Isaac Chavel
Edgar Feldman
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 2006 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat Generalizing the hyperbolic collar lemma 1992 Ara Basmajian
+ Geometrically infinite surfaces with discrete length spectra 2008 Ara Basmajian
Youngju Kim
+ PDF Chat On Teichmüller metric and the length spectrums of topologically infinite Riemann surfaces 2011 Erina Kinjo
+ Strong Rigidity of Locally Symmetric Spaces. 1973 G. D. Mostow
+ Rigidity of lattices: An introduction 1991 M. Gromov
P. Pansu
+ Traces, lengths, and simplicity for loops on surfaces 1984 John Hempel
+ Teichmüller Theory and Quadratic Differentials 1987 Frederick P. Gardiner
+ The Real Analytic Theory of Teichmüller Space 1980 3
+ A compactness theorem for Fuchsian groups of the second kind 1976 J. Peter Matelski
+ PDF Chat The lengths of the closed geodesics on a Riemann surface with self-intersections 1989 Toshihiro Nakanishi
+ PDF Chat Discrete Quasiconformal Groups I 1987 F. W. Gehring
Gaven Martin
+ Classification Theory of Riemann Surfaces 1970 Leo Sario
Mitsuru Nakai
+ PDF Chat Conformally natural extension of homeomorphisms of the circle 1986 Adrien Douady
Clifford J. Earle
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant curvature 2010 Joseph A. Wolf
+ The Geometry of Finitely Generated Kleinian Groups 1974 Albert Marden
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal homogeneity of hyperbolic manifolds 2004 Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Richard D. Canary
Gaven Martin
Edward C. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal maps in metric spaces with controlled geometry 1998 Juha Heinonen
Pekka Koskela
+ Tubular neighborhoods of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds 1994 Ara Basmajian
+ PDF Chat Lectures on n-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings 1971 Jussi Väısälä
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of negative curvature 1969 Richard L. Bishop
Barrett O’Neill
+ Foundations for the Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings on the Heisenberg Group 1995 Adam Korányi
Hans Martin Reimann
+ PDF Chat A cutting and pasting of noncompact polygons with applications to fuchsian groups 1979 Norman Purzitsky
+ Discrete subgroups of complex hyperbolic motions 1997 Ara Basmajian
Robert Miner
+ Simple geodesics and a series constant over Teichmuller space 1998 Greg McShane
+ Foliations of Symmetric Spaces 1993 Gerard Walschap
+ An Inequality for Riemann Surfaces 1985 Lipman Bers
+ A countable Teichmüller modular group 2004 Katsuhiko Matsuzaki
+ Geometry and Topology of Manifolds 2007 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Generalizations of McShane's identity to hyperbolic cone-surfaces 2006 Ser Peow Tan
Yan Loi Wong
Ying Zhang
+ The Length Spectrum as Moduli for Compact Riemann Surfaces 1981 Scott A. Wolpert
+ On the First Betti Number of a Constant Negatively Curved Manifold 1976 John J. Millson