Mark Westcott


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stability of the Defect Renewal Volterra Integral Equations 2011 R. S. Anderssen
Frank de Hoog
Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat Markov Models of Steady Crystal Growth 1993 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ Generalized multivariate Hermite distributions and related point processes 1993 Robin K. Milne
Mark Westcott
+ A statistical view of some aspects of inverse problems 1992 Mark Westcott
+ Amendments and Corrections: The Moments of the Pearson Chi-Squared Statistic and the Minimum Expected Value in Two-Way Tables 1989 T. Lewis
Ian Saunders
Mark Westcott
Mark Westcott
+ One-dimensional classical scattering processes and the diffusion limit 1987 Wilfrid S. Kendall
Mark Westcott
+ One-dimensional classical scattering processes and the diffusion limit 1987 Wilfrid S. Kendall
Mark Westcott
+ Clustering estimates for spatial point distributions with unstable potentials 1986 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ Accurate and asymptotic results for distributions of scan statistics 1985 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ Accurate and asymptotic results for distributions of scan statistics 1985 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ The Moments of the Pearson Chi-Squared Statistic and the Minimum Expected Value in Two-Way Tables 1984 T. Lewis
Ian Saunders
Mark Westcott
+ On the Distributions of Scan Statistics 1984 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ The moments of the Pearson chi-squared statistic and the minimum expected value in two-way tables 1984 T. Lewis
Ian Saunders
Mark Westcott
+ Diffusion laws for random walks on various heterogeneous lattices 1982 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ The asymptotic behavior of a random walk on a dual-medium lattice 1982 C. C. Heyde
Mark Westcott
E. R. Williams
+ Random walks on a lattice 1982 Mark Westcott
+ Approximations to hard-core models and their application to statistical analysis 1982 Mark Westcott
+ Approximations to hard-core models and their application to statistical analysis 1982 Mark Westcott
+ Negative skewness and negative correlations in spatial competition models 1981 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ Further bounds for the distribution of minimum interpoint distance on a sphere 1980 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat On the Tail Behaviour of Record-Time Distributions in a Random Record Process 1979 Mark Westcott
+ Partitioning the union of disks in plant competition models 1979 D. J. Gates
A. J. O'Connor
Mark Westcott
+ Partitioning the union of disks in plant competition models 1979 D. J. Gates
A. J. O'Connor
Mark Westcott
+ Zone of influence models for competition in plantations 1979 Mark Westcott
+ A self-correcting point process 1979 Valerie Isham
Mark Westcott
+ Some remarks on the distribution of a mobile population in different habitats 1978 A. Grassia
Mark Westcott
+ First-passage times in skip-free processes 1978 Richard L. Tweedie
Mark Westcott
+ The random record model 1977 Mark Westcott
+ A note on record times 1977 Mark Westcott
+ A note on record times 1977 Mark Westcott
+ A Note on Infinitely Divisible Point Processes 1977 D. N. Shanbhag
Mark Westcott
+ A note on the non-homogeneous poisson cluster process 1977 Mark Westcott
+ A note on identification characterisation of the Gaussian distribution and time reversibility in linear stochastic processes 1977 Gideon Weiss
Mark Westcott
+ A note on the non-homogeneous poisson cluster process 1977 Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat Simple Proof of a Result on Thinned Point Processes 1976 Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat A note on identification, characterisation of the Gaussian distribution and time reversibility in linear stochastic processes 1976 Gideon Weiss
Mark Westcott
+ A characterization of the Poisson process using forward recurrence times 1975 Valerie Isham
D. N. Shanbhag
Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat The probability generating functional 1972 Mark Westcott
+ Further results for Gauss-Poisson processes 1972 Robin K. Milne
Mark Westcott
+ Further results for Gauss-Poisson processes 1972 Robin K. Milne
Mark Westcott
+ On Existence and Mixing Results for Cluster Point Processes 1971 Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat Identifiability in linear processes 1970 Mark Westcott
+ Some applications of the probability generating functional to point processes 1970 Mark Westcott
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Existence and Mixing Results for Cluster Point Processes 1971 Mark Westcott
+ The Spectral Analysis of Point Processes 1963 M. S. Bartlett
+ Further bounds for the distribution of minimum interpoint distance on a sphere 1980 D. J. Gates
Mark Westcott
+ Some Applications of Probability Generating Functionals to the Study of Input-Output Streams 1968 D. Vere‐Jones
+ PDF Chat Identifiability in linear processes 1970 Mark Westcott
+ Stochastic Models for Earthquake Occurrence 1970 D. Vere‐Jones
+ Random walks on periodic and random lattices. II. Random walk properties via generating function techniques 1979 V. Seshadri
Katja Lindenberg
Kurt E. Shuler
+ Infinitely divisible point processes in Rn 1967 Jay R. Goldman
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory. 1986 Bert Fristedt
P. A. P. Moran
+ A new family of point processes which are characterized by their second moment properties 1970 David S. Newman
+ PDF Chat Random walk properties from lattice bond enumeration: Anisotropic diffusion in lattices with periodic and randomly distributed scatterers 1981 Kurt E. Shuler
Udayan Mohanty
+ Some Problems in the Spectral Theory of Higher-Order Moments. I 1960 Albert N. Shiryaev
+ ON Rényi's “Record” Problem and Engel's Series 1973 David Williams
+ On doubly stochastic Poisson processes 1964 J. F. C. Kingmán
+ PDF Chat Sur les exponentielles de polynômes et sur l'arithmétique des produits de lois de Poisson 1937 Paul Levy
+ PDF Chat Oscillating Brownian motion 1978 Julian Keilson
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat Record times 1975 J. Galambos
E. Seneta
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for random walks, birth and death processes, and diffusion processes 1963 Charles J. Stone
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ Some properties of the 'Hermite' distribution 1965 C. D. Kemp
Adrienne W. Kemp
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic and deterministic averaging 1982 Ν. H. Bingham
Charles M. Goldie
+ Correlated random walk 1955 J. Gillis
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ Characterisation of the distribution of random variables in linear structural relations 1966 C. Radhakrishna Rao
+ The correlated random walk 1981 Eric Renshaw
Robin Henderson
+ PDF Chat Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns 1986 Peter J. Diggle
+ Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns by Means of Distance Methods 1976 Peter J. Diggle
Julian Besag
J. Timothy Gleaves
+ On the Partition Function of a One-Dimensional Gas 1959 Mark Kac
+ Random record models 1976 Donald P. Gaver
+ Results in the asymptotic and equilibrium theory of Poisson cluster processes 1973 Mark Westcott
+ Random walks on a lattice 1982 Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat XXXI. <i>On the problem of random vibrations, and of random flights in one, two, or three dimensions</i> 1919 Lord Rayleigh
+ A correlated random walk model for two-dimensional diffusion 1984 Robin Henderson
Eric Renshaw
David M. Ford
+ PDF Chat Weak convergence of a random walk in a random environment 1982 Gregory F. Lawler
+ PDF Chat Identifiability for random translations of Poisson processes 1970 Robin K. Milne
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Point Processes: Limit Theorems 1967 Jay R. Goldman
+ An alternative derivation of the Hermite distribution 1966 Adrienne W. Kemp
C. D. Kemp
+ Time-reversibility of linear stochastic processes 1975 Gideon Weiss
+ A note on Strauss's model for clustering 1976 F. P. Kelly
+ On the structural information contained in the output of GI/G/? 1965 David G. Kendall
T. Lewis
+ Bounds on the distributions of extremal values of a scanning process 1984 Svante Janson
+ Asymptotic properties and equilibrium conditions for branching Poisson processes 1969 Peter Lewis
+ Sequences of Chance Events without After-Effects 1956 A. Ya. Khinchin
+ PDF Chat Generalized Random Walk in a Random Environment 1981 Steven Kalikow
+ A new family of point processes which are characterized by their second moment properties 1970 David S. Newman
+ On the asymptotic behavior of random walks on an anisotropic lattice 1982 C. C. Heyde
+ PDF Chat The probability generating functional 1972 Mark Westcott
+ On Parameter Estimation and Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Spatial Point Patterns 1979 Peter J. Diggle
+ First-passage times in skip-free processes 1978 Richard L. Tweedie
Mark Westcott
+ PDF Chat Infinite Divisibility and Variance Mixtures of the Normal Distribution 1971 Douglas Kelker