Gábor P. Nagy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An extension formula for right Bol loops arising from Bol reflections 2024 Mario Galici
Gábor P. Nagy
+ On the Dimensions of Hermitian Subfield Subcodes from Higher-Degree Places 2024 Sabira El Khalfaoui
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Isotopisms of nilpotent Leibniz algebras and Lie racks 2024 Gianmarco La Rosa
Manuel Mancini
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Switching equivalence of strongly regular polar graphs 2024 Gábor P. Nagy
Valentino Smaldore
+ PDF Chat On linear codes with random multiplier vectors and the maximum trace dimension property 2024 Márton Erdélyi
Pál Hegedűs
Sándor Z. Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Algebraic approach to the completeness problem for (k,n)-arcs in planes over finite fields 2023 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Tamás Szőnyi
+ Isotopisms of nilpotent Leibniz algebras and Lie racks 2023 Gianmarco La Rosa
Manuel Mancini
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Algebraic approach to the completeness problem for $(k,n)$-arcs in planes over finite fields 2023 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Tamás Szőnyi
+ On Linear Codes with Random Multiplier Vectors and the Maximum Trace Dimension Property 2023 Márton Erdélyi
Pál Hegedűs
Sándor Z. Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Simplicity conditions for binary orthogonal arrays 2022 Claude Carlet
Rebeka Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Thin Sidon sets and the nonlinearity of vectorial Boolean functions 2022 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Embeddings of Ree unitals in a projective plane over a field 2021 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat On the nonexistence of certain orthogonal arrays of strength four 2021 Rebeka Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ On the nonexistence of certain orthogonal arrays of strength four 2020 Rebeka Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Graphical Frobenius representations of non-abelian groups 2020 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ New Steiner 2-designs from old ones by paramodifications 2020 Dávid Mezőfi
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Dimension of the Subfield Subcodes of Hermitian Codes 2020 Gábor P. Nagy
Sabira El Khalfaoui
+ Embeddings of Ree unitals in a projective plane over a field 2020 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Estimating The Dimension Of The Subfield Subcodes of Hermitian Codes 2020 Sabira El Khalfaoui
Gábor P. Nagy
+ New Steiner systems from old ones by paramodifications 2020 Dávid Mezőfi
Gábor P. Nagy
+ On the nonexistence of certain orthogonal arrays of strength four 2020 Rebeka Kiss
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Embeddings of Ree unitals in a projective plane over a field 2020 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Estimating The Dimension Of The Subfield Subcodes of Hermitian Codes 2020 Sabira El Khalfaoui
Gábor P. Nagy
+ New Steiner systems from old ones by paramodifications 2020 Dávid Mezőfi
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Codes and Gap Sequences of Hermitian Curves 2019 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Marco Timpanella
+ Graphical Frobenius representations of non-abelian groups 2019 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of full points of abstract unitals 2019 Dávid Mezőfi
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Light dual multinets of order six in the projective plane 2019 Norbert Bogya
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Inherited conics in Hall planes 2019 Aart Blokhuis
István Kovács
Gábor P. Nagy
Tamás Szőnyi
+ On The Dimension of The Subfield Subcodes of 1-Point Hermitian Codes 2019 Sabira El Khalfaoui
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Graphical Frobenius representations of non-abelian groups 2019 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Hemisystems of the Hermitian surface 2018 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Pietro Speziali
+ PDF Chat Group-labeled light dual multinets in the projective plane 2018 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Bol loops and Bruck loops of order pq 2016 Michael Kinyon
Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat Forecasting framework for open access time series in energy 2016 Gergő Barta
Gábor P. Nagy
Gyozo Papp
Gábor Simon
+ PDF Chat 3-Nets realizing a diassociative loop in a projective plane 2016 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Moufang loops with commuting inner mappings 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Computing with small quasigroups and loops 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Portfolio optimization using local linear regression ensembles in RapidMiner 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Gergő Barta
Tamas Henk
+ PDF Chat Classification of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math>-nets 2015 Norbert Bogya
Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ On centerless commutative automorphic loops 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
+ On centerless commutative automorphic loops 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
+ The Moufang loops of order 64 and 81 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Portfolio optimization using local linear regression ensembles in RapidMiner 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Gergő Barta
Tamas Henk
+ Computing with small quasigroups and loops 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Moufang loops with commuting inner mappings 2015 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat Binary fields on limited systems 2014 Gábor P. Nagy
Valentino Lanzone
+ Rácsséták bijektív leszámlálása 2014 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Kvázicsoportok előállítása csoportokban és a projektív síkon = Representations of loops in groups and projective planes 2014 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat k-nets embedded in a projective plane over a field 2014 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ Solvability of commutative automorphic loops 2014 A. Grishkov
Michael Kinyon
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat 3-Nets realizing a group in a projective plane 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ PDF Chat Linear groups as right multiplication groups of quasifields 2013 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Lower bounds on the minimum distance in Hermitian one-point differential codes 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Hermitian codes from higher degree places 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ k-nets embedded in a projective plane over a field 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ Projective realization of (finite) groups 2013 Gábor P. Nagy
Gábor Korchmáros
Nicola Pace
+ Solvability of commutative automorphic loops 2011 Alexandr N. Grishkov
Michael Kinyon
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Some computational results on small 3-nets embedded in a projective plane over a field 2011 Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ PDF Chat Searching for small simple automorphic loops 2011 Kenneth W. Johnson
Michael Kinyon
Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat On the non-existence of sharply transitive sets of permutations in certain finite permutation groups 2011 Peter Müller
Gábor P. Nagy
+ 3-nets realizing a group in a projective plane 2011 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ Semifields in loop theory and in finite geometry 2011 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Some computational results on small 3-nets embedded in a projective plane over a field 2011 Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian cycles in the generating graphs of finite groups 2010 Thomas Breuer
Robert M. Guralnick
Andrea Lucchini
A. Maróti
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Algebraic Bol loops 2010 A. Grishkov
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat A class of finite simple Bol loops of exponent 2 2009 Gábor P. Nagy
+ On the multiplication groups of semifields 2009 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Moufang loops with commuting inner mappings 2009 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat A class of simple proper Bol loops 2008 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Some remarks on simple Bol loops 2008 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat A note on the group of projectivities of finite planes 2008 Peter Müller
Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Direct construction of code loops 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
+ The Moufang loops of order 64 and 81 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat Noise sensitivity of portfolio selection under various risk measures 2007 Imre Kondor
Szilárd Pafka
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Octonions, simple Moufang loops and triality 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Diszkrét geometria és geometriai algebra = Discrete geometry and geometric algebra 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
Ferenc Fodor
+ A class of simple proper Bol loops 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
+ A class of finite simple Bol loops of exponent 2 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Computing with small quasigroups and loops 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Véges geometria = Finite geometry 2007 Tamás Szőnyi
János Barát
András Gács
György Kiss
István Kovács
Csaba Mengyán
Gábor P. Nagy
Nóra Révai
János Ruff
Péter Sziklai
+ On nilpotent Moufang loops with central associators 2006 Gábor P. Nagy
Maurizio Valsecchi
+ Noise sensitivity of portfolio selection under various risk measures 2006 Imre Kondor
Szilárd Pafka
Gábor P. Nagy
Maurizio Valsecchi
+ Collineation groups of the smallest Bol 3-nets 2004 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Direct construction of code loops 2004 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Group invariants of certain Burn loop classes 2004 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Automorphism groups of simple Moufang loops over perfect fields 2003 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Algebraic commutative Moufang loops 2003 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Octonions, simple Moufang loops and triality 2003 Gábor P. Nagy
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ On the extension of involutorial Bol loops 2002 Hubert Kiechle
Gábor P. Nagy
+ The Campbell- Hausdorff Series of Local Analytic Bruck Loops 2002 Gábor P. Nagy
+ On nilpotent loop rings and a problem of Goodaire 2002 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Tangential structure of formal Bruck loops 2002 Gábor P. Nagy
+ On Moufang 3-nets and groups with triality 2002 Jonathan I. Hall
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Solvability of universal bol 2-loops 1998 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Group invariants of certain Burn loop classes 1998 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Caps in finite projective spaces of odd order 1997 Gábor P. Nagy
Tamás Szőnyi
+ Collineation groups of the smallest Bol 3-nets 1994 Gábor P. Nagy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Curves over a Finite Field 2008 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ The geometry of binary systems 1983 Adriano Barlotti
Karl Strambach
+ On Bol loops of exponent 2 2005 Michael Aschbacher
+ PDF Chat Multinets, resonance varieties, and pencils of plane curves 2007 Michael Falk
Sergey Yuzvinsky
+ PDF Chat On line arrangements with applications to 3-nets 2010 Giancarlo Urzúa
+ On the structure of 3-nets embedded in a projective plane 2011 Aart Blokhuis
Gábor Korchmáros
Francesco Mazzocca
+ PDF Chat 3-Nets realizing a group in a projective plane 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ PDF Chat Completely reducible hypersurfaces in a pencil 2008 Jorge Vitório Pereira
S. Yuzvinsky
+ On loops of odd order 1964 George Glauberman
+ Realization of finite Abelian groups by nets in P^2 2003 Sergey Yuzvinsky
+ Simple Moufang loops 1978 Stephen Doro
+ On loops of odd order II 1968 George Glauberman
+ Quasigroups and loops : introduction 1990 Hala O. Pflugfelder
+ PDF Chat A class of simple Moufang loops 1956 Lowell J. Paige
+ On collineation groups generated by Bol reflections 1993 Martin Funk
P�ter T. Nagy
+ A new bound on the number of special fibers in a pencil of curves 2008 Sergey Yuzvinsky
+ Projective Geometries over Finite Fields 1998 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
+ Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory 2002 Péter Tamás Nagy
Karl Strambach
+ A Description of the Resonance Variety of a Line Combinatorics via Combinatorial Pencils 2009 Miguel Ángel Marco-Buzunáriz
+ The classification of finite simple Moufang loops 1987 Martin W. Liebeck
+ Multiplication Groups of Loops and Projective Semilinear Transformations in Dimension Two 2002 Aleš Drápal
+ PDF Chat Realization of finite Abelian groups by nets in $\mathbb{P}^2$ 2004 Sergey Yuzvinsky
+ PDF Chat Loops as Invariant Sections in Groups, and their Geometry 1994 Péter T. Nagy
Karl Strambach
+ Finite Group Theory 2000 Michael Aschbacher
+ Moufang loops of class 2 and cubic forms 2000 Tim Hsu
+ PDF Chat k-nets embedded in a projective plane over a field 2014 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
Nicola Pace
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ Collineation groups of the smallest Bol 3-nets 1994 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Finite Geometries 1968 Peter F. Dembowski
+ Finite Bol loops 1978 R. P. Burn
+ PDF Chat Hermitian codes from higher degree places 2013 Gábor Korchmáros
Gábor P. Nagy
+ Solvability of universal bol 2-loops 1998 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat A class of finite simple Bol loops of exponent 2 2009 Gábor P. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Constructions of Commutative Automorphic Loops 2010 Přemysl Jedlička
Michael Kinyon
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ PDF Chat Direct construction of code loops 2007 Gábor P. Nagy
+ On Curves Covered by the Hermitian Curve 1999 Antonio Cossidente
Gábor Korchmáros
Fernando Torres
+ Geometry of kinematicK-loops 1995 Emanuel Kolb
Alexander Kreuzer
+ A non-classical unital of order four with many translations 2016 Theo Grundhöfer
Markus Stroppel
Hendrik Van Maldeghem
+ Monodromy groups of polynomials 1995 Robert M. Guralnick
Jan Saxl
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the theory of loops 1946 R. H. Bruck
+ Loops Whose Inner Mappings are Automorphisms 1956 R. H. Bruck
Lowell J. Paige
+ Explicit constructions of code loops as centrally twisted products 2000 Tim Hsu
+ Moufang loops with a unique nonidentity commutator (associator, square) 1990 Orin Chein
Edgar G. Goodaire
+ PDF Chat A class of simple proper Bol loops 2008 Gábor P. Nagy
+ Old and new examples of k-nets in P^2 2007 Janis Stipins
+ PDF Chat The structure of commutative automorphic loops 2010 Přemysl Jedlička
Michael Kinyon
Petr Vojtěchovský
+ Nilpotence of finite Moufang 2-loops 1968 George Glauberman
Charles R. Wright
+ One-Point Codes Using Places of Higher Degree 2005 Gretchen L. Matthews
Thierry Michel
+ Cryptanalysis of McEliece Cryptosystem Based on Algebraic Geometry Codes and Their Subcodes 2017 Alain Couvreur
Irene Márquez-Corbella
Ruud Pellikaan
+ On the distribution of rank of a random matrix over a finite field 2000 Colin Cooper